The Great God

Chapter 50 - Go back to the top of Kunlun

The seriously injured red-eyed black dragon-Hongyao looked at Shang Tianying below weakly and said angrily, "Shang Zisheng, I will definitely avenge today. Wait and see."

Red-eyed Black Dragon-Hongyao finished talking to Tianying, who injured him, turned around, used the remaining strength of his body, quickly drilled into the clouds and disappeared.

Huang Tianlu, the Xidou star official on the steps outside the Dongyue Hall, flew over and asked Shang Tianying, who hugged Concubine Tu, and asked, "Shang Zisheng, if you still have power now, then you can give Fengfei to me first. Go and kill the red-eyed black dragon quickly. You can't let him get the thousands hidden in the other Five Great Mountains Hall. Nian's power, otherwise, the three worlds will be in chaos.

"Xidou Star Official Immortal, please take care of my sister Fengfei, and I will do my best to hunt down the dragon, the red-eyed black dragon." Tianying listened to Huang Tianlu, a star official of Xidou.

After Tianying handed over the Fengfei he was holding to the Xidou Star Officer-Huang Tianlu, she was preparing to hand over the Golden God Fengyi to the Xidou Star Officer-Huang Tianlu. The weak Fengfei said, "Zisheng, take the Golden God Fengyi with you. It may be able to help you."

"Well, Fengfei, I'll listen to you." Tianying nodded and promised to take the golden god phoenix wings to chase and kill the red-eyed black dragon who was seriously injured and escaped.

Tianying put away the golden phoenix wings and quickly flew to the clouds in the sky, but before Tianying passed through the clouds, Tianying suddenly fell from the sky.

This really made Huang Tianlu, the Xidou star officer who hugged Fengfei, very surprised and said, "What! How could this happen? Has Shang Zisheng consumed too much mana and reached the limit of his body?

When the Fengfei, who was already weak and weak, saw Tianying fall from the sky, regardless of her weak body, broke away from Huang Tianlu, the Western Fighting Star Officer who held her, changed back to her original shape - Later Phoenix, and flew towards Tianying in the direction of the loss of the ground.

The phoenix concubine turned back into a small queen phoenix with a height and quickly flew to Tianying who fell from the sky, letting Tianying fall on her back, carrying Tianying little by little hard, and falling back to the slow platform in front of the steps outside the Dongyue Hall.

After Fengfei changed back to her original shape, the phoenix immediately turned into a human form after putting the fainted Tianying on the gentle stage. She looked at Tianying lying on the gentle platform outside the Dongyue Hall with concern and called out, "Zisheng, wake up quickly. Don't scare me, okay?"

At this time, Xidouxing officials-Huang Tianlu and Fulongxing-Huang Ming also came to see how Tianying was doing. Fulongxing squatted down and said, "Let's take Zisheng into the Dongyue Hall first."

After saying that, Fu Longxing took Tianying, who was lying in a coma on the slow platform, into the side room of the Dongyue Hall and slowly put Tianying on **.

The phoenix concubine who followed Fulongxing, sat by the bedside guarding the coma Tianying and asked Fulongxing, "Fulongxing Fairy, what's wrong with Zisheng? Why did you suddenly fall into a coma?

"Maybe that Zisheng has used thousands of years of mana for too long, and his body can't fully bear it. This kind of weak divine power left by the Pangu God exists in the Dongyue Hall, so Zisheng is unconscious." Fu Longxing guessed the answer to Fengfei.

"Zisheng, when can you wake up?" Fengfei looked at Fulongxing with big charming eyes.

"This can only look at the body of Zisheng. When can fully adapt to the thousand-year mana left by the Pangu god? As long as Zisheng's body fully adapts to the millennium mana, Zisheng will naturally wake up." Fu Longxing answered Fengfei.

"How long will it take for the saint to wake up?" Fengfei still wants to know how long it will take Tianying to wake up.

"This star has already said that it depends on when Zisheng's body fully adapts to the millennium mana and when Zisheng can wake up. This may be a few days, dozens, months, or even years." Fu Longxing couldn't answer for sure.

"Fulongxing Immortal, I don't understand. Didn't you say that the red-eyed black dragon seized the thousand-year mana of Zhongyue Hall? Why is he not like Zisheng? Why is there nothing wrong with him? Fengfei asked puzzledly.

"Although the red-eyed black dragon is a holy beast, there is a demon spirit on his body, and his body is a dragon body, which may be the reason why he is fine, but I don't know why the red-eyed black dragon can control the thousand-year-old mana left by the Pangu god." Fu Longxing couldn't answer Fengfei's question.

When Fengfei heard Fu Longxing say this, she said speculically, "Fulongxing Immortal, is it because Zisheng's body is mortal flesh, so he can't bear the thousand-year power left by Pangu God?"

"This is indeed possible. After all, the mortal body is too weak. Well, I'm going to do something else. Zisheng, I'll leave it to you. Fu Longxing turned around and answered Fengfei.

