Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 76 Wrath of the Sun

Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace in the chaos has calculated that the fire god split is the refined form of the sun god fire, and the Tongtian Master and other five saints on the wall of the Purple Palace have also calculated the heel of the fire god split.

Hongjun's face was uncertain at this time. He thought that the essence of the sun god fire was conceived by the sun star over the years. At this time, the transformation is also connected with the sun star's luck. If he obstructs its transformation, it will definitely damage the sun star, but he does not know that the sun god fire spirit has left the sun star for many years and has been refined into a split by Xia Bing, although when After the Vultan split appeared on the Sun Star, the luck gradually connected with the Sun Star, but the connection between the two was far from the Sun God Fire Spirit before it was taken away from the Sun Star. At this time, Hongjun could completely kill the V of the V ofhuo shen split without damaging the Sun Star.

Of course, the premise is that he can break through the obstacles of the original god of rune.

However, Hongjun believed in the result of the calculation of the Jade Butterfly. When he calculated that the fire god was the essence of the sun god fire, he thought that the sun god fire spirit bred by the sun star was crossing the disaster, and another congenital god was about to be born. Although it felt strange, he calculated from the essence of the sun god fire that was crossing the disaster. With no more information, Hongjun just thinks that it has just been born, that's why it is so.

The other six saints have only calculated the identity of Xia Binghuoshen's splitting sun god fire spirit, and there is no other way to go to see the sun and star, but due to the ban set by Hongjun that saints are not allowed to appear in the flood, they can only watch it with divine thoughts.

After the appearance of the horrible thunder cloud above the sun star, a figure that was hundreds of feet high and shrouded in gray fog quickly spread an infinite prohibition to cover the whole sun star, preventing others from approaching, but did not isolate their divine exploration.

When the saints wanted to explore the identity of the mysterious figure, they found that the idea was blocked by the gray fog around the person, and they could not see the true face of the mysterious figure no matter how they explored it.

This mysterious figure disappeared instantly after the ban was imposed, and even several saints did not know how he disappeared.

However, Xia Bing felt the prying of those saints and returned directly to the Yuguang world.

Hongjun and the six saints have calculated one after another, but they can't figure out who the other party is, so they think that there is a treasure on this mysterious person that covers up the sky, blocks their calculation, and no longer delve into it, but puts their divine thoughts on the fire god who is crossing the disaster.

At this time, the colorful robbery clouds over the sun star have completely taken shape, and tens of thousands of miles of horrible robbery clouds cover half of the whole sun star like a big umbrella. Fortunately, the brightness of this robbery cloud is not weaker than that of the sun star, otherwise the world may see the vision of the dog eating the sun at this time.

The clouds are constantly rotating, and the colorful light shines to illuminate the starry sky. If it weren't for the strong sense of destruction emitted by the clouds, people who don't know it would think it is auspicious.

Hongjun and the Six Saints are also puzzled. After all, it is reasonable that even the transformation disaster of the top gods can't be so horrible, and they have been calculated one after another, but it is calculated that it is because the spirit of fire that is being transformed is connected to the solar star machine. I don't know why Hongjun felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong for a moment.

The power of the stars in this starry sky was absorbed into a power.


With a loud noise, one after another of red thunderstorms is like a red dragon, roaring and rushing to the sun star to turn into a humanoid flame.

A row of nine red-shao god thunders split into the fire god split.

"Haha, come on, look at me 'Ten Days of Burning the Sky'

Xia Bing shouted and hit Taiyi's great magic power "ten days to burn the sky", and the little sun transformed by the ten sun gods emitted a dazzling light to meet the nine red sky thunders.

As the ten small suns intersect with the nine thunders one after another, a series of horrible roars echoed in the sun god. Ten small suns offset the eight red thunder thunders, and the last red thunder fell on Xia Bing.

After all, Xia Bing's "Ten Days of Burning the Sky" magic power is too scattered. In addition, he did not exert all his strength, so he did not completely block the nine thunders.

However, in the end, the thunder did not cause him too much trouble and was blowed away by him. Although it dispersed the red light thunder, the fire god couldn't help frowning, because in addition to the terrible thunder and lightning power just now, he also felt the cold and bone-piercing freezing power.

His fire god split is transformed by the essence of the supreme fire. Whether he is a ten-thousand-year-old Xuanbing or a million-year-old Xuanbing, he will instantly turn into water vapor. It is impossible for him to feel a trace of coldness, and the frozen power in this red god thunder actually makes him feel cold, although it is really incredible, although red The frozen power in the Sky Thunder can't hurt him at all, but don't forget that the Red Sky Thunder is just a tentative attack from the huge thunder clouds in the air.

Just as Xia Bing was surprised by the frozen power in the red sky god thunder, the Nuwa saint in the Wa palace was puzzled, because just now, when she watched the fire god cross the disaster with divine thoughts, she heard Xia Bing shouting "Ten Days Burning the Sky" and recognized that this was the magic power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Although the other saints also heard it, they only thought This is just a move created by the Sun God and Fire Spirit on the Sun Star for so many years. After all, they have never seen the Eastern Emperor Taiyi perform this move.

