Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 33 Collect Pang Tong

Pang Tong himself is a madman, and his good impression of Pan Feng was completely gone in this angry questioning.

He picked up the wine jar and took a big sip. Then he looked directly at Pan Feng and said without any respect, "I know that this plan killed General Liu Hu. What, if you want to kill or kill, I, Pang Tong, will come to the door and listen to your convenience.

Pan Feng knew that he had lost his temper, and from Pang Tong's tone, he knew that Pang Tong was also angry. But he did not regret that if Liu Hu could come back to life, he would rather not accept this Pang Tong.

"Shiyuan, I'm sorry. I took Liu Hu as my eldest brother, and my mood was a little out of control. Pan Feng also apologized to Pang Tong: "If Shiyuan doesn't think my temple is small, I want to invite Shiyuan to fight the world with me."

After Pan Feng apologized, Pang Tong's mood had calmed down. He originally thought that Pan Feng and his brothers belonged to the emperor's mind and the means of imperial control. I didn't expect to have such a deep feeling. Thinking about him, I want to try Pan Feng. Let's see how big it is.

"Does General Pan think it is possible to save a heart that has been hurt by you if you want to rely on a period of apology?" Pang Tong said in a slightly sarcastic tone, and his eyes seemed to be smiling. If General Pan still doesn't want to kill for the time being, please allow me to say goodbye.

When Pang Tong said this, Pan Feng really had a murderous heart.

"It's better for me to betray the world than for the world to betray me." This is Cao's principle of being a man. In fact, Pan Feng also agrees with this sentence very much. This Pang Tong has a great talent, or he can't have the name of Fengchiu. If he throws into the hostile camp, it is really a threat to himself.

Once people have a murderous intention, it is easy for their eyes to betray their inner thoughts, although it is only a short moment. But the murderous intention in Pan Feng's eyes was still captured by Pang Tong. However, next, this murderous atmosphere suddenly disappeared, and Pan Feng's eyes suddenly became deep, as if there was some conspiracy hidden. There was also a faint smile on his face, which stunned Pang Tong.

That murderous gas turned into invisible, not how generous Pan Feng is, and the principle of life has changed. It's just that he suddenly remembered the story of Liu Bei receiving Pang Tong.

At the beginning, Pang Tong, under the disguised name Long Wu, came to Jingzhou to join Liu Bei. However, Liu Bei looked at his ugly appearance, so he despised him. Sending him to a small county as a county magistrate also aroused Pang Tong's fragile self-esteem. Since he came to the county to take office, he, a small county magistrate, has not been to court for 100 days.

After Liu Bei learned about it, he sent Zhang Fei to inspect the situation. Unexpectedly, Pang Tong finished dealing with 100 days in the county in just half a day. He was exclaimed as a "talent" by Zhang Fei.

After Liu Bei received the news of Zhang Fei, he regretted and hated judging people by their appearance. In the end, he came in person and drank and gave horses for Pang Tong, which moved Pang Tong. Finally, Pang Tong was accepted. I remember that Pang Tong also said to Liu Bei, "Do you think such a small pot of wine can buy a heart that has been hurt by you?"

How similar this situation is today? Why don't you follow Liu Bei's example? Pan Feng was not angry at this thought.

"Come on, bring my sweaty BMW." Pan Feng said with a laugh.

Pang Tong was stunned. He didn't understand what Pan Feng meant? Just now, he was obviously murderous, and now he wants to lead the horse here. Do you want to let yourself go?

The sweaty BMW's whole body is jujube red, and the sweat on its body is blood-red. You can run thousands of miles a day. You know that the creature Xiangma can't travel 24 hours a day. Generally, it is only six hours and twelve hours a day. If this is changed to a speed, it will definitely be comparable to some current sports cars. This is still a long-lasting speed. If it breaks out faster, even many sports cars now can only sigh.

Pan Feng patted the horse's head, and BMW also rubbed on Pan Feng's hand affectionately.

"Shiyuan, this BMW was originally Huaxiong's mount, but later Huaxiong was killed by me and fell into my hands. He made a lot of achievements in my southern and northern battles, and I will give him to you today. BMW gave heroes, and today he also found his real owner.

"Are you going to let me go? Why don't you give me a horse?" Pang Tong's eyes flashed and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Listening to Pang Tong's slightly questioning tone, coupled with his flickering eyes. Pan Feng understood a little. He must have seen that he had a murderous intention just now. Both Kong Ming and Pang Tong are extremely smart people, good at speculating in people's hearts in a few words and every move. It's better to say some things clearly, and I dare not say frankly that it will always leave a shadow in the hearts of these smart people.

"Shiyuan, don't hesitate. I really love talent and want you to work for me. Pan Feng smiled faintly and said, "But I respect talents more. Pang Shiyuan has the talent to establish the country. Even if I can't keep you, I hope Shiyuan will find a wise lord to help him unify the world and return the world to the people of the world. You should remember one sentence, Xing, the people suffer. Death, the people suffer."

Pang Tong looked at Pan Feng with a more and more complicated look. He did not expect Pan Feng to be such a worried person about the country and the people. The arrogance on his face was gone. He bowed his hand and said, "Shiyuan remember it." Then the figure slowly walked towards the sweaty BMW.

This can't help but make Pan Feng a little disappointed. If Pang Tong really doesn't defect to himself, Pan Feng will definitely not let him get out of the city alive. But he still has a little expectation in his heart, hoping that Pang Tong can change his mind.

