Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 137 Thunder seriously injured

The five heavenly kings slowly drove to Hongjun and others with their respective legions, bringing great pressure to the great forces of the flood and famine like mountains and mountains.

"Good guy, he even played psychological tactics. The wisdom of the bird man can't be underestimated!" Xia Bing couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In the face of the step-by-step pressure of the alien army, Hongjun was no longer calm. He clearly realized that if this situation was not broken, the failure of the flood world would be sooner or later.

Then the seven saints and the Thunder King can't continue to be deadlocked until then.

Anyway, it is a sworn enemy. As long as the war army does not take the initiative to retreat, the Honghuang monks can only resist desperately, so there is no moral theory.

Just like the descendants of Yanhuang who faced the invaders of Dongying.

As long as you can get rid of the invaders, you can use any means. After all, those invaders have lost their morality in their ancestors.

Hongjun is naturally not a pedantic person. He himself is a moral and sinister hypocrite.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of Guang Mingjun, the mysterious strongman who gave orders in the battle god boat, Hongjun did not show his cultivation realm, but still used the power of heaven to support the power of the world to the seven saints.

The seven people led by the Taiqing saint rose in an instant and suppressed the thunder angel army behind him.

"Do it!"

Seeing that the enemy is at a downfall, of course, the Taiqing saint will not let go of this opportunity and directly greet the other six saints and take action together.

The seven sources of terror gathered together to hit the thunder angel that turned into a million feet in size.


Facing the original power of the seven saints, Thunder King roared and roared in horror.

The roar echoed in the hundreds of millions of miles of wide extraterritorial void, making the whole extraterritorial void tremble.

A lingering purple thunder and lightning, a hammer-shaped chaotic holy weapon with a strong breath of law appeared in the hands of the Thunder Heavenly King. With the roar of the Thunder Heavenly King, it released the terrible power, carrying the whole body of the power of the Thunder Heavenly King and the magnificent momentum of the whole Thunder Angel Legion to the original power of the seven saints.

The seven saints were surprised to see the hammer-shaped sacred weapon that appeared in the hands of the Thunder Heavenly King. Unexpectedly, the weakest emperor in the world of War has a chaotic sacred weapon, so other heavenly monarchs will certainly not be poorer than the Thunder Heavenly King.

Those saints without chaotic holy weapons looked at the Thunder Hammer with a trace of desire.


With a thunderous noise, the void within hundreds of millions of miles was shaken out of countless space cracks, and the void fragments were everywhere.

Even if the Thunder King held a chaotic sacred weapon and was assisted by the Thunder Angel Legion, he was still blown away by the full attack of the seven saints, and the million-foot-tling body collapsed in an instant.

The afterglow generated by the strong horizontal energy impact of the two sides spread, turning tens of millions of miles of void into nothingness, just like opening a large hole of tens of millions of miles in this fragile outer space.

Although the aftergative of the war between the Thunder King and the Seven Saints is extremely horrible, it still does not disrupt the battle between the Thunder King, which is composed of 50 ten-winged thunder angels comparable to the power of the mixed yuan, 600 eight-winged thunder angels comparable to Daluo Jinxian, and 10,000 six-winged thunder angels comparable to Taiyi Jinxian.

And with the help of the Thunder Angel Legion, Thunder Tianjun, who was scattered by a million feet, also quickly stabilized his body. Although he was slightly injured, it was obviously not serious.

At this time, an invisible giant suddenly bombarded the defenseless Thunder Tianjun, directly flying away the Thunder Tianjun, breaking through layers of void and breaking into the Thunder Angel Legion behind him, instantly disrupting the battle of the Thunder Angel Legion that had finally persisted in the aftermath of terror just now.

The seven saints understood that this was Daozu's secret help, and immediately seized the opportunity to beat the falling dog.

The saint of Taiqing once again sent out countless entangled yin and yang double dragons with the Taiji map. Yuanshi Tianzun shook the Pangu flag to play thousands of chaotic swords. The master of Tongtian quickly sent out thousands of sword lights with the Qingping sword, and seized, quasi-up, Nuwa and Kunpeng all seized this opportunity to launch continuous Taoist attacks.

The attack, which contained the power of the horrible saint, fought violently and violently at the chaotic Thunder Angel Legion, overwhelmingly, like a storm.

