The Great God

Chapter 19 - The Battle of the Leopard

At this time, Tu Fengfei, who was lying on the ground and could not move, had heard what Yan Si said and understood that Yan thought was going to kill her.

Fengfei was a little sad and thought: Why doesn't Yan Si want to believe me?

Fengfei, who has been sucked up a lot of mana and soul by the black gas, understands that Su Yansi has made up her mind to kill her, and she is very regretful: Alas! Unfortunately, I can no longer help Zisheng, let alone avenge my parents.

Fengfei thought that she would really die this time, so she thought of many of her unfulfilled wishes. Although she was unwilling, she had to accept the fact that she was about to die.

Suyansi gathered to complete this fireball, lowered her head seriously, looked at the Phoenix Concubine whose body was wrapped in black gas, and said, "It's not that I have to kill you, but that your existence will definitely put Zisheng in a desperate situation. In order not to be hurt by Zisheng, let alone prevent your conspiracy from succeeding, I can only kill you. I'm sorry. Fengfei, go to hell."

Su Yansi pushed her hands forward hard, and the fireball formed by mana between her hands quickly hit the phoenix concubine wrapped in the black air of the phoenix hunter.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Sh on, you can't hurt Fengfei. She is my junior sister."

The person who shouted this was the one who led the green snake-Qingmeiba and the phoenix demon hunter to catch the Fengfei who returned to the old mother's magic cave.

Although Fengfei's second brother, Fei Kun, went all out to stop Su Yansi's attack on Fengfei, it was too late. No matter how fast it was, he could not stop Yan Si's attack, because the distance between Yan Si and Fengfei was too close, and the attack could hit Fengfei instantly.

Fei Kun and the green snake and the phoenix hunter behind him watched, and the fireball hit the phoenix concubine wrapped in black gas.

Fengfei, who was lying on the ground wrapped in black gas, was hit by a fireball hit by Su Yansi. In an instant, Fengfei's body was completely covered with smoke.

Fei Kun was very angry when he saw that Su Yansi knew that she dared to hurt his sister. She flew to Yan Si, grabbed Yan Si's neck and said, "You dare to hurt my sister. I will never let you go to hell."

As soon as Fei Kun's voice fell, he was about to cut Yan Si's neck with one hand to avenge his beloved Fengfei, but the phoenix hunter in the sky suddenly said, "Wait a minute, Fei Kun."

"What? Do you want to save her? Fei Kun raised his head and looked at the phoenix hunter in the sky, looking angrily.

"No, I don't want to save such a fairy as her. What I hate most is the fairy, so can you give me the opportunity to kill this fairy? I want to torture her little by little and let her taste all kinds of pain. I'm killing her and have solved my hatred. The phoenix hunter said with hatred for the earth fairy.

Fei Kun heard what the phoenix hunter said and agreed with what the phoenix hunter said. Yan Si, who would be strangled by him, threw it to the phoenix hunter in the sky.

Fei Kun shook it hard, threw Yan Si to the phoenix hunter in the sky, and then said, "It's really too cheap for her to let her die so easily. Phoenix demon hunter, then I will give her to you and slowly torture her until she dies.

The phoenix hunter raised his right hand, held Yan Si's right wrist, pulled Yan Si's right wrist, and said, "I will use your blood to pay tribute to more than a dozen families who died tragically."

As soon as the phoenix hunter finished speaking, he threw Yan Si out, pulled out the dagger worn on his left waist, rushed to Yan Si, who was thrown out by him, and passed by Yan Si, and a wound appeared on Yan Si's body.

The phoenix hunter continuously rushed to Yan Si from different angles and directions and passed by Yan Si. Every time he passed by, it would leave a scar on Yan Si's body.

Fei Kun saw the phoenix hunter slowly torturing Yan Si, who was attacking Fengfei. He knew that he didn't need to pay attention to Yan Si anymore. He turned around and waved his hand hard, and the strong wind blew away the smoke covering Fengfei.

Fengfei lay on the ground injured and couldn't move, which made Fei Kun very distressed and said, "Who did this? I will never let you go."

Fei Kun walked to Fengfei, gently picked up Feng Fei, prepared to take Feng Fei back to the old mother's magic cave, and asked her master, the demon mother, to treat the seriously injured Feng Fei.

At this moment, Shang Tianying, who was fighting with the phoenix hunter not far away, heard the sad screams of Yan Si and knew that Yan Si must be in danger.

Tianying was just distracted. The phoenix hunter seized the opportunity and punched the broken part of Tianying's chest. Tianying, who was hit, fell from the air and fell to the ground and smashed the ground out of a hole.

The phoenix hunter on the right side, who has been dripping blood, gasped and said, "I don't believe you can withstand my unique learning - a thousand leopard hunting phoenix for the third time."

At this moment, the exhausted phoenix hunter is ready to bet on all his magic power to use the strongest thousand leopards to hunt phoenixes, hoping to completely clean up the difficult Tianying.