Fulongxing then called Huang Tianlu, the official of Xidouxing. He stood on the gentle platform outside the Dongyue Hall and said, "Tianlu, I feel that Shangzisheng must not be an ordinary earth fairy. There must be a huge secret hidden in him. Therefore, we must act separately now. You stay and stay with Shang Zisheng. Together, I will go to hell to see if I can find King Wucheng.

"No, Uncle Ming, you'd better stay and stay with Shang Zisheng. Let the official go to hell in hell to find his father." Huang Tianlu scrambled to go to the hell under the hell to find his father and the emperor of Taishan, who was in charge of the land of Dongyue.

"The hell under hell is very dangerous. I can't let you take risks. Let's go to hell. Tianlu, don't think that it's not dangerous for you to stay with Zisheng, so you must be more careful and protect Zisheng. He must be very important to my heavenly court. Fulongxing reminded Huang Tianlu to be more careful.

"Well, Uncle Ming, the official will stay with Zisheng and protect Zisheng, although he doesn't seem to need the protection of the official at all. Uncle Ming, you should also be more careful when you go to hell under hell. Huang Tianlu had no choice but to agree with Fu Longxing's approach.

"Well, I will be careful, Tianlu, you should also take good care of yourself. Don't have anything to do, okay? This star is gone." After saying that, Fu Longxing flew into the distance.

Xidou Xingguan-Huang Tianlu looked at the flying Fulongxing-Huangming and prayed, "Uncle Ming, I hope you can find your father-Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng Emperor safely."

After saying that, Huang Tianlu turned into the Dongyue Hall on the top of Mount Tai in Dongyue to see how Tianying is now.

At this time, a lot of demons have gathered outside Chang'an City and are ready to invade Chang'an City, which is no longer protected by Ziwei.

However, in the palace in Chang'an City, Emperor Tang has invited 18 senior monks from Xiangguo Temple and said, "Since I ascended the throne, I have been diligent and loving the people, and I have never done anything disrespectful to heaven. Why did heaven bring this great disaster on earth? Please give me some guidance.

"This is a natural disaster. We mortals can only conform to God's will and cannot be violated. It's good! Good!" The abbot of Xiangguo Temple, dressed in a cloak, explained to the Tang Emperor.

"Heavenly disaster? Do the immortals in heaven also have disasters? Tang Huang said in surprise.

"In heaven and earth, nothing can escape the catastrophe. This is the cycle of heaven and earth. Heaven itself cannot escape its own catastrophe. There will always be, and you can't avoid it. This is the general intention of heaven itself." The abbot of Xiangguo Temple closed his eyes and rolled the Buddha beads in his hand to answer Tang Huang's question.

The Tang Emperor, who did not understand the Buddha's law, did not understand these generals and said, "Abbot, I don't know the profound Buddha's law. I just want to know how to protect the people in Chang'an City and no longer be hurt."

"The poor monk can only use the power of the monks of Xiangguo Temple to prevent demons from entering Chang'an City. This is a heavenly disaster. We can only follow God's will and wait for the gods to resolve the heavenly disaster." The abbot of Xiangguo Temple can only say as much as he can.

After answering the confusion of the Tang Emperor, the abbot of Xiangguo Temple left the palace with the other 17 senior monks of Xiangguo Temple. Eighteen senior monks stood in 18 directions of Chang'an City, surrounded the whole Chang'an City and began to recite Buddhist scriptures.

As 18 senior monks kept reciting Buddhist scriptures, the area around Chang'an City began to be shrouded in the golden atmosphere of Buddhism. Although the demons outside Chang'an City covet Chang'an City, they dare not approach Chang'an City, which is shrouded in the golden atmosphere of Buddhism.

Tianying, who was unconscious for three days in the Dongyue Hall, lay in the side room of Dongyue Hall, slowly woke up and said, "Sister Fengfei, how can I lie here? Didn't I go to chase the injured red-eyed black dragon?

Fengfei, who sat by the bed and guarded Tianying, was very happy to see Tianying wake up and said, "Zisheng, you finally woke up. You have been unconscious for three days and nights."

"What! Sister Fengfei, have I been in a coma for three days? Tianying said very unexpectedly.

Fengfei patiently told Tianying why she fainted, slowly told Tianying lying in **, and then said, "Zisheng, should we go to the Zhongyue Hall on the top of Song Mountain to find Yan Si now?"

"No, I have learned about Yan Si from Fulongxing Daxian now. She is not in danger now, so we won't go to the Zhongyue Hall. Let's continue to the top of Kunlun directly. We have been delayed for a long time." Tianying said that she was not going to the Zhongyue Hall.

In fact, Tianying is not going to the Zhongyue Hall for another reason, that is, he is worried that Suyansi will hurt Fengfei again, so he is not going to do Suyansi, as long as he knows that Suyansi is safe and sound now.

After that, Shang Tianying got up and rested for a while, then got up and took Fengfei away from Dongyue Hall and went back to the Yuxu Palace on the top of Kunlun Mountain. Huang Tianlu, the Xidou star officer, followed Tianying and Fengfei to the Yuxu Palace on the top of Kunlun Mountain! [ End of this chapter] → [Part 1 - Looking for Kunlun - End!]