The original momentum was connected, but it was bumped into the disrupted Thunder Angel Legion by the Thunder King. How to resist in the face of the dense attack of the seven saints.

Although these attacks are not a big threat to the Thunder King, few people in the chaotic Thunder Angel Legion can resist. The ten-winged Thunder Angels comparable to the power of the mixed yuan can barely do one or two. Other eight-winged thunder angels and six-winged thunder angels have no resistance under the attack of saints.

There are ants under the saints. This sentence is not just what they say. Although the mixed source power and the saint are only a gap between the realm, their strength is indeed very different.

The attack of saints, even if it is just an ordinary attack, cannot be easily blocked by mixed elements.

When he really touched it, he died and was injured when he rubbed it. However, in half a breath, three thousand six-winged thunder angels were killed. Four hundred six hundred winged thunder angels in front of him died directly, and even more than a dozen ten-winged angels were killed.

If the five heavenly kings, such as darkness, death and order, had not arrived in time, I'm afraid that the thunder angel army of the thunder sky would have been directly destroyed by these fierce saints.

Thunder Tianjun, who was seriously injured by Hongjun's black hand and beaten into the water dog by the seven saints, saw the dead and injured Thunder Angel Legion, his face turned blue and white, and uncontrollable anger spewed from his chest.

"Ah, ah, ah!!!!!" Thunder Tianjun stared at the seven saints and roared, and the endless grievances and anger turned into an angry roar.

"Damn Honghuang indigenous people, I will crush you into thousands of pieces and destroy you." The crazy Thunder Tianjun has been overwhelmed by anger at this time and wants to rush out and fight with the seven saints again.

"Enough, Thunder!" The Dark Heavenly King directly scolded the Thunder Heavenly King, "Just give it to us. You take your own legion and the war god boat to the back to repair it."

Thunder Tianjun was still angry and wanted to say something, but he saw that the Dark Heavenly King was staring at him with extremely cold eyes. Suddenly, he calmed down in an instant and nodded to the Dark Heavenly King unwillingly.

Obviously, the Thunder Heavenly King is extremely in awe of the Dark Heavenly King, the second king of the war sky world, not only because the Dark Heavenly King is a terrible strong man who understands the origin of the seven-point law, but also because the Dark Heavenly King is sinister and vicious.

And on the battle god boat in the distance.

Seeing the defeat of the Thunder King, Mr. Ming was very confused and didn't understand why those wild indigenous saints suddenly suppressed the Thunder King.

I'm just guessing that it's the strange old man's tall ghost named Hongjun. He became more and more curious about Hongjun's methods. The old man first silently bound the battle god boat controlled by Thunder Heavenly King. He didn't know what means he used to help the seven saints suppress Thunder. Maybe he had any strange secret methods or The chaotic artifact can do all this.

"Mr. Luohu, this Hongjun is your former sworn match. Do you know what means he has to bind the Thunder's Battle God Boat and help the seven indigenous servants suppress Thunder?" Guang Mingjun asked Luo Hu around him.

"This seat is not very clear, but he has a broken original spiritual treasure called the Jade Dish. I don't know if it's because of this broken original spiritual treasure." Luo Hu answered uncertainly.


"The broken original spiritual treasure!" Tomorrow, you exclaimed.

You should know that even if he has such a strange exploration chaotic artifact as the Warlord Guanglun, he can search for treasures everywhere in endless chaos, but he has never seen a source spiritual treasure so far, just heard of it.

"Mr. Luo Hao, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Guang Tomorrow asked Luo with seven points of surprise and three points of anger.

Luohu was not angry. In the face of Guangming Junsen's cold eyes, he still answered indifferently: "Your Excellency Tianjun is too worried. Hongjun's broken original spiritual treasure is only the lowest-level original spiritual treasure. After it was broken, it has been downgraded to an ordinary chaotic holy weapon. When he was at the beginning of the battle with this seat, he did not see him take it out to use. What's more, I haven't seen anything strange about him. It must be that Hongjun has added some new means in these years.

Guangmingjun stared at Luo Hu for a long time, and Luo Hu also looked at Guangmingjun without showing weakness, and there was no weakness in his deep magic pupil like a black hole.

