Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 116 Merit and Luck

At dawn the next day, the four masters and apprentices continued to travel.

On the way, he met a group of robbers, all of whom were taken down by Sun Wukong and sent to the government.

After that, it was calm all the way, and Tang monk and apprentice never met any demons.

At the foot of Lingshan, the Jinding Immortal came to welcome the four Tang monks with a smile on his face. The Jinding Immortal is also a backer, and the backer is very hard. Otherwise, he would not have cultivated a Taoist temple under the Lingshan religion, and the errands of welcoming the four Tang monks would not fall into the hands of him as a Taoist priest.

The saint personally descended to receive the four Tang monks, giving great glory to the Tang monks and apprentices. Tang monks and apprentices took off their mortal fetuses in the reborn river, turned into fairy fetuses and fairy bones, and washed away the world's miscellaneous thoughts.

The four Tang monks burst into tears and excitedly followed the four King Kong into the Great Leiyin Temple and met the Buddha. The Buddha encouraged the four people.

Tang Monk sincerely bowed to the ground and asked the Buddha to give the true scriptures. The Buddha asked his disciple Anangaye to take Tang monk and apprentice to the library to collect the scriptures.

There are three collections of scriptures: there is a collection of Law, talking about the sky; there is a collection of "On" about the earth; there is a collection of scriptures, which is a ghost. A total of 35 volumes, 1544 volumes, are the way of cultivation and the door of righteousness.

When he arrived at the library of Tibetan scriptures, Anangaye chose the scriptures, but did not give them to the Tang monk, but asked the Tang monk for personnel, that is, the so-called gifts. The Tang monk did not send any personnel. Anangaye still gave them scriptures, but they were all blank. This is the so-called courtesy exchange. The Tang monk did not give personnel, thunder The temple can't give the Tang monk scriptures for nothing.

On the halfway road, the Buddha asked Bai Xiong to seize the blank scriptures of the Tang monk, taking the opportunity to find that the scriptures were blank. The Tang monk and apprentice had to turn back to the Leiyin Temple to meet the Buddha, and Sun Wukong found the Buddha to argue.

The Buddha said: The law cannot be passed on lightly, and it cannot be sent in vain, so that it seems that my Shamen * is precious.

Then he asked Anangaye to take the Tang monk to get the real scriptures. This time, Anangaye asked the Tang monk again for personnel, and the Tang monk gave them the purple gold bowl given to him by Li Shimin, the king of Tang Dynasty, so as to obtain the true scriptures.

obtained 400 volumes of the Nirvana Sutra, 360 volumes of the Bodhisattva Sutra, 20 volumes of the Void Tibetan Sutra, 30 volumes of the Sutra, 40 volumes of the Great Collection of the Grace Sutra, 40 volumes of the Decision Sutra, 20 volumes of the Treasure Sutra, 81 volumes of the Huayan Sutra, 30 volumes of the Sutra of Li Zhen Ru Sutra, and the Great Prajna Sutra 600 volumes, 50 volumes of the Golden Light Classic, 550 volumes of the Classics, 30 volumes of the Weimo Sutra, 42 volumes of the Three Different Classics, one volume of the Diamond Sutra, 20 volumes of the Zheng* Sutra, 116 volumes of the Buddhist Classics, 20 volumes of the Five Dragons Sutra, 60 volumes of the Bodhisattva Precepts, and 60 volumes of the Great Collection of Classics 30 volumes, 140 volumes of the Maji Sutra, 10 volumes of the Fahua Sutra, 30 volumes of the Yoga Sutra, 170 volumes of the Treasure Sutra, 30 volumes of the Western Heaven Sutra, 110 volumes of the Monk Ji Sutra, 1638 volumes of the Buddhist Classics, 50 volumes of the Book of Faith, and 90 volumes of the Great Wisdom Sutra. 140 volumes of the Baowei Sutra, 56 volumes of the Book of this Pavilion, 10 volumes of the Law of the Book, 14 volumes of the Great Peacock Classic, 10 volumes of the Book of Weishi, and 10 volumes of the Book of Jushe.

A total of 5, 48 volumes of scriptures have been obtained.

