Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 133 Array Extraterritorial

With the original power of the seven saints and Hongjun to promote the creation of jade dishes, the jade dishes are bright and brighter than the sun magic power emitted by Xia Bing. Obviously, it is only as bright as the moonlight, but it makes people feel that it is more dazzling than the sun hanging high in the sky.

A faint pressure that belongs to the original spiritual treasure emanates from the jade dish. Although this pressure is extremely light, it is still easily felt by Xia Bing, bringing him a sense of shock.

That's the feeling that can threaten his life.

For many years, he has never felt this way since he owned the Yuguang world and became a rune yuan god, but now he feels it on a broken chaotic holy weapon, which makes Xia Bing not surprised.

"What is this pressure? It gives me such a horrible feeling, just like... It's like it can threaten my life. It's really incredible. Why does the jade dish bring me this feeling? Is this the real power of the jade butterfly? Half a jade butterfly is so strong. How horrible the complete jade butterfly should be!"

When Xia Bing was secretly surprised by the horror of creating the jade dish, he absorbed the power of Hongjun's law of cause and effect, the power of the source of yin and yang of Taiqing, the power of the origin of Yuanshi order, the power of the source of Kendo, the power of the source of desire, the power of the source of gold, the power of Nuwa's creation, and the power of Kun Peng's The jade dish that devours the power of the source is like a cannon full of energy and is about to start to exert its power.

The terrible pressure from the original spiritual treasure is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, the jade dish has shown a trace of the atmosphere of the original spiritual treasure. Although it is less than 1% of the power of the complete jade saucer, it is still enough to surprise many powers and summer soldiers on Huaguo Mountain.

The trace of power from the original spiritual treasure made their souls tremble. The huge sense of threat made their hair stand upright, and an unspeakable panic rose in their hearts. The void was broken, as if heaven and earth could not withstand the terrible power of the jade dish.

"Go!" With a soft shout, the bright divine light containing the supreme power of the jade dish gushed out directly from the jade dish. What a bright light it was. Even the whole world was ecsized in front of the mysterious jade-colored divine light. Compared with the divine light that attracts the hearts of all the strong, the eternal sun in the sky is like a firefly and a bright moon.

Gorgeous, brilliant and extremely beautiful, the sea that Xia Bing got at the beginning is nothing in front of this divine light. It can bring endless creatures to death, and they are still the mysterious beauty without regret. Its charm is almost lost to the saints.

With a burst of shock and uneasiness, the bright divine light instantly hit a huge dark passage dozens of feet wide in the endless void in front of him. At a glance, the void turbulence on the barrier seemed to be afraid of the terrible power of the jade disk, and did not dare to cross the thunder pool and make the whole empty The channel can be stable.

Many strong people around, including the seven saints, saw the dark space passage that could not be seen at a glance, all took a breath of cold air, and their hearts were cold, and there was a feeling of falling into an ice cave.

Although they can also open up space channels with their powerful mana, the most correct one is hundreds of thousands of miles, which is not what they can control in the long run, but now the space channel made by Hongjun with the help of the jade disk makes these saints feel endless. At least tens of millions of miles long, which is really incredible. Unbelievable.

At the same time, they are also glad that the horrible light just now did not hit them, otherwise, they would be bombarded into scum by all their means. No, there will be no scum left.

Xia Bing even guessed in his heart that he was afraid that the general rule world owner would lose half of his life in the face of the horrible light emitted by the jade disk just now.

For good, the preparation time for such a horrible move is too long. It took ten breaths to breathe from the moment when Hongjun and the seven saints poured the original power into the creation jade disc to the brilliant horror light of the creation jade disc.

This kind of attack is not to mention attacking those strong people at the original servant level. Ordinary Taiyi Jinxian can't hit it. Can they stand still and wait for you to kill him? If you rely on the air machine to lock, that kind of lock can only be aimed at monks who are much weaker than yourself. Since you are monks who are weaker than you, do you still need to use cannons to fight mosquitoes?

It's either a lack of roots in the head, or being caught in the door or kicked by a donkey.

Therefore, the jade dish, a chaotic sacred weapon that needs to be recharged for a long time, will not play much role in the following wars. After all, those strong people in different worlds will not foolishly give time to Hongjun and the seven saints to recharge them at ease.

With the successful opening of the space channel, Hongjun put away the jade plate, but Xia Bing took a lot of time to look away from the jade plate. Obviously, he was interested in this heavenly magic weapon.

Hongjun said to the seven saints: "The space channel has been successfully opened. The old man will first open the world's fetal membrane. Wait for the seven people to lead them to come later."

Laozi and other saints respectfully saluted Hongjun, "Disciples obey."

Hongjun ignored them and took a step forward into the space passage.


The world is desolate, extraterritorial void.

The huge flood world flowing with colorful mysterious light is like a huge Easter egg, and the thick fetal membrane of the world tightly wraps the whole flood land.

At this time, the huge world fetal membrane was torn open from the inside to the outside of a hundred-foot wide crack. Although this crack is insignificant compared with the whole world's fetal membrane, it is enough for the monks inside and outside the flood to pass freely.

