The Great God

Chapter 17 - The Sound of the Soul

After the erotic mother inadvertently read the awakening spell and sleeping spell of the Yuqing seal god armor spell 1, the British demon ancestor reminded the erotic demon mother and said, "Mom, we must not let others know the awakening spell and sleeping spell of the Yuqing seal of the divine armor, let alone let people know that the Yuqing seal exists, otherwise, we demons will There will be danger."

[Yuqing God Armor Curse-Sleeping Curse 1: Only this spell can hide Yuqing God Armor in the heart of the God Blue Crystal Heart. Heaven and earth are my gods - the method of immortals is for me - Yuqing's primitive supreme armor - the armor method of gods sleeping armor sinks]

The demon mother nodded clearly and said, "Ancestor, don't worry, I won't tell this secret to anyone, including my beloved disciple, so you can rest assured."

"Then let's pretend that we don't know anything from now on and forget this secret about Yuqing's armor. Unless there is a huge change, let's not raise this matter again." The ancestor of the British demon reminded the demon's mother.

"Alas! I just hope that we demons will not be hurt by the catastrophe of the three worlds in the future and can spend every day as peacefully as now. The demon's mother sighed helplessly.

"Everything has its own will, let nature take its course. I'm going back to my ancestral magic cave now. I'll see you in 15 years. After saying that, the British demon ancestor, who was sitting on the second throne, suddenly turned into a black light and flew out of the old mother's magic hole.

And the conversation between the demon mother and the British demon's ancestor was all overheard by Concubine Tu, who hid behind the stone pillar, which is also the reason why Concubine Tu can unload the jade and Qing seal armor for Shang Tianying.

Fengfei recalls what happened 14 years ago and said, "As the master-Yanmo old mother said, Zisheng should be the person who can control the Jade Qingfeng armor. So, can Zisheng break through the seal of the Yuqing seal and exert the real power of the Yuqing armor?"

Fengfei raised her head and shouted, "Zisheng, you should be able to exert the power of the sealed armor of Yuqing. You should concentrate quickly to see if you can break through the seal of Yuqing and give full play to the real power of the armor of Yuqing."

Shang Tianying is concentrating at this moment, paying attention to the phoenix hunter who released black gas all over her body. She was very surprised to hear Fengfei's shouting. She turned around, looked at Fengfei on the ground and said, "Sister Fengfei, what are you talking about? Am I really wearing Yuqing Fengjia?

When the phoenix hunter saw that Tianying had been distracted, he quickly launched his unique skill - "Thousand Leopard Hunting Phoenix" 2 to hunt Shang Tianying, who wore the petrified Yuqing armor.

[Thousand Leopard Hunting Phoenix 2: The unique skill of the phoenix hunting leopard-Phoenix hunter has differentiated thousands of white black spotted phoenix hunting leopards. Thousands of phoenix hunting leopards surround a target at the same time and spit out a black ball of light to the target from different angles. After that, thousands of white black-spotted phoenix hunting leopards will rush to the target at the same time, and the attacked target will Withstand thousands of attacks in an instant]

Because Shang Tianying did not expect that the petrochemical armor he was wearing was the jade seal armor lost in the heavenly court, he was completely distracted and did not notice that the phoenix hunter had launched an attack.

Fe Concubine Feng noticed the attack launched by the phoenix hunter, raised her head nervously, looked at Tianying, and shouted, "Zisheng, be careful."

Tianying heard Fengfei's reminder and immediately turned to look at the phoenix hunter! He found that he had been surrounded by thousands of white black-spotted cheetahs. In an instant, the front and back of his body were all split bodies of the cheetahs.

The phoenix concubine on the ground saw the split of thousands of phoenix leopards, surrounded by a huge sphere, and trapped Tianying in the center of the giant ball. Tianying had no chance to escape.

At this moment, Tianying, who had been surrounded by thousands of phoenix leopard splits, did not wait for her to react, and these thousand phoenix leopard splits spit out black light balls to attack him.

Thousands of black light balls hit Tianying, who was wearing the petrochemical jade seal armor, and followed by thousands of leopard claws attacking Tianying's body.

Each phoenix leopard split, after attacking Tianying's body with its leopard claws, will turn into a black gas to wrap around Tianying.

Thousands of white black-spotted cheetah split, all of which attacked Tianying's body. Tianying had been completely wrapped in black gas and fell from the air to the ground.

The phoenix hunter opposite sighed in great surprise: "How is this possible? What exactly is his armor? Why can't even my thousand leopard hunting phoenix destroy this armor?

Although the phoenix hunter was very surprised that his unique skills could not destroy the petrochemical jade and Qingfeng armor on Tianying's body, he still confidently believed that Tianying had been killed.

Although Tianying, who fell from the air to the ground, was protected by the petrochemical jade seal armor, he was still in a coma due to such a fierce attack.

