Legend of the Shrimp Soldier

Chapter 371 outnumbered

Therefore, the white spirit holy wood, one of the nine sacred trees in the universe, is the worst one in the original spiritual root, but who let these ending beasts have no soul? The tree spirit of the white spirit wood itself can only admit its bad luck and hides in the corner to complain.

The dark holy wood is dark, and it is black from the leaves to the roots of the tree. It is not easy to find that this darkness is even stronger than the darkness of those evil beasts.

Although it is the top-quality spiritual root that contains the origin of the dark law and the wood law, the performance of the dark holy wood is much better than that of the white holy wood, even if its attack method is the attack of the original power of the dark law.

The black ending power of the evil beast is the negative energy of the universe, and although the original power of the dark law is the power of the dark attribute, it still belongs to the positive energy of the universe and the power of the law. In the current environment, it can still wipe out the negative energy of the evil beasts, so it is dark. The dark holy wood with dark light still successfully resisted the end of the evil beast king, and slowly gained the upper hand as time went by.

A huge dragon sound resounded through the whole time and space. Xia Bing only felt that his soul was shaken by the dragon sound. This is the top-grade spiritual root next to the dark holy wood - the dragon soundwood to its opponent, ending the sound wave attack launched by the evil beast king, and the space was broken under the huge dragon sound.

The trunk and branches are dragon-shaped, and even the leaves are coiled together. It is the top spiritual root that contains the origin of the law of sound and the law of wood. How many dragons are there to attack? Every leaf, every branch, including its trunk, can make a sound wave attack. Not only can it destroy everything physically, but also the soul will be turned into nothing by this sound wave.

Think about the hundreds of millions of dragon chants coming from the leaves and roots of the dragon chanting sacred wood. The terrible power is enough to make people shudder. Just now, it was the law of the dragon chanting sacred wood that sent the strongest blow to an evil beast king.

Thousands of scales turned into fragments under the sound of the dragon, and the powerful beast king was severely damaged by the dragon Yinsheng wood. Of course, this heavy blow is not worth mentioning for the end of the evil beast king with undead attributes. It will recover in a short time. The only effect is to kill the negative energy of the evil beast king. , make it weaker.

Hundreds of millions of lights shine next to the Longyin Holy Wood, turning into hundreds of millions of lightsabers to end the evil beast, shining the whole void like day. This is the light sword attack of the top-quality origin, the fluorescent holy wood.

The fluorescent sacred wood, with a tree body of up to 5 million feet, is not much different from ordinary giant trees. The only difference is that there are hundreds of millions of silver fluorescence shining from the leaves to the roots, making the whole sacred wood look like a dream, and the white light makes people feel extremely warm.

As the top-based spiritual root that contains the origin of the law of light and the law of wood, its strength is actually comparable to that of the dark sacred wood. Perhaps the origin of the law of light is stronger in resisting negative energy. Under the attack of the ten thousand light swords of fluorescent sacred wood, its opponents have retreated continuously and are at a disadvantage from the beginning. Now In the face of the attack of fluorescent sacred wood, it can only encourage resistance.

Sealing the sacred wood is different from other top-quality original spiritual roots. As a top-grade spiritual root containing the two original forces of the original power of the law of sealing and the law of wood, sealing the sacred wood is particularly effective for the end of horrible evil beasts, because at the beginning, these ending evil beasts were only It can be sealed and cannot be killed.

Although the seal attack performed by the sacred wood now does not contain immortality like the seals used by the previous nine law controllers when they first sealed these evil beasts, it still causes a lot of damage to its opponents.

Thousands of sealed runes turned into a sealing chain under the control of the seal sacred wood, winding around the end of the evil beast king. Each chain penetrated deep into the hard scale armor of the evil beast king and locked the whole end of the evil beast king. The evil beast king could only roar crazily and struggle repeatedly, and finally broke free. The seal ushered in the next seal chain.

Among the eight top-grade original spiritual roots, the battle of this sealed sacred wood is the easiest. Each seal can consume a lot of negative energy of its opponent. It seems to be extremely leisurely. It can even distinguish its mind from time to time to cast one or two seal attacks on other end evil beast kings to reduce its The pressure of his holy wood.

Blue poisonous sacred wood, with blue light all over the body, shining blue fluorescent leaves flying in the air, emitting viper-like hiss from time to time, and the trunks of scales and blue light emit endless vicious breath.

