Fengming Three Kingdoms

Chapter 128 Wenji's confession

Pan Feng couldn't believe the news from Gan Ning that Huang Zhong had fallen like this and begged Han Xuan bitterly at the gate of the Taishou Mansion for a hundred taels of silver. However, thinking about his sick son Huang Xu, he was also relieved. I'm afraid that Huang Zhong did this by his father's love.

In front of Huang Zhong's mansion in Changsha, Pan Feng did not let anyone follow him and came to visit Huang Zhong alone. The Huangfu Gate was slightly dilapidated, and there was not even a doorkeeper. Pan Feng thought about it and did not knock on the door to inform, but directly pushed the door and walked to the inner courtyard.

At this time, Huang Zhong was sitting in the pavilion in the courtyard with a sad face and did not notice the arrival of Pan Feng. On the contrary, Pan Feng took the lead in greeting Huang Zhong and said, "In Pan Feng, I asked Gan Ning to pay a homage to General Huang the day before yesterday, and I came to visit him today."

Huang Zhong, who had been a little depressed, suddenly changed his appearance and looked at Pan Feng with his bright eyes. Suddenly, Huang Zhong picked up a strong bow, put on the bow string, and shot an arrow.

Although Pan Feng was shocked, he was sure that Huang Zhong would not harm himself. So he stood there calmly and did not dodge, but Pan Feng expected that there was no mistake. After the arrow was shot, it did not hurt him, but directly shot the copper pot beside him.

"General, good archery." Pan Feng applauded and laughed.

Huang Zhong looked a little moved. He really didn't expect Pan Feng to be so bold. Under the power of his arrow, his face did not change, and he talked and laughed freely, but he still didn't like Pan Feng in his heart. After all, in his opinion, Pan Feng is the kind of thief who betrays the king. Although he made a new heart and mixed up, Huang Zhong was loyal all his life and despised Pan Feng in his heart.

"No, no." Huang Zhong shook his head repeatedly, "This bow is so weak that it can't even penetrate the copper pot."

Pan Feng looked at Huang Zhong's face and was a little dissatisfied. Generally speaking, I didn't offend this highly regarded old general. How could he look at me without a good face? Although some of his temper was aroused by Huang Zhong, Pan Feng still held back. He arched his hand and said, "General Huang is too modest. This 100-step old general who wears through Yang is the second, and no one in the world dares to be the first."

Anyone's words of flattery are very comfortable, and Huang Zhong is no exception. Although he has a prejudice for Pan Feng in his heart, it is not easy to raise his eyebrows at this time.

"Please invite General Pan to come in and worship tea!"

Pan Feng looked at the courtyard. Although it was a little dilapidated, the regular flower beds must have been carefully trimmed. There are still willow catkins floating in the courtyard from time to time, which is really poetic and picturesque.

"Why do you have to go inside to worship tea? Wouldn't it be better for me to sit here with the general and talk openly?" Pan Feng said with a faint smile.

"Viove, I don't know what the general has to do with me, an old man." Huang Zhong said.

The two sat on the ground. Pan Feng picked up the tea, rinsed her throat and began to say, "Since Dong Zhuo Rujing, the world has been poisoned, so that the Central Plains are in chaos. The Han Dynasty was decadent and the imperial power fell. Yuan Shao raised the righteous flag and met with the 18 princes. At that time, he also had a heart to serve the country, expelling Dong Zhuo and reviving China. It's a pity that I don't wait. It's a pity that..." Pan Feng shook her head repeatedly.

"What's a pity?" Pan Feng's words obviously aroused Huang Zhong's curiosity.

"There is a heart to serve the country in the sky, but there is no way to serve the country!" Pan Feng sighed helplessly.

Huang Zhong frowned and was a little puzzled, "How can the general serve the country without a way?" Warm wine killed Hua Xiong, and the general became famous all over the world. Hundreds of thousands of troops chased Dong thieves and fled. At the beginning, they also admired the general, but what puzzled was why the general later broke away from the Korean assassins and became independent?

Pan Feng shook her head with a faint smile and said, "In fact, I can't force myself to fight against Huaxiong. The Lord has an order, so don't dare not obey. The striker Sun Jian, who defeated Dong Zhuo, should have taken advantage of the victory to pursue. But all kinds of princes kept their strength, competed for that little profit, and fought in front of the middle army's tent. Despite your Majesty's deep trouble, more than a thousand soldiers and horses chase Dong Zhuo, because I have a loyal heart for the country. If the princes from all walks of life really want to revitalize the Han Dynasty, they will send troops to attack Chang'an. At this time, the big man had already been revitalised, but what about them? For a national jade seal, the ambitions of these people are obvious.

Listening to Pan Feng's narration, Huang Zhong's expression was inevitably a little moved, although he still did not like Pan Feng's infidelity. However, he had to admit that Pan Feng was right. Each of the 18-way princes had tens of thousands of troops, but except Sun Jian and Cao Cao, no one dared to fight with Dong Zhuo and became comfortable with the status quo after capturing Luoyang. He had to admit that Pan Feng was still courageous in this regard, and his loyalty to the Han Dynasty was the righteousness.

