Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 258 Greed

There are still some people who don't believe anything. They only believe in their own judgment and have decided to fight the idea of the evil monarch no matter what. Even if he does not have the original spiritual root, those best chaotic crystals and top-quality original spiritual treasures are worth their action.

Of course, because the black demon monarch lives in the trading city, those law monarchs who hit him, and even the law emperors dare not take action against him. They can only wait for the demon monarch to leave the trading city and enter the central continent before taking action.

After all, if you do it in the trading city, you will attract eight managers of the imperial city. Even if you don't die, you will have to lose your skin. Even the other 33 emperors who have established top forces dared not do it here.

It's just that their forces in the trading city have sent back the news of the dark monarchs, waiting for the orders of those emperors.

From time to time, the dark demon monarch felt that he had been peeped at and knew that he had been targeted. He was secretly unlucky. He was careful enough that anyone would have thought that he would still be targeted.

However, he is not in a hurry. He has enough wealth to live in this trading city forever until the arrival of his master Xia Bing.

Therefore, he still acquired the Heart of the World every million years as agreed, and occasionally visited the major trading places in the city to see if there were any good time attributes. He wanted to get more and more satisfactory treasures for Xia Bing.

With the passage of time, three million hearts of the world have been collected in the hands of the Black Demon Monarch, and more than 2,000 of the best chaotic crystals have been spent.

Because of the lack of the best chaotic crystal in his hand, he even had to dilute all the original spiritual liquid and sell it for the best chaotic crystal to buy the heart of the world.

Up to now, there are not many chaotic crystals on his body, and he has to announce the cessation of the acquisition of chaotic crystals. Those rule monarchs can only leave with regret. At first, they helped the black monarch collect the law monarch of the heart of the world. Everyone has earned hundreds of the best chaotic crystals from the black demon monarch and obtained comparable to him. The wealth accumulated over millions of years.

jumped into the middle class.

The black demon monarch has been staying in the trading city. His chaotic Yuanjing is not much, and he no longer buys the heart of the world and the original spiritual treasure of time. He hides in his small courtyard and practices quietly while waiting for the arrival of Xia Bing.

He knows that there are many strong people outside who have shown greedy fangs to him, waiting for him to leave the trading city to fight against him, but now he stays in the trading city, with the protection of the imperial city, and the emperors dare not dare to take action against him.

Those ancient founders will not act rashly if they want to get the original spiritual root from him, especially when they are not sure whether the dark monarch has the original spiritual root at all.

Even if they are sure that the dark monarch has a source spiritual root in their hands, the founders of the owners of the trading city will never choose the practice of killing and grabbing treasure. Doing so is completely outweigh the gains and destroying the good reputation accumulated in the trading city for countless years for the sake of a source spiritual root, they will never I will do it.

Perhaps they are sure that the dark monarch really has the original spiritual treasure, and then they will choose to trade with the dark monarch and pay the price that makes the black monarch move in exchange for the original spiritual root of the black monarch. At that time, the black king will mainly refuse them. Although they will not buy and sell, they will leave the transaction in the black monarch. The city later attacked him.

If the black monarch is too rich enough to live in the trading city, they will naturally have a way to drive the black monarch out of the imperial city.

For example, find two strange-faced law monarchs to provoke the black demon monarch. If the black demon monarchs take action against them, those city managers will just find an excuse to take action against the black demon monarch and kill and seize treasure openly.

If the black demon monarch resists, they can also find someone to assassinate the black demon monarch, and then capture the assassin after the black demon monarch is killed, announcing that the assassin has been executed, but secretly take them back to the imperial world to hide.

Too many means can be used to deal with the dark monarch. Of course, this is for the owners of the trading city. Other laws and emperors want to do this in the trading city, and the eight ancient emperors will not agree.

And these are only if they have determined that they have the original spiritual root in the hands of the black demon monarch.

With the peace of the dark monarchs, those law emperors ordered their forces in the trading city to take action.

It turned out that the emperors collected some original spiritual liquid sold by the black demon monarch from the market. They saw that the original spiritual liquid sold by the black demon monarch were all diluted, and estimated that the original spiritual liquid was produced by at least a medium-origenous spiritual root, that is to say, there may be a treasure tree in the hands of the black demon monarch. The original spiritual root of the level.

At this time, those law emperors couldn't sit still, but because of their status as law emperors, they did not come to see the black demon monarchs in person, because it would attract the intervention of the eight ancient emperors and compete with the eight old guys for their financial resources.