Tian Feng also seemed to understand Pan Feng's mind. After Pan Feng sighed, Tian Feng had quietly pulled out his sword and thought, "Since the lord can't do it, I, the minister, will complete it."

"Lord, this man is talented, not as good as us..."

Pan Feng reached out to stop Tian Feng, who drew his sword, and shook his head.

"Stay calm."

These are the four words he whispered to Tian Feng.

Pang Tong secretly saw everything clearly. Tian Feng wanted to kill him, but Pan Feng stopped him. What a big heart it has to be.

Seeing the horse's head turn around, Pang Tong began to slowly drive back. Pan Feng was immediately happy when she saw it. Liu Bei's move was quite useful! In a plagiarism of the benevolent and righteous uncle, Pan Feng is still a little shy in her heart!

Tian Feng also looked at this scene with a complicated look and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "The master's grasp of 'human nature', hey, I'm afraid it's difficult for me all my life!"

"Shiyuan, why are you back?" Pan Feng asked knowingly.

Pan Feng asked, Pang Tong was a little embarrassed and couldn't get off the stage.

"The old horse lover came back unconsciously."

"Is that all?" Pan Feng asked with a smile.

"Lord, that's all. What else do you want to know?" Pang Tong also laughed.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, Pan Feng still couldn't help but be excited.

"Shi Yuan, what do you call me? Can you say it again?"

Pang Tong arched his hand and said, "Lord, I hope you don't be surprised if you have offended me a little bit."

"Hahahaha, hahahaha." Pan Feng suddenly laughed, and the laughter resounded through the world and went straight to the sky. With the help of Shiyuan, why don't you worry that you can't destroy Zhang Lu?

Pang Tong smiled and arched his hand and said, "Lord, God gives you talent, and the great cause will be achieved. Unify the world and shock all over the world. Advance to the 9th Five-Year Plan and carry the Dingzhou.


After receiving Pang Tong, Pan Feng appointed him as his deputy military division, in charge of the civil affairs and people's livelihood in the two counties of Miancheng, and also led 2,000 soldiers and horses of that generation. In Pan Feng's camp, he is the third person under Pan Feng and Tian Feng. Zhang Baiqi led 1,000 troops to guard Yangping Pass, and Tian Feng led 1,000 troops to manage the military, government and people's livelihood in the three counties of Yongcheng. Wei Yan trained 2,000 soldiers outside the city.

The No. 1 person in Hanzhong, who is the lord, the governor of Hanzhong, the unparalleled general and countless other glorious military ranks. He hasn't been idle for nearly a month. He has done a particularly great thing - Tuntian.

When this word was first proposed, Tian Feng and Pang Tong couldn't help but understand it. Knowing that Pan Feng gradually said the hazy ideas in his own mind, the two understood this new word.

However, the two thought about it and praised Pan Feng Gaoming.

Looking at the two admiring one after another, Pan Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed, but what made Pan Feng sigh was that it was really a good thing to have a powerful subordinate. Originally, he only saw some of this Tuntian in history books, which were vaguely introduced to Cao Cao's Tuntian system, and he was very clear about the specific implementation.

However, after listening to Pan Feng's idea, these two came up with the implementation plan on the spot. Pan Feng's strong ability to work can't help but marvel.

"Lord, this plan is good. Let the army cultivate and fight in wartime." Tian Feng laughed and said, "But I think three days of training a month is too little, which makes it easy for soldiers to be unfamiliar with bows and horses. It damages the military's combat effectiveness.

"How long does the military division suggest that we train in a month?" Pan Feng asked.

"At least 15 days should be guaranteed." Tian Feng said firmly.

Pan Feng thought about it and was still a little embarrassed. Cao Cao divided the army into several levels. Except for a few elite legions, the rest of the troops are only named, mainly Tuntian. Usually, I can't train for a few days. It is not much different from the militia.

However, at this time, Pan Feng did not have enough soldiers and horses, with a total of more than 8,000 soldiers and horses, most of whom were newly recruited soldiers. There is a lack of training. If the training can't help it, it will be difficult for them to exert their corresponding combat strength in the war.

"In today's world, only Ma Bing is a symbol of strength. No matter how well the management is, if there is no strong army, sooner or later it will be the mouth of others." Tian Feng said, "The lord watches Liu Biao in Jingzhou, sits in Jingzhou, thousands of miles of fertile field, and does not close the house at night, and does not pick up the road. But he did not respond to the strong military power. Although there were 100,000 troops, the combat power was low. If you don't want to make progress, sooner or later, it will be someone else's mouth.

Pan Feng sighed. It seemed that there was nothing perfect and could only give up part of the interests.

At this time, Pang Tong, who had been silent for a long time, said, "Lord, there is a strategy that can solve the concerns of Lord Tian and ensure the effectiveness of Tuntian."

"Shiyuan, but it's okay to say it." Pan Feng was overjoyed.

"The lord can train the army separately." Pang Tong said.

"Training separately?" Pan Feng is a little suspicious. Can Shi Yuan be more detailed?

However, Tian Feng's eyes flashed a light, as if he understood something.

"If the lord trains a thousand troops, but opens up a field of 500 people." Pang Tong paused and continued, "500 people are farming, and another 500 people are training. Wait until the second half of the month.

"Wonderful, wonderful. Lord, Shiyuan's plan is feasible. Tian Feng laughed. He was not angry or jealous at all because Pang Tong thought better than him. This is also the value of Tian Feng.

The two counselors under his command are in favor, and Pan Feng will naturally not oppose it.

"Okay, that's it."