A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 154 Amazing Discovery

Dai Zhi thought about it for a long time and finally didn't call him General Zuo. Of course, it was not because Shu Ya said that he was worried that General Zuo could not accept this fact. In fact, she has always regarded Shu Ya as joking about them. She and Brother Zuo are the real friendship between her childhood sweethearts.

She just thought that although she didn't know why, she also vaguely felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Brother Zuo and Heliandong, so she tried not to make the atmosphere awkward together. One was a good friend like her brother, and the other was the person she liked, with the palms and backs of her hands. Meat doesn't help anyone.

Besides, she planned to talk to Brother Zuo alone sometime, so she didn't call him this time.

In addition, Mo Shengyu was inexplicably added today. She really has two big heads.

The guy Shu Liluo said that he would not come, and Dai Zhi didn't think much about it. When he came, the scene might be more difficult to control.

The party at night is really ironic. Mo Shengyu and Helianjing have never stopped fighting like enemies, while Shu Ya is obviously quiet. Heliandong occasionally talks to Dai Zhi for a while and is also silent most of the time.

Dai Zhi didn't pay attention to it. His wound was not healed. The party was held in the hospital. Originally, the hospital prohibited noise and would not allow such a party, but He Lianjing used a certain relationship, but he simply had a meal in the presidential ward.

As usual, she secretly used colored light to help Heliandong heal his wounds. His wound recovered much faster than the doctor expected, but it was never as completely as she herself, but at this rate, she could be discharged from the hospital in about half a month.

I don't know if it's the illusion of Dai Zhi. Although she has only dated Yu Heliandong for a day or two, she seems to vaguely feel something on his mind. Although she is still so cold, domineering and iconic stinky face on the surface, and she is much gentler to her than before, she just feels that something is wrong, but I can't say what's wrong.

After a crazy scene, the party broke up and went home separately. Mo Shengyu clamored to send Daizhi home. Heliandong was sick**. After all, it was always right to have someone to send him, but his partner Mo Shengyu had a little headache. Can't let Helianjing or Shu Ya two girls come to send him off, right? So in the end, we had to compromise.

Dai Zhi insisted that his opposition was ineffective. In the end, he was stunned and beaten by death. On the way back, Mo Shengyu was very aware of current affairs and stopped for a while and did not keep talking. His driving skills surprised Dai Zhi. There was not too much fancy, and the speed of the car was not deliberately handsome and fast, which made him very At ease, the wind outside the car window gently blew on Dai Zhi's face. She suddenly felt tired, concave a comfortable posture, closed her eyes and refreshed. The sleepiness gradually came up, but she heard Mo Shengyu's not noisy voice in her ear.

"Xiaozhi, in fact, there is a question. I have never known whether to ask."

Unlike usual, Mo Shengyu's tone is not high and his voice is gentle, which seems to be very serious.

Dai Zhi only felt that his eyelids were very heavy, and his thoughts were gradually blurred, and he opened his mouth with difficulty.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

She originally wanted to say it in a good way, but she didn't know if she was too tired and had no strength. Instead, this sentence became soft. On the contrary, it seemed to be with such a lazy hoarse voice, which surprised Dai Zhi, but she didn't want to wake up at all.

For a long time, there was no movement from the driving position next to him. He seemed to be silent for a moment and didn't know how long it had been, but she fell asleep in such a daze. In the haze, it seemed that she heard Mo Shengyu sigh gently and said,

"Are you asleep..."

She was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes and didn't want to speak, so she stopped talking to him. He didn't hear a response. He should have believed that she was asleep and heard him say something else.

"If you know that the people you care about lie to you, won't you be sad..."

When the last word just fell, Dai Zhi completely lost consciousness and fell asleep. Of course, he would not remember what he said or what it meant.

seemed to have a shallow sleep. When she woke up, the car had stopped and had arrived at the door. Mo Shengyu was not in the car, but she had a coat on her body. She recognized that it was Mo Shengyu's coat. Dai Zhi stretched out and looked around a little.

Under the street lamp not far away, a tall man stood under the street lamp, bowing his head and smoking silently. The light pulled his shadow very long. Obviously, such a cynical playboy seems to be a little unpredictable and lonely at this moment.

Dai Zhi took off his coat, opened the car door, and walked towards him. He seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't even notice that Dai Zhi walked into him. Knowing that Dai Zhi was standing in front of him, Mo Shengyu raised his head and looked at Dai Zhi's face, who had just woken up with a trace of tired cheeks, and a trace of strange emotion flashed on his face. But he quickly replied to his usual unrestrained appearance and said with a smile,

"Are you awake?"

