Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 98 30,000 Taiyi Strongman

Xia Bing quickly pulled her back and said with a black line, "Silly girl, why are you in such a hurry now? Don't be so playful in the future. Just take more time to understand the origin of the law. Now you have just broken through to the realm of mixed yuan and want to continue to understand the origin of the law. It's not so easy. It's impossible to eat a fat man in one breath!"

Yun'er was full of worry and said, "But if they don't practice hard, what if they get old in the future?"

Xia Bing stroked the little girl's jade back and comforted her, "Don't worry, I won't let that happen."

Hearing Xia Bing's promise, the little girl lay in Xia Bing's arms at ease, but she was no longer in the mood to make Xia Bing worse.

Xia Bing was naturally depressed and couldn't wait to slap his two big mouths: "You said that you were idle and hurt. Why did you say this to this naive little girl? You really lifted a stone and hit yourself in the foot."

After holding Yun'er and flirting for almost an hour, the little girl forgot what Xia Bing had said before that she would get old.

Not long after, the fourth princess and Yang Chan successively practiced the second law to the mixed realm. At this time, there was less than one-third of the Biling holy water in the jade bowl given to them by Xia Bing.

Xia Bing looked at the two women with a smile and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Do you want to continue to practice the law of space to the realm of mixed yuan golden immortals under the hollow willow tree!"

The fourth princess and Yang Chan blushed, and Yang Chan said even more coquettishly, "My husband, it's all your fault! Who made you feel that it is so simple to break through the realm of mixed yuan? They have only practiced for a while!"

The fourth princess looked at the Biling holy water given to them by Xia Bing and said meaninglessly, "Father, we are almost running out of this holy water!"

She looked at Xia Bing with embarrassment. She practiced so much that she didn't remember how much Biling holy water she had consumed.

Xia Bing stopped and said, "There are so many holy water. Don't worry about it. Just don't work so hard when you practice in the future. It doesn't matter how many kinds of laws are. The important thing is to understand the origin of the laws."

The two women nodded when they heard this, and they were very clever.

The fourth princess looked at Xia Bing again and said, "Husband, do you think there is a lot of Biling holy water. Do green trees often produce Biling holy water?"

Yang Chan covered her mouth and replied for Xia Bing with a smile, "Listen, you don't know. Your husband's green tree will flow out of Biling holy water every ten years. We only used this time just now. You don't have to save for your husband at all in the future."

The fourth princess was surprised when she heard this: "Isn't my husband's holy water continuous? Then my husband can cultivate a large number of mixed powers!"

When Yang Chan heard the words of the fourth princess, she thought for a moment and agreed, "Yes, husband, can't we cultivate a lot of mixed powers?"

Xia Bing shook his head and said, "This is not urgent, and I will not easily cultivate the power of mixed yuan. After all, my Yuguang world is not big enough. However, although you have broken through to the realm of mixed yuan, you have not understood the origin. In the future, you will spend more time next to understand the origin of life and the origin of wood next to the green trees, and achieve the source of mixed yuan as soon as possible.

Yang Chan said playfully, "I know, my husband."

Xia Bing shook his head with a smile and said to Yun'er, "At that time, you can practice with your two sisters. Don't worry that you can't understand the origin. There are green trees. As long as you spend more time, you will definitely understand."

Yun'er listened and kept her little head.

The three women flew directly to the hollow willows and green trees to feel the two chaotic spiritual roots at close range. The infinite vitality of the green trees made the three women feel extremely comfortable. The natural vitality of heaven and earth, and you can even hear its breathing sound on the green tree.

After that, they flew around on the hollow willows. The fourth princess stretched out her delicate jade hand to pick a willow leaf, but felt that she had not caught anything.

"Husband, what's going on? Why can't I catch it?"

Xia Bing said funnyly, "My princess, this is a hollow willow!" It is the chaotic spiritual root of space attributes! You don't need any mana, and it will naturally pass over it. Fortunately, this hollow willow has not yet grown up yet. Only the wicker reaches into the void. When it grows up, the whole tree will exist in the void. If you sit on it like this again, you will definitely fall down, and your buttocks will hurt.

The fourth princess glanced at Xia Bing, took a wicker with mana, and waved her hand: "Do you want to plant more three generations of spiritual roots?"

Xia Bing looked at it and smiled and said, "This idea is a good idea. In the future, each floating fairy island will be planted again. Although it is only a congenital spiritual root equivalent to a high-level point, it is also very good. With these three generations of hollow willows, the floating fairy island will be more stable. Since attention is thought, it is glorious to plant trees. It's up to you."