The four King Kong also cast spells, sent Tang monks and apprentices for a journey, directly to the west bank of the Tongtian River, where they met the old man who was carrying Tang monks and disciples across the river. It took the initiative to carry Tang monks across the river again and asked Tang monks in the middle of the river to ask Buddha how long he had lived. Tang Monk had long been in the Daleiyin Temple. He was so excited that he couldn't find the north. How could he remember this? When the old man heard that the Tang monk forgot to ask, he immediately threw the four masters and apprentices into the river.

The box of scriptures also fell into the Tongtian River. Sun Wukong used his means to save Tang Monk and others, but the scriptures were all soaked and dried in Chenjia Village for a day.

At this time, the Duobao Buddha of the Great Leiyin Temple smiled and said, "In this way, I have just made up the difficulties of ninety-nine and eighty-one, which is in line with my truth."

ushered in the sound of Amitabha Buddha below.

After that, the Buddhist King Kong once again used Xiangfeng to send the four Tang monks and apprentices to the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Monk and apprentice returned to Chang'an with the True Sutra. Li Shimin, who had heard the news early, personally welcomed the Tang Monk and his apprentice ten miles outside Chang'an City and returned to the Jinluan Hall. Tang Monk handed over the customs ultimatum together with the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures to Li Shimin. Li Shimin looked at the customs clearance ultimatum covered with seals from dozens of countries and was full of excitement. With emotion, he turned over the scroll of the true scriptures with Buddha's light, and the trembling hand invisibly showed Li Shimin's mood at this moment.

Li Shimin thanked the Tang monk and his apprentice in front of the civil and military officials. The civil and military officials also worshipped the four Tang monks together. After that, Li Shimin and the civil and military officials invited the four masters and apprentices.

After the banquet, Li Shimin asked people to plagiarize hundreds of Mahayana scriptures and send them to the world's monasteries to copy them. With the spread of this imperial edict, heaven and earth felt that the Tang monks and disciples went west to benefit the lives of the southern provinces and bring down the enlightenment merits.

A large number of merits and virtues appeared over Chang'an City, forming a huge cloud of merits. Four layers of merits and virtues flew directly to the Great Leiyin Temple. Three layers of merits flew to four Tang monks and apprentices, and the three layers of merits turned into hundreds of white dragon horses and Honghuang respectively, by those living demons and helped Tang on their journey to the west. The immortal Buddha of the monk and his apprentice.

Before the three layers of merits and virtues of the four masters and apprentices of Tang monks and apprentices entered the body of the four masters and apprentices, they changed their way halfway and flew to the Sun Star and fell into the hands of Xia Bing's Vue.

According to the original script, after the Tang monk and his apprentice deliver the true scriptures to Dongtu, they should return to the Western Tianda Leiyin Temple and accept the title of Buddha, which is called the so-called achievement. Once the Tang monk and apprentice accept the title of Buddhism, the luck brought by the completion of the Journey to the West will be integrated into the luck of the Buddha, and Buddhism can take advantage of it. Xing.

But now, because Tang monks and apprentices have long been refined into puppets by Xia Bing, the merits and morals on their bodies are all counted on Xia Bing. Because Xia Bing's Rune Yuanshen returned to the Yuguang world at the moment of the arrival of merits and virtues, the merits and virtues that fell from the world all fell on the fire god who was pretending to be the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the Sun Star. On the head of the split.

The luck that originally belonged to the great prosperity of Buddhism was also divided into two. Buddhism only got 40% of the luck, and 60% of the luck fell on the head of the "East Emperor Taiyi" on the sun star.

Buddhist sect, which was robbed of merit and luck by Xia Bing, can no longer make a big splash, at most a little.

When many Buddhas and Chaos in the Great Leiyin Temple saw this scene, their faces were wonderful.

"How is that possible! How could the luck and merit of my Buddhism fall into the hands of 'East Emperor Taiyi'!" He roared angrily.

He received a sad face. Before he spoke, he sprayed a mouthful of blood and said with a gray face, "The Eastern Emperor Taiyi is really calculating. It turns out that he has long controlled the Tang monk and his apprentice. He has wasted our efforts, but he made a wedding dress for him."

"Hateful! Hate it! Brother, we have been planning for thousands of years, will we let the 'East Emperor Taiyi' pick the fruit? It is unwilling to be full.

He wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and said with a wry smile, "This Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't pay attention to us at all. He is provoking Tiandao. Tiandao stipulates that my Buddhism should be prosperous. Now Buddhism can't flourish, just hit Tiandao's face and let Tiandao and Hongjun deal with Taiyi. We can't help him."

Zheng nodded: "It seems that if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi really comes out of the Sun Star, the demon clan will definitely flourish again!"

He said, "He hasn't come out yet. His luck and merit fell on his head, not on the head of the demon clan. He asked Duobao to send monks and arhats to spread the law in the East to collect luck for my Buddhism, and let my Buddha flourish before the Eastern Emperor Taiyi broke the seal."

Zhe nodded and said, "That's the only way."

At this time, Hongjun and the other four saints in the Zixiao Palace were also surprised, especially Hongjun. First, he was surprised, and then his face was gloomy. For a long time, he did not calculate how the "East Emperor Taiyi" controlled the four Tang monks under his seal and stole his merit and fortune. Therefore, he also appeared specially. The Sun Star checked the seal and confirmed that the seal was still intact, but the doubts in his heart were even higher.

In the mockery of "Donghuang Taiyi", he returned to Zixiao Palace and began to communicate with Tiandao and discuss countermeasures.

And the master of Tongtian was very happy to see that the introduction, quasi-morality and luck were robbed. While being surprised by the "East Emperor Taiyi" means, his face was full of smiles.

As for Taiqing Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa are amazed, and they are increasingly afraid of the "East Emperor Taiyi". At the same time, there is also some gloating about the disaster.

In particular, Laozi is more sure of what happened in the lotus cave at the beginning, and even guessed that the Eastern Emperor's memory of Zhu Bajie, Jinjiao, Silverjiao and others.

And other powers who paid attention to the journey to the west of Buddhism in the wilderness were all stunned when they saw this unexpected scene. They all knew that the "East Emperor Taiyi" was trapped by Hongjun 500 years ago.

Now the "Donghuang Taiyi" controlled the scriptures by unknown means and stole the merits and fortune of Buddhism, which made them not surprised.

Bai Ze and Shang Yang in Beiju Luzhou have more and more respect for the "East Emperor Taiyi", and Kunpeng, the demon master, has no doubt about what "East Emperor Taiyi" said that he can break Hongjun's seal.

Not only them, but also other mixed powers such as Zhenyuanzi and Styx are in awe of the unpredictable methods of "Donghuang Taiyi" and no longer doubt whether he can leave the Sun Star.

The Buddha's Duobao Buddha, the pharmacist Buddha, the future Maitreya and other mixed-level Buddhas hate and fear the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. They all stared at the Sun Star with an uncertain look and are full of hatred for the "East Emperor Taiyi" for stealing the fortune and merit of Buddhism, but no one dares to run to the Sun Star to question the opposite Fang, after all, that is the existence that dares to challenge Hongjun and Tiandao, especially 500 years ago, they have seen each other's divine power. In the face of this ancient emperor, they are full of powerlessness.

Just when all the Buddhas, Arhats and Bodhisattvas in the Great Leiyin Temple were ugly, Duobao Buddha and others received the divine message of the prospective saint, so that they would no longer pursue this matter and immediately organized the Eastern transmission of Buddhism.

The treasure grabbing, pharmacist, Maitreya and others who received the sound were not only a little unwilling, but also relieved.

They were unwilling because the saint decided not to provoke the "Donghuang Taiyi" and did not pursue the Donghuang Taiyi to seize the merits and luck of Buddhism. Naturally, they were relieved because they did not have to deal with the "Donghuang Taiyi".

The four Tang monks did not return to Lingshan, but were included in the Yuguang world by Xia Bing.

Originally, the four monks and apprentices and the white dragon horse would return to Lingshan to be sealed. The Tang monk would restore the memory of the golden cicada and be awarded the title of Tan * Defu, the Monkey King would be awarded the title of victory over the Buddha, the pig and Bajie would be awarded the title of the messenger of the pure altar, the sand monk would be awarded the title of the golden body arhat, and the white dragon horse would be awarded the title of the eight dragon Guangli Bodhisattva.

Now there are no four Tang monks and apprentices, but Buddhism has not missed the merits and luck of the white dragon horse. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. It still takes it back to Lingshan and is awarded the title of Eight Dragon and Guangli Bodhisattva.