Dai Zhi nodded and handed him his coat. "Maybe I haven't slept well recently. I just fell asleep. Thank you for your coat."

Mo Shengyu naturally took over his coat, and Danfeng's eyes became habitually ambiguous and smiled improperly.

"I said that you look up to me too much. Such a big beauty sleeps beside me, and her sleeping face is not as defenseless as a child, and she is not afraid of what will be wrong with my animal hair..."

Dai Zhi rolled his eyes and selectively ignored his unnutritious words. He remembered that he had just heard him talking to himself in a daze, but he couldn't remember what he said, so he asked him,

"Hey, when I fell asleep, did you say something to me, lie to me...what sad?"

Mo Shengyu's eyes flashed and responded carelessly,

"Oh, you said that you were asleep. It must be a dream. Besides, you also know me. There is a lot of nonsense. You may not remember saying so many words."

Dai Zhi thought about it and felt that he was more likely to dream, so he nodded, yawned and waved to him.

"Go back quickly. Don't smoke so much. I'll go in first."

Mo Shengyu responded with a hippie smile, and then saw Dai Zhi walk into the villa.

Where Dai Zhi didn't see, Mo Shengyu stood there and looked at Dai Zhi's departure back. His eyes were far-reaching and complicated, like a sculpture, and he refused to leave for a long time...

****** Rich woman dividing line*******

When she got home, Dai Zhi, who should have slept until she slept until she got home, but she was forced to work hard. No matter how busy she was every day, no matter how lazy she was, she would practice the set of swordsmanship taught by her father. In the past, she had never understood why her father had to force her to practice this set of swordsmanship every day since she was a child, and even eat. Dad, who will forget, has never forgotten to tell her to practice for more than ten years. After Dad left, she still insists every day. After all, this is the only thing Dad left for herself, and she dares not relax for a moment.

However, recently, she seems to have understood the meaning of this set of swordsmanship, and this discovery naturally began when she began to formally learn sculpture.

In the past, she loved antiques and sculpture, but she just learned it secretly. Now she can finally let go of her hands and feet to learn sculpture with a fourth-level sculptor. From the beginning to now, she has slowly found a phenomenon that she has never been found before--

That is, this set of swordsmanship seems to have some common spirit and technique with carving.

Although one is sculpture and the other is swordsmanship, which were originally two different things. Eight poles can't hit one piece, over time, she found that there are indeed some unspeakable similarities between the two.

It also depends on the flexibility of the hand. Regardless of the technique, method, starting and turning, it seems to follow the same law.

She has practiced this set of swordsmanship for more than ten years, which is almost something she is more familiar with. She is so familiar that she can type it accurately even if she falls asleep. It is because she is too thorough that she instinctively combines this set of swordsmanship with her carving technique subconsciously.

When she first began to learn sculpture, she didn't think about it, but after a long time, even she didn't find out when she had integrated this set of swordsmanship that was almost integrated into her life into the carving. What Master Ding taught her had nothing to do with swordsmanship, but it seemed to be It's the same as innate.

She thought of the days when she peeked at her father's carving from the crack of the door and recalled her father's carving techniques, so she would subconsciously learn her father's movements, methods, and every detail.

Just like the two emerald hairpins carved for Shu Ya and He Lianjing, including the emerald butterfly carved with bad materials borrowed by Master Ding, subconsciously imitated Dad's carving method.

It was not until recently that she discovered this phenomenon, and recalling every previous sculpture, she seemed to instinctively imitate her father's skills. Dad is her idol. Although he has done nothing in his life and has achieved nothing, even the sculpture that he has always been proud of can only be used as a means to make a living, and And they are all sold cheaply, but in her heart, she has always felt that her father is the most powerful and the best in the world, such as third-level sculptors, fourth-level sculptors, even fifth-level jade sculptors and even jade sculptors, are not as good as her father in her heart.

While concentrating on practicing that set of swordsmanship, Dai Zhi suddenly thought that his father was so well-intentioned that he had urged him not to be abandoned for more than ten years. Even before leaving, he told himself to practice every day, and she found that this set of swordsmanship seemed to have something in common with her father's carving skills. In general, all this is too coincidental.

She suddenly realized that this set of swordsmanship was the lifelong learning left by her father - the legendary... eight-knife knife method?