Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 98 Unpremeable

"Lord, the so-called ancient sage, always reflects on the inappropriateness of his words and deeds. The so-called Confucius once said..."

" Stop, stop." Pan Feng quickly stopped Tian Feng, who was about to shake his head and talk at a long time. "I said, military master, if Confucius comes back to life, do you know what the first sentence you will say when you see it is?"

The literary ministers and generals who came to 'Early' below raised their heads curiously and focused their eyes. Of course, the so-called early morning is not the real morning of the imperial court. It is just modeled on the form of the imperial court, and gathered the literary ministers and military generals in such a period of time to discuss the affairs of Yongcheng Mian County.

"Cough, I think if Sage Kong comes back to life, he will definitely say to the military division, 'Don't use mine in every sentence.'"

As soon as Pan Feng finished speaking, many people below were stunned and did not react. But soon many people laughed, and Pan Feng did not expect that his words would become a great weapon for the generals to deal with Wenchen in the future, making half of the Wenchen speechless.

There is laughter in the mediocrity, but the city thousands of miles away is extremely tragic. After several days of fighting, the Sichuan and Shu army suffered heavy losses and morale was low. Yan Yan knew that it was not a way to go on like this. He stared at the sky and didn't know what he was thinking. He only heard him say slowly, "It's time."

A day of fierce fighting, looking around the inside and outside of the city, piled up corpses like mountains, and blood flowed into rivers. At this time, the war is no longer a struggle for force and physical strength, but now it depends on spiritual perseverance. Mechanical arrows threw rolling stones under the city, and the soldiers below also numbly raised their shields to block. The fight has long made everyone numb.

The night gradually came, and with the afterglow of the sun, the golden horn also sounded on the battlefield. The beating of drums and the withdrawal of troops is an eternal signal on the battlefield.

However, today's horn always shows a trace of unusual meaning when Zhang Lujun in the city just breathed a breath. The Sichuan and Shu army, which should have been withdrawn, suddenly turned around and killed them again with momentum.

Today's battle, if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. In the process of the last siege just now. The tired division of the Sichuan and Shu army has been replaced when Zhang Lujun did not notice it. In fact, today's battle is all for this moment. Since it is difficult to solve on the front battlefield, it needs to be scheming. Yan Yan obviously wanted to hit Pound unexpectedly with this hand.

This move had an effect. Zhang Lujun did not expect that this Mingjin would march instead of withdrawing troops. The crossbowman has long put down the crossbow in his hand, and the original good string crossbows have also been unloaded one after another. This time, the charge of the Sichuan and Shu army encountered minimal resistance, and a few sparse crossbows fell down, which could not make effective killing at all.

The ladder was basically set up without any obstacles. The rolling stones did not have time to fall one after another, and the elites of the Sichuan and Shu army rushed to the top of the city. Once the head of the city fought fiercely, the advantage of the wall on which Zhang Lujun relied on disappeared.

Most of Zhang Lujun are fanatics of the Wudoumi religion. They are not afraid of life and death, and their combat skills are low, but this fanatical momentum is indeed unmatched by ordinary princes' troops. However, Pound's original generals had suffered heavy losses and had to capture strong men in the city to make up for the loss of the army. In this way, the number of people has indeed been gathered, but the quality of the army has decreased a lot.

At this time, these untrained people looked at the enemy who rushed up the wall, and many people were stunned there and did not know how to deal with it. These people usually throw stones and roll wood. It's useless to really fight.

Soon, Zhang Lu's troops on the city wall collapsed, and the Sichuan and Shu army successfully controlled the city wall. In this era, if they control the city wall, it is also related to victory. Successful control of the city wall is equivalent to more than half of the success.

Soon Yan Yan outside the city got the good news.

"Report, General. The thief army in the city has fled from the west gate. General Wang asked for instructions on whether to go out of the city to pursue.

The good news of the scouts is terrible and gratifying. After many days of hard work, the Sichuan and Shu army really need a victory to invigorate the army's hearts.

"Yan Shuai, order the pursuit!" A deputy general beside Yan Yan said with a fist.

"Yes, beating the water dog. This time, our army's pursuit will definitely wipe out the thief army." Another general is the second speaker.

These guys all have this characteristic. When it comes to the turn to use troops in wartime, they are powerless. But when it comes to bragging, they are invincible.

Yan Yan smiled and shook his head secretly. He despised the incompetent generals around him very much. But on the surface, it is not easy to play the role of retort. These guys are the children of major families in Sichuan and Shu, and it is nothing to scold them, but they have to offend the family behind them. Even if his strict family covers the sky with one hand, it can't stop the common counterattack of major families.

