Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 326 Chapter 327 King to King

Sensing the rapid approach of the Light Thunder King, Xia Bing no longer waste time and directly used all the power of the emperor to break through the confinement power around the throne and put it into the universe.

Then he also returned directly to the Yuguang world and transmitted it to the dark demon monarch through the Yuguang world to bring it back to the Yuguang world. At this time, he has found the rest of the throne, and the purpose of falling ruins has been achieved. Next, he only needs to absorb the essence of the time in the time throne to improve the realm and enhance his strength. That's fine.

When he becomes the emperor of the law, these light thunder kings and boneless kings will be native chickens and tiles, which can be killed at will. He is not afraid of the existence of the Yuguang world to be exposed. At that time, no one can take away the Yuguang world from him except for the controller of the law.

As soon as Xia Bing left, King Guanglei rushed to the ruins where Xia Bing was just at the top of the giant mountain.

"What's the matter, people? Why can't you feel the light and thunder mark? Damn it, this damn guy, could it be that the king of destruction escaped with his strange escape secret technique? Thinking of this, the Thunder King couldn't help guessing.

At the same time, he closed his eyes and felt it carefully, hoping to feel the position of Xia Bing, but the result was unexpected. When he was looking at his eyes, his eyes were full of disappointment and surprise.

How is it possible? Even if he escapes again, I should feel the light and thunder mark. Even if it is far away, it is impossible to have no sense at all. How can there be no response? Is it possible that he can erase my light thunder mark, or did he directly escape from the ruins of the fallen mountain? But how is this possible? How can there be such an unnatural secret method? King Guanglei's face was unbelievable and his heart was shocked. No wonder King Guanglei was surprised that what happened to Xia Bing was too strange.

Although there are all kinds of speculations, how can he easily stop, open his mind, wrap the whole mountain like a tide, and search for the figure of Xia Bing one plant and one tree.

It was precisely because the possibilities were too impossible and unreasonable that King Guanglei guessed whether Xia Bing had used some method to isolate his sense of the light thunder mark, or whether he himself hid in the huge mountain in front of him and hid in his eyelids.

However, the result disappointed him. King Guanglei searched more than a dozen times in a row and did not find Xia Bing. He even spared no effort to expand the power of thunder and lightning in his body to every corner of the giant mountain, turning all parts of the huge mountain into scorched earth, and did not find Xia Bing's figure.

At this time, even if he doesn't want to believe it, he has to believe that Xia Bing is not in this huge mountain at all, and the only way he can find Xia Bing's light and thunder mark is not helpful to him.

"Light Thunder King, it seems that you have got the angel reincarnate pool ahead of us." A negative sound came from a sudden space crack not far from the Light Thunder King.

It is the medium law emperor's dead soul king who sensed the breath of the light thunder king quickly.

As soon as his voice sounded, two space cracks suddenly appeared not far away. Two horrible breaths came from the space cracks, one full of endless killing, and the other was domineering. It was the killing king and the bone king who came in time through space shuttle.

When King Guanglei heard the sound of the death soul king's shadow test, the dark leopard's head couldn't help but get darker. Even the black charcoal-like face could not hide the gloom on his face, showing that he was extremely angry and unwilling to the extreme at this moment.

The three tall demon gods floated in the air. There was no light on them and looked ordinary, but the horrible breath and law fluctuations on their bodies made them the focus of heaven and earth. Even the strange-looking bloody moon and black sun in the sky would be eclipsed in front of them.

The three people did not care about the gloomy look on the face of King Guanglei. The momentum was naturally connected and had formed an alliance tacitly. The purpose of jointly dealing with King Guanglei is self-evident.

"Gun over the angel reincarnation pool, otherwise you can't retreat completely today." The murderous killing king directly threatened.

The same is true between the Bone King and the Dead Soul King.

Seeing that the three medium law emperors who were one level lower than themselves did not pay attention to their predecessors, the thunder king's ears were smoke. A pair of big eyes like light bulbs stared at the three bone kings, and their eyes burst out, shooting straight at the three medium rule emperors like magic swords.

He just let Xia Bing, the king of destruction and angel reincarnation pool, run away from his eyelids. At this moment, it was the most angry time in his heart, and there was nowhere to vent his anger.

The three bone kings did not pay attention to him at all, thinking that the three could compete with him by working together, and threatened him to hand over the angel reincarnation pool, which made the light thunder king extremely angry.

The anger in his heart is stronger than when he heard Xia Bing scold him. The anger is constantly accumulating and brewing like a volcano that is about to erupt. The cold murderous spirit on the King of Light Thunder is getting stronger and stronger, and the horrible killing machine permeates the whole mountain world. The so-called sky is easy to kill, the earth is killing, dragons and snakes rise to land, and people kill. , the world turned upside down.

