Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 126

Cai Wenji has never seen such a scene, but she was frightened and angry. Her petite and slender hands kept patting Pan Feng's chest, "Let go of me, let me go quickly!" However, smelling the masculine breath from his chest, Cai Wenji's momentum weakened a little. The legs that kept kicking out also softened.

Despite the gentle touch in her arms, Pan Feng quickly retreated a few steps into the boat, and then put Cai Wenji down and said, "Wenji! You misunderstood, you really misunderstood."

Gan Ning's eyes were straight and a little confused. However, he looked at the "Moon Night Blowing Picture" he drew, thinking about the scene of beauty's anger, and even if he didn't understand it, he guessed in his heart. Then he stared fiercely at the second head and shivered at the second head.

Zhang Baiqi and the soldiers of Longhua Camp were very clever. After Pan Feng stopped Cai Wenji in the bow of the ship, these people ran to the stern one after another. Looking at the bow secretly, I saw that at this time, my lord, the majestic Hanzhong Taishou, and the middle general, Pan Feng, who didn't shout 'Lord Pan' outside, suddenly bent and straightened, as if he were doing a compilation. And the fierce beauty seemed to be about to escape. Her master hurriedly took the beauty's waist and pulled her back. That's pitiful. I guess if it weren't for the estimation that there were so many people on the side, my lord might not have a 'five-body' gift!

He laughed a little uncreetly, but when Pan Feng looked back with a cold look, everyone became dumb. Since then, everyone has understood that the lord is still the lord, and he keeps begging for mercy from the beauty. If you provoke the lord, it's your turn to keep begging for mercy. So far, everyone's tacit understanding turned their heads and could not see anything.

However, there is an uninteresting person who is still smiling. It is the second person who has been reacting slowly, "Haha, haha. Laughing to death, King Gan, that woman is Brother Pan's sister, do you believe it?

Gan Ning also had a faint smile on his face and looked harmless. "Lao Cui, Cui Er is the head of the family. Are you very happy!" At the same time, Gan Ning's hand seemed to be a wind, and he slapped on the forehead of the second owner. At this time, even if the two heads were slow to react, he knew that something was wrong, and then he saw his boss like a change of face, and his eyes suddenly burst into flames.

"Ha ha, ha, Cui Er is good at being a good family. How dare you show off your boss's private hide and show off, and I was slapped by your boss. I think I will reward you well..."

"Well?" Now the second boss understood that he got angry with the boss on a whim, but think about it, 'Let yourself die!' Let's die!' This time, the king was very angry, and I'm afraid it would be difficult to dispel, "Your Majesty, I'm wrong, wrong... okay?"

"Ha ha ha, ha ha." Gan Ning's face hung a 'bright' smile again, "I won't let you forget it for the rest of your life. I can't calm down. This time when I go back, you wash all the toilets in Quanshuizhai.

Cui Er wanted to defend himself, but looking at the sneer hidden in the boss's smile, he suddenly trembled and swallowed everything he wanted to say into his stomach.


In the residence of Huang Zhong, the captain of Changsha City Gate, the old general's eyebrows were twisted into a knot and could not be opened. What on earth made the famous old general worried like this?

Huang Zhong is very light-sighted about fame and wealth, not the kind of person who fetters power. However, the old general only got this son, named Huang Xu, in his forties, but he didn't know what happened. Not long after he was born, he looked sick. The health has always been bad, and it depends on all kinds of tonics to hang his life.

I don't know how much money the Huang family spent on this. How can it be enough to see Huang Xu with his salary? In the early years, my wife's dowry was bought out by his wife. The family has been poor for a long time, and now his son is dying again. Huang Zhong just spent the last money of the family and bought a thousand-year-old ginseng for Huang Xu, which finally hanged his life. Now he is worried about what should he do if Huang Xu is sick?

"Master, if you can't, you can borrow some silver from the Korean Taishou. Keep it for later." Entering the door was a woman in cloth. Although the years left traces on her face, it can be seen from these faint marks that she must have been a beautiful woman in her early years. This cloth can't hide her elegant temperament. If her eyes are sharp, she can definitely see that she is a famous girl from everyone.

If others had said so, Han Xuan would have scolded him, but because he felt that he owed his wife, he didn't say anything. This is the only way to borrow money from Han Xuan. But Huang Zhong is a good-faced person, and he is really embarrassed to open this mouth. He was originally a general of Huang Zu under Liu Biao, but he has never been reused, and the silver salary is not enough for the whole family. Han Xuan intended to recruit him and gave him a relatively high salary. Therefore, Huang Zhong left.