Tianying fell to the ground, and her body did not react like a corpse. The phoenix hunter lowered his head and said, "This guy is really a difficult opponent. It seems that I can only cut off his head to completely end his life."

After saying that, the phoenix hunter slowly fell to the ground and walked step by step towards Tianying, who fell to the ground and was unconscious. The phoenix concubine, who was also seriously injured, suddenly stood in front of Tianying to prevent the phoenix hunter from hurt Tianying.

Fengfei, standing in front of Tianying, said, "I will never let you hurt Zisheng unless you kill me."

"Okay, then I'll kill your little phoenix first, and then end his life, okay." The phoenix hunter said coldly with cold eyes.

At this time, Tianying, who was in a coma, suddenly heard a kind elder voice talking to him. His voice became clearer from far to near.

Tianying, who was in a coma, asked in the depths of her soul, "Who is talking to me?" Who are you? Have I been killed?"

"You are not dead now, just fainting. Now I am communicating with your soul. If you don't want to be killed by the Arctic army-cheetah, unload the jade armor you are wearing and concentrate your magic power to attack the phoenix leopard." This kind voice said in an easy-going tone.

"Are you telling the truth? Why should I believe you? In case you and the leopard demon are in the same group, then I will remove the jade seal armor, and I will not die?" Tianying said very cautiously.

"Zisheng, believe me or not, when you wake up, you will make a choice, because when you wake up, you will see that Fengfei is in danger. If you want to save her, you will have to do what you say. Everything will be up to you, including if you want to climb to the top of Kunlun Mountain now, you also do it yourself. The choice." The easy-going voice said kindly.

Then the kind voice continued, "Zi Sheng, you Ma* want to wake up. You will see that Fengfei is in danger to protect you regardless of her life. Fengfei's life and death are decided in your choice, and the final decision will be made by yourself."

This kind voice gradually faded away, and Tianying, who was in a coma, began to regain consciousness little by little. Although part of the body was not protected by the petrochemical Yuqing's armor, it had been slowly repaired by Yuqing's armor.

After Tianying's body was repaired by Yuqing's seal armor, she gradually opened her eyes and found that the phoenix concubine had changed back to her original shape - the later phoenix, but the phoenix concubine who returned to the phoenix was trampled on the ground by the same original shape of the phoenix leopard.

The phoenix hunter who returned to its original shape used the real body of the white black-spotted phoenix leopard and used two sharp leopard claws to press the left and right wings of the phoenix concubine, and prepared to bite off the throat of the phoenix-Tufengfei.

Tianying stood up again and shouted, "Sh on, I don't allow you to hurt my sister Fengfei. If you have the ability, come and attack me. I can take off my armor to fight with you."

The phoenix hunting leopard that was about to bite off the throat of Phoenix-Tufengfei raised his head, looked at Tianying standing in front of him, and said, "I didn't expect that you to be safe and sound when you hit my unique - Qianbao hunting phoenix. I really underestimate you. When I drink the phoenix blood of this post-phoenix, I will kill you, a difficult guy.

Although Shang Tianying at this moment believed what the mysterious and kind voice said when he was in a coma, he now doesn't know how to remove the petrified jade seal armor he was wearing.

However, the open mouth of the phoenix leopard has bit the throat of the phoenix concubine, which was firmly pressed on the ground by its claws. With a click, blood splashed out.

A few leopard teeth fell to the ground, and the blood splashed out of the mouth of the cheetah, and the cheetah's eyes looked down! It was found that he bit on Tianying's left arm, and his leopard teeth were broken by the petrified jade seal armor that protected Tianying's arm.

Tianying waved the left head of the hunting leopard in his right fist, knocked out the unprepared hunting leopard, and asked the seriously injured Fengfei: "Sister Fengfei, are you all right? I'm worried about you to death."

"Zisheng, don't worry about me and leave quickly. It's too dangerous here. You'd better leave me alone. Let's go." Fengfei turned into a human form from the later Phoenix and lay on the ground to persuade Tianying.

"Fengfei, I have a way to defeat it. Tell me quickly to remove the spell of Yuqing's armor. If I remove the Yuqing's armor, I will definitely defeat this guy." Tianying seriously asked Fengfei.

"No, Zisheng, if you remove the armor of Yuqing, you will be killed by this mysterious guy. You must not remove the armor of Yuqing." Fengfei was emotional but weak and persuaded Tianying not to do anything stupid.

"Fengfei, if you believe me, I can definitely defeat this guy, just tell me to remove the spell of Yuqing's armor." Tianying asked Fengfei with a serious look.

When Fengfei saw Tianying's serious look and unwavering eyes, she decided to believe in Tianying and asked Tianying to lean her ear and tell Tianying the Yuqing's divine armor spell - the sleeping spell.

However, Fengfei asked Tianying to put on Yuqing's armor again once she was in danger. Tianying nodded and agreed to Fengfei's request. [ End of this chapter]