Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 59 Battlefield Open

Xia Bing arranged everything in the Yuguang world, so that the whole Yuguang world kept ten thousand times faster. His own master, the "time" rune yuan god, stayed in the sun temple and retreated, intending to completely refine the chaotic clock that had been forgotten by him in the shrimp soldiers, that is, the current water god split in the sea of knowledge.

Seeing a chaotic bell like a broken bell in front of him, Xia Bingqi did not play any place. Whether it was the shrimp soldier's split yuan god and was pulled by the "time" rune to form a rune yuan god, or Xia Bing later turned the shrimp soldier to practice Shinto to condense the divine character to achieve the god, there was no movement in this chaotic bell, and there was no spirit. The reaction of the treasure protector does not have the power that the chaotic holy weapon should have.

Xia Bing was extremely dissatisfied. Without the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the whole chaotic clock would become a dead thing. There was no spirituality at all. At least he also left a soul mark on it, which was useless at the critical moment.

In order not to let the broken bell, the broken bell, continue to lie comfortably in the sea of his knowledge and do nothing, Xia Bing intends to directly let the rune yuan god refine it. Probably because the chaotic bell itself also contains the origin of the ordinary time law. Xia Bing's rune yuan god contains eight points of the more advanced time that are completely awakened. Because of the origin of the law, it took ten years to easily refine the three chaotic prohibitions in the chaotic clock and fully control the chaotic clock.

Xia Bing found that a little spirituality bred by Chaos Bell is very resistant to himself. Although he will not hurt himself, he will not take the initiative to help himself. With this kind of spirituality, as long as Xia Bing does not take the initiative to drive Chaos Bell, Chaos Bell will never take the initiative to help him.

Although he didn't understand why, Xia Bing guessed that it should be related to the dead Eastern Emperor Taiyi. It is estimated that this is spiritual and love for too long. He thought that Xia Bing killed the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and was hostile to Xia Bing, but because Xia Bing left a soul mark on the chaotic clock, he could not hurt Xia Bing, so he has always been Xia Bing ignored it. Before, Xia Bing and shrimp soldiers were broken, and there was no automatic protection of the owner in the face of a life-and-death crisis.

In order not to let this spirituality add trouble to themselves, the summer soldier will directly erase it. If it is kept, over time, it is likely to evolve into the spirit of the chaotic bell and the summer soldier to compete for control of the chaotic bell. Although it is erased, the chaotic bell will lose its spirituality, but after tens of thousands of years of warming, a new spirituality will naturally be born.

Xia Bing's strength, who controlled the chaotic holy weapon of the chaotic bell, increased a little, and because the chaotic bell is a space-time holy weapon, Xia Bing's understanding of the origin of the law of time in the past ten years of refining the chaotic bell has deepened. He has been exposed to the origin of the law of time and used the power of time with the power of the chaotic bell. He can even completely stop the time in a space.

Just wait for him to strengthen the power of the yuan god in the rune, and then he can begin to integrate the origin of the time law in the rune.

Then he expelled the soul mark of Odin, the god king, from the "conqueror" warship robbed by the two alien gods Alick and Lund. It took him a hundred years to refine this huge and powerful war machine and completely become the owner of this chaotic sacred weapon.

And his water god split still returned to Huashan, accompanying the Three Virgins and Yun'er in the Huashan courtyard.

As for the fourth princess of Donghai, after staying in Huashan Beiyuan for half a month, I guess she also felt embarrassed to destroy the good deeds of Yang Chan and Xia Bing, so she went back to the East China Sea.

Time is like water, and a year passes in a flash. For many monks in the wilderness, it is not enough to retreat once a year, but for all sentient beings in the Yuguang world, this year is 10,000 years, which is enough to make an ordinary mortal grow into a strong immortal and achieve a legend.

Xia Bing's lobster split took Yang Chan and Yun'er around the wilderness this year. Originally, he planned to drive directly to the Huashan courtyard, but Yang Chan thought it was too swaggering and disagreed, so Xia Bing had to give up.

Irrelying that the water god split was free and happy outside, Xia Bing's fire god split began to select the divine soldiers that sentient beings in the Yuguang world had been looking forward to for a long time.

Almost all the monks above the immortals in the Yuguang world are concentrated on the central eight continents. There are more than 100,000 immortals and lower gods on each road, tens of thousands of true immortals and middle gods, thousands of Xuanxians and upper gods, and even one Taiyi Jinxian was born in three continents.

