Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 47 Mixed Slave

Looking at the royal mother who couldn't help begging for mercy at his feet, Xia Bing secretly scolded, "That's how I begged for mercy. I still have a lot of powerful methods from Taiyi that haven't been used? You're not too tough!"

Naturally, I don't want to let go easily.

"In this way, I want to spare you, which is too cheap for you. What can you do for this seat? I am fully sure to destroy Hongjun's return to the flood this time. Not only that, I have also invited ten mixed Luo Jinxian as helpers from other big worlds. At that time, I will occupy the flood in one fell swoop, and you, a small hybrid early monk, are even more vulnerable. What can it use for me? Xia Bingman said disdainfully.

"You are still running out of longevity and slowly decaying in the boundless old age. I will kindly leave you a life span of hundreds of years, so that you can continue to be your Queen Mother and enjoy the last time." After saying that, the light of time shined in his eyes again to continue to deprive the Queen Mother of her little life.

Hearing Xia Bing say that he had invited ten mixed-yuan Luo Jinxian from other worlds, the king's mother didn't believe it, and later remembered that she was just a prisoner now. Xia Bing had no need to lie to her at all, and his heart was even more shocked and frightened. At this time, he saw that Xia Bing did not want to let her go and die, and his eyes were full of despair.

"husband, she is already like this, why don't you forgive her?" Yang Chan looked at the mother of an old man on the ground and couldn't help kowtoing for mercy.

And the Queen Mother who heard this on the ground seemed to see a glimmer of light in the endless darkness, and the despair in her eyes faded, full of expectation to Xia Bing.

"Chan, you are kind-hearted. She just wanted to kill you. You have to repay your kindness now." When Xia Bing heard Yang Chan's plea, he naturally put away the light in his eyes, but his anger was not exhausted.

"Now that my husband is here, is there anyone who can hurt the cicada?" Yang Chan heard Xia Bing's slightly dissatisfied words and said in a coquettish voice.

"Well! Of course not." Xia Bing smiled helplessly.

Xia Bing looked at the mother who had kowtowed her forehead on the ground, and even the hard white jade ground had been smashed and said, "Since my wife has pleaded for you, I will spare your life. Why don't you thank my wife?"

Hearing this, the royal mother looked happy and lay at the feet of Xia Bing and kowtowed three times in a row and said, "Thank you for the life-saving kindness of the Three Virgins to Yaochi. Thank you, the Demon Ancestor, for your mercy." However, he secretly hated it and secretly said that as long as he escaped today, he would break Yang Chan into ten thousand pieces.

However, Xia Bing seemed to know the bad thoughts of the Queen Mother.

"Enough nine!" Xia Bing waved his sleeves and flew the king's mother.

The Queen Mother rolled on the ground a few times and quickly climbed back. She continued to kowtow at Xia Bing's feet and no longer dared to have other thoughts.

"It's almost the same. It seems that your attitude is quite sincere." Xia Bing said with satisfaction.

Yang Chan in her arms had long turned her head unbearable and stopped looking at the ugly and disgusting look of the Queen Mother on the ground.

"Since you are so sincere in admitting your mistake, I will give you a chance to serve you." Xia Bing looked at the king's mother kneeling on the ground and said, "What, aren't you happy?"

The royal mother on the ground was full of excitement and quickly replied, "Yaochi is happy, Yaochi is happy, and it is a blessing for Yaochi III to work for the demon ancestors." But she gritted her teeth with hatred. She secretly planned to wait for Xia Bing to leave and then go to the Zixiao Palace to meet Hongjun Daozu, inform Daozu of the news of the return of Luo Hu, the demon ancestor, and ask Daozu to make the decision for her.

Xia Bing nodded with satisfaction and said, "In this case, why don't you hand over your soul?"

The Queen Mother on the ground turned pale when she heard this, and her forehead was sweating coldly.

"Well, what, don't you want to?" Xia Bing's voice sounded in the ears of the Queen Mother.

"Wish...willing." Wang's mother answered tremblingly, and then handed over her soul with trembling hands.

The Queen Mother understands that from today, she can only work peacefully for Xia Bing and can no longer get rid of Xia Bing's control. The previous ridiculous ideas have disappeared in front of Xia Bing, who mastered her soul and pinched her life.

After all, the royal mother handed over her soul, and Xia Bing could take her life through her soul at any time, and even Hongjun could not save her.

Xia Bing then smiled and said, "Very good, you know the current affairs very well. It's much better to follow this demon ancestor than to follow Hongjun."

Unlike the royal mother who is used to enjoying, if they are other strong people in the flood and famine lying at the feet of Xia Bing today, such as Kunpeng, the ancestor of the Styx River, Zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of earth immortals, and even the Duobao Buddha who defected to Western Buddhism, and Kong Xuan, the king of the Peacock Ming Dynasty, they can't be so easily scared by Xia Bing. , it is even more impossible to hear that Xia Bing is the demon ancestor Luo Hu and begin to tremble and lie on the ground waiting to die. Each of them is a peerless hero who has experienced many battles and is determined. In the face of such excessive humiliation of Xia Bing, they either rise up and resist or die together. It is impossible to be as timid and cowardly as the Queen Mother, so that Xia Bing can easily control it. The soul of life has been made.

