The Great God

Chapter 107 - Spirit of Ten Thousand Years! Weak Water Princess

Shang Tianying didn't understand why he did not allow Tu Fengfei and Su Yansi to be taken out of the weak water lake and asked, "Weak water princess, why don't you let me take my sister Fengfei and Yan Si out of the weak water lake?"

[Weak Water Princess 1: The elves in the weak water lake absorb the ten-thousand-year aura and weak water aura on the top of Kunlun Mountain, forming a ten-thousand-year spirit, with a powerful purification power. Any rotten thing will be purified by her, with the power of weak water and ten-thousand-year aura, with a mana value of up to 100,000, in the weak water lake It will increase the mana by five times]

The weak water princess sighed helplessly and answered Tianying: "The two girls you want to take away have a strong demon spirit, so I can't let you take them away. I want to purify their demon spirit and demonic nature."

"It's normal for Sister Fengfei to release a strong demon spirit, because there are demon beads in her body, but what I don't understand is, Yan Si, how can she have demon spirit? I don't believe it's true." Tianying doesn't believe that Yan Si also has demonic spirit.

"It's useless if you don't believe it, because there is a strong demon spirit in them. I will never let them leave the weak water lake. Don't be confused by temporary emotions, otherwise, you will make a big mistake. Believe me, don't take these two girls out of the weak lake." The weak princess patiently persuaded Shang Tianying.

However, now Tianying will not give up taking Fengfei and Yan Si away from the weak water lake, and answered firmly: "Weak water princess, it is impossible for you to let me give up taking my Fengfei and Yan Si away. I must take them out of the weak water lake."

The weak water princess who heard this was furious: "I advised you so unsuspentantly. Don't blame me for doing it to you. I'm going to let you sleep in this weak water lake with these two girls now."

The angry weak water princess waved her hand, and the weak water lake suddenly rotated a huge whirlpool. Tianying was sucked into the center of the whirlpool little by little. Yan Si, who was pulled by her right hand, was swept away by the powerful power of the whirlpool. Tianying watched Yan Si being involved in the center of the whirlpool.

Shang Tianying, who was unwilling to be so unwilling, was ready to take Fengfei out of the weak lake first, and then come to find Suyansi who was swept away by the whirlpool.

Tianying continued to swim to the surface of the weak lake little by little with her extremely heavy Fengfei, but his body was also attracted by the whirlpool little by little.

Tianying found that he could not get rid of the attraction of the whirlpool. He could only do his best to throw Fengfei to the surface of the weak lake, but he was sucked into the whirlpool little by little.

Fengfei, who was thrown out with all her strength by Tianying, suddenly flew out of the water surface of the weak water lake, but soon Fengfei's body began to fall and was about to fall back into the weak water lake.

When Fengfei was about to fall into the water surface of the weak water lake, she was suddenly wrapped around her body by a dragon tail. What wrapped around Fengfei's body was the dragon Lin beast, the king of beasts on the shore of the weak water lake.

The King of Beasts - Longlin Beast can't fly over the weak water lake, so he can only stretch out his infinitely elongated tail to catch the phoenix concubine flying out of the weak water lake.

The king of beasts, who withdrew his tail, put the unconscious Fengfei on the shore of the weak water lake, looked at the unconscious Fengfei, and sighed, "You must have been sent by my master, but why didn't my master come out?"

The King of Beasts sat on the shore of the weak-water lake and looked at the lake of the weak-water lake, hoping to see his master, Shang Tianying, emerge from the weak water lake quickly.

Tianying in the weak lake was sucked into the whirlpool little by little. Tianying did not resist and was sucked into the whirlpool along the attraction of the whirlpool.

Tianying, who was involved in the whirlpool, was looking for Yan Si, who had just been sucked into the whirlpool, but he never found Yan Si in the whirlpool. He began to be a little nervous and thought: What's going on? I can't find Yan Si's body?

Tianying was worried that she could not find Yan Si, who was involved in the whirlpool, and inadvertently lowered her head to look! I was surprised to find that Yan Si had sunk into the depths of the weak lake.

Tianying, who found this situation, dived hard, but unfortunately couldn't catch up with Yan Si, who continued to sink to the depths of the lake. Instead, he was sucked back to the top of the whirlpool little by little.

In order to save Yan Si, Tianying made a bold move and recited the jade god armor spell - sleeping spell: "The heaven and the earth are for me - the method of immortals is for me - Yuqing's primitive supreme armor - the god's armor method sleep armor sinks."

Tianying recited the Jade Seal God Armor Curse - Sleeping Curse: Heaven and Earth for me - the method of immortals for me - Yuqing's original supreme armor - God's armor sleeping armor sinks. Later, the stone gray petrified jade god armor turned into blue light and flew back to the blue crystal heart pendant worn by Tianying's neck.

After the petrochemical Yuqing Fengshen armor turned into blue light and flew back. After the Fengshen blue crystal pendant worn by Tianying's neck, he began to be unable to breathe, and his body quickly fell in the center of the vortex.

Tianying, who held his breath, tried to get close to Yan Si, who sank to the depths of the lake, hoping to take Yan Si away from the weak lake.

The weak princess was surprised to see Tianying unload Yuqing's armor and said to herself, "Strange, is he crazy? Why did you take off the armor to protect his body?

The weak princess didn't want to hurt anyone. She stopped Tianying from taking Tu Fengfei and Su Yansi away, but she didn't want Yan Si and Fengfei to hurt others.

Now that Tianying is in danger, the weak water princess is naturally not ready to embarrass Tianying again. With a wave of her right hand, the whirlpool in the weak water lake gradually stops rotating the weak water lake and slowly regains calm.

Without the special force of the whirlpool, Tianying began to approach the sinking Yan Si. When Tianying approached Yan Si, she found that her body had been overwhelmed by the heavy force of weak water and made it difficult to move freely. In addition, she was unable to breathe, and her consciousness began to be a little blurred.

The weak water princess kindly reminded Tianying, who was vaguely aware: "Don't be strong anymore. Put on your armor quickly, or you will drown."

Tianying is very clear that what the weak water princess said is true, but now he will not give up to save Yan Si and continue to approach Yan Si with difficulty regardless of his life.

The weak water princess was moved by Tianying's persistence and sighed helplessly: "Alas! He is really a life-and-death guy.

The weak water princess in the form of waterman appeared under Yan Si's body in an instant, dragging Yan Si's sinking body.

Not only that, the weak princess also pushed Yan Si's body to float slowly to help Tianying get in touch with Yan Si faster.

Tianying was surprised. She didn't expect that the weak water princess would help him save Yan Si. She didn't understand what the weak water princess meant. She didn't think too much and continued to approach Yan Si. [ End of this chapter]