A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 138 The Story of Yu Ruyi

Dai Zhi thought that today's Yu Ruyi must be a rare treasure, otherwise he would not have been valued by Brother Feng, who has always had a high vision, and would not have made Brother Feng so nervous.

It's just that what surprised Dai Zhi was that the place where Brother Feng took her was not an antique market, but a courtyard in an alley.

"Actually, the jade Ruyi I want to buy today is not a valuable treasure."

Brother Feng sighed as he walked. He knew that Dai Zhi would definitely misunderstand. It's not only Dai Zhi, but also all people who knew him would take it for granted. General collectors, as long as it is an antique, will take action and be interested, while Brother Feng only takes action on what he likes, which is generally the whole world. Unparalleled and unique treasure, and as long as he takes action, there is nothing he can't grab.

But this time it was different. Seeing Dai Zhi's puzzled eyes, Brother Feng explained,

"In fact, I am not a rich man with a golden spoon since I was born. On the contrary, since I became sensible, in my impression, there is no day when I am full of food. There are many brothers and sisters in my family, and my parents are honest farmers. At that time, what I yearned for most every day was to go to school with my schoolbag like other children. Class."

He smiled mockingly, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I once sneaked a few kilometers away and secretly ran to the village school on the other side of the mountain to eavesdrop on the teacher's lecture to the students. I heard the sound of reading and imagined myself sitting in the classroom. I felt happy, and then walked a few more before sunset. Kilometers of road home.

Feng took a moment to pause. At this time, he was no longer the overlord sitting on the top of money and power, recalling those difficult years. At this time, he did not know whether to sigh or miss it.

In addition to being secretly surprised by Brother Feng's murderous spirit at this time, Dai Zhi was quite surprised by Brother Feng's childhood.

She didn't expect that he, who now dominates Huaxia City with one hand, used to have such an unbearable past, but she knew that if it hadn't been for that childhood when he was so poor in the dust, there would not have been Brother Feng who later achieved such a status as today and respected by everyone.

She didn't interrupt him, but just listened quietly. Presumably, he rarely mentioned this past to anyone. If she hadn't bought the jade today, she wouldn't have had this opportunity to know.

And what does this story have to do with Yu Ruyi?

Feng Qiushan's eyes bloomed with a strange light, as if looking into the unknown distance and continuing to recall,

"Because I was too hungry at that time, I walked more than ten kilometers. I was exhausted and fainted on the road. I thought that if the villagers who passed by hadn't saved me and kindly given me a sip of water, I would have died there. However, it was that almost dead experience that made me, who was only ten years old at that time, vowed to get ahead in my life, never endure hunger and cold again, walk out of the village, climb up at all costs, and one day stand at the peak of power and money and look down on the world!"

At this time, he was full of majesty, the kind of domineering that only experienced kings would have, and the domineering at this time is different from the majesty that he still perceives. Now he is more like a lion who wants to conquer the whole forest...

Dai Zhi can understand his feelings very well. Hasn't she ever been played with by Shen Feng in the palm of her hand, stepped on by Yao Li fiercely, and was forced by life? She almost died under Shen Feng's knife... But she was much luckier than Brother Feng. She had the magical ability to identify antique perspective jade wool, and she also vowed to become stronger and never let anyone bully her and anyone around her. For those who had offended her before, she would revenge one by one. Since God gave her Once again, she must also live a different and wonderful life. Power, wealth and status are all what she wants!

Who said that women can't have all this, and who said that women must be attached to men? She just wants to prove to everyone how powerful women are and beautiful!

She is luckier than Brother Feng. It took him decades to climb to today's position, but she has the fastest ability to make money overnight. She is only 21 years old, and her life is equivalent to starting again. In the future, she will have a lot of time to enjoy a beautiful life and have more beautiful colors. Jade is waiting for her, and more countless money is waiting for her...

"The following story has something to do with this Yu Ruyi."

Brother Feng smiled. He told Dai Zhi so much about him, not only because he accepted her as his friend, but also because he knew that she was the same kind of person as himself, an ambitious and equally powerful person.