The fourth princess said angrly, "It's glorious to plant trees, treat them as a hard force, and say that such a high-sounding thing, your husband's face is really thicker than the city wall."

Yun'er and Yang Chan on one side also laughed coquettishly when they heard it.

Seeing that the three women were so happy, Xia Bing had to let them plant trees together. After all, it is everyone's responsibility to green the environment.

After Yang Chan's three daughters went to plant trees, Xia Bing left the central spiritual pool.

After millions of years of evolution, the current Yuguang world has given birth to many large and small land, covering the whole Yuguang world. The original large and small land areas have also become much larger. Each of the eight largest continents has 50,000 miles, and 18 small continents have also expanded to about 20,000 miles.

There are countless other islands, large and small, and the larger islands are thousands of miles away, and there are also monks and mortals who have migrated from 18 small continents.

The number of monks living on these islands is not comparable to that of the monastic seas.

There are countless sea monks in the sea. After millions of years of reproduction, the creatures in the sea have long been no worse than the flood and famine.

These continents, islands and the seas have evolved many mineral veins, spiritual veins, various elixirs, spiritual materials and other cultivation resources.

The rare treasures are not much worse than the current floodland.

The eight large continents are the gathering places of all the immortals in the universe. It is not easy to see an immortal outside the large continent. Although every ten thousand summer soldiers will forcibly select divine soldiers, and countless immortals have died, there are millions of immortals produced in ten thousand years, especially It is that Xia Bing will enter these eight large continents from time to time, and the number of immortals produced will never be reduced.

18 small continents are the place with the most immortals, which can be regarded as the hometown of earth immortals in the whole universe. Every year, a large number of earth immortals will break through to become immortals on these small continents. They also know the cruelty of the battlefield of divine soldiers. Once they break through the immortals, or become subordinate gods. As soon as the ten-thousand-year period arrives, you must enter the battlefield of divine soldiers, but if you don't break through, the longevity of earth immortals and demigods is limited, but thousands of years, not even ten thousand years.

In order to live longer, they can only choose to break through.

The battlefield of divine soldiers has become a place of death in the hearts of all monks in the Yuguang world. Every ten thousand years, a large number of monks of the two races of demons will fall there. For millions of years, there have been two to 300 million immortals who died there. The killing spirit collected by Xia Bing is enough to refine the best killing that is not much worse than the sword of the Jade Dynasty. Bao.

Even the lower gods, middle gods and upper gods collected by Xia Bing have a small hill high, with 40 to 50 million diamond-shaped gods of various colors, which are more attractive than the most beautiful gems in the world, especially these gems constantly exude various laws and mysteries, forming colorful Strange ribbon.

Xia Bing once took Yang Chan and Yun'er to enjoy his gem mountain. The beautiful divine gems dazzled the two women. The two women were all like dragons with gold coins, constantly choosing all kinds of gems.

However, when they knew that these gems were left by the gods who died on the battlefield of the divine soldiers, Xia Bing was sad. He was not only beaten by them, but also prevented him from going to bed for half a year.

Let him hide alone in the corner and sigh: "There is no good end to show off wealth!"

These gods are extremely hard, especially the god of the upper god is not much worse than the ordinary acquired spiritual treasure. It is an extremely rare refinery material. Of course, it is impossible for Xia Bing to take his collection to the refiner, but he used 99 upper gods to refine an extremely beautiful colorful sword, taking Not long after playing in his hand, he was robbed by Yang Chan, who happened to see it, and did not dislike that it was refined with a divine grid. He also said, "Spiritual compensation." In fact, she even learned this word from Xia Bing.

Before long, Yun'er found that the extra dazzling sword in Yang Chan's hand could attract any beautiful woman in the world. She also shouted to let Xia Bing refine one for her as her "spiritual compensation". Xia Bing had to refine another one with a bitter face. Originally, he wanted to refine a lotus flower for Yuner, but he was afraid that Yang Chan would see it. Seeing that he came to receive "spiritual compensation", he refined a sword that was exactly the same as before, but with different styles, so that the two women were balanced.

Let Xia Bing shout that the blessing of Qi people is not easy to enjoy!

After more than 3 million years of divine soldiers and divine craftsman selection, Xia Bing is now strong, with more than 100,000 immortal-level divine soldiers, about 300,000 true immortal-level divine guards, 1.2 million Xuanxian-level divine soldiers, more than 36,000 Taiyi Jinxian and true god-level divine generals, and Daluo Jinxian and god-level leaders. Four hundred and fifty-three, mixed golden immortals and two god-level commanders.