A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 128 Exquisite Jade hairpin

Master Ding was invited to participate in the judges of the "Jade Sculpture Craft Skills Newcomer Competition" held by the country this year, so he can't continue to teach Dai Zhi's jade carving for the time being, and Dai Zhi's current craftsmanship has basically been able to become a teacher. Dai Zhi has been idle for the past few days and tling those emerald wool in the secret room every day.

She has solved the piece of palm-sized wool by herself, and it is indeed the same as what she had seen before. Although it is small, the water head of the emerald is very full, and the real glass is full of green. Like this kind of jadeite, which is close to emerald, there is almost already in the market. The price is out of market, not to mention that it is still full of green. The bright and full emerald is really amazing. Not to mention the woman who has a natural love for jewelry and jade like her, even men may not be able to take their eyes off.

If this jadeite is sold, it will be very small, but if it is sold, the price will never be less than 20 million.

However, she is not going to sell it. She is not short of money now, and even if she is short of money, she can sell the jade seeds of bean hibiscus seeds, which will not attract envy and jealousy of others. Although the price of several pieces of jade is not as expensive as glass, it is better than the large market demand. If you sell them all, you can make bad money, and it is also relatively low-key.

The best jadeite is certainly good, but there are still a few rich people who can afford this kind of high-end jewelry. Most of them are ordinary working-class customers. The finished jade of bean hibiscus is also very beautiful and will be loved by most people.

Besides, she plans to carve some finished products and give them to Shu Ya and He Lianjing. They will definitely like it very much.

The size of this jade can only make one bracelet, and the rest of the corners can be used to make some pendants, but there is only one bracelet, which is not enough for two people to distinguish, and she also feels that the idea of bracelets is not novel enough. Most of the jade is a bracelet, jade pendant, at most, it is combined with jewelry inlay technology to make earrings and rings. , are not creative enough. She thought about it. If it is made into a hairpin, she can make two, and this kind of bright green jade hairpin should be very beautiful. Wearing it on her head will not look old-fashioned and ingenious. It is definitely a highlight.

So in the past two days, she has been focused on carving in the secret room. Jade carving is a meticulous work that can't be sloppy at all, and she herself has a very special passion for jade carving. Every time she bury her head in, she will forget everything. Sometimes she even forgets to eat. Aunt Ma has cried outside several times, but she dares not To disturb her, I had to wait for her to warm up the food again when she came out. She had no problem driving. Despite this, Shu Liluo often found excuses to come up for dinner, but Dai Zhi was busy carving and had time to pay attention to him, and he didn't come these two days.

The style of the two jade hairpins is very unique, thick and thin, and some very delicate patterns are specially carved on the hairpin, which makes the hairpin look simple and special. When the finished product is carved, even she likes it so much that she can't put it down. Only then comes to remember that she doesn't seem to have made an emerald jewelry for herself.

"I'm really confused..." Dai Zhi shook his head and smiled. After finishing two jade hairpins, there were still some scraps left. It was impossible to make another jade hairpin of exactly the same size. She wanted to carve something for herself as the first piece she carved herself. What about your own gift?

The emerald butterfly carved last time is very beautiful. Will it be carved again with this green glass? This is a good idea, and Dai Zhi couldn't help laughing happily.

Master Ding took the butterfly and said that he would use it for a few days. Of course, Dai Zhi agreed without saying a word. Originally, Master Ding didn't mind that it was not valuable. If she gave it to him, it didn't matter. After all, she had learned sculpture with him for so long that she didn't teach him a penny of tuition. She should have given a gift. , she has also been thinking about sending something to him. With his precious personality, she will definitely mistakenly think that she is buying him and refuse to accept it, and maybe she will have a completely bad impression of being a little better, but she can't afford ordinary things, and she didn't expect him to be interested in the butterfly jade.

However, he refused to ask for anything. He just said that he would borrow it for a few days and return it to her after the jade carving craft competition. Naturally, Dai Zhi couldn't force it.

Speaking of this, Master Ding specially asked her before leaving that the "Toocho Craft Skills Newcomer Competition" held by the state is only once a year. It is a rare opportunity, and the particularly excellent winner also has the opportunity to be recommended to the Jade Association.

The Jade Association is a branch of the China Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Industry Association. It is very authoritative in the whole antique market. For a newcomer to a jade sculptor, it is undoubtedly the best development to enter the Jade Association.

Although Dai Zhi has just begun to learn jade carving, her talent is undoubtedly her greatest wealth. With her current craftsmanship, the first place may be very difficult, but it may be dug up by some large jewelry factories.

After all, it is not a good thing for a girl to always show her face outside. Don't think about how to be famous every day. Finding a serious job is the right way.

