A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 103 The Right Medicine

To be honest, Master Wang's busyness not only greatly damaged his vitality, but also the danger that his power may be exposed. Although Fang Mazi would not guess that it was related to the power, before the atheist Dai Zhi obtained the power, he did not believe that there were really things in the world that science could not explain. Ren No normal person can contact the power.

However, there are still some risks. This kind of thing can never be done in the future, at least as little as possible.

But if it hadn't been for Master Wang, Dai Zhi would not have found that his power still has this purpose. This discovery has some inspiration for her. I don't know if it can help her a lot.

Returning to the second floor, Dai Zhi sat down again and carefully took a mouthful of the tea made by Grandpa Jin himself. The fresh and sweet taste surrounded the tip of his tongue and couldn't help admiring,

"Grandpa Jin, I really drank your tea, and other teas can no longer be tasted."

Old Jin smiled so much that he couldn't close his mouth. What he was most proud of was his tea set and tea art. He always pulled Lao Shu to taste tea. Naturally, Lao Shu had nothing good to say in his mouth. Hearing Dai Zhi, he happened to say that he was good. Of course, it was sweet to his heart.

"If you like it, you can come often. I'll cook it for you every day!"

Dai Zhi cleverly agreed.

Two old people who have been immersed in this industry and have seen countless storms and waves for most of their lives did not ask what happened to the hibisong jade pot just now. What Xiaozhi wants to say will naturally say. If they don't want to say it, they won't ask. They know that Xiaozhi is a measured person, just as they like her, they will unconditionally Trust her and will clean up some messes that she doesn't want her to come into contact with and protect her in their own way.

Shu Lao lovingly looked at this simple child he liked very much, remembered something and asked,

"Woman, didn't you come to me just now? The second thing is about Master Wang, so what about the first one?"

Dai Zhi put down the teacup, which is the main reason why she came here today. Master Wang's matter was an episode. She thought about it and didn't know how to speak better. After all, this matter is the privacy of others, and it is not honorable privacy.

But only by understanding the truth of the whole thing can Dai Zhi help the people she wants to help most now.

After a pause, Dai Zhi still opened his mouth,

"Grandpa Shu, I came to see you today. In fact, I want to ask about Sister Zhao... You know, it's not convenient for me to ask her in person, so I want to ask you."

When Shu Ya came here for the first time, when Shu Ya saw her grandfather who loved her so much as if she had met a creditor, Dai Zhi felt strange and said that her grandfather also said something about the child.

She really regards Shu Ya as a person who is more intimate than her own sister. She also understands that no woman doesn't want to have a child with her beloved. Such a family is complete, so she really wants to help her, which is the only thing she can try to help her.

Two days ago, when gambling on stones, Dai Zhi accidentally found that her colored light could penetrate the original stone to see the emerald in the stubborn stone. At that time, she suddenly remembered that it was possible to see the human body clearly, so as to find out the reason and the right medicine?

However, she first figured out what was going on, so she took the liberty to find Grandpa Shu.

Mr. Shu obviously understood the meaning of Dai's words and sighed,

"Alas! This is me and a thorn in Xiaoya's heart..."

Grandpa Jin also became silent at the right time, put away the joke face just now, and sat there quietly drinking tea.

"Xiaoya has been in poor health since she was a child. She and her brother, that is, my grandson, Li Luo, were both brought up by me. However, Xiaoya has been sensible since childhood and didn't let me worry much about it. She also took on the responsibility of taking care of her younger brother alone. She has a lot of physical pressure and psychological pressure. After so many years of marriage, I remember A pregnancy was five years ago. At that time, Xiaoya was 26 or 17 years old. At that time, everyone was very happy. Xiaoya herself was also very happy. The family loved her as a baby in the palm of their hands, and Xiao Zhao's family was even more nervous. I was also very happy about the precious ginseng antler and various supplements. I was waiting to hug her. My baby's great-grandson didn't expect that with such careful protection, he still had a miscarrius... The child died in his stomach..."

Grandpa Shu sighed heavily. Now speaking, he is still very heartbroken and distressed for her precious granddaughter.

"At that time, Xiaoya was bleeding and was already in poor health. After that time, she became more and more vulnerable. She finally recovered and recovered a little. She was pregnant again the year before last. This time, she was reluctant to let her go out. Even a private doctor was invited, but in the end she had a miscarriage. The doctor said that it might be caused by Habitual abortion caused by congenital abnormal development.

Dai Zhi listened carefully and felt very uncomfortable.

On the surface, Shuya always looks careless and happy. She has always been noble and proud in front of outsiders, but she is like a child in front of her. This is not because she has cultivated a pretentious superior person since she was a child, and she is not as self-righteous as Yao Li.

She raised the thorns on her body in her own way to protect herself...

No one can experience that kind of pain. Grandpa Shu, who loves his granddaughter so much, can't experience it. The Zhao family, who can even cover the sky with one hand, can't experience it, even the child's father Zhao Yan.

The physical pain can still bear, and the huge trauma in the heart is the most unacceptable.

Grandpa Jin also sighed and said earnestly,

"Alas, it has not been easy for Xiaoya to listen to. The child looks strong on the surface, but only he knows the pain in his heart. Fortunately, Xiao Zhao is a good husband. Although he is also uncomfortable in his heart, he has been comforting Xiaoya. It's you, old man, don't push Xiaoya too hard."

Grandpa Shu was anxious, "Isn't I worried about her?" Who doesn't know? In fact, Xiaoya likes children very much. Every time she sees other people's children, she can't walk. Others don't feel distressed. As a grandfather, don't they feel distressed... She can't overcome the hurdle in her heart now. In fact, medicine is so developed now. As long as she is willing, there is still a great hope to have children. Xiaoya I'm 32 years old this year, and the probability of having a child will become lower and lower in the future. I'm also a person who is fast-entering the coffin. I can't go with such a regret..."

In the end, the eyes of this old man, who has always given people a harsh feeling, are a little wet. He can recognize jade, eat both black and white, step by step to today's position. He has the ability and means, and can dominate in front of outsiders, but Once you touch your precious granddaughter, you will inevitably show the vulnerability that can only be revealed in the face of family affection.

Dai Zhi's desire to help Shu Ya is getting stronger and stronger, which can not only help Shu Ya, but also reassure Grandpa Shu.

She can now be sure that Shu Ya hopes to have a child, but she is unwilling to cooperate with the doctor or touch this fatal injury again.

Dai Zhi's brain is running fast. She is not an ordinary person and can help Shu Ya with her powers. She can help her quietly without letting Shu Ya face this past. As long as Shu Ya is pregnant again, she has a way to keep the child from being born again!

Thinking about this, Dai Zhi's heart relaxed. At this time, the man downstairs suddenly ran upstairs and said to Dai Zhi,

"Mr. Dai, there is a master downstairs who calls himself Wang. He has been waiting for you outside the door for a long time. He seems to be in a hurry..."