Huang Zhong's loyalty is the most important. In fact, he had no choice but to leave Huang Zu. When he was under Huang Zu's command, he excused Gan Ning. Hated by Huang Zu, he really couldn't stand the exclusion before he turned to Han Xuan's command. He really didn't want Han Xuan to see himself as the kind of villain who forgot his interests, so he was really embarrassed to borrow money.

But if you can't open this mouth, your son...

For this reason, Huang Zhong fell into a dilemma. It is said that Changsha under Han Xuan's command was also under the rule of Liu Biao. But Han Xuan is actually similar to Huang Zu and has been completely independent outside Jingzhou. There are four counties in Jingbei and four counties in Jingnan. Changsha, Guiyang, Wuling and Lingling all belong to the four counties of Jingnan. These four counties have been completely separated from Liu Biao's rule, but they are not nominally independent.

"Sir, I know you can't wipe your face away, but if you don't open this mouth, our family will talk..." Mrs. Huang wiped her tears and said, "Sir, if you are still under the command of Han Taishou, you are still as upright, not greedy for money, and don't like beauty, do you think Han Taishou will misunderstand you? Do you suspect that you have defected to his purpose?"

Mrs Huang's words can be regarded as waking up the dreamer. When he first defected to Han Xuan, Han Xuan was very enthusiastic. A big golden-backed knife, strong and sharp, carved bow at the waist, and a hundred steps through Yang. He was amazed, but when he gave a large amount of money to Huang Zhong, he politely refused. And when he was at the banquet, Han Xuan called several famous beauties in Changsha to accompany him, but he was also rejected by Huang Zhong.

Since then, Han Xuan has disappeared when he saw Huang Zhong's intimation. As the master, he is not afraid that his subordinates are greedy for money and lust. As long as there is a breakthrough, this person can control it. On the contrary, he is afraid of Huang Zhong, a person who has no desire and is righteous in the first instance. As the master, he has also seen the art of Han Feizi. The more a person seems to have no desire, the greater his plan. How dare Han Xuan treat such things slowly?

For this reason, in order to prevent Huang Zhong from establishing prestige in the army, Han Xuan only appointed the powerful General Huang Zhong as a small gate lieutenant. Huang Zhong, who was full of qi, was once again put into the cold palace. In Changsha, there is no more day to come out.

"Madam is right, this is thought-provoking. This is difficult for a good official to do, and it is even more difficult to be a clean official. I'm Han Taishou."


Pan Feng persuaded and coaxed on the ship. Later, she didn't know whether it was Cai Wenji's anger or enjoying the feeling of snuggling in his arms. She was hugged tightly by Pan Feng, and the bird snuggled in her arms, and then sobbed aggrievedly: "Even if the eldest brother saw them, they did not share the secret picture of... Even if the girl in the painting comes from a brothel, can they show the naked paintings of other girls to people? Is this wild and unruly, or is it a trampling?"

Pan Feng thought carefully that Cai Wenji's words do make sense. If this romantic affair can really be made into the elegant hall, why didn't the historian record these things in the annals of history? It's not that the historian doesn't know, or that these things really can't be on the table, and even the historian who writes is ashamed to mention them. Thinking of this, Pan Feng's excitement also calmed down a lot.

Pan Feng sighed, held Cai Wenji's wrist tightly, and said sincerely, "Wenji, you are right. In any case, with my status today, I really shouldn't discuss these things with them. It seems that I have been frivolous when visiting Jingzhou recently.

Cai Wenji was coaxed and deceived by him, and her anger had long subsided. Seeing that her words were sincere, she felt a little sorry. She blushed and pulled out her hand held tightly by Pan Feng and said slightly shyly, "Look at your hard work, and people are not going to jump into the lake. Why are you pulling so tightly?"

Pan Feng looked at the little girl's desire to cover up, and she couldn't help feeling funny. If she hadn't stopped her, Cai Wenji, who had a strong temperament, would have jumped in. Shyness is shyness, but it looks really cute!

Pan Feng laughed and said, "Let's go back!" After we have finished singing this big play, we can no longer be watched here.

Cai Wenji lowered her head shyly, gently stirred the ground with the tip of her shoes, and said a little awkwardly, "Brother, if you want to... enjoy the scenery, just go. I, I'll just wait here."

Pan Feng smiled and said, "Then put a small boat and carry the two of us. I'll go boating and let you have a good day."

Cai Wenji's eyes lit up and he was a little excited, and then dimmed. "Brother, although you are my eldest brother nominally, Wen Ji knows that I am a subordinate. You don't have to be so kind to me."

Pan Feng sighed and sighed, "Wen Ji, since you entered my door, how can I treat you as a person? You are hitting me in the face when you say that.

"Into the door, enter the door..." Cai Wenji said awkwardly on both sides, and her delicate face turned red again.