A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 184 Deep Blood Enmity

She must avenge this!

Her mother, the beautiful and kind mother, gave birth to herself, and didn't even have time to look at herself, left the world with grievances, the man who loved her deeply, and the daughter who was still invable. This is the most painful thing in the world.

But Dad has to carry this almost painful past and burden and continue to live like a walking corpse, just in order not to let go of their flesh and blood.

In the past 20 years, Dai Zhili has lived with his father, but he never knew all this and never knew that his heart was so bitter.

In the past 20 years, I'm afraid that although my father has lived an ordinary and peaceful life, he has not been tortured by the once bloody past and swallowed up by that fragmented nightmare...

No wonder since he was sensible, his father had never smiled in his memory. He always frowned and crippled his back, which was ruthlessly oppressed by life. In that small town, he was silent, unsmiling and alone.

No wonder every time I was bullied by my classmates when I was a child, I came back and asked my father why other children had mothers, but I didn't have a mother. On my father's face, which was experienced and tortured, there was always imperceptible heartache, and then more severe scolding and deeper locked eyebrows.

And Dad has been raising and treating himself like a boy since he was a child. Is he afraid that the older she grows, the more he will see the beloved wife who died tragically because of him?

And the words Dad said before his death have been lingering in my ears,

"Xiaozhi, Dad can't accompany you anymore. In fact, I have always believed that you are innocent... It's just that I don't want you to enter this industry, so I won't teach you what I have learned in my life..."

The bits and pieces of the past 20 years seem to come to his heart in an instant. Although my father hates jade carving, it was the jade carving that caused his family to eventually be destroyed, and he never wanted to have anything to do with this industry, nor did he let his women have anything to do with this industry.

But he can't lie to himself. In his heart, he always loves sculpture. As he once said, he was born for the jade carving. Although he hates it, he can't really put it down.

And although he didn't want to enter this industry, he secretly did not prevent her from learning, and even tried his best to involve a set of swordsmanship about the eight-knife split-wave swordsmanship, so that she began to practice as a child. For more than ten years, there has been no obstacle.

Plus the last sentence Dad said before he left, he said that she was his proudest woman and would get ahead no matter what.

So Dai Zhi thought that in his heart, in fact, he hoped that after he became famous, he would return strongly in a way that threatened the big boss, so that he would pay for his conscienceless behavior and avenge his mother!

"I always thought that it was Mu'er robbed me of everything, but I didn't expect Mu'er to think of me everywhere and even give up such a good future... I'm really wrong. I'm so sorry for him and your family... I really didn't expect that the big boss promised me that I would never hurt Mu'er, but But he disabled Muer's little thumb... A jade sculptor's little thumb is equivalent to a famous martial arts practitioner. If it is abolished, it is equivalent to abolishing half of the skills of a jade sculptor... That man is really cruel..."

Mr. Jin's tears of regret fell down, and his repentant eyes looked at Dai Zhi,

"Xiaozhi, I know that everything is my fault. I know that I caused your family to die, but in the past 20 years, I have slept soundly and never given up looking for a shepherd. I don't expect to be forgiven by you. I just hope to see the shepherd's daughter live a good life, hope..."

"Enough..." Dai Zhi interrupted him coldly. Looking at the old man in front of her who she had respected and filial, she only felt that everything he had done was too ridiculous.

She stood up slowly and finally took a look at her father. Now that the truth has come out, her purpose can't be clearer in the future. Her eyes are cold and her voice is even more chilling.

"Don't pretend to be benevolent here anymore, Jin, Master and Fu."

Mr. Jin was exhausted and almost fainted. Although he had expected Dai Zhi's reaction, he was always unacceptable when he saw it.

Mr. Shu can't bear it and helps to speak,

"Xiaozhi, I know you are unhappy, and Lao Jin is indeed wrong, but it has been so long, and you should also learn to put it down..."

"Put it down?" Dai Zhi raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's easy to say. People who have done wrong things can live a long life and continue to be respected. The victims who are obviously kind and have not done anything wrong have died tragically, and one died with hatred. Can a word of letting go make up for the destruction of other people's families? After such a long sentence, can you easily erase all your sins? If you are not me, how can you feel my mood? That kind of mood that is sadder than death..."

Dai Zhi glanced at them gently. These two old people who had helped and loved her, and from then on, they had nothing to do with her.

She had no choice but to pretend that nothing had happened after knowing the murderer who indirectly killed her mother and hurt her father all her life. She continued to call "grandpa" and "grandpa" intimately and continued to treat them as relatives for filial piety.

Although Dad said he didn't hate him, she couldn't forgive all this...

Dai Zhi gently turned around and didn't want to stand with his enemy for even one more second. Before leaving, he didn't look back and asked the most important words,

"I want to know who was the big boss of the big consortium."

How can there be such a cruel and crazy person in the world?

Just because you can't get it, you have to destroy him?

Just because the most powerful jade sculptor in the world is not his person, and he is afraid that others will threaten his incomparable position, so he will be killed and kill other people's families?

She swore that she must avenge this deep blood!

If he is afraid that his lost unique skills will threaten his status, then this nightmare will definitely make him really realize that he is as chilly and worried every night!

The devil would never have thought that the worries he had been eliminated would give birth to future generations in a desperate situation. Twenty years later, he would inherit the amazing sculptor and come back again to know all this!

She will make him pay the price!

Mr. Jin's voice trembled, was silent for a long time, and said an answer. Those words were like the second sharp blade, which made her already bleeding wounds and ulcerated speech...

He said,

"That person is the chairman of Helian Group, a well-known international chain company, Helianyun..."