Wind control

Chapter 8 Hemostasis

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:37:57 Words in this chapter: 2925

Although he did not have the debt of the five elements stone, Feng Ruo did not give up to continue to collect the three low-level spiritual grasses. After all, this is still of great benefit to his future plans.

As for Brother Ning's refusal to continue to collect spiritual grass, it did not have much impact on his overall plan. Originally, Feng Ruo planned to interrupt this kind of jiāyi after paying off the debt of the five five elements stones, but now it is just right.

However, if he wants to continue to explore Dongfeng, Feng Ruo is bound to refine the hemostatic dispersion and Huoluo dispersion. Only in this way will his survival be much greater.

The first thing Feng Ruo intends to try is to stop the blood powder, because relatively speaking, it is relatively less difficult to stop the blood powder. In addition, it is also easier to collect blood clotting grass.

After two days of preparation, Feng Ruo began the refining of hemostatic powder. In fact, the refining of the hemostatic powder is quite simple, that is, to condense the yìng in the blood clotting grass little by little and remove the impurities inside.

For the little mana in his body, it is definitely the most surprising and helpless thing for Feng Ruo in the past six months. Since he practiced the first level of the Qingyun formula and mastered a little mana, his body is at least nearly twice as strong as before, and even his facial features and six senses are much sharper.

But what also makes him feel helpless is that no matter how hard he tries, this mana has never been increased. It seems to be stuck on some bottleneck, which is like a person who has the opportunity to taste the delicacies, but he can only eat a little, which is not enough.

For this reason, Feng Ruo also carefully asked Kong Fei, but the result made him even more frustrated. According to Kong Fei, his qualifications are a little poor, and in addition, he is too old, so it is extremely lucky to be able to cultivate a little mana.

Of course, there is no solution. For example, if you practice next to a low-grade spirit tree for a long time, when you absorb more aura, you can break through this bottleneck. Another more effective way is to buy a low-grade spirit stone, so that the speed of cultivation will be several times faster, but a low-quality spirit stone needs three hundred Xingshi, you can't even afford to use Shang Quyun, not to mention him as a handyman?

Low-grade spirit stone, Feng Ruo dares not expect it, but he can accumulate five elements stone to buy a low-level spirit wood seedling. This thing needs about 60 five elements stone to buy. The only drawback is that it takes nine years of cultivation time to absorb the aura between heaven and earth.

Feng Ruo doesn't care about those nine years. For him, if he can improve his cultivation to the middle of gas refining in his lifetime, he should not be able to laugh, because at that time, his longevity will be 50 years longer than ordinary people.

Anyway, for these 50 years, just work harder!

Put away these messy thoughts, and Feng Ruo carefully took out two blood clotting grasses from the universe bag. The dose of this hemostatic powder is very vague on the primary spiritual grass identification record. The only requirement is that he has enough mana, so he dares not try too much at a time. After all, his mana is really piti

Put the two coagulated grass in his right hand, and Feng Ruo carefully crossed the mana in his body. After his mana entered the coagulated grass, an extremely wonderful picture suddenly appeared in his mind, which felt as if the two coagulated grass had merged with him.

Unfortunately, if you continue to move, you will hear a soft sound of "wow", and the two coggluting plants withered all of a sudden!

"Uh - what's going on?" Feng Ruo's eyes widened and tried his best to make his face look unbelievable.

After thinking carefully for a long time, Feng Ruo finally came to a conclusion that he did not control the size of the mana output. As a result, he destroyed two blood clotting grasses at once. After all, these are only two low-level spiritual grasses. No matter how weak his mana is, it will be much stronger than them.

Determined the key to the problem, and Feng Ruo began to try again, but he found that he could not accurately control the little mana. It felt like a loach in his hand. The general direction would not go wrong, but it was much worse to accurately refine the blood clotting grass.

"Strange? How could this be the case? Feng Ruo frowned. In the past six months, he has put almost half of his strength on practicing mana. He asked himself that he had almost mastered it. Did he ignore something?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo did not stop, and still refined the coagulated grass with his magic power. Unfortunately, until more than a dozen coagulated plants were abandoned, the he expected he still disappeared, and even his mana was consumed.

"This monastic road is really extremely difficult!" Feng Ruo sighed secretly, threw aside the withered blood clotting grass in his hand, and began to meditate to restore the consumed mana.

Although Feng Ruo's mana is very small now, it will take at least one night to fully recover. Fortunately, the last thing he lacks is time.

In the next ten days, Feng Ruo took care of Xiangling rice fields, collected mulberry leaves, and fed Xueling silkworms. At the same time, he carefully climbed over Dongfeng to collect blood clotting grass and sweet branches, and then came back to continue to refine and stop the blood powder. After dozens of failures, he finally succeeded in refining the

However, during this period, Feng Ruo found an interesting thing, that is, because refining to stop blood powder requires extremely accurate mana control, so after so many attempts, his mana seems to be more rapid and flexible. Although the total amount has not changed, the power has been enhanced.

The simplest example is that the time to use the flame knife is nearly half faster than before! He can almost do what he thinks in an instant!

It is also for this reason that Feng Ruo also successfully summarized the skill of using the flame knife. While ensuring the power of the flame knife, he can completely control the amount of mana input, so as to meet the requirement of avoiding lng fees. After this mō attempt, he can actually It is undoubtedly crucial for him to use the flame knife three times in a row.

Three months later, when Kong Fei and others went out to hunt and returned, Feng Ruo had refined 20 parts of hemostatic powder and five parts of active collateral powder. At the same time, the scope of his exploration in Dongfeng also expanded several times. During this period, ordinary spirit beasts like the black civet also killed five or six, which can be regarded as Yes.

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