For major families, they have the most face. If Yan wants to reprimand these "outstanding" young talents in their families, it is equivalent to hitting the face of major families and laughing at their successors. Although Yan Yan has real power, he can't afford to offend the major families at the same time.

"Don't you know that poor people don't pursue this truth?" Yan Yan brushed her beard and said with a smile. The deep meaning of this sentence is to point out that everyone present should not be complacent. A victory has brought great authority to Yan.

Many of the dobs present don't know anything except eating, drinking and playing, * plundering. They didn't understand what Yan Yan's words meant, but they just felt unfathomable. Anyway, I have a general understanding, as if Yan Shuai does not agree with the pursuit. They are willing to take the lead with a strict face and get military achievements, but they don't want to worry about this idleness.

However, many children of the family who have read several sages' books are indignant and have secretly scolded Yan Yan for being too timid and cowardly...

They can understand the truth of "the end of the paper", and I'm afraid they will command this battle. Maybe Sichuan and Shu will also follow the old path of the Battle of Changping in the State of Zhao. A self-righteous Zhao Kuo killed 400,000 elites.

"Well, defeating Chenggu is the first step to victory. We held a celebration banquet in the advanced city, and the soldiers have worked hard. Let's take a rest and make the next plan. Yan Yan did not adopt these stunned suggestions and was ready to work steadily and calculate the next step.

In the alley in the city, several pairs of eyes are quietly staring at the strict face entering the city.

Pound has slowly put his hand into the sword around his waist. Slowly, the sword has been pulled out little by little.


With a shout, overwhelming arrows fell from the sky. Zhang Lujun, who was ambushed on both sides of the alley, came out with great momentum.

The vigilance of the Sichuan and Shu army, which has fought for many years, has dropped to a very low level, and the degree of danger is far less than that of Zhang Lujun. After capturing a city, the first priority is to control the wall, and the second is to clear the remnants of the enemy. Whether to pursue the enemy or not should be placed in the third place.

When he attacked the city just now, Yan Yan's move did catch Pound off guard, but Pound's ability to adapt to changes was also very strong. He saw that it was impossible to forcibly defend the city. Since Yan Yan could make a strange plan, why did he be led by his nose?

Pound contracted his elite troops and took advantage of the chaos to hide in the private house. It happened that those civilians fled from the west gate and attracted the attention of the Sichuan army, and Pound's plan was successfully completed.

Yan Yan didn't expect that there were remnants of the enemy in the city, but he was shocked, but he was also a veteran with hundreds of battles and naturally rich experience. Attacked by the enemy, he did not panic, but calmly waved a long knife to block the flying arrows.

The originally panicked soldier saw that the coach was so calm, and his panicked heart calmed down in an instant. He picked up the sword and began to block the arrows that ran down in an orderly manner.

Looking at Yan Yan's calm and calm appearance, Pound had to admire it from his heart. He could see that as long as Yan was there, the raid would definitely not have the unimaginable effect. This is a life-and-death struggle, and you can only succeed but not fail.

Thinking of this, he slowly picked up the well-made carved bow, took a golden arrow from a golden box, and threw a trace of reluctance. This is their ancestral bow and arrow. These five crystal white arrows are made of unknown materials. The production process has been lost. The most important thing is that this sharp arrow will melt when it encounters blood. As long as it is stained with blood, it will turn into milky** in a while.

There were originally seven Jinling arrows, but Pound didn't believe that this arrow was so magical, so he killed an elk with this arrow and found that it was indeed the same as the legend. Later, when fighting with the yellow scarf, Zhang Lu was besieged by the yellow scarf army and was in danger. I don't know what means the leader of the Yellow Turban Army used. If there is divine help on the battlefield, knives and guns are invulnerable.

The powerful yellow scarf army was about to completely annihilate Zhang Lu's officers and soldiers. Pound used this arrow to kill the leader who was invulnerable, and the situation suddenly reversed. After the war, it was found that the leader of the yellow scarf army was wearing a superb golden silk software, and the ordinary sword could not be injured, but the golden arrow passed through the armor, leaving a big hole in his chest. From then on, Pound also recognized the preciousness of this arrow, sealed it in the golden box, and set up 'n' Never use this arrow until the critical moment.' The oath.

And now that the situation is forced, if Yan Yan is not shot, this raid will definitely fail. He can't afford to lose.

will draw the bow like a full moon, look to the northwest and shoot Sirius.

With a "wish", a Jinling arrow exploded with an angry sound. No one would doubt the power of this arrow. In the sky, only a silver-white light and shadow were left, running to Yan Yan quickly...