Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 157 Three Types

The long years, regardless of the years, although the whole endless chaotic universe is not infinite and eternal, it is no different from eternity for all creatures in this universe.

From the formation of the chaotic universe to the present, there have been tens of thousands of cosmic eras. A cosmic era has 129,000 million years, which is exactly the life span of a normal source world. The chaotic universe is still in its early period, at most its youth.

If there is no accident in a large original world, it will usher in the end of the Dharma era after 126,000 million years. The world will be depleted, creatures will disappear, and finally disappear in chaos.

Although the endless chaos is infinitely vast, the original world is not as much as expected. Otherwise, the world of all gods and the world of war, which are not too far from the world, will not have found the world of chaos in nearly 50 million years since the birth of the Pangu world.

The existing original worlds in the whole chaotic universe are less than a million, and only a few of these original worlds have been opened up by legal masters like Pangu to break through their own bottlenecks.

Of course, the original world born in the chaotic universe must be more than that, but the lifespan of the original world is limited. The lifespan of other original worlds and the original small worlds is shorter than that of the original world. As soon as the large limit arrives, those original worlds will turn into nothingness, disappear, and adhere to these original worlds. The surviving Hengsha world, the small world, the middle thousand world and the big world will all usher in the end of the world, turn into ashes and return to chaos.

However, these ordinary worlds don't matter at all. You should know that the chaotic universe is really too big.

No one knows how big the chaotic universe is. Perhaps only the road of instinctive consciousness of the chaotic universe knows that even the supreme law emperor can't reach the end of the universe.

Those law emperors who pursue the highest realm of the law - the realm of the law controller can only rely on the vague perception of the place of origin of the universe and instinctively approach the center of the universe, hoping to find him to enter the gate of the place of origin.

No one knows how many original worlds there are in the whole universe. Although those original worlds and small worlds are not countless, they are spread all over the universe, and the number is tens of millions of times more than the big world.

Although the creatures born in the original world are at the same basic level, far better than those in ordinary worlds such as other small worlds and large worlds, due to the different sizes of the original worlds, the resources enjoyed by monks in these worlds and the difficulty of understanding the origin of the law are far different.

In fact, the creatures in the whole universe can be divided into three types, one is the cave spirit born in the Hengsha world, the small thousand world, the middle thousand world and the big thousand world.

It is impossible to understand the origin of the law, and their ultimate achievement will never exceed the early stage of the mixed power, that is, the realm of the mysterious perfection of the law.

This is also the most inferior creatures. There are too many in the universe. Every moment, there are endless holes and natural spirits die. Their status in chaos is like those harmless bacteria, with short life but large numbers, and they are weak and pitiful.

The second kind of creatures are those creatures in the original world. People in chaos call them source creatures. If they have enough resources and enough understanding, they can reach the realm of the law.

That is to say, the master of the law is their limit, and most of the masters of the law in the source creatures are cultivated by the so-called innate demons in the original world, at least they are born with spirits.

The limit of the later nature is the original servant.

But this is nothing. After all, those limits are when various conditions are met. Under normal circumstances, there are not many original servants born in the big world of origin, let alone other worlds and small worlds of origin.

As for the Lord of the Law, it is even more pitiful. It is extremely difficult for the source creatures to break through from the original servant to the Lord of the Law. It can be described as thousands of troops and horses crossing the single-plank bridge.

After all, it is the transformation of the essence of life. Once crossed, it means eternity, and Shouyuan will far exceed the life of the whole world of the original world.

According to the average situation, there is generally only one law master born in a hundred original worlds.

Of course, the Lord of the law here refers to the Lord of the law born in the source.

The third kind of creature is also the most powerful creature, chaotic creatures. People in the flood world turn them into chaotic demon gods. As soon as they are born, they have the strength comparable to the power of mixed yuan. Of course, there are also some extremely weak chaotic demon gods. They may only have the strength of Daluo Jinxian when they are born due to malnutrition and other conditions.

They are not like ordinary source creatures, that is, the so-called descendants in the flood and famine, and they need to practice hard to reach a higher level.

They only need to absorb enough nutrition in chaos. Slowly grow up, they can reach the realm of the original servants as adults, and their strength is far stronger than those born in the original creatures in the original world, and their physical strength is not comparable at all.

