A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 163 Treasure

As for the actual value of this jade, it doesn't have much significance. Zuo Tianyi conservatively estimated that it should be about 2 million, and the general value of Zhanguo jade is 300,000 to 3 million, so this jade can be called the best of the warring States jade, which can be found, and it can also be regarded as a Chinese antique. Contribution, otherwise it is likely to be regarded as an ordinary jade by an ignorant merchant or a vassal and self-righteous collector.

Mr. Shu likes Shu's birthday gift very much, but he naturally knows that this credit should belong to the behind-the-scenes meritor Daizhi.

Mo Shengyu smiled and said to Mr. Shu, "I don't have the blessing to buy that piece of jade as a birthday gift, and I'm definitely not as good as the little master. I can find the baby. Mr. Shu, my gift is too insignificant. Don't dislike it."

With that, he took out a red brocade box from a box, which was much larger than the box that had just been packed with jade. Judging from the shape, it should be about the size of a plate.

"Shu Lao, my grandfather left early. I have a very good relationship with my grandfather since I was a child. You and Grandpa are friends, that is, my grandfather. Although this gift is not expensive enough, I hope you are healthy and live a long life."

Grandpa Shu took it over with a kind smile, "Xiao Mo, you are so polite."

With that, he opened the red brocade box, which was really a plate.

Mr. Shu took out the plate and looked at it, then turned over to look at the bottom, and then handed it to Dai.

Dai Zhi quickly took it with both hands. She was already interested in these things. When she was still in the hands of Mr. Shu, she wanted to find out with her own hands. Now she has got it. Of course, she has to take a closer look.

On the surface, this plate seems to be no different from other plates. On the table, it seems that it is not as exquisite as the plate they just used to eat. The plate is ivory white and there is a cyan pattern on the plate. It looks like a dragon.

"How about it, Xiaozhi, what do you think?" Grandpa Shu asked.

Dai made sense and determined that the plate was not ordinary at the first sight. At the moment she touched the plate, the color light also quickly gave her the answer, but these things could not be regarded as her own opinion. She had to use what she saw in the book.

"There is nothing special on the surface, and the bottom foot is also engraved with the blue and white style of the 'Daming Jiajing Year System', and it doesn't seem to look like the blue and white of the Jiajing period, because everyone knows that Jiajing blue and white are generally colored back green, but Jiajing blue and white are not all used back green coloring, but with Huiqing and Ruizhou Shi Ziqing. It is used to present a thick and bright tone of slightly red and purple in blue, which highlights this color feature. Skim, circle foot, inner bottom concave. Look at the outer wall of the blue and white plate painted two five-clawed dragons and cross-shaped cloud patterns chasing each other, and the inner bottom is decorated with fierce flying dragons and cloud patterns. The painting lines are bold, the dragon pattern is vivid and realistic, and the craftsmanship is fine. It should be the blue and white cloud dragon pattern plate of Mingjiajing.

Mr. Shu also nodded and said, "Yes, it's indeed Ming Jiajing's blue, white, cloud and dragon pattern plate. Xiao Mo, let you spend money."

"Shu Lao, you are out of the way again, as long as you don't mind." Mo Shengyu laughed quickly.

Looking at Mo Shengyu's appearance, it seems to affirm the origin of this plate, and according to Dai Zhi, Mo Shengyu is not very good at antiques. Unless there is a possibility, it is a price higher than the actual price.

Generally, many better antique stores have antiques equivalent to the treasures of the town store, which are real things that have been identified by experts, and the price is of course higher than the actual ones. Few people buy these things, unless they are those who are interested in buying and have to buy them. They usually go to the antique market to pick them up. I won't buy it. No one wants to be a fat sheep.

And he must not be able to find a good thing, and he can't be rude to Mr. Shu, so he doesn't hesitate to buy the real thing that is much expensive but guaranteed to be antique.

In fact, in the final analysis, Dai Zhi should take some responsibility. Originally, she was kind-hearted and didn't let him be fooled. Who knew that Yubi had such a big history, otherwise she would accidentally let him buy this Yubi, so that the gift would be heavier and the money would be valuable.

Dai Zhi felt a little guilty and thought that there would be a chance to compensate him elsewhere in the future.

"Old Shu, it's my turn to show my ugly next." Speaking was Zuo Tianyi, who smiled lightly, took out a wooden box and handed it to Mr. Shu with both hands.

"I wish you a long life in the East China Sea."

Finally, it was Zuo Tianyi's turn. Dai Yi's eyes shined when he saw the box, and he couldn't wait to see what was in the box now.

The four-square wooden box is not big, and you can't guess what's inside.

Mr. Shu also seemed to be curious about Zuo Tianyi's gift. He took it with a smile, opened the box in front of everyone, and then took out the things in the box.

It turned out to be...a bowl?