So he had to order his subordinates in the trading city to meet the demon monarch instead of them.

Therefore, the 1,000-square-meter courtyard of the black demon monarch ushered in a strong man or more than a high monarch. They, on behalf of their respective forces, offered different prices to the black demon monarch, making it clear that they wanted to buy the original spiritual root in the hands of the black demon monarch.

Of course, there is a lot of coercion and inducement. The messengers of those law emperors are at least strong at the level of monarchs of higher law, including many peak law monarchs, who do not pay attention to the black demon monarchs at all.

There is even a peak monarch who directly coerces the black demon monarch and asks him to dedicate the original spiritual root to the law emperor behind him. The emperor will allow the black demon monarch to become his follower, as if it is a great blessing for the black demon monarch to serve the law emperor.

However, he has made a vow to be loyal to Xia Bing, and how can the generous black demon monarch who has seen Xia Bing agree to the request of the peak monarch?

He clearly knows that it is impossible for the law emperors of those moderate monarchs with general strength like him to pay much importance on him. Following those rule monarchs, he will end up being a cow and not having enough to eat.

If he really agrees, he will really be kicked in the head by a donkey.

He did not give a clear reply to the messengers of the law emperors, but just found an excuse to say that the conditions opened by the law emperors were very good. He had to think carefully before making a decision. The only clear answer was that if he really had the original spiritual root, he would definitely sell him to those who sent messengers. One of the emperors of the law.

This consideration is that for more than 100,000 years, the law monarchs who had some friendship with the black demon monarch before, including the ten law monarchs who helped the black monarch collect the heart of the world, all rushed to the black demon monarch to visit him. First, they beat around the black demon monarch. He flattered, and then euphemistically expressed the hope that the Black Monarch could give them some original spiritual liquid for the sake of their past friendship.

It turned out that they had heard the rumor that the black demon monarch had its original spiritual root, so they all wanted to use the previous friendship with the black demon monarch to make some autumn wind with the black demon monarch.

Afraid of slowing down, if the black demon monarch sells the original spiritual solution, they will not be able to get the original spiritual liquid. After all, at that time, the black demon monarch had no source of the original spiritual liquid, and naturally he would not easily send out the original spiritual liquid.

And the black demon monarch did not give a clear answer to the messengers of the law emperor for a long time, and they also regarded it as the black demon monarch to hoard more original spiritual liquid before selling the original spiritual root.

The messengers of those law emperors also think that they will acquiesce that the black demon monarch has not replied to them for so long, and they do not come to urge the black demon monarch. In their eyes, the black demon monarch is just a little smart and greedy little man.

I certainly dare not deceive them.

How can they know that there is no original spiritual root in the hands of the dark monarch, and he has never admitted that there is an original spiritual root in his hand, but tells those messengers that if he has an original spiritual root in his hand, he will definitely sell the original spiritual root to them.

However, he had no original spiritual root at all. Naturally, those who went to the dark monarch to fight the autumn wind all returned empty-handed and did not get any original spiritual liquid.

Because the black demon monarch himself does not have the original spiritual liquid, what to give them, and even if the black monarch really has the original spiritual solution, he can't give them the original spiritual liquid. He owes any goodwill to these "friends" who regard him as a wronged head.

They didn't get the original spiritual liquid. Naturally, the "friends" who didn't hit the autumn wind naturally turned pale and left coldly. Their faces formed a strong contrast with that when they came. Obviously, they not only did not think that it was wrong for them to ask the original spiritual liquid from the black demon monarch for nothing, but also thought that the black demon monarch did not give them the original spiritual liquid. The great sin is extremely stingy.

They hate this kind of rich guy who forgets his friends, and some people even have the idea of jointly intercepting the black monarch after the black demon monarch leaves the imperial city.

Many of them have just made a lot of money from the dark monarch, and now they have such an idea. It can be seen that they are ungrateful, and the selfishness of the chaotic strong is vividly displayed in them.

Soon, a million years passed, and the messengers waiting for the reply of the black demon monarch finally became impatient. They thought that they had given the black demon monarch an extra million years. During this period, he should have hoarded enough original spiritual liquid and did not reply to him. Obviously, they were insatiable.

They forgot that even if the black demon monarch has the original spiritual roots in his hands, those are the black demon monarch's own. How can they become insatiable when they collect spiritual liquid from their treasures? The truly insatiable people actually rake back, and the ugly face of the chaotic strong has revealed the tip of the iceberg on them, but such shamelessness seems to them as a matter of course.