80% of these monks are practicing immortality, and less than 20% of the monks practice Shinto. Although the innate spirit of Yuguangjie is strong and it is not difficult to feel the mystery of the law, the cultivation of immortality is still faster than that of Shinto.

Because so many immortals and strong people were born, the eight continents are not only about to tolerate so many immortals and strong people, but also greatly reduced their aura.

Xia Bing directly opened up three battlefields over eight continents, namely, the fairy battlefield, the true fairy battlefield and the Xuanxian battlefield, and then put nearly one million immortal-level immortals, 100,000 true immortals and nearly 10,000 Xuanxian-level immortals into three battlefields respectively.

Divide them into two camps, man and demon. The reason for this division is that the number of strong men in the two camps is not big, and the two demons in the Yuguang world are hostile to each other. Human monks often kill demons to get elixir, and demon monks also swallow human monks to improve their cultivation.

It's best to let them fight. Xia Bing will not feel cruel, because he just found a place to solve the feud for both sides.

Each battlefield has a big river that divides the battlefield into two halves. The two camps of the shemales occupy one side, and each battlefield has a battle flag standing in the center of the battlefield. On the two battle flags are written on humans and demons, representing which race the battlefield belongs to.

"In the camp of the two demons, the fairy battlefield, those who kill 100 enemies can be divine soldiers, give a top fairy weapon, the true fairy battlefield, those who kill ten enemies can be the divine guard, give the best fairy weapons, the mysterious fairy battlefield, those who kill five enemies, can be the divine soldier lieutenant, give a pure Yang immortal soldier, and those who break through Taiyi Jinxian and the true god can be a divine general. Give a gift of the spiritual treasure, and you have to choose the divine soldiers, divine guards, the divine school, and divine generals to enter the Wanfa Pavilion to choose a magic power.

"The two camps first take down the flag of the other clan to win. In the battlefield of immortals, each of the victorious party gives ten thousand years of spiritual grass, and the winner of the flag gives one of the best fairy weapons. In the true fairy battlefield, the victorious side gives ten innate spiritual fruits. The winner of the flag gives one pure yang immortal soldier. In the Xuanxian battlefield, the victorious party can go to the floating fairy island to practice for thousands of years. , the flag-grabbing person gives a gift a spiritual treasure. The failed party, except for those who meet the selection conditions, will all be erased. The battlefield of the three divine soldiers has been opened for a hundred years. In the last ten years, there is no reward for the final battle time of the clan flag. Now the selection of divine soldiers is officially opened!"

With the majestic voice of Xia Bing, the two clans and demons in the three battlefields were crazy. Hearing the rich reward, everyone was moved. After all, most of the immortals now use the lowest-level fairy weapons, and even some immortals use inferior fairy weapons, which is true. There are very few high-quality fairy weapons in Xianli, and Xuanxian can refine high-quality fairy weapons with his strong magic power.

Among the lower world monks in the whole Yuguang world, only three Taiyi Jinxian have pure yang immortal soldiers, all of which have been hard to point out. It can be imagined that good weapons and magic weapons are attractive to them, but this is also the result of Xia Bing's deliberate control and not passing down good refining skills, otherwise it will only reward these selections. The fairy god who comes out will make him very sad.

However, the most attractive thing for these immortals is not these magic weapons and weapons, but the opportunity to choose magic power from the Wanfa Pavilion. Although they have never heard of the Wanfa Pavilion, they know what is collected from the name alone, not to mention the place where the Creator God collects magic power, and the spells in it The magical power is certainly not small.

Although the rewards of the winning side of the two camps are not as good as the rewards of being successfully selected as the divine soldiers, divine guards and divine schools, they are also moved. The ten-year-old spiritual grass, the innate spiritual fruit, and the opportunity to go to the floating fairy island for thousands of years are deeply attracted to them. The most important thing is that these rewards are the winning side. Some people have it.

As for the three Taiyi Golden Immortals, they made more than a million monks in the three battlefield envy and hate them. They were directly given the position of divine generals and acquired spiritual treasures by the great creation god without selection at all, which made other monks sigh why they did not work hard to practice at the beginning. If they broke through and became Taiyi Golden Immortals, It can also be favored by the Creator.

There are also many people who feel cold in their hearts, especially what the creator god finally said that those who did not meet the selection requirements of the failed of the two races will be erased. Whether it is for survival or for the rich reward, those immortals, true immortals and Xuanxian all started their own battles crazily.

They all want to kill the number of people who meet the selection as soon as possible. No one will be stupid enough to deceive the Creator in the number of people who kill the enemy, because they all know that it is impossible. In the eyes of the great Creator, everything will be invisible.