After Hongjun opened the world's fetal membrane, he dodged into the extraterritorial void. The area known as the extraterritorial void between the world and the endless chaos is not very big, only about 100 million miles. In addition, the mana and divine consciousness are not suppressed by the world and endless chaos. You have to cross this distance, but you just have to raise your feet.

And monks who fight here can easily tear apart the space and destroy the endless stars.

It's like a human who has been living on a ten-fold gravity planet suddenly arrived at the moon.

Once the flood monks and the strong men of the different world fight here, the infinite Hengsha world, the small world, the middle thousand world, and the big world will not be spared. Even if there are a few left, there will not be too many.

After all, strong people like the saint level will break the world even in the flood and famine war, not to mention outside the region. At that time, I'm afraid that the whole extraterritorial starry sky will be beaten into nothing by them.

Hongjun stood in the void, and his Taoist robe floated in the wind. The calmness and indifference on Huaguo Mountain before disappeared. His face was full of solemnity. He frowned and looked at the endless chaos, as if he had seen the army of the wartime world coming from chaos, and his eyes were full of The color of worry.

But he can't help worrying about it. After all, his life is connected to the heavenly path, which are tied to the world of the flood and famine world. If the flood world is destroyed, he and the heavenly path will naturally die. If the flood world exists, but is occupied by the army of the alien world, and the flood and famine all flow into other original worlds, and the heavenly path is naturally difficult. Hongjun, who survived and was connected to the life of heaven, could not escape death.

It's about his own life, how can he not worry?


Thinking of this, Hongjun couldn't help sighing and secretly regretting why he was confused to fit into heaven for a moment?

Now I can only drive ducks to the shelves and die together with Honghuang Tiandao. I am really aggrieved to the extreme. I deeply regret why I was kicked in the donkey at the beginning and was bewitched by the instinctive consciousness of the universe - the road. I ran to besiege Pangu. I was really looking for death!

I have been in the wilderness for tens of millions of years, and I have not been in endless chaos for many years. Thinking about the days when I was in endless chaos, although I was bullied a lot because of my strength was not strong, at least I am free and can go wherever I want. How can I be like now? Although I am in the wilderness The world is high, but in fact, it is imprisoned in a flood and famine world, driven by the flood and famine, and there is no freedom.

Just as Hongjun looked at the endless chaotic regret and emotion, a team of Honghuang monks appeared in the extraterritorial void through the space channel and the world fetal membrane cracks opened by Hongjun.

The first person to appear in the void outside the region was the disciples led by Xuandu*, the first disciple of Taiqing Laozi. These disciples are almost wearing Taoist robes, and many of them are personally carrying magic swords. They are disciples of the Shushan Sword School founded by Yin Xi, all of whom are powerful sword cultivation.

Then came out of the fetal membrane crack in the world, led by Guang Chengzi and the Antarctic Xianweng, including Yuding Zhenren, Huanglong Zhenren, Taiyi Zhenren, Chi*, Yun Zhongzi, Daoxing Tianzun, Lingbao * Shi, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi and others, among which they served as the Qinghua Emperor, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, and Xiji Gou Chen Emperor's Antarctic Immortals, Taiyi Zhenren and Lei Zhenzi also brought their own heavenly soldiers and gods, so the explanatory team seemed to be extremely large and there were millions of people.

Following the interpretation, it is the interception disciples of the master of Tongtian. Led by the Notre Dame, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao Niangniang, Wen Zhong, Shitianjun, Caiyun Fairy, Shiji Niang, and the Niu Demon King's family, who reshaped their immortal bodies after leaving the list of gods all appeared in the void outside the domain. Although the interception is no longer the past, After many years of inheritance, the intercepted disciples who survived after becoming gods also received many disciples and grandchildren, adding up to more than 100,000.

Behind the interception were Buddhist monks, led by Duobao Buddha, Maitreya and pharmacists. Although the Styx River and the witches killed a lot in the Great Leiyin Temple before, there were still many strongmen of Buddhism in the whole wilderness, such as the peacock Ming King, Guanyin and many other four Bodhisattvas and many arhats, protectors, Buddhas, monks, etc. It's more than three million.

But this is not surprising. After all, when the Styx attacked Lingshan, there were not many Buddhist monks at the level of immortals, true immortals and Xuanxian on Lingshan Mountain. Now the number of monks above all immortals of Buddhism has naturally increased, and this is not All the Buddhist monks will also leave many ordinary monks in Xiniu Hezhou, otherwise the Buddhist monks will only be larger.

It was the demon strong man led by Xia Bing who followed the Buddhist monks. Three thousand gods in silver armor would be the first to open the way, with magnificent momentum and neat action stepping out of the space channel, making the four major forces look sideways.

Then the "East Emperor Taiyi" transformed into Xia Binghuoshen led the army of Bai Ze, Shang Yang and millions of demons to pass through the fetal membrane cracks in the world torn by Hongjun.