Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 51 Sneak into Mei Wu

According to the information provided by the old man, Pan Feng basically confirmed that Diao Chan was in Mei Wu. After removing Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun disliked Diao Chan and ruined his reputation. Diao Chan was not allowed to live in Wang's house, and Lv Bu wanted to marry Diao Chan, but it was not good to live at home without going through the door. Although Lv Bu looks like a bold man, he also cares about his reputation.

Therefore, as soon as he and Wang Yun discussed, they let Diao Chan live in Mei Wu first. It happened that Dong Zhuo died, and Mei Wu was also empty. When the disaster of Li Wei and Guo Yan was settled, he was marrying Diao Chan.

Pan Fenggui's heart is like an arrow! After being separated from Diao Chan for so long, I can finally see the cicada again. The excitement was simply beyond words. After striding to Mei Wu, Pan Feng became in trouble.

He walked around Mei Wu, and there were a few Xiliang army handles at the front door and back door. Moreover, Mei Wu's wall is tall, and it is even more difficult to climb into the wall than to climb into the sky. Although there are few Xiliang troops, if they are shocked, Pan Feng believes that without a cup of tea, there will be a large number of follow-up Xiliang Legions surrounding Mei Wu.

"What should I do?" The two eyebrows were almost twisted into numbness after wandering around for a long time. Is this how the tiredness of running all the way burned? After sighing, he secretly made up his mind that if it didn't work, he had to break through.

But there is no way out, just as he was about to go back to get his sword. He found two families in rough clothes coming out at the door of Mei Wu. Everyone is carrying a large wooden bucket in their hands. Pan Feng followed them all the time. When they waited in a remote alley not far from Mei Wu, they covered their noses and put the barrel on a carriage.

Pan Feng looked at it and quickly greeted him. As soon as I walked in, a pungent smell came. However, Pan Feng couldn't take care of this, so he said hello to the two.

"Hey, two guys."

The two people who were tired and panting beside the carriage just wanted to chat and fart, but they didn't expect that someone suddenly appeared. However, after a look at Pan Feng, she was dressed in ordinary clothes, and she was probably a civilian. The two looked at each other, but they were not afraid.

As the saying goes: "Seven officials in front of the prime minister." What's more, they are still servants of the imperial master!

"Who are you?" The slightly thin family asked.

Pan Feng showed a flattering smile and came up.

"Two brothers, I'm a grassy man in Chang'an City. Did you see that you two came out from Mei Wu just now?

Usually in the royal palace or Mei Wu, they are all at the bottom, being bullied and beaten and scolded. When someone spoke to them so politely, they suddenly felt that their vanity was satisfied. The slightly fat servant proudly straightened his chest and said, "Yes, we are from the Taishi Mansion."

It seems that there is infinite glory in the Taishi Mansion. Why don't you say anything about it in the Taishi Mansion? However, Pan Feng did not break it. Let the two of them entertain themselves and anesthetize themselves. Anyway, he just needs to achieve his goal.

"It turns out that the two brothers are from the Taishi Mansion!" Pan Feng suddenly exclaimed, as if he was extremely envious. This acting is really excellent. In modern times, it is really a loss that Pan Feng did not apply for film and television colleges. If you mix in the entertainment industry, you may be able to get an Oscar for Best Actor!

While talking, Pan Feng took out 20 yuan from his pocket and stuffed ten yuan into each person's hand.

"The first meeting is a gift for you two. Not respectful."

When they saw that they had money to take it, the two immediately smiled. I hurriedly stuffed the money into my pocket. Looking at their happy appearance, Pan Feng asked tentatively, "You two, I want to go to Mei Wu to have a look. I don't know if the two guys can help!"

"The mouth is short, and the hands are short." If he hadn't taken the ten money, Pan Feng would have made this request without thinking about it, and the two immediately refused. But now it doesn't work. The two want to refuse, but they can't stand face.

The slightly fat family said with an embarrassed face, "You don't know that Mei Wu lives in General Lu's concubine who is about to cross the door, so she usually investigates the people who enter the mansion very strictly. I don't know why you risked entering Mei Wu at this time!"

Pan Feng was secretly happy. It seemed that Diao Chan was right in Mei Wu. But he smiled bitterly on his face, "Brother, you don't know anything! I came to Chang'an with my father's business. After finishing this business, I will return to Jingnan. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to come to Chang'an in the future. Pan Feng casually took out ten yuan, handed it to the two and said, "I heard that Mei Wu is magnificent and a paradise on earth. I want to see it and open my eyes. These are just meeting gifts. If I successfully enter Mei Wu for a tour, I will definitely thank you when I come out.

These words couldn't help but move the two of them. They are a small family, a parable and a slave. If you really help Pan Feng this time, you can get a lot of remuneration, not to mention the after-the-after reward, each person's 15 money alone can make the two of them live a very comfortable life for a period of time.