The killing of the emperor of the law directly freezes everything and destroys the vitality of all things. Even if the lord of the law wants to kill the horrible strong man at the level of the light and thunder king, he will also be lost.

For a while, the whole mountain world was like entering the cold winter, and the air temperature dropped by dozens of degrees. The strange beasts in the boundless forest crawled to the ground one after another, and their weaknesses were scared to death.

"Don't say that I didn't get the angel reincarion pool. Even if I got it, how can I give you three waste materials? If you want to threaten me, it's still far from your three wastes." At this time, King Guanglei was angry and showed no mercy. In addition, the three guys who were weaker than him actually thought that they could fight against him by joining forces, which seemed to him, which was simply too much for him.

"King of Light Thunder, you are still acting now. Just now you left your unique mark on the King of Destruction when we didn't pay attention. After the King of Destruction escaped, you pretended to know nothing. After we left, you secretly found an opportunity to attack the King of Destruction. Haha, poor that The moldy egg thinks that he has escaped for his life. Who knows that you have left his backhand for a long time? Now I'm afraid that he has lost his bones. The angel reincarnate pool has also fallen into your hands. How about it? You are the strongest here. Why don't you take it out and let me open my eyes? Are you afraid that we can't grab it? The dead soul king mocked that he had just been cheated once by the light thunder king. The light thunder king said that he had not received the angel reincarnation pool. Naturally, he could not believe that his moderate law emperor, the hegemon of the central continent, was cheated twice in a row, it would really be a shame to grandma's house.

Even if this person is a more powerful law emperor than him, it won't work.

Therefore, whether it is the Dead Soul King, the Killing King or the Bone King, they don't believe the words of the Light Thunder King at all. They all think that the Light Thunder King has killed Xia Bing and grabbed the angel reincarnation pool. At this time, they look angry, but they are just acting to deceive them.

None of the three did relax their vigilance. The air machine locked the King of Light Thunder, for fear that if they didn't pay attention, they would let the King of Light Thunder escape from here. If they thought about the most back to the angel reincarnation pool, it would really be a daydream.

After the Light Thunder King refines the angel reincarnation pool, they are no match for the Light Thunder King. Even if the three of them work together, they have no resistance. In addition, their space shuttle is slower than the Light Thunder King. At that time, they can't escape and can't be beaten, and there is only one way to die.

Now they can only seize the opportunity to fight with the Thunder King and strive to regain the angel reincarnated pool.

For a while, the three entry-level middle law emperors and the light thunder king, who were only one step away from stepping into the peak of the middle law emperor, were completely deadlocked, and a big war was inevitable.

Because they had just been deceived by the King of Light Thunder not long ago, they would not believe the Light Thunder King in any case. Moreover, they knew the strength of the Light Thunder King and the strangeness of the light thunder mark. In addition, they felt the residual breath of Xia Bing here, and determined that the Light Thunder King had killed Xia Bing, the unknown destruction king. , robbed the angel reincarn

And the strong man at the level of the law emperor is no longer bound by the road, and he can't make what he says through the road oath. In addition, the light thunder king is furious at this moment, and his whole person is like a volcano that is about to erupt, just looking for someone to vent his anger and unwillingness.

Both sides are ready to fight, and both have the intention of doing a fight.

So, the king of Guanglei snorted coldly, "Since you three losers want to die, I will complete you." Before the words fell, the whole person of the light thunder king had turned into three black thunder and lightning dragons to attack the bone king and kill the three kings.

The decision to show no weakness is against three.

In the face of the fierce momentum, the three kings of light thunder did not dare to be careless and took action with all their strength. For a moment, a strong momentum, three slightly weak momentum were intertwined, the horrible momentum tore the void, and the whole huge mountains trembled under the four major weather conditions.

"Do you want to fight? That's good, so that I can make a profit." Eleven law emperors, including the King of Shendu, sensed the atmosphere of melee from the huge mountain where the King of Light Thunder was located, and for a moment they showed their joy.

This is the result they want. Fishing in troubled waters is their idea. This fierce battle fluctuation also shows that someone has got the angel reincarnated pool, and that person is likely to be the Light Thunder King, and the other three medium law emperors are besieging the Light Thunder King together.

Seeing this situation, other law emperors can't help but fly faster. Pick up the advantage when the four medium law emperors are both defeated, which is exactly the idea of all the elementary law emperors.

Four medium-law emperors, including the King of Light Thunder, do not come to the game. How can these primary law emperors have a chance to get involved in the angel reincarnation pool?