In fact, Master Ding thinks so for her good from the bottom of his heart. After just a few days of getting along with her, he really likes this girl, otherwise he will not bother to care about it. She is still young, and it doesn't matter if she does something wrong, and there is still a chance to start again.

As a teacher who has been following the rules for most of his life, his thoughts are feudal and old-fashioned.

Dai Zhi thought about it and still refused Master Ding's kindness.

Although she likes carving, it does not mean that she specializes in sculpture. Those certificates have no practical value to her. As an ordinary jade carving apprentice, those official certificates are their rice bowls. They have to spend much effort to squeeze their heads to get them, but for her It is said that carving is purely because of personal preference.

Besides, even if she enters the Jade Association, she will not be so free. She likes the current full and free life very much, and she doesn't need to worry about life. She can do whatever she likes. This kind of life is not available to everyone. When she enters the Jade Association, she is even afraid of gambling stones, not to mention looking for the colorful jade she yearns for.

Master Ding thought that Dai Zhi could not bear hardships and didn't want to live a down-to-earth life step by step. He also covet the two big backers, Young Master Helian and Zuo Dashuai, and wanted to rely on them to continue to be famous and live that kind of star-like vanity life.

No matter how much he regrets, he can't control other people's lives. Master Ding has to sigh and leave.

Although Dai Zhi has no intention of participating in the jade carving competition, in addition to carving the two jade hairpins wholeheartedly, she also read a lot of books in this field. She bought a lot of books, such as "A Brief Discussion on Chinese Collection", "Chinese Ming Dynasty Porcelain Catalogue", "An Analysis of Ancient Ceramics" and "Teach You to Identify Ancient Jade" in all aspects. About antiques, emeralds and gambling stones, the whole two large bookshelves in the study are all full.

Although she has magical eyes and a left hand to identify the authenticity of antiques, it may be gone at any time. And whether she has powers or not, if she can enrich herself, she must read more books and know more about antiques and jade. Otherwise, even if there are powers, there is only an empty shelf.

Recently, when I have been studying sculpture, I have naturally read books related to jade, as well as ancient jade sculptors.

As a jade sculptor, the most basic thing is to learn to identify jade. She knows a lot about jade, but she is not proficient in ancient jade.

The difference between ancient jade and modern jade is that the ancient jade sculptor's technology from painting to design to carving is completely unmatched by modern jade sculptors.

Every jade in the past is purely handmade, and every jade is devoted to all the energy of the jade sculptor. After all, if you don't make a mistake, you will lose your life, so no jade sculptor dares to neglect it. Modern science and technology are developed, seeking speed and profit. Machines have replaced traditional handmade products, and the finished products are naturally not as vivid as ancient jade.

And Daizhi does not ask for speed or money. The carved things are given to himself and his good friends around him. Naturally, they are slow and meticulous and hand-made, so these two jade hairpins are of great value, and coupled with Dai Zhi's fine carving, they are even more precious.

"There are only two in the world, limited editions, which are priceless..."

Dai Zhi thought so narcissisticly. Looking at these two beautiful jade hairpins, he liked them very much. Thinking of what kind of surprise expressions Shu Ya and Helianjing would see, he felt that the hard work these days was worthwhile.

Thinking about this, I couldn't wait to give it to them quickly. I immediately took out the phone and stayed at home for a few days without going out, and I just went out for a walk.

First of all, I called Shu Ya and mysteriously said that there was a gift for her. Shu Ya smiled and said, "What gift is so mysterious? I've been busy recently and haven't seen you for several days. I really want to call you."

I made an appointment and called Helianjing again. Naturally, the girl agreed.

Dai Zhi's heart was warm. He put the two jade hairpins into the jewelry box given by Boss Fu last time, greeted Aunt Ma, and went out happily.

Although it was already dark, it did not affect Dai Zhi's good mood at all. Thinking of their happy appearance, she was happy.

hummed Xiaoqu all the way out of the property management office of the sea-view villa. It was a secluded path. The sea breeze blew slowly, and Dai's heart was relaxed and happy, but she was covered from behind and dragged her into the grass by the roadside!

Dai was not prepared at all. He was so scared that he resisted desperately. He wanted to shout but could only make a mosquito-like hum...

She only felt very scared and instinctively broke the thief's hand with her hand, but it was not as strong as others.

The man threatened her viciously, and his voice was ferocious and horrible,

"Bad March 8th, I'm just looking for money. You'd better be honest, or I won't be polite."

After saying that, he put the bright dagger in front of Dai Zhi. Dai Zhi suddenly felt that his liver and gallbladder were cracked. The first time he smelled the breath of death, his first reaction was--

It seems that she became rich overnight, which really attracted the lust of the outlaws...