Huang Zhong arched his hand and said, "The general is righteous and admirable." This time, he looked much more sincere.

"I am also fascinated by General Huang. General Huang has not been reused under Han Xuan's account. I don't know if the general can go to Hanzhong and is willing to make a foundation with the general." Pan Feng said that Huang Zhong looked much better and felt that the foundation had been almost done, so he decided to say the purpose of the trip.

However, Pan Feng did not expect that Huang Zhong's face suddenly became ugly. Huang Zhong looked up at him and said in an extremely unhappy tone, "Huang Zhong was born between heaven and earth, but he still knows the word 'loyalty'. I'm afraid the general's kindness is unacceptable at home."

I didn't expect Huang Zhong to refuse him, but Pan Feng was secretly a little excited. Huang Zhong was indeed as loyal as depicted in history books. If Huang Zhong really accepted his invitation so easily, Pan Feng might be a little disappointed.

"General Huang, loyalty cannot be foolish. The general's character Hansheng can be seen from the general's character's ambition. In his lifetime, he hopes to have the opportunity to build an unprecedented prosperous world for the man side by side with the general.

Huang Zhong's expression was full of hesitation. It seemed that he was moved by Pan Feng, but after thinking about it, he said, "I'm afraid I can't take on such a heavy task in my old age, or..."

"This is what the general said. He is 60 years old, and there is still a lot of courage. The general is less than half a hundred years old now. Why are you so worried? Moreover, I know that the general still has a son named Huang Xu, who is weak. I promise that if the general comes to Hanzhong, I will be willing to recruit the best doctor in Hanzhong to take care of his body.

Huang Zhong's eyes are excited and hesitant, and the emotions they contain seem to be very complicated...

Pan Feng was not anxious, but looked at him quietly with a smile, as if expecting his affirmative answer.

"Rong, let me think about it." Huang Zhong's final answer inevitably disappointed Pan Feng a little. Pan Feng also sighed secretly in her heart. It seems that Huang Zhong still can't let go of the word 'loyalty'!

Although this trip did not subdue Huang Zhong, after all, he planted a deep seed in the heart of this old general. Since then, Huang Zhong will not be single-minded about Han Xuan, and his purpose has been achieved.

However, Pan Feng's plan to visit Jingzhou at this time was also interrupted by the great changes in the world. In June, Cao received an edict from the emperor in Xuchang and worshipped Cao Cao as a mighty general, allowing him to lead the world's royal division, go south to suppress rebellion, and eliminate the pseudo-emperor Yuan Shu.

At the same time, Han also received an imperial edict from the emperor, and Pan Feng was awarded the title of Taishou of Hanzhong. The edict asked him to lead the elite soldiers of Hanzhong to help the powerful general to suppress the rebellion. In addition, it was said in the secret newspaper that Hanzhong's people were unstable, and some people deliberately created rumors about Pan Feng's death and wanted to fish in troubled waters. Pan Feng, who was happy in Jingzhou, finally decided to return to Hanzhong as soon as possible.

In an inn in Changsha.

"Wen Ji, I may have to go back on my promise. I wanted to accompany you to see Mr. Shuijing, but now the situation in Hanzhong has changed, and I want to go back as soon as possible." Looking at Cai Wenji's watery eyes, Pan Feng was a little ashamed and felt very sorry that she couldn't do what she promised.

Looking at Pan Feng, Cai Wenji just smiled and didn't say anything. Just look at him quietly, for a long time, for a long time...

After a while, Pan Feng finally couldn't stand it. Under the gaze of Cai Wenji's beautiful eyes, it was simply a kind of torture. He thought for a moment and said, "Wen Ji, why don't you do this? I'll go back to Hanzhong first and ask Zhang Bai to escort you to Xiangyang..."

Without Pan Feng's continued speaking, Cai Wenji stretched out her white and tender index finger and gently put it between Pan Feng's lips to stop him from talking.

"Wherever you go, I will go." Cai Wenji said with a faint smile. Although it seemed very casual, Pan Feng could see her serious look.

"Aren't you going to see Mr. Water Mirror?" Pan Feng exclaimed.

"Well" Cai Wenji nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and then she smiled and said, "My husband is my wife, I will go wherever you go!" When she said this, Cai Wenji seemed to drain her strength. She was not only looking forward to it, but also afraid that she would be rejected.

The man in front of him can be regarded as the first favorite man to break into his heart. Chang'an met and see you in Yongcheng. He is always so full of justice, enters Chang'an alone, dares to stand up for himself, and is not afraid of offending the powerful. In the Yongcheng Musical Instrument Store, he is willing to make a lot of money for himself, just to make himself laugh. From that moment on, his figure was engraved in his heart.

Although there were many misunderstandings later, Cai Wenji hesitated to see his two beautiful wives. Did she, a lady of her own eunuch, want to be a child for others?

Jingzhou and his party, his shadow in his heart was deeper and lingering, and even his figure in his dreams. Cai Wenji understands that she can't live without him in this life. Since she can't give up, she must seize the opportunity. Cai Wenji can see that Pan Feng has fallen in love with herself several times, but she has restrained it. If she doesn't take the initiative, she doesn't know how many years it will take. She can't wait, so she has this scene now...