"Actually, my family was a big family in the Qing Dynasty, but it was passed down to my grandfather's generation. Although my family is very poor, we all know that my family has always collected a treasure from our ancestors - Yu Ruyi, but no matter how difficult the family has been, it has not been sold. My grandfather told my father that the heirloom must be passed on from generation to generation, otherwise his ancestors would blame him, and my father also remembered that no matter how poor he was, he would never think of Yu Ruyi, and he also urged our brothers and sisters. That experience of almost starving to death made me begin to feel that Yu Ruyi was my only chance to go out. I secretly took out Yu Ruyi and sold it to a vendor selling antiques in our village at that time. In fact, Yu Ruyi was worth at least one million yuan. The peddler saw that I was a child and lied to me that it was worth 100,000 yuan at most, but 10,000 yuan. Money was already a huge sum of money for me, who even had problems with eating at that time, so I sold it to him, and then left a note of 10,000 yuan. A person went out with 90,000 yuan. From the age of ten to now, no one imagined what I have experienced, but the truth Yes, I did roll to today's status like a snowball because of that 90,000 yuan.

Say this, Feng Qiushan sighed,

"In fact, even now, I still feel guilty and stole the heirloom of my family. Later, I learned that my father was so angry that he had a stroke that day and went to bed from then on. Even if I developed and took them all to my side to my parents enjoy happiness, my father still did not forgive me, and in a year After that, I still regretted my death... This matter has always been a thorn in my heart. I know that I was wrong at that time, but I was really afraid. For so many years, I have also been trying to find the fate of the jade in the hall. Trying to find the heirloom is also a wish of my father, which can also make me I feel better, but the antique dealer in those years is dead and the clues are broken. It was only two days before I heard from my subordinates that I saw a Yu Ruyi who was exactly the same as the heirloom of my family, so I asked you to help me take a look today.

After listening to it, Dai Zhi realized that he could also understand the meaning of Yu Ruyi to him.

No wonder he was so anxious. She thought it was a royal thing and valuable. It turned out that there was such a story behind Yu Ruyi that people didn't know how to judge.

He said that he was wrong, and he was indeed wrong. Even if he was too poor to open the pot, his old father still remembered his grandfather's instructions to pass on the precious jade Ruyi from generation to generation, but he secretly sold it regardless of family precepts and took the money away. This is indeed unfilial.

But Dai Zhi can really empathize with such a person who is almost driven to death, his desire for fame and money in despair. She can really understand the determination to get ahead.

What's more, if the family heirloom can't even hold on, how can it be passed on? Besides, if it can help their Feng family shine and get rid of poverty, that is the real value of Yu Ruyi.

But now it makes no sense to say who is wrong, and the only thing that can be done is to find the jade Ruyi, even as a kind of compensation in my heart and fulfill my wish.

Thinking of this, Dai Zhi said confidently to Brother Feng, "Brother Feng, don't worry, I will try my best to help you see it."

Although she has never seen the jade Ruyi, and the jade Ruyi brother Feng must be the most familiar, and with his ability, it is not very difficult to identify something from the Qing Dynasty, but the significance involved in this matter is so important that he dare not be careless at all, so he asked her to help him.

And Dai Zhi can be sure that under the whole world, I'm afraid only she can be 100% sure whether an antique is a real old thing...

With this, the two passed through several alleys and finally stopped at the door of a courtyard.

"That's it." Brother Feng pointed to one of them, "But I heard from my men that he doesn't sell that jade Ruyi."

Dai Zhi was stunned and a little puzzled. How could anyone push money out? Naturally, the things that Brother Feng like will not be low. Looking at this family, they don't look very rich. How can they not sell them?

"The family said that Yu Ruyi is the heirloom of their family, so they don't sell it."

Brother Feng seemed to understand Dai Zhi's question and explained with a self-deprecating smile.

Dai Zhi is a little ironic and a heirloom. If it is true, then it is likely that it is not the jade Ruyi he is looking for. However, it is also possible that others are making a mystery. Whether it is true or not, it will not be known until he sees it with his own eyes.

The two walked in together and knocked on the door. It was an old woman who opened the door. Dai Zhi quickly explained her intention politely. Unexpectedly, the old woman heard it and quickly waved her hand.

"I have said many times that I don't sell it. Recently, someone comes to my house every day to see the jade Ruyi. I have said that I won't sell it for any money!"

Dai Zhi's eyes quietly looked into the living room, and at a glance, she found something unusual...