However, before Nuwa became a saint, she was the wife of the demon clan. Later, she took in ten gold Wulu pressure and instructed her to practice. Naturally, she saw this magic power. In addition, her name is also correct, so she confirmed that this is Taiyi magic power.

But now she only thinks that the Vulcan split got part of the magic power left by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi on the Sun Star, and she didn't think much else.

And as soon as Xia Bing crossed the nine red-camonsters, the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and Duobao Buddha, who were closest to the Sun Star, felt together near the Sun Star.

When they saw that there was a ban, they waved their magic light to break the ban, but their mana attack was like a mud cow entering the sea after the ban, and did not cause any damage to the ban imposed by Xia Bing.

However, the prohibition laid by Xia Bing has the effect of absorbing mana, which will directly absorb the mana and energy that attack on the prohibition into the Yuguang world. In addition to breaking this prohibition, except for all the mana in the mixed Yuanluo Jinxian's body, which is comparable to understanding the origin of the five-point law, only Only by playing a force comparable to the mixed golden immortal with the strong physical strength can break the ban.

As long as someone finds this, several uncultivous mixed elements can join hands to attack with physical power and break the ban. Xia Bing can only bet that they will not find it in a short time.

When they still wanted to attack, the eyes of the Vnole on the Sun Star flashed and stared at the Queen Mother who was about to continue to attack him.

She was about to use her magic power and the Jade Emperor and the Buddha to attack the forbidden Queen Mother around the Sun Star again. In an instant, her face turned pale and sweated coldly, but Xia Bing was warning her through her soul, giving her a lesson and her mind to be damaged.

The Queen Mother, who knew that she had done something stupid, quickly covered her face and stopped the Jade Emperor and the Buddha who were about to attack again and said, "Haotian and Buddha, let's not attack this prohibition first."

The Jade Emperor wondered, "Yaochi, what's wrong? Why don't you attack?"

The Buddha also said suspiciously, "I don't know what the Empress has?"

The Queen Mother looked at them and said, "Forbid that they are the top gods who are crossing the disaster. Looking at the horror of this disaster, you will know that the people who overcome the disaster must not be a general person. Even if we break the ban, what are the benefits? Do we still want to stop him from crossing the disaster? Let alone whether we can do it under such a terrible thunderstorm? Even if we do it, it won't be good for us, let alone if we can't do it and the other party has successfully survived the thunderstorm, we have not formed a cause and effect with him and added a big enemy.

Seeing that the Jade Emperor and Buddha had listened to her words, the Queen Mother decided to add another fire and paused and said, "And with the strength of the three of us, I'm afraid we can't break the ban in the starry sky. I'm afraid it will be a blessing if the person who imposed this ban is introduced. After all, such a large area of powerful prohibition can be imposed, except for the saint-level Strong man, can anyone else do it?"

The Jade Emperor and the Buddha couldn't help nodding secretly, but they gave up the attack not exactly because of the words of the Queen Mother, and they did not fully believe that this prohibition was imposed by the saints. After all, Hongjun's prohibition of the saint from appear in the flood. The immortals who reached the golden fairy level in the flood and famine are all know it, but intend to let them rush. Other mixed yuan can be the first bird.

Seeing that the Jade Emperor and the Buddha stopped attacking, the Queen Mother couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Xia Bing would be angry with her because the Jade Emperor and the Buddha would continue to attack and directly kill her.

At this time, the clouds in the sky rolled again, like a sleeping dragon waking up. It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Xia Bing's unscathed through the nine red sky thunder disasters, and felt that Xia Bing had provoked its majesty.


Another explosion, and the heads and tails of the nine orange thunder dragons fell towards the fire god like the evil god of fire clouds.

Xia Bing saw the huge solar power extracted from the sun star and compressed into a round of small golden sun only the size of a fist.

"Wrath of the sun!"

With Xia Bing's shouting, the little golden sun in his hand greeted the nine orange thunders.


With a loud noise ringing through the starry sky, nine orange thunder thunders were destroyed and scattered by Xia Bing's "Wrath of the Sun". The "Wrath of the Sun" was only small and became the size of an egg. It still rushed up unabatedly and rushed directly into the clouds.


Then there was a muffled sound in the whole cloud.

Then the robbery clouds on the sun star exploded and were completely angry. There were still colorful thunderstorms left that did not give Xia Bing any time to breathe, and directly nine yellow thunderstorms fell.

The forced Xia Bing had to borrow the power of the sun from the sun star at the same time to gather two "Wrath of the Sun" to meet the yellow thunder, which was blocked.

For good, with Xia Bing's crossing the thunder disaster and the orange thunder disaster, he has become much closer to the Sun Star, and he can constantly borrow the infinite solar divine power on the Sun Star without worrying about the lack of divine power in his body.

At this time, those six saints who watched the battle with divine thoughts and Hongjun and even the mixed yuan Jinxian who came one after another also recognized the signature magic power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

However, like Nuwa, they all guessed that Xia Bing only got part of the inheritance left by Taiyi on the sun star. They don't think he has much to do with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. After all, in their eyes, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi fell early.