The slightly fat domestic slave's eyes dripped, and he pulled the thin man and didn't know what he was discussing. After a while, the fat man said, "After that, Awang will take you in. I think you are quite fat. I'll take off my clothes and give them to you."

"I'm fat?" Pan Feng's face is full of black lines. Touch the chest, abdomen, and solid muscles. Pan Feng is really speechless. She is obviously strong, right?

Although it is the same clothes, they are all family clothes, but Pan Feng still looks different in it. Led by a family named Awang, the two slowly walked to the door. The doorman looked at Pan Feng behind him and reached out to stop him on the spot.

"Who are you?" Xi Liangbing stared at Pan Feng at the door and asked. At the same time, another person also turned his inquiring eyes to 'Awang'. Pan Feng was extremely nervous. She clenched her fist tightly, and her joints were slightly white.

"Why are the two military masters so nervous!" Awang quickly called Pan Feng to relieve the siege for fear that he would show his feet. This is the nephew of the old horse of the dung truck. The dog has diarrhea and diarrhea. I'll just catch a strong man and help me carry the feces later.

Hearing that it was manure, the two Xiliang soldiers quickly stepped back a few steps and fanned their noses with disgust. One person said impatiently, "Take it in quickly and let him come out quickly after lifting the dung. If you are shocked, Madam, be careful that the general will take your head to plead guilty.

"Yes." The dog nodded and bowed, and then quickly pulled Pan Feng in.

Mei Wu's layout is staggered, and the bricks and tiles of the house are magnificent. It is indeed the most luxurious and luxurious building complex that Pan Feng has seen since she traveled through time. In terms of architectural characteristics, it is somewhat similar to the Forbidden City in Beijing, or it can be said that it belongs to the condensed version of the Forbidden City.

However, what surprised Pan Feng was such a large manor. At a glance, it was empty.

"Why is there no one in this Mei Wu? Is there no one to take care of such a big garden? Pan Feng asked suspiciously.

Awang smiled with a proud expression, as if Mei Wu was from their family.

"You don't know that! When Dong Zhuo lived in Mei Wu, there were a lot of people here. However, after Dong Zhuo was killed by my master, the original slaves in it were dismissed. There are few people in this garden now. Although I'm a family man now, I live casually with this big Mei Wu. Living that life can't be compared with ordinary masters. He boasted proudly, but did not find that Pan Feng beside him had murdered under his smile.

"Oh! Then I really envy my brother. Where is Miss Diao Chan? I'd like to see the beautiful woman in this rumor.

Awang heard this and quickly pulled Pan Feng to the corner of the wall.

"You don't want to live anymore. Let me tell you, you can turn around the whole Mei Wu. But don't go when you get Fengyi Pavilion. It's a crime to offend your wife. While speaking, he also pretended to scratch his neck. Do you know the crime of killing the head? Don't go."

Pan Feng's smile gradually became cold, and the murder in her eyes was not concealed.

"What right does Lv Bu have to touch my cicada? You don't have to worry about being killed. You can't see the moon tonight. As soon as the words fell, Pan Feng covered Awang's mouth with his left hand, causing a dagger to slide out of the cuffs. Pan Feng clenched the dagger and pierced Awang's abdominal cavity.

"Wow." Awang, who was covered with his mouth, didn't know what to say. The tingling touched his nerves, and he struggled desperately. Pan Feng saw that the blow was not fatal. He pressed him in the corner and pulled seven or eight knives crazily. A lot of warm blood splashed on his body. After a long time, Awang's struggle became weaker and weaker. In the end, Pan Feng let go of his body.

Looking at the body that fell to the ground, Pan Feng looked complicated. Looking at his body, Pan Feng muttered to herself, "Don't blame me, why I have no choice. Rest in peace!"

Looking at the no one around, Pan Feng dragged the body into the flower bed beside him, made some soil, and briefly covered the body. At the same time, he dug some soil and raised it on the wall to cover most of the blood stains. If you don't go in and observe carefully, you won't see any flaws.

After visualizing that there were no obvious flaws, Pan Feng began to move forward to Fengyi Pavilion. At this time, every minute and every second was very precious to Pan Feng, and now he needs to seize the time. I don't know when the dead body in the flower bed will be found. If it causes the guard of the Xiliang army, it will be difficult to take away Diao Chan.

However, it is not easy to find Fengyi Pavilion in this huge manor. After turning around several times, Pan Feng's head was dizzy, but she didn't even see the corner of Fengyi Pavilion. I can't help but worry. Just when he was upset, suddenly there was a melodious sound of a piano in the garden.

Then there was a long sigh in the piano music: "Brother Pan, where are you?"

The crisp and pleasant voice like the song of a lark. Pan Feng was as excited as chicken blood. He could hear that it was the sound of cicadas that often appeared in his dreams day and night.