Now Tianying is not worried about himself, but is worried about Yan Si, who screams and shouts, "Who will help us?"

In the center of Zhongyue, Zhongyue Songshan Zhongyue Songshan Zhongtian Chongsheng Emperor-Wenpin suddenly felt that someone was shouting at him on the east side of Zhongyue.

The emperor Chongsheng in Zhongyue Songshan said to himself, "Who is calling me? What the hell is going on? No, I should go to the east side of Zhongyue to find out.

The Heavenly Chongsheng Emperor in Songshan, dressed in brown armor, got up and flew to the eastern part of the land of Zhongyue under his control, because he was very curious about the sound calling him, which seemed to have an irresistible power.

After shouting in the eastern edge of the land of Zhongyue, Tianying got up from the ground and said, "Since no one came to help me, I can only protect Yan Si by myself."

Shang Tianying suddenly read the Yuqing God Armor Curse - Awakening Mantra and said, "The heaven and the earth are for me - the method of immortals is for me - Yuqing's primitive supreme armor - the armor of the gods awakened with blood."

The blue crystal pendant worn by Tianying's neck instantly released blue light, completely wrapping Tianying's body. The light dissipated, and the petrified stone gray jade sealed armor appeared on Tianying's body.

At the same time, the unique skill of the phoenix hunter - the thousand leopard hunting phoenix has been used for the third time, and this time the power of the thousand leopard hunting phoenix is the most powerful, because this is a blow that the phoenix hunter bet on all the mana.

Shang Tianying, dressed in petrified jade seal, walked step by step in the direction of Yan Si's scream, completely ignored the thousands of white black-spotted phoenix leopards that had surrounded him.

Thousands of white black-spotted phoenix splits surrounding Tianying moved with Tianying's movement, and in this moment, thousands of phoenix splits spit out black light balls to Tianying, followed by thousands of phoenix splits and rushed to Tianying.

All the white black-spotted phoenix splits hit Shang Tianying's body, turning into black gas and entangling Shang Tianying's body.

The phoenix hunter, who exhausted almost all its mana, fell weakly from the air, knelt on one knee, supported the ground with his left hand, and said, "I don't believe you can still be safe. If you are really safe, then I have to admit that I'm not your opponent."

What the phoenix hunters couldn't believe was that Tianying walked out of the black qi wrapped around her body step by step, and her body was unharmed.

The phoenix hunter had to admit that he was indeed not Tianying's opponent and thought: I'm sorry, master, I can't complete the task you gave me.

Out of Tianying surrounded by black gas, he recited the spell of Yuqing's seal god armor - the spell of sleeping spell: "The heaven and the earth are for me - the method of immortals is used by me - Yuqing's primitive supreme armor - the armor method of the god's armor is sinking."

After Tianying recited the Yuqing God's armor spell - the sleeping spell, the stone-gray petrified jade Qingfeng god armor once again turned into blue light and flew back to the god blue crystal heart pendant worn by Tianying's neck.

After the petrochemical Yuqing Fengshen armor turned into blue light and flew back, the Fengshen blue crystal heart pendant worn by Tianying's neck, Tianying quickly flew away in the direction of screaming Yan Si.

The phoenix hunter knew very well that he was unable to fight with Tianying again, so he could only find his master, wait for his master's punishment, and turn into white light and fly to the north.

At this moment, Fei Kun has picked up the seriously injured Fengfei and is ready to fly to the old mother's magic cave. However, he met Shang Tianying who flew over.

Tianying didn't know who Fei Kun was. When she saw Fei Kun holding Fengfei, she was very excited and said, "Who are you?" Hurry up and put down my sister Fengfei."

"Are you the fairy found by Fengfei? Go to the old mother's cave with me. You'd better not resist. It won't do you any harm. Fei Kun said to Tianying seriously.

Tianying heard Fei Kun's tone and guessed that Fei Kun was a subordinate of the demon mother. He thought to himself: No, they must have come to catch Fengfei and go back. This is really troublesome.

Although Tianying didn't want Feikun to take Fengfei away, he knew very well that he had little power left, and the power of Yuqing's armor was completely sealed. Now he could only protect his body and could do nothing else, which made him unable to compete with Feikun and others.

Fei Kun saw that Tianying had no reaction and said, "Green Snake, come and tie him up and take him back to the old mother's cave."

"Yes, I'll do it right away." The human-shaped green snake-Qingmeiba obeys the Tao.

After saying that, the green snake-Qingmeiba approached Tianying, but Tianying punched Qingmeiba. This punch hit the body of Qingmeiba and knocked the Qingmeiba out.

Fei Kun hugged Fengfei, who had fallen into a coma, and said, "What? Do you really want to resist? Do you think you, a fairy, can defeat a thousand-year-old demon like me and the green snake? I advise you to give up unnecessary resistance." [ End of this chapter]