Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 19 Do you dare to oppose the emperor?

Isn't this obvious? We don't have to do anything. Think about it, Yangpingguan is also an important place in Hanzhong. How can Zhang Lu let others? Zheng Jiang moved the emerald ring in his hand and said, "So I said that Zhang Lu will definitely take revenge, and we will wait and see if it gets better."

"Then they are now taxing us and pay food, and we all put up with it?" The tough man asked suspiciously.

"Forbearance? It's not just forbearance. We also need to cooperate. Don't they tax and levy grain? How much do you want, how much do you give?

"But, sir, can you really swallow this breath?"

Zheng Jiang sneered. Maybe it was too hard that the jade ring in his hand was crushed by him.

"Now it's like pretending to cut off. The things sent out are just deposited with him, and sooner or later they will still be ours."

"I understand."


Pan Feng and his party have entered the city. As the old farmer said, the city is indeed very lively, coming and going, and there are people everywhere. In this era, if the city can be so lively, the people in the surrounding towns must have come.

The people's faces are all happy, but Pan Feng does not feel happy. The greater the influence of these four mages, the more unfavorable it is to his rule in the city of Yongcheng. No wonder a soldier here can't be recruited. This mage is more influential than the government. How can Pan Feng stand it?

In front of a magnificent mansion, a woman's cry suddenly came from the door. Pan Feng went over and saw that it was two strong men who were stripping a woman's clothes. The woman kept crying and begging for mercy, but the two men ignored it at all. Although there were some onlookers around, No one dares to reach out to help.

"In this broad daylight, there is no king's law." Pan Feng said something, and then rushed up and grabbed two men, one of whom slapped him.

At this time, the woman was already untidy and sat there sobbing, but fortunately, although a large area of skin**, there were still pieces of cloth covering the important parts.

Pan Feng took off her upper black robe, covered the woman, and picked her up. The woman Kenneng also had support and did not resist Pan Feng's solid embrace. Her hands still hooked his neck obediently.

"Who are you? Aren't you afraid of dying if you dare to interfere in Master Zheng's affairs? The strong man who was slapped was obviously not convinced, but he was afraid of the ten guards beside Pan Feng, so he could only threaten.

Pan Feng didn't care about Master Zheng or something, but when the strong man said the word 'Master Zheng', Pan Feng could obviously feel a violent tremor in the delicate body of the woman in her arms.

When the ten guards saw that the man was rude, they dared to threaten their general. They immediately pulled out their swords in their hands and waited for Pan Feng's order to cut these rude guys into meat sauce.

"Oh, how dare you threaten me? Do you know the consequences?" Pan Feng looked at the two coldly and said.

At this time, dozens of fully armed servants suddenly rushed out of the magnificent mansion.

"Go to me, cut off this boy, and tell him to dare to ruin the master's good deeds." The man who was slapped by Pan Feng just now saw his 'reinforcement' coming, and his confidence was full in an instant.

Pan Feng looked at the situation around him, and then said to the life-saving soldier beside him, "Go and inform Tian Junshi and ask him to bring the troops here. The rest, stop them."

Suddenly, dozens of people started to play table tennis, but the woman in Pan Feng's arms was even more afraid and trembled all the time. Pan Feng looked at the woman in her arms, but she didn't expect that she was still a beauty!

The wind bun reveals its temples, and the eyebrows are springy. The skin is as tender as warm and soft as greasy. The cherry mouth is red and delicate. The two strands of hair on the cheeks gently brush the face with the wind to add a little seductive amorousness, and the flexible eyes turn wisely, but there is more fear in the beautiful eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, and no one can hurt you." Pan Feng said categorically.

However, I have to say that Pan Feng's subordinates are worthy of being the experienced elite. Ten people hit dozens of people on each other without falling behind at all, especially Zhang Baiqi, who was particularly brave. When he waved a big knife and cut down seven or eight big men with half a cup of tea. The rest of the people saw that Zhang Baiqi was so brave that they dared not come forward.

In the hall, Zheng Jiang was still chatting with the tough man without saying a word.

At this moment, a mention hurried in.

"Master, manager, something has happened. There was a disturbance at the door of our house. Don't disturb the master. I sent out dozens of families, but I didn't expect that these people were very powerful, and now they have injured several of us.

"Damn it, it's overturned, and someone dares make trouble here. Lord, wait, I'm going to cut off these guys' heads." The tough man said viciously.

"Oh, don't be impulsive." Zheng Jiang called him out again, and then narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Old man, go and have a look. I want to know who dares to fight with me in Yongcheng."

This time, Zheng Jiang and the tough man walked out of the yard with more than a dozen well-trained domestic slaves.

"I don't know which hero made trouble in front of the old mansion."

