A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 180 Mystery 7

"I harmed the shepherd, I hurt you... If it hadn't been for me, the shepherd wouldn't have come to this, and you wouldn't have left your hometown... They are all old things that have harmed people like me!"

Although Mr. Shu can't bear it, he doesn't know what he can say at this moment, and he has no position to say anything. Although he has been uncomfortable for so many years, this has always been a matter for the two masters and apprentices, and it always needs to be solved.

The cold wind blew faintly, and the heart was slightly cool. Without saying anything, he stood there quietly, like a legacy and independent daffodil.

Mr. Jin looked at Daizhi silently and continued,

"Mu'er is getting better and better, and more and more famous. I should have been happy and proud to have had such an excellent apprentice, but after a long time, I was arrogant and defiant. I saw that Mu'er receiving more and more applause, and the comments that everyone talked about were all Mu'er. Everyone was very Until I was forgotten, the greatest hero who cultivated him, my name seemed to be forgotten by everyone overnight, and the glory I had accumulated for most of my life was easily taken away by the herdsman..."

Mr. Jin lowered his head. Even if he couldn't see his expression at this moment, he could guess how annoyed and unwilling it would be.

"Once people's jealousy survives, the body of the host can't be thrown away like a locust, and as time goes by, your mind will be swallowed up little by little, and your humanity will be quietly destroyed by it. I don't know when, I began to hate why I wanted myself at the beginning. The ancestral classics gave him, why did he cultivate him into a person with the ability even far surpassing me? Why did he take away everything that should have belonged to me because he was smarter than me? I knew that one day..."

His memory stopped slightly, took off his reading glasses, wiped the hazy fog on the lenses, and looked at the person in the photo who could no longer say sorry in person, full of regret and apology.

Mr. Shu's eyebrows were tightly locked. He was the only person who knew about these past events except for the parties. When he made money to tell him everything, he also complained that he should not be so confused, but after so long, he has had enough of conscience condemnation. Besides, if this matter is put a lot On the body of Lao Jin at that time, no one may make the same mistake as him.

People are the most complex animals in the world. They have countless complex emotions. Many of them can't even explain themselves. Everyone has jealousy, but under certain conditions, it will be particularly strong. He understood him. At that time, he finally got everything he had at that time and used almost a generation. Zi's time did one thing, but it was surpassed by his most trusted and valued apprentice in just two years and trampled him under his feet.

Maybe Xiao Mu didn't think so at that time, and he didn't expect that the master who loved him so much would think so, but once he thought wrong, he would keep drilling into the horns until the tragedy happened that he could not regret it.

"The hero is sad about the beauty. Just when Mu'er's life reached the highest peak, he fell in love with a woman. That woman was beautiful and had the brightest eyes in the world. She also fell in love with Mu'er, a handsome and outstanding hero. The two love was out of control. At that time, it can be said that the pastoral was the most prosperous time. Career love was harvested with both hands. However, people can't always be so smooth sailing. All this will always attract the jealousy of some people, and fall from the highest place, the most likely to die and from then on. Disapsing... At that time, there was a large consortium, whose biggest business was jewelry and jade. The behind-the-scenes chairman of the consortium wanted to put Mu'er under his command, not only a high position, but also an absolutely attractive high salary. However, for some reason, Mu'er refused, and the big boss was ashamed and scolded Mu'er for looking up on himself. He was praised, but later, he didn't know why he fell in love with Mu'er's beloved woman and insisted on marrying her as his little wife. Although Mu'er became famous at that time, she was always a person with no power. Naturally, she fought with a large consortium that could already cover the sky with one hand and had a large fortune. A pair of lovers were finally forced to choose to escape. At that time, the woman was already pregnant.

Mr. Jin took a look at Dai Zhi and said, "It's you in my stomach. I didn't expect you to be so tenacious in your life that you finally escaped and came to this world. I can only say that everything has long been doomed and God's will..."

Dai Zhi's heart began to be violently crazy and jump without rules. This little-known past was slowly torn apart from the truth, and the story became more and more tortuous and more thrilling. Daizhi's heart was also full of ups and downs.