As the original spiritual root containing the origin of the law of poison and the law of wood, the blue poison holy wood can be said to be the most dangerous origin spiritual root. The original spiritual liquid it produces is not only unable to heal wounds and restore the power of the source, but also full of highly poisonous. Even if the law emperor drinks it, he will be poisoned. Although it will not be poisoned, it will be poisoned. The injury is certain.

Only the chaotic strong who practice the origin of the law of poison dare to use the original spiritual liquid produced by the blue poison holy wood. Those highly poisons will be transformed into the original power of the chaotic strong who practice the origin of the law of poison, and the original spiritual power of wood contained in the original spiritual liquid can heal them.

The battle between the blue poison holy wood and the king of the evil beast fell into a stalemate. The giant snake formed by the endless law of poison was entangled in the evil beast king, flexibly fighting with the evil beast king, but reluctantly maintained the battle and maintained an invincible situation.

Although the law of poison is also the power of the law, compared with the power of other laws, its damage to the end of evil beasts is limited, and it is the same as the power of the soul law. For the chaotic strong, the threat attack does not work on those ending evil beasts.

The original spiritual root next to the blue poison sacred wood is the ashes holy wood. The ashes sacred wood is the original spiritual root that contains the origin of the law of death and the law of wood. Except for the leaves are green, other trunks, branches and roots are gray, and all green leaves are also lingering faintly. The gray light is covered with rising gray gas, which converges over the sacred wood to form a gray cloud, like a mass of burning ashes.

This is the strong smell of death of Ash Holy Wood, and the name of Ash Holy Wood comes from this.

The nine top-quality original spiritual roots are both sacred wood, ranking in no particular order. After adulthood, the strength gap is not big. The most important thing is that it is difficult to meet the two top-grade original spiritual roots, and it is even more impossible to fight with each other. This time, if it is not for the origin of the origin of the law of wood in the land of the road. I'm afraid that these top-quality original spiritual roots and best original spiritual roots will not gather together at all. Almost all of them are the first time they meet, but because they contain part of the power of the original heart of the wooden law, they are very close to each other.

Each has their own inheritance information about each other, which is not strange, and they can also exert stronger power against the enemy.

Eleven original spiritual roots used their own means and cooperated with each other. For a while, they also suppressed the 18 evil beast kings and were firmly in the upper hand. If it continues like this, it may be able to kill the 18 evil beast kings.

These original spiritual roots are even more wonderful than some ancient emperors.

The battle situation on the source Linggen side is very good, but the battle on the side of the chaotic strong is not very good. Compared with the large number of end evil beasts, the number of chaotic strong is really small. The chaotic strong, even with the blessing of the power of law, can exert three or four times the strength of the usual. It is impossible to fight against more than three million beasts.

Before the arrival of Xia Bing, the law monarch of death here had passed. After Xia Bing participated in the war, he contained many end evil beasts and helped those law monarchs and law emperors relieve pressure, but they were still at a disadvantage.

The increase in power brought by trying to kill the silver divine light obtained by the end of the evil beasts has no great effect. Many chaotic strong men even want to escape from here, but they find that they have already been surrounded by the end evil beasts. They can only fight hard and continue to fight with those who end evil beasts.

Three hundred years after Xia Bing joined this battle, tens of thousands of law monarchs fell. Even at the same time of the battle, the power of the evil beasts is fading and becoming weaker, but it is obvious that compared with the sparse number of chaotic strongmen, the large number of evil beasts still have an advantage.

Although the original spiritual roots on the other side have the upper hand in the battle, they have no intention of helping those chaotic strongmen. For the chaotic demon gods who coveve their bodies, they have no good impression. It's good not to fall into the well. How can they help?

After 300 years of fighting, a law emperor finally fell among the chaotic strongman. Although the strength of the poisonous dragon king and the poisonous dragon king is good, the source of his poison law is really limited to the threat to those evil beasts. In addition, he is only a primary law emperor, and tens of thousands of emperor-level evil beasts It's good to be able to hold on to the siege of monarch-level beasts.

Although the poisonous dragon king is a thousand poisonous dragons, claiming to have a thousand lives, it has no effect on hurting his 1,000 lives by negative energy and can't save his life, because the two are the opposite forces.

Another hundred years have passed. The three law emperors who have fallen one after another, including the poisonous dragon king, have now fallen four law emperors. If it hadn't been for two ancient emperors and thousands of law monarchs, I'm afraid that the situation of the chaotic strong would have been worse now.