After a long time, Guang Mingjun said, "Well, I really can't blame you for this matter. No matter what means Hongjun has, it will be useless in the face of absolute strength. The world will definitely fall into the hands of our wartime world."

He did not know that Hongjun's method had nothing to do with the broken original spiritual treasure, the jade butterfly, but because of borrowing the power of the world in the world, the power of the world was invisible and could not be found if he didn't feel it himself.

It's no wonder that you will be suspicious tomorrow.

And Hongjun deliberately used the power of the world and did not expose his own cultivation, in order to avoid the plan to arouse the vigilance of tomorrow, which was also completely failed because of Luo Hu.

Because he knows that Hongjun has a broken spiritual treasure, Guangmingjun has been full of vigilance against Hongjun and dares not be careless at all.

Such as not to mention the change of the attitude towards Hongjun in the distant future, the seven saints here and Hongjun beat away the Thunder Heavenly King and then met the Dark Heavenly King and other five more powerful heavenly monarchs.

The vast void that has been shattered has not yet recovered, and it will usher in a more tragic war and suffer more terrible destruction.

The Dark Heavenly King drove away the Thunder Heavenly King, and his figure shrouded in a layer of dark fog and the four heavenly kings, death, order, frost and flame, stopped a hundred miles away from Hongjun and the seven saints.

The strong breath of law emanated from the six pairs of wings behind the five heavenly kings, which shocked the seven saints. These five heavenly monarchs are all more powerful than the Thunder Heavenly King.

The Five War Angel Legion behind the five heavenly kings was about to add the momentum of the whole legion to their heavenly kings, but it was stopped by the Dark Heavenly King, who was the temporary leader.

"I don't need your help to deal with them, and let's solve the weak and desolate indigenous people!"

With the wave of the five heavenly kings, the dark angel, the angel of death, the angel of order, the frost angel, the flame angel, and the nine forces of the five war angel legions rushed to Hongjun and the seven saints in eight camps.

And Hongjun and the seven saints did not stop them.

First, they were stared at by the five heavenly kings and could not be stopped; secondly, they were unwilling to strengthen the five heavenly kings who were stronger than them, so that they could not fight at all.

The breath and pressure of the laws emanating from the five heavenly kings are more powerful than the seven saints, except for the terrible existence of the dark emperor who has realized the origin of the seven dark laws.

Death King understands the origin of the six-point law of death, the Order King understands the origin of the six-point law of order, the Frost King understands the origin of the five-point law of frost, and the Flame King understands the origin of the five-point law of flame.

And the strongest Taiqing saint among the seven saints can only understand the origin of the four-point law of yin and yang, and because the seven saints are not the source of their own independent understanding of the law, but with the help of Hongmeng purple gas.

Even in the face of those strong people at the same level who have not understood the origin of the law with the help of external things, they will be slightly inferior, just like the Thunder King just now, which is much better than the Taiqing saint.

Therefore, in the face of the five heavenly kings such as the Dark Heavenly King, Hongjun and the Seven Saints dare not be careless even if they have a numerical advantage.

At the time of Hongjun and the five heavenly kings under the crotch of the seven saints.

The five war angel legions under the command of the five heavenly kings came to the great forces of the flood and famine.

These five war angel legions add up to two hundred and seventy ten-winged war angels, and a full of 270 mixed-level power. Even if they all belong to the ordinary power in the early days of the mixed golden immortals, it is extremely horrible. What's more, there is no shortage of these war angel legions comparable to the middle and mixed golden immortals. The powerful existence of Yuan Jinxian in the later period.

In the five war angel legion, the death angel legion directly met the evil witch and Shura coalition, the order angel legion directly against the two major forces of human education and interpretation, the flame angel legion against the heavenly court and interception and the Buddha sect three major forces, and the frost angel legion against the demon army, the relatively powerful dark angel army The regiment is a scattered force led by Shangzhen Yuanzi and others.

Along with 60 ten-winged dark angels, 800 eight-winged dark angels, 16-winged dark angels, and a huge dark angel army, under the leadership of the eight most horrible atmospheres, not less than the late mixed-yuan golden immortals in the flood world, all dressed in black armor, holding black spears or black swords and so on. The standard weapon flapped its dark wings behind it, like a shadow, and quickly approached the scattered forces.

and their dark king, like a horrible poisonous snake hidden in the dark, makes people shudder.