As soon as the onlookers saw Zheng Jiang came out, he immediately dispersed, and the surrounding streets suddenly became deserted. Pan Feng saw that this guy didn't seem to be an ordinary person! As soon as you go out, you dare to be afraid of the Lord of Hell!

"Pan Feng, I've heard of Master Zheng's reputation for a long time!" Pan Feng's tone inevitably had a little mocking tone.

"Are you General Pan Fengpan?" Zheng Jiang stared at Pan Feng and asked.

Just as Pan Feng wanted to say something, suddenly there was a huge vibration sound on the ground around him. Listening carefully, there were still a lot of people. Suddenly, Pan Feng was happy in her heart and it seemed that the people on her side had arrived.

Tian Feng rode a horse and rushed here with a worried face. Pan Feng was relieved to see that he was fine.

"General, are you all right? What's wrong with you and Master Zheng?

Looking at the well-equipped soldiers around him, coupled with a 'general' among the horsemen, Zheng Jiang understood that the man in front of him holding the maid he had been punished must be Pan Feng.

"It turns out that you are General Pan. After hearing about your name for a long time, the general's warm wine and beheading Hua Xiong has become famous all over the world."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Pan Feng knew that the 'Master Zheng' in front of him must have been afraid to see his army arrive.

"The field master book has also come, why do you have to be so popular! General Pan and I are just a misunderstanding. Zheng Jiang said with his hand.

The position of the main book was sealed by Pan Feng to Tian Feng. Since he captured Zhang Wei and regained the official seal, Pan Feng has proclaimed himself as the Taishou of Hanzhong and officially announced Zhang Lu as a rebel. Because his own official position is Taishou, it is the limit for Tian Feng to seal a position in the main book.

Master Zheng claimed to be misunderstood. Although Tian Feng is dissatisfied, he has nothing to do. After all, Master Zheng is still very influential in Yongcheng, and he is also the head of a big family. After all, Tian Feng is still a person of this era. It is impossible for his concept to be so advanced. Since ancient times, there has been "unless to be punished as a doctor" only said that in this era. Doctor, the big family is very important.

That is, Cao Cao, a very deviant prince, dares not offend the underground scholars and doctors, because their local influence in the local area is unparalleled. In this era, even the ruling class is from the family, and the concept of democracy and people's livelihood has not yet been born!

Tian Feng glanced at the soldiers around him and the servants of the Zheng family, all of whom were drawn with swords. He frowned and then waved his hand.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, I won't say anything more. The whole army will listen to the order and put away all the weapons."

Generally speaking, Tian Feng is the main book of Yongcheng. He has the power of military, government and people's livelihood. The soldiers did not dare to listen to him. However, at this time, Pan Feng was here, and the general did not speak, and they did not dare to obey Tian Feng's command randomly. In addition, most of the veterans brought here by Pan Feng from Jizhou, and Pan Feng's influence among these people is naturally unparalleled. Therefore, after Tian Feng spoke, they did not put away their weapons at the first time, but turned their eyes to Pan Feng.

Looking at the soldiers turning their eyes to herself one after another, Pan Feng was very satisfied. Sometimes it was necessary to tell his subordinates who the real lord was. Tian Feng's order in front of Pan Feng was somewhat more or less of a substitute.

Putting down the woman in her arms, Pan Feng tidied up her clothes. In fact, he also took the opportunity to tidy up her clothes to move her arms. After all, she held the girl for so long. Although the woman was soft and boneless and seemed to have no weight, her arms would still be sore after a long time.

"It's just a misunderstanding? It's a little over!" Pan Feng asked with a smile.

As soon as Zheng Jiang heard Pan Feng's words, his face was covered with a layer of haze, and a cold look flashed in his eyes, but it was soon covered by him.

"What? How to solve this matter according to General Pan's intention?

The atmosphere that had been slightly relaxed became tense again in such a conversation between the two. Tian Feng beside him gave Pan Feng several wink in a row. Although Pan Feng saw it, he turned a blind eye to it.

"Master Zheng, you are so bold." Pan Feng suddenly shouted loudly, and his eyes were wide open, and the people present were suddenly shocked by the thunderous shouting. I am the imperial guard of Hanzhong ordered by the court. You dared to send someone to besiege this official just now. You are an intentional murdering officer of the imperial court. Why do you want to murder this official? You must have a hard time with the court. Who has the greatest resentment with the court now? Yellow scarf thief! I have concluded that you must be related to the yellow scarf thief. How can I easily let you go?

This hat buckle is so fierce that Zheng Jiang and others are suddenly defined as yellow scarf thieves. Although the Han court has declined these days, it is still not dead. Who is in charge of the court? Son of heaven! The anti-imperial court just can't get along with God. At this time, even if Zheng Jiang has 10,000 mouths, there is no way to refute it.