Just like Hongjun, if he is not destroyed by the body under the open axe of Pangu, only the remnant soul will escape into the flood and famine to practice again. I'm afraid that he can crush the ancestral witch who is known as the strongest body in the world with his body alone.

Even if Hongjun is only the last stream in the chaotic demon god.

Normal chaotic creatures are the original servants when they grow up. Some top chaotic gods and demons born extremely noble are even the masters of the law world as adults. Just like Pangu, he is the original servant as soon as he is born. As he sits on the chaotic green lotus and keeps absorbing nutrients, he naturally breaks through the main realm of the law world when he becomes an adult. Boundary.

After that, he traveled through the flood, but in hundreds of millions of years, he reached the peak of the rule world, and his strength was able to suppress many rule monarchs.

The innate demon gods in the wilderness are similar to chaotic creatures. Once they transform, they can have a good cultivation. Even the top innate demon gods such as Zhenyuanzi and Nuwa are even Daluo Jinxian.

And this is a state that many later born spirits are difficult to achieve throughout their lives.

This is the advantage of having a good birth and a good starting point.

Just like the gap between the emperor's son and the ordinary civilian son, what the emperor's son can get is often what ordinary civilian born can't get in his life.

When they study hard, take the imperial examination, become a senior official, and think they have achieved extraordinary results, they will find that even if they face a prince who is still a child, they have to bend down to salute, and even kneel down and bow down.

It is precisely because Pangu was born so well that he is a top chaotic demon god, an extremely high existence in chaotic creatures. From the first time he was born on the road of practice, he can't stand being trapped in the peak of the law world near a cosmic era, and chooses to open up the original world to get the opportunity given by the road. The way to break through the bottleneck.

There is no such thing as a cultivation limit for chaotic creatures. As long as the conditions are sufficient, it is not impossible to become the master of the law.

Those who have obtained the heart of communication that is regarded as a threat to be erased by the road are basically chaotic creatures.

However, this is not surprising. Chaotic creatures are born in extremely dangerous chaos, and there are violent chaotic atmosphere everywhere. It is difficult for the great Luo Jinxian in the flood world to survive in chaos.

But this is nothing for chaotic creatures. The innate aura and acquired aura absorbed by the Honghuang monks are the original source of chaotic qi.

Except for a very few ancestral witches and top innate demons who dare to absorb a small amount of mild chaotic qi, other creatures can't absorb chaotic qi at all, and forcibly absorb or even be torn into pieces by chaotic qi.

They can only absorb the innate aura and acquired aura that are like waste gases for chaotic creatures.

The difference in their life level can also be seen from the different energy levels they absorb, which is equivalent to those who grow up eating meat and those who grow up with porridge. The quality of the former must be far stronger than the latter in all aspects.

And the Honghuang monks still have to rob the Lingshan Cave House. After all, the aura in some places is extremely strong, and the aura in some places is almost impossible to feel.

Chaotic creatures have no such worries at all. Everything may be lacking in endless chaos, that is, there is no lack of chaos.

The gap between various conditions naturally causes the essential gap between chaotic creatures and the source creatures in the original world.

is not a creature of the same level at all.

However, low-level creatures are not without advantages, at least in terms of numbers, those chaotic creatures are far less.

Perhaps the number of chaotic creatures in the whole chaotic universe is not as large as the creatures in a source world (including intelligent creatures and other animals and plants).

After all, chaotic creatures are too powerful to produce descendants, and it is extremely difficult to naturally breed a chaotic creature, and it takes an extremely long time, even longer than the life of a big world of origin.

Pangu, which opened up the world of flood and famine, was conceived in a huge Easter egg for 126 million years before it was born. In a full cosmic period of time, I don't know how many flood and famine creatures were scared to death.

These three creatures in the endless chaotic universe, the worst natural creatures are negligible. In the eyes of chaotic creatures, countless harmless bacteria have been born between breaths and died at the same time.

The second source creature belongs to the ant in the eyes of chaotic creatures, the level of mosquitoes and flies. It belongs to the existence that they can kill countless by blowing, which is difficult to attract their attention. Even among these ants, there are occasionally individual mutants, rising to the same height as them.

The last chaotic creature is the mainstream of the whole chaotic universe.

They generally live in endless chaos, and all kinds of ordinary worlds and the original worlds are like bubbles and small trees for them.

The ordinary world is broken for them. Although the original world can barely accommodate them, it will be torn apart by them if they are not careful.