Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 27 is also a scoundrel

Pan Feng and Tian Feng, the lord of Yongcheng, are leisurely drinking tea and playing chess. Xiao Zhen Mi stood beside Pan Feng and poured tea for them. At the same time, he also worked as a part-time masseuse and pinched Pan Feng's shoulder from time to time.

Zhen Mi's delicate little hand pinched on his shoulder. That's cool! Pan Feng's face was full of intoxication and leisurely.

"The lord fainted. Let me eat your car." Tian Feng brushed his beard and smiled, "Beauty is on the side. The master is dizzy. How dare he put the car on my horse's feet."

Just two steps at the beginning, a car was eaten, which was a big disadvantage. Pan Feng couldn't be willing to do it, "No, no, I didn't see it." He quickly said that since Wei Yan killed Zhang Lu's three generals, he didn't know why Zhang Lu did not attack the city, but slowly retreated. They confronted each other outside the city for a few days, and did not withdraw or attack the city.

Pan Feng played chess with Tian Feng when he had nothing to do. This chess was handed over by Pan Feng to Tian Feng, but he won two games except when he first met Tian Feng. After that, when he was against Tian Feng, Pan Feng never won. It was a good thing that the blue was better than the blue. However, Tian Feng, an apprentice, learned too fast. Just a day later, Pan Feng was killed by him. How could Pan Feng, as a master, be willing?

"Cluck." The little girl Zhen Mi smiled. Pan Feng was very kind to her. Recently, he has also been much more presumptuous. Brother, you play tricks again, but I don't think you can beat Tian Junshi even if you play tricks.

This statement hurt the self-esteem of Pan Feng, a master. Suddenly, he became angry and turned around and stared at Zhen Mi and said, "What does the little girl know?" Your eldest brother is showing his weakness to the enemy. Look how I can beat him later and rub his shoulders at ease.

Xiao Zhen Mi, who was reprimanded by his eldest brother, made a face behind Pan Feng and looked dissatisfied. The little hand also clenched into a fist, and the vicious Pan Feng made a few strokes behind him. It seems that the little girl is unwilling, but she only dares to compare, and in the end, she obediently rubbed Pan Feng's shoulders.

Even Tian Feng, a man who is naturally allergic to women, couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth when he saw the cute appearance of Xiao Zhen Mi behind him.

As soon as Tian Feng smiled and said nothing, Pan Feng was immediately surprised and asked doubtfully, "Yuan Hao, even if you eat my car, you don't have to be so complacent. Besides, I said it doesn't matter. Get it back quickly."

"Oil, okay, I'll let you." Tian Feng shook his head with a smile and made Pan Feng regret this move.

"General, lord, you can't regret chess this time." Tian Feng brushed his beard and said.

Pan Feng carefully looked at the chessboard. It was really dead and there was no way to live, but how could he say that his master would admit defeat to his apprentice again.

"There is someone on the roof!" Pan Feng suddenly exclaimed.

However, Tian Feng did not look up and grabbed Pan Feng's hand that wanted to mess up the chessboard.

"Lord! Next time I change my move, this move is useless to me.

Pan Feng's face suddenly turned red when he was captured.

"Yes, yes! This trick has been used many times! Now even I can't be fooled. How can I deceive Tian Junshi? Zhen Mi smiled coquettly. Maybe he laughed too much. The waves on his chest shook someone's eyes, but when he looked at someone's eyes staring at her turbulently, Xiao Zhen Mi's shame and anger soon prevailed.

As soon as Zhen Mi turned around and ignored herself, Pan Feng's eyes turned, and a shirking attention came to her heart.

"I told you that if you lose this game of chess, I will blame you. You know, if you hadn't pressed it so comfortably and distracted the eldest brother, how could I not have won Tian Junshi? At this time, Pan Feng, who is not good at it, has begun to shirk responsibility shamelessly.

Little Zhen Mi pouted her little mouth and looked dissatisfied.

"Shame, shame, the eldest brother is really shameless. Next time I give it to Tian Junshi, and see if the military division can beat you.

"Well..." Tian Feng thought of playing chess next time, Zhen Mi massaged himself and rubbed his bones crisp. Then the master gritted his teeth and looked at himself with hatred. While playing chess with himself, he had quietly pulled out his sword under the table. This scene was so horrible that he shuddered. Well, well, just press it for me. I, I can't stand it."

Then I'm about to run.

Looking at Tian Feng's 'human with his tail', Pan Feng is happy in her heart.

"Ok, Yuan Hao, I'm not such an enlightened person. Even if my little sister gives you a massage, I won't be jealous. Don't go yet. I have something to discuss with you. Zhen Mi, you go down first!"

"Yes." Zhen Mi gave a blessing and turned around and left. She knew that when there was a business to discuss, it was not her naughty time, otherwise she would definitely be annoyed by the eldest brother.

As soon as Pan Feng left Zhen Mi, Tian Feng knew that the lord must have something to discuss with him. He immediately put away the smile on his face and immediately became serious. Breathing, he became the top counselor who was far-reaching and calm.

"Yuan Hao, I have something I don't understand. Please teach me." Pan Feng said politely.