That's...her mother...

Her mother.

The mother she has never met, the mother whose father has never said a word to herself...

What a strange word this is. It is so strange that she has never shouted it once in 20 years.

is another familiar word, and she has thought silently in her heart for 20 years.

Dai Zhi's heart trembled gently and remembered every keyword about her mother. She knew that she must have a mother. She knew that she would not be like the bad children who always laughed at her jumping out of the stone when she was a child. She knew that her mother must be the most beautiful in the world. The most beautiful and kind woman!

She carefully stored all the memories about her mother, and then slowly pieced together a vague and incomplete picture in her mind. In her heart, there was unprecedented emotion and warmth, as well as uncontrollable suffocation.

No one can understand the meaning of the word mother for her. So that this image suddenly came to life, she hoped that the ending of the story could be happy and perfect.

But she knew that the ending must be cruel, otherwise everything would not be like this, and her life would be complete, happy and healthy from the beginning.

"Their beloved but bitter couple fled to the suburbs of the city and lived a plain and happy life, but the good days did not last long, but the nightmare came to the door again. It turned out that the big boss of the big consortium did not give up because of this. His methods were vicious and scheming. He has always been for the talents he valued. I believe that since it can't be collected, it must be abolished, because he wants to have the best jade sculptor in the world. Since he is destined to be overwhelmed, he must be destroyed..."

The pain on Mr. Jin's face is getting deeper and deeper. Everyone is in a heavy mood to listen to this unknown past, pity the pair of bitter mandarin ducks, and are also angry at the behavior of the boss of the big consortium.

Mr. Jin slowly raised his head, looked at the unknown distance, and began to carefully recall the most important and critical past. Everyone also followed his memories back to the past...

******Twenty years ago Time Machine****

At that time, Mr. Jin, who was tired of dealing with the industry media about the whereabouts of Master Xiao Mu, one day, about four or five months after Xiao Mu, suddenly came to his home with several uninvited guests.

"Excuse me, are you?"

The man with a strong aura about 30 years old did not wait for greeting and sat straight at Mr. Jin's house, accompanied by three or four big men in black suits like bodyguards.

The man held a cigar in his mind and looked very defiant.

"You don't need to know who I am. You just need to tell me the whereabouts of my apprentice Xiao Mu."

Mr. Jin also saw a lot of big scenes at that time. He did his own thing and answered coldly.

"Sorry, I've told you many times. I don't know where the shepherd has gone. I hope you don't bother me anymore."

"Ha ha, your words are almost enough to deceive those naive three-year-old children, and I won't beat around the bush with you. Give me the address, and I won't let you suffer."

"Hmm! Presumably you are the big boss who wants to get my apprentice and has bad intentions with his woman. Let me tell you, don't think that you can do anything with a few stinky money. My family doesn't welcome you and won't send it!"

The man with a strong aura was not angry at all, but laughed,

"Master Jin, I know you are arrogant, but that's why you have to plan for yourself. Think about it, since your apprentice became popular, everyone only remembers Xiao Mu's name. Master Jin was originally the most prestigious jade sculptor in China, but now, you are managing painstakingly. It took most of your life to reach the position and was suddenly surpassed by your seemingly respectful apprentice who may have been laughing behind your back. As you know, this is how the world is. You are the strongest, and you will naturally be sought after. Once someone surpasses you, you will be worthless, and the glory of the past will be gone. Some people remember that they will only keep reminding you that you are a loser!"

It is indeed not easy to make the enterprise bigger and stronger, and he also grasped Mr. Jin's weakness so accurately. This idea is the jealousy that has always plagued him.


"But the shepherd has left. He chose to sacrifice his career for love. He will not come back to threaten my position. No, so you'd better go!"

"Haha..." The man smiled. "You are so naive. Master Jin, don't deceive yourself anymore. He has surpassed you. This is a fact that will never change. What's more, no one knows whether he will come back one day for something. This is a time bomb, as long as he survives You will never be able to turn over!"

Mr. Jin was silent...

The jealous demon, who had been easily suppressed, came back again. After only a moment, he burned his whole body and went crazy...