So Xia Bing's ability to control the royal mother so easily has a lot to do with the royal mother's own foreign power and fear of life and death.

Although an innate spirit like the Queen Mother, although it is the lowest third-class innate spirit born worse than the burning lamp, and after being transformed by Hongjun, it is still barely regarded as an innate spirit, and the innate spirit does not have three souls and seven souls as the acquired people created by Nuwa. They only have heaven. The earth's two souls and life souls, controlling the souls of the ancestors is equivalent to controlling their life and death.

So Xia Bing is now completely relieved of the Queen Mother. His previous appearance and fake Luo Hu's identity is just to further destroy the Queen Mother's will to subdue and control her.

Although the royal mother almost killed Yang Chan, Xia Bing had endless anger and murderous murder in his heart, but now is not the best time to kill the royal mother. Once he kills the royal mother, it is equivalent to directly fighting against Hongjun, which is equivalent to fighting against the seven saints in the world of Honghuang. Although he is not afraid of Hongjun and other seven saints, he is also I don't have the ability to kill Hongjun.

Moreover, Xia Bing originally intended to hide in a low-key way. When the world invaded the flood, he would sit down and collect the benefits of the fishermen after many strong men in the two worlds were injured. If many god kings and demon ancestor Luo Hu in the world of the gods had not appeared, wouldn't he have invaded the flood soon? The world of all gods and the demon ancestor Luo Hu.

What's more, if Hongjun and other six saints realize that there is such a big threat around him and all cast their eyes on him, then all his plans for the journey to the west will be ruined.

Although the merit brought by the Journey to the West does not greatly improve his strength, it still has a great effect on Yang Chan and his three splits, especially the divine fire split, and even directly upgrade his cultivation to the level of mixed Yuan Jinxian through the merits of Journey to the West.

However, these are not the biggest purpose of Xia Bing's journey to the west. It is not difficult for Xia Bing, who has countless natural materials and treasures, and contains many sources of laws. Xia Bing's merit of the Journey to the West is to restore his luck in the flooded world through the merits of the Journey to the West. His ultimate goal is to alleviate the instinctive resistance of the world when he finally devours the whole world.

For this purpose, Xia Bing must ensure the smooth progress of the Journey to the West and not deviate from the original script.

Besides, the royal mother, who has been in control of life and death by him, will not hold it as much as he wants in the future, and kill her whenever he wants to kill her. Therefore, Xia Bing's anger and murderous intention towards the royal mother have been reduced a lot.

Coupled with his wife Yang Chan's plea, he decided to let the Queen Mother go.

Looking at the royal mother who was turned into an old man and kneeling on the ground, Xia Bing laughed coldly.

"Although your cultivation is a little poor, your attitude is still very sincere. It is commendable that you sincerely seek to work for this seat!"

When the mother heard Xia Bing's words, she even had a heart to commit suicide and said, "Obviously, you forced me to do this, but it seemed that it was really voluntary. Luo Hao, the demon ancestor, was not only cruel, but also so shameless. No wonder even Hongjun Daozu was afraid of him."

At this time, Xia Bing's voice sounded in the Queen Mother's ear again: "Since you are all for this person, you are naturally qualified to have a beautiful face."

The Queen Mother was overjoyed when she heard this and kowtowed three times and said, "Thank you, Demon Ancestor, for your kindness."

The poor royal mother was deprived of Shouyuan by Xia Bing and became an old wife. Now she is still happy to hear that Xia Bing wants to restore his Shouyuan and face, and kowtowed repeatedly.

When Yang Chan saw the royal mother kowtowed on the ground, she only felt that she was ugly, which was not as noble as before.

Xia Bing directly took out ten drops of Sanguang divine water and put them into the king's mother's body. The royal mother's lost Shouyuan quickly recovered, and the wrinkles and gray hair on his face, and his old voice all returned to the same as before.

Seeing that she had regained her appearance and Shouyuan's mother kowtowed repeatedly, thanking Xia Bing.

The reason why Xia Bing wastes Sanguang Shenshui to help him restore his original state is also to prevent others from knowing what happened today, continue to keep a low profile, hide in the dark, and facilitate his actions.

"Well, you can continue to be your mother in heaven first. If there is anything to tell you, I will tell you through your soul. If you can do things well in the future, maybe I will give you your soul as soon as I am happy. Whether I can make you happy depends on your future performance." In order to appease the royal mother, Xia Bing gave the royal mother another glimmer of hope.

After saying that, Xia Bing no longer paid attention to the king's mother on the ground and took Yang Chan back to Huashan.

"Congratulations to the Demon Ancestor!" Wang's mother quickly kowtowed to see her off.

For a long time, after there was no movement in the Yaochi Hall, she raised her head again, "Finally left!" He exhaled.

It looks like an amnesty.

In this way, the Queen Mother of Heaven became the first capable servant of Xia Bing.