"Lord, please tell me that they are all family members. Why are you so polite?" Tian Feng brushed his beard and said that he should make peace.

"Zhang Lu was defeated three days ago, and the three generals were killed by Wei Yan. If it were me, I would definitely be furious. The army must have swept the mediocre city. But now I wonder why Zhang Lu hasn't seen anything for three days. Does he have any conspiracy? Pan Feng said suspiciously.

Tian Feng nodded, and his expression became solemn, as if he was meditating on something.

"Now I can't judge Zhang Lu's intention, but the master doesn't need to be more careful. As long as we respond to all changes, it is enough. Anyway, if it drags down, it will only be beneficial to us. Now we have 100 days to store grain and stick to it, which is good for us.

"This is not the case!" Pan Feng shook his head and sighed. Tian Feng's words did not reassure him, but was more worried. When fighting, as the commander, he was afraid that he could not keep up with the enemy. As a modern person, Pan Feng watched the TV series "Bright Sword". In the first episode, Captain Sakata, who was strong, could not judge Li Yunlong's intention. Later, Li Yunlong's new regiment was killed.

Now he is also afraid of Zhang Lu's coming! I'm afraid that when he finds out his intention, it will be the time of his death!

"Yuan Hao, you are thinking about why Zhang Lu didn't move. I'll go out for a walk."

He was in a chaotic mood and walked out of the city owner's mansion worriedly.

At this time, it was not early. When the sunset came back, the sun was like blood, and the last piece of gorgeousness was outlined in the sky. Unconsciously, Pan Feng came to the wall, and the soldiers were eating. With a big pot, there are dishes and meat cooked in it, and the aroma of the big pot is overflowing. Many soldiers put down their weapons and gathered in groups to chat.

Originally, in the Han Dynasty, according to the customs here, only two meals a day were eaten. One is breakfast and the other is dinner. Breakfast is usually after nine o'clock and dinner is around 4 p.m. Then ordinary farmers go to bed after six o'clock, and there is no colorful nightlife at all.

Even in Yongcheng, once it arrives after eight o'clock, it is basically dark and the night is scary. However, the modern diet habit is three meals a day, which naturally has his reason, and some popular science articles have also written about the benefits of three meals, which Pan Feng saw in the office when she was bored, so Pan Feng ordered the soldiers to eat three meals a day.

Although this has led to a waste of food in Tian Feng's eyes, fortunately, there is enough food now, and he is not afraid to add this meal.

Many soldiers saw Pan Feng coming to the wall and stood up to pay tribute to him. In this era, the concept of superiority and inferiority is a hundred times what it is now. When these soldiers saw the general inspecting the wall, they all felt a light on their faces.

"You eat, you eat, you don't have to be polite." Pan Feng smiled and waved to everyone.

The general issued an order, and these soldiers dared not disove and ate them one by one from the pot. However, everyone has a characteristic. They are very savageous, and the soldiers want to make a good impression in front of the general.

Looking at the simple and honest appearance of these soldiers, Pan Feng couldn't help but feel funny, "They are all rough, but now they all pretend to be civilized people." But looking at them, they really pretend to be like that. In this era, reading is the power of the families. Few people in poor families can read books. To be precise, they can't afford to read books. At this time, the price of a book is ridiculously high, and only in some families can there be some collections of books. Therefore, these soldiers are all rude, and basically they can't even write their own names.

However, although these people are vulgar, they are very simple and honest. As long as anyone is good to them, they are even willing to repay you with ten times, a hundred times, or even their lives.

"Don't be restrained when you see me. I treat you as brothers." Pan Feng said with a smile, "Do you remember the wolf theory I told you?"

"Remember." The answer below is very loud, mixed with a lot of noise, such as 'I know' and so on, but that's all.

"Since I remember how to eat like a woman, is it like a wolf?" Dogs travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and wolves travel thousands of miles to eat shit. Remember, if you want to scare the enemy and make them scared on the battlefield, you have to cultivate them from the details of life. I order you to eat like a wolf now.

However, what Pan Feng did not expect was that the people of this era were too 'simple'. After his order, many soldiers really poured their meals on the ground, really like 'wolves', holding their limbs to the ground to eat. This was also something that he didn't expect, and he didn't even know whether to laugh or cry.

"The wolf I'm talking about is that you usually have this kind of momentum and don't procrastinately. It doesn't really make you look like a beast, understand?" Pan Feng, who was helpless, could only explain.

In this way, many soldiers suddenly realized.

When they were eating, Pan Feng chatted with several soldiers, in which Jizhou veterans had the experience of talking with the general, but they were not shocked. However, those new soldiers are very novel and feel that their generals are very different.

"I think you were discussing in groups just now?" Pan Feng smiled and asked several soldiers.

A bolder soldier replied, "General, we feel that this year's Yudai River is very strange."

"Oh! Strange? Tell me more about it." Pan Feng asked.

"The moat outside our city is the water drawn from the Yudai River. At this time, there are some traces of drying up, as if the dry season is coming. January to March every year is the dry season. Just November this year, the water level of the moat continues to drop, and this boy feels very strange. I'm a local and I've never encountered this before.
