A romantic and rich woman

Chapter 265 3

20,000 yuan in cash was handed over to Guan Zhongtian, representing two silver goods.

All kinds of things also became cautious, and the wool finally fell into Dai's hands. Dai Zhi's heart finally calmed down. From the initial panic, to now full of confidence, I have to say that there was a lot of twists and turns in the middle, but Fortunately, there was no danger, and everything returned to the situation she could control.

This piece of wool is in her hand, just like having a chip. In the next battle, she can play smoothly without any fear.

Guan Zhongtian was still thinking about the next challenge of going all out. Of course, she didn't realize that she had given all the hopes of winning to her biggest enemy with her own hands. This time, he must be defeated.

Dai Zhi got the important chip that could help her defeat Guan Zhongtian and Helianyun, and a smile quietly floated in her heart. She didn't have to think that the people present must have regarded her as a fool. In fact, this happened many times, and she was already familiar with it.

Even Shu Ya and Zhao Yan are a little confused about what Dai Zhi is thinking this time. Although they have to admire her excellent eyesight every time in the past, this time it is an extremely important and talented wool campaign meeting, and the other party is even more than before. All the opponents have more powerful roles - he is none other than the descendant of the Jade King!

No matter how powerful Dai Zhi is, it is still impossible to compare with the Jade King, whose reputation was restless and made all the people in the circle bow down. Moreover, they have also seen Guan Zhongtian's strength and can become the master of General Zuo. Their ability must not be underestimated.

Thinking so, Shu Ya was a little worried about Dai on the one hand, and a little curious on the other hand.

Dai Zhi always surprises and shocks people unexpectedly, and every time is no exception, and she also knows that Dai Zhi is not the kind of dizzy show, let alone fight an uncertain battle, so even if there are vague worries, more or less in the bottom of her heart, there is still expectations...

Looking forward to whether she will make the whole world crazy again this time.

Crazy for Dai...

suddenly became the focus of everyone, and Dai Zhi had no pressure at all. She was used to this feeling of being watched by everyone's comments, and the more people on the scene, the better, the better. She also felt that this is the best opportunity for all the most influential jewelers and big entrepreneurs in the country. In front of him, revenge for Uncle Xiao, so that Guan Zhongtian can no longer touch half a step of the gambling circle, and can take this opportunity to let the leading figure in the jewelry industry lose completely.

She has been waiting for this opportunity for too long.

This day is finally coming, and she will go all out to fight this battle!

Dai Zhi gently glanced around. She knew that there was a secret pinhole camera hidden in it, and at the other end, the old fox He Lianyun was monitoring all her every move here, including all her careful deployments.

"He Lianyun, look at me, how I beat you little by little..."

"What you are afraid of, what you are afraid of, what you stopped 20 years ago, 20 years later, it will eventually come, and I... is your nightmare."

"All the old hatred, all the deep hatred, today, let's make an understanding!"

The corners of Daizhi's mouth showed an imperceptible smile, and then just flashed by, and he returned to his usual gentle and pure look like a docile lamb.

"Miss Dai, do you need to help you solve the stone?" Master Xieshi, who worked at the venue, asked politely.

"No, anyway, it's just for fun. I don't need to bother you, I can do it myself..." Dai Zhi still laughs at people and animals, and it's difficult for people to dislike her. In a word, he is clever and polite, and there is no sense of high oppression among rich people.

said that, but in fact, Dai Zhi knew that only she knew where the emerald was inside, and she had to untie the treasure with her own hands and let Guan Zhongtian be struck by lightning. At every step, she had to do it herself.

Thinking about this, Dai Zhi then fixed the wool back on the calcite machine. She looked at the wool that had been cut by Guan Zhongtian. Not only was she still a little sighing, but it was just that centimeter. If she lost another centimeter, everything would end differently.

Dai Zhi smiled and was not ready to go rounds any further. Now the most direct way is to fight Guan Zhongtian's weapon. He was killed directly before he could accept it, so he had lost nothing left. This fatal blow is undoubtedly for his unparalleled and unscrupulous beast. The best...

The wheel was pointed at a little bit on the cross section of half of the pieces that had just been divided into two, and the roar of the machine sounded again.

It was only for a short time. Everyone was still wondering why Daizhi chose such a strange cut point. The sound of the machine stopped abruptly, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Originally, the atmosphere at the stone scene was always full of ups and downs, especially in such a special situation. For them, today is a war between Guan Zhongtian, the heir of the Jade King in the gambling stone world, and the rising star who is young and light, and watching tigers fighting is all used to fight in the business. The scene that people like to see the most.

So even if they felt that the answer seemed to have no suspense, they unconsciously held their breath and stared at the result with wide eyes.

Of course, Dai Zhi was the first person to see the result. She looked at the cut. Sure enough, as she had seen before, the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised. When she saw it before, she still couldn't believe it, because it was an emerald she had never seen before, not just herself. I believe that few people had seen it. Originally, she had not She is very confident, afraid that even if the power she has never missed will make mistakes at today's critical moment, but after seeing the result with her naked eye, she is finally relieved.

Even if he knew it long ago, Dai Zhi still pretended to be surprised on the surface, covered his mouth, and excitedly uncovered the thin stone pieces to expose the exposed jade to the public.

"Oh, what is this..."

"This is..."


Everyone seemed to have lost the ability to speak, stunned, stared at this scene with wide eyes, and couldn't believe what they had seen with their own eyes.

The first reaction is not to be green or to gamble, but to see what your eyes...

Because in fact, it is indeed emerald, but it is not green. Basically, 90% of people don't know what it is.

There was such a momentary ** at the scene, and everyone looked at each other in consters with each other, and then a beautiful and magnetic voice suddenly came from the crowd. It was the great man Zuo Dashuai who was invited today.

He broke the strange atmosphere of the scene with one sentence--

"This is... the best black and white impermanence!"

At this time, the scene suddenly smashed the pot...