Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 96 Chenggu Defense

The city is full of corpses like mountains, with thousands of holes. From this side alone, we can see the intensity of the war just now. At this time, the moat was completely filled with dead bodies, and the water overflowing from the river was bright red. It is particularly flimsy under the light of the sun.

In the Sichuan and Shu army, a flag with the word "strict" written on a black background was flying in the air. A man with black armor and holding a long knife looked solemn. He was the soul of this Sichuan and Shu army, the commander of the three armies, Yan Yan.

Not only did Yan look solemn, but the faces of more than a dozen generals behind him were particularly ugly. I'm afraid that Yan Yan is not still so calm. They would have ordered the withdrawal of the army long ago. There are many banners, and the armor emits cold light. Sharp weapons and exquisite armor seem to indicate that this is an elite army in front of us.

They are not only the elite, but also the elite among the elite. This time, Liu Zhang's head was hot and sent the most elite 3,000 tigers in Sichuan and Shu to Yan Yan. But at this time, many soldiers in this elite army looked at the tragic situation in the city, and their hands holding weapons even trembled slightly.

At this time, the crusade against Zhang Lu was a triumphant song all the way, and the good news spread frequently. Along the way, Yan Yan's army basically did not encounter any decent resistance. However, under Chenggu, it has been attacking for more than half a month in a row, and the city is still as stable as Mount Tai. There has never been a time for the Sichuan and Shu army to successfully mount the city wall. Yan Yan, a fierce tiger, was completely enraged. He personally supervised the battle and let the soldiers work hard, but every time he left it, there were corpses everywhere.

Cheng Gu seems to have always been a hedgehog. Even if the tiger Yan Yan is fierce, he is stabbed all over his body. He has a brute force and can't be used.

General, this is the third siege today. Hu Ben's camp has almost lost more than half of it. If the Hu Ben camp is all, the lord will not be angry. Yan Yan's side would dissuade him.

Looking at the sun that the sky had moved slightly to the west, Yan Yan knew that it was after noon. Looking at Chenggu, who has not been successful for a long time, his eyes were a little helpless. As a general, he admired the general who guarded the city on the fixed wall. A few times, the Sichuan and Shu army almost attacked the head of the city, but it was the general. In the city wall, he urged the soldiers, brave the rain-like arrows, roaring through the boulder, and calmly supervised the battle at the head of the city.

His calmness, his calmness, his wisdom. Like a sea needle, Zhang Lu's army, which was in a panic, calmed down again and launched rounds of effective counterattacks, forcing the Sichuan and Shu army from the city again and again.

"We must take the city and our army. How can we not pull it out to curb our army's food here?" Looking at the city solid that has not been successful for a long time, Yan Yan's voice has improved several tones.

"But the general, the Hu Ben camp has defeated the master, my lord." Looking at Yan's sharp eyes turning to himself, the general suddenly felt cold and did not dare to say anything more.

Even if this so-called elite Hu Ben camp, Yan is not satisfied. One of the main reasons why he can't attack the city is that the army of Sichuan and Shu is not strong. It gave the city's defenders an opportunity to take advantage of it. Years of comfortable life have worn away the fighting spirit of the Sichuan and Shu army, and the army is full of some well-ganced young masters and soldiers. Originally, when they first arrived at Chenggu, the defenders of Chenggu were not well prepared. At this time, they had the best chance to take the city in one fell swoop.

However, when the archer shot the arrow in the first round of the siege, Yan Yan was shocked. A round of arrow rain hit down, and Zhang Lujun at the head of the city was unharmed, not even one injured. Is Wudou Mi Dao still ordinary in the rumors? With the spell, can't knives and guns get in?

On the contrary, the Sichuan and Shu army suffered heavy losses under a round of counterattack by Zhang Lu's army.

After withdrawing from the army, Yan Yan still did not believe in this evil. He carefully checked the arrow of the bow hand and felt particularly light in his hand. After swinging the knife to split the crossbow, he found that the inside of the crossbow was all hollow. This kind of arrow is light, just like a paper-folded plane that is not as lethal, and a gust of wind can blow away.

It turned out that for many years, the Sichuan and Shu army had neglected to train, and the arm strength of the crossbowman even reached the bottom of the full moon bow. Many soldiers secretly tamped with bows and arrows in order to cope with the training and inspection of their superiors. This kind of hollow arrow can shoot far away without much strength. This self-deception method has indeed dealt with a large number of supervisors who regularly come to the army to inspect the results of training, but on the battlefield, how can this kind of harmless arrow shoot people to death?

Even the elite tiger camp can only be said to be a little better than those young master soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is not even as good as the ordinary army in Yan's heart.

One drum and then decline again, and three are exhausted. Looking at the soldiers behind him who were already trembling, Yan Yan shook her head helplessly, sighed deeply, and said in her heart, "How can such an army go to the battlefield?"

