A romantic and rich woman


***** Happy New Year's Day to you! Everything went well in 2013 O(∩_∩)O~******

"This...what is this?" The faces of the expert group that followed He Lianyun and the experts who came over suddenly turned blue, and they couldn't believe that their eyes shouted out.

" ringworm!" Another old expert took a deep breath and said in panic, "How can this happen if you have ringworm?"

After all, Helianyun was calmer and immediately calmed down. He almost didn't even think about it. He said in a low voice, "Whey, wipe it all away!"

If there is only such a little moss of jade wool, it will not affect the overall situation. If the ending is undecided, he will never give up so soon.

Master Xiong wiped his sweat, quickly took another polishing machine, and began to continue to wipe the stone. He began to rub stones directly from the edge of the wilderness belt. According to experience, this is the easiest place to get high green.

But the performance of wiping away, the high green is high green, but the dazzling black ringworm entangled with the jade flesh is also slowly exposed to everyone's vision. The shocking black made all the rich people present stare wide open their eyes and stunned for a moment.

It took a lot of effort to finally solve it. These ringworm layers are stacked and densely distributed in the emerald green color, entangled and compact, and it is difficult to distinguish each other. It is impossible to get the material.

So although everyone was extremely surprised, they all understood the fact that——

Helianyun's bet collapsed!

16 billion wasted...

The scene suddenly calmed down, but everyone had ghosts in their hearts. Some regretted that 1.6 billion yuan turned into air in such a little time. And the rivals who have old grievances are secretly happy in their hearts. This time, He Lianyun has lost all his face and inside. Let's see how arrogant he is!

At this time, of course, Dai Zhi didn't forget and quietly called...

When Feng Qiushan received the phone call, he immediately began to control his trader team, coupled with the on-site photos sent by Dai Zhi, which were full of pictures and text. While this "tragedy" occurred at the venue, he thought that he would not leak any rumors from the world, but the whole business community was already well-known. Rum has spread the news about it.

For a while, the stock of Helian Group began to plummet, and in more than ten minutes, it had fallen to an all-time low!

He Lianyun received a phone call from China here, and his face suddenly turned green. At present, his already problematic heart seemed to be unable to stand the heavy blow at this moment and suddenly fainted in front of everyone.

The scene was suddenly chaotic...

It was not that Helianyun underestimated the enemy, but that he never thought that Dai Zhi would use him to gamble and quickly lower the stock price. He didn't know at all that behind Dai Zhi, there was another crossing dragon that could completely compete with him, Feng Qiushan.

And what he didn't expect was that... Dai Zhi's method was far more than that. The whole control team behind Feng Qiushan speculated the stock price, took advantage of a large number of retail investors to sell their shares at a low price, and used some personal relationships and special means to use some private relationships and special means to use a price several times higher than the market value from the directors of Helian Group. Ge acquired the shares in the hands of some shareholders, all of which were very popular, so in just a few days, the shares of Helian Group Company held by Feng Qiushan were 7% ahead of Helianyun.

In fact, this large-scale acquisition of shares was much smoother than expected. It was not enough to compete with Helianyun. I don't know why, a very mysterious figure sold all 8% of his shares to Feng Qiushan, but this mysterious man He is a candidate who is not within the scope of Feng Qiushan's plan, and he has been trying his best to find out who is sacred.

Dai Zhi didn't care about these. She carefully deployed all this and finally followed the ending she planned. Soon at the shareholders' meeting held by Helian Group, Helianyun was kicked down with hatred and ruthlessly.

Later, I heard that I was too stimulated to get sick...

The revenge has been revenged, and all the dust has settled. Standing in front of his father's grave, Dai Zhi is not as happy as expected.

She remembered that along the way, but in just one year, too many things have happened. From the destruction of her family, to the death of her life, to the death of power, and then to fame, she learned about the deep blood feud she was carrying.

In fact, she hasn't been really happy for a day since she carried such a big hatred. What she thinks about every day is revenge and tries her best to revenge.

But she is very tired.

It's very tired...

She always felt that the most important thing had been lost by her, but what it was, but she only had a vague impression in her heart and a handsome face that made her always linger.

There are many things that she knew after a long time--

She ran to Tengchong alone and didn't tell anyone, but she was still found by Shu Liluo, because when she left in despair that day, Mo Shengyu had been holding her whereabouts, but he was very puzzled and only told Shu Liluo the secret.

The reason is that Dai Zhi can't laugh or cry. She once thought that Mo Shengyu had been pestering her more or less interested in herself, but she was wrong.

From the beginning, Shu Liluo approached her and pestered her. In fact, he heard that his best brother had true feelings for a very special girl, so he wanted to find out how "special" this special girl was.

After a series of getting along with each other, he had to admit that she was indeed the same as the legend, so he was jealous and had feelings for Heliandong's possession that he didn't even want to admit, which drove him to match Dai Zhi and Shu Liluo. In this way, Heliandong was his again...

When Shu Liluo told her this, Dai Zhi just pulled the corners of his mouth slightly, and then looked at Shu Liluo's back and disappeared into the sunset. She knew that the next time she saw him, she might have been Jun Feijun...

As for Zuo Tianyi, she has still been with her and never left, but Dai Zhi is getting happier day by day. Her heart seems to be locked by a big lock, and there are no more joys and sorrows.

However, another person who has been making her heartbroken, she has never heard of him again, as if the world has evaporated...

Standing in front of my father's grave, he nagging about his family and talking about some interesting things when he was a child. The phone rang suddenly.

Dai Zhi answered the phone faintly, heard Feng Qiushan's slightly hesitant voice, and told her a secret about the 8% equity.

Dai Zhi listened silently, and then hung up the phone slowly. Unexpectedly, she didn't notice. Cold tears crossed her crystal clear cheeks, and the wind gently blew up her green silk, as if her father's gentle touch. She gently squirmed her lips as if she were saying--

"He Liandong, if there is a next life, let us... get to know each other and simply fall in love."

"Fool, you know, I really... love you so much..."

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