Everyone looked at the bowl. To be precise, it was a small bowl, almost the size of half a palm. The mouth of the bowl was very large, but the body of the bowl was very light. It was the color of soil, but with some light red. The surface of the bowl was not flat, a little stained, but it seemed to be old. Appearance.

seems to be a little unexpected. The gift given by the general will definitely be extraordinary, eye-catching and amazing, but it is a not very exquisite bowl?

Mr. Shu took the bowl curiously and frowned and thought about something.

Even Dai Zhi is a little confused. She has never seen this bowl in any book before. It is ordinary and has no characteristics. She can't judge which dynasty it is from the production process and pattern, but this bowl is far less ordinary than what everyone can see on the surface, because her power tells She, this bowl, is antique!

Seeing that Dai Zhi was a little embarrassed, Zuo Tianyi couldn't help laughing softly. It was the first time he saw anything that could stop her. It seemed that this gift was still very valuable.

Mr. Shu is also helpless, but he still doesn't want to study, as if he wants to find some flaws in this bowl.

"Grandpa Shu, can you show me?" Dai Zhi asked, I'm afraid that the knowledge she learned from the book can't cope with this bowl. Let's see if she can feel something with her left hand and give her any hints.

Mr. Shu nodded and handed the bowl to Daizhi.

Dai Zhi carefully took over the bowl. At that moment, the color light in his mind began to be restless. Dai Zhi had long expected this reaction, but those color light coils circled around her and tried to piece together a pattern in front of her eyes, but she never told her clearly. One year.

Dai Zhi sighed with some regret. She could only be sure that this bowl was an antique, and it was not a simple antique. It had a history of at least 500 years, but she did not know which dynasty it came from.

"Brother Zuo," Dai Zhi looked at Zuo Tianyi with an unreal smile. "I really can't see it this time."

When Shu Ya heard this, she immediately opened her mouth so that she couldn't wait to hold an egg. "Fatty, did I hear it wrong? Is there anything in the world that can't be done?"

Zhao Yan also found it interesting, "Yes, I'm also curious, hehe."

Dai Zhi is helpless. She is not omnipotent. Of course, it will be difficult to get her things. Her own knowledge and powers still need to continue to learn. It is normal to encounter problems. They think too much about themselves.

"Zuo Marshal, although you have always been my idol and there is absolutely no doubt about it, will you be a misspel this time? Or, did you deliberately take a bowl of beauty to test Xiaozhi?

Dai Zhi shook his head and affirmed, "This bowl must have a great history. Although I can't see the doorway, it must be a rare baby."

Zuo Tianyi's smile at the corners of his mouth was deeper, and his eyes became more and more gentle.

Mr. Shu was anxious and simply asked, "Xiao Zuo, don't make a deal with us. What's the origin of this bowl?"

Zuo Tianyi nodded and said slowly, "This is the small red glaze bowl of the Song Dynasty."

"Song Dynasty red glaze small bowl?!"

Shu Ya and Mo Shengyu obviously still couldn't understand. They were full of doubts, but Zhao Yan was slightly stunned, while Dai Zhi and Mr. Shu were shocked and incredible.

Zuo Tianyi seemed to expect that they would have such a reaction and explained, "After verification, the red glazed bowl in the ship salvaged in the Song Dynasty last year came from the same kiln!"

Dai Zhi suddenly understood that many people knew about the salvaging of the sunken ship last year, and it also caused a sensation for a period of time, especially some exquisite porcelain that appeared at the beginning, which made up for the cultural gap of that period and let people know that we had such a high porcelain craftsmanship as early as the Southern Song Dynasty.

Unfortunately, many porcelains in the sunken ship were damaged, and not many were complete. No one expected that General Zuo had a complete one in his hand.

No wonder she has never seen it, because the porcelain-burning craft of this era has only been discovered in recent years. In many historical records and cultural relics, the cultural relics of this dynasty are basically blank, and it is no wonder that her power can't detect the year of this bowl, because it is roughly estimated that the distance of this bowl Now, it's almost a thousand years old...

Dai Zhi's heart suddenly boiled. Compared with this small red glazed bowl of the Song Dynasty, the warring States jade he found was not worth mentioning at all. Although the jade jade was precious, it was worth measuring, and this small red glazed small bowl of the Song Dynasty was priceless and immeasurable!

With this bowl, Dai Zhi was completely fascinated. Seeing this, Mr. Shu smiled cheerfully.

"Woth girl, if you like it, I will borrow flowers to present Buddha and give them to you..."


I coughed for almost a week. Today, I went to the hospital. It turned out to be pneumonia, so the update was late. Sorry, if I have time later, I will write another chapter. If it really doesn't work, I have to go to rest early according to the doctor's advice. If there is no update before 12 o'clock, don't wait, but I will try my best to update it.