"Withdraw the army." Yan Yan gave the order.

Hearing these two words, the soldiers behind them cheered and looked happy, as if they had been looking forward to this moment for a long time. It seems that it can survive to the moment of retreat, just like a big victory.

Entering the drum and withdrawing Mingjin is the unchanging rule on the battlefield. Hearing the sound of gold, the Sichuan army withdrew faster than rabbits, as if they were afraid that Yan would regret it. The defenders on the city wall also breathed a sigh of relief. Unlike the Sichuan and Shu army, they have a large number of people and can rest in turn when attacking the city. All the members who participated in the war are now physically and mentally exhausted, and the hard battle for half a month has depended on a belief.

As soon as Pound heard the sound of gold, he suddenly sat on the ground. The day's supervision had made him physically and mentally exhausted. There are 20,000 Sichuan troops outside the city, while there are only 3,000 defenders in the city. After half a month of fierce fighting, more than half of the defenders in the city have been lost, and more than 1,000 have been reduced. Zhang Lu gave him a death order to defend the city.

In order to stimulate morale and prevent the army from mutiny, Pound is always on the front line, taking the lead in boosting morale with his own actions.

"General, let's withdraw! Chenggu can't stand it anymore. We can't take our own lives in vain. Yang Ping's look was full of fear.

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw? Chenggu is the last strong city to contain the Sichuan and Shu army. Once the city is broken, the enemy's grain road is opened. At that time, how long can we stick to Hanzhong? Pound looked at the cold body outside and couldn't help looking sad. He thought that he might be one of them soon. He knows the situation in Hanzhong better than anyone else. Yang Ping has repeatedly requested reinforcements, but he has not received a reply.

fought with Pan Feng several times, and the elite of Hanzhong was lost. At this time, there were no reinforcements. Even the family in Hanzhong City has long lost confidence in Zhang Lu, and it has happened several times*. If Zhang Lu hadn't relied on the name of the heavenly master and the prestige in the hearts of the people, I'm afraid that Hanzhong City would have been in a mess.

"Let's do this!" Pound sighed and said, "Everyone has their own aspirations, and I don't force everyone to guard the city with me." Pang Tong slowly walked to a 'high platform' and said that it was a high platform. In fact, it was a huge stone, which was a stone bullet when the Sichuan and Shu army attacked the city a few days ago.

"Brothers, you have been guarding the city with me for more than half a month. I am the commander-in-chief of the army and also your brothers. To tell you the truth, Zhang Lutaishou in Hanzhong has not sent reinforcements, and everything in Chenggu can only rely on ourselves. There are tens of thousands of Sichuan and Shu troops outside the city, but we are only 3,000. I don't know how long I can stay. Now, as long as there are brothers who want to leave, I will never stop them.

"Swear to pursue the general to the death."

"Swear to pursue the general to the death."


The soldiers below shouted one after another, and many people looked excited. Soldiers enlisted in Hanzhong will more or less be influenced by the five-dou rice road. In the doctrine of Wudou rice road, the dead who fought for the heavenly master can ascend to heaven. Many soldiers even regard this as a shortcut to ascend to heaven, so the spirit of not being afraid of death on the battlefield can indeed burst out with great potential. The enemy who fought with him was already scared before he could face it.

Yang Ping secretly scolded him for being shameless. In this case, can he still say back? Even if Pound fulfills his promise and let himself go, it must be a discredited. How can he lead the troops and generals in the future? In desperation, he deserved to hold his fist and say, "General Gao Yi, I worship you." Although his heart hates to death, he still has to show an open mind to be taught.

"But you're right. We can't be so desperate. It's time to have some tricks." Pound muttered to himself, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and the two big words "retreat" broke into his mind...

Tian Feng has been a little depressed recently, and he doesn't know what's wrong with the master. He is always nervous, and what's more wrong is that the master has become diligent. I always hold a book in my hand, and the book is in my hand. But when he asked himself what kind of book it was, he dodged.

In order to understand his doubts, Tian Feng felt that he would play the role of Jiang Yang Thief tonight. At this time, he was already wearing a night coat and sneaked into the study in the dark. Although this is against etiquette and obviously disrespectful to the Lord, Tian Feng has been comforting himself in his heart. Maybe the Lord is confused! Everything I do is for my lord.

He kept anesthetising himself with this sentence and boldly came to the study of the city master's mansion. Touching the book on the desk, it was still slightly warm. It seemed that the lord had just put it down. Moonlight is too an, and the words in the writing can't be seen clearly, but this aroused Tian Feng's curiosity even more. What kind of book is this?

Pan Feng rushed to the cicada's room happily at this time and learned several new postures today. Now he can't wait to find cicada to have a try.

Opening the page of the book, Tian Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"It's time for my lord to educate again. Is it good to talk about the Analects of Confucius? Or should I tell the Lord about "Spring and Autumn"?