Wind control

Chapter 10 Muling Stone

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:37:57 Words in this chapter: 3821

"Plop!" With a sound, Feng Ruo fell firmly to the ground. Even though his body had always been strong and had the power to protect himself, he was still thrown to the ground, and his qi and blood surged up.

But Fortunately, his mind is still sober that he knows that he can't stay where he is, otherwise he will directly become the delicacy of the silver spider!

Because the cave is dark, Feng Ruo can't guess how big it is. He just reluctantly guessed that the cave is at least three or four feet deep from the ground. He can't climb up to such a height for a while, not to mention a spider on it!

At this time, the "ssing" sound came. Feng Ruo looked up and found that the silver spider had caught up and quickly climbed down.

He didn't dare to neglect. Feng Ruo quickly put a trace of mana into the Yingyue short knife, and suddenly a small ball of firelight appeared on the body of the knife. Now he really wants to thank the experience of refining and stopping blood powder some time ago. Otherwise, he can't do it so skillfully.

With this ray of light, Feng Ruo stumbled forward. Fortunately, it seems to be extremely spacious, and he doesn't have to worry about being trapped in a short time.

It's just that this is the nest of the silver spider after all. After a moment, the silver spider caught up with him and opened his mouth. Suddenly, a very thin spider silk wrapped around Feng Ruo's right uǐ again. The huge pulling force almost made him fall to the ground.

"Damn it!" Before he could think about it, the flame knife in Feng Ruo's hand was launched again and directly cut off the spider silk. However, he used the flame knife twice in a row, which had consumed a lot of mana. In addition, he just ran wildly, which made his current situation extremely bad. After all, his flame knife has a limit on the number of times But it can keep coming out. It's not a way to go on like this!

He quickly took out a pack from the universe bag, which could restore a little mana and swallowed it. Feng Ruo's body suddenly gushed out a hot stream, and in a blink of an eye, he recovered some of his remaining mana.

Suddenly gritting his teeth, Feng Ruo directly sent all the mana in his body to the Yingyue short knife, but in an instant, an extremely dazzling firelight burst out. Under this light, the dark dòngùe was as bright as day in an instant!

Perhaps by the bright firelight, the silver spider that originally rushed up actually stepped back a little.

Taking advantage of this short opportunity, Feng Ruo hurriedly swallowed a bag of active collaterals again while looking at the surrounding environment, and finally found a narrow gap on the stone wall on the left side of the dòngùe.

"That's it!" After setting the goal, Feng Ruo immediately rushed over, because according to the current situation, even if it is extremely wide, it is impossible for him to escape from the pursuit of the silver spider, so it is better to find a position that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so that he may be able to live for a while.

When Feng Ruo rushed to the narrow gap, the firelight on Yingyue's short knife finally slowly disappeared because of the lack of mana, but at this moment, he couldn't care about anything else. He squeezed in desperately, then huddled inside, backed against the stone wall, and held the knife to the outside, which was his only means of defense

Soon, the huge silver spider rushed over, but unexpectedly, after a moment of pause, it may have found that it could not help the prey for a short time, so it directly spit out spider silk to completely seal the entrance of this gap!

"What does this beast want to do? Do you want to be trapped to death? Or do you want to seal yourself up as food? Feng Ruo thought with surprise, but at the same time, a cool air rose in his heart, because he suddenly found that the spider did not seem to act only by instinct like ordinary beasts. It was more like having wisdom, and such an opponent was undoubtedly the most terrible.

After taking a deep breath, Feng Ruo forced himself to calm down. Now that the front is sealed by the spider silk, it is impossible for him to rush out, so he can only think of other ways. However, he can only smile bitterly at the hard stone wall behind mō. Does he want to dig an escape exit on it? I'm afraid that his Yingyue short knife is not so sharp!

"No! In fact, you can try the flame knife!" Suddenly, Feng Ruo's eyes suddenly lit up and thought of this method, because the flame knife is not simply sharp, but combines the common power of the five elements stone and the mana. Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in chiseling this stone wall. The only defect is that even if he adds the remaining three packets of active collateral dispersion, he can only barely use Flame knife.

"Now I can only hope that the spider really thought it was trapped!" Feng Ruo thought to himself, and instead of taking Huoluosan, he swallowed a piece of rice cake, then removed all kinds of distracting thoughts, and silently operated the first layer of heart method of Qingyun Jue to restore the lost mana.

About five or six hours later, the mana consumed by Feng Ruo before recovered. This speed was already very good for him. After all, the conditions he had could not be compared with the three generations of disciples of Qingyunzong.

After a little movement, Feng Ruo listened carefully to the movement outside for a while, but he was still not sure whether the silver spider was still in this dongùe, so he did not dare to take the risk to rush out.

Without much thought, Feng Ruo quickly mō the stone wall in the crack with his hand to determine the location of the chisel, but what made him extremely disappointed was that all the positions were extremely hard stone walls, and there was no soil or sandstone he wanted. From this point of view, this place should be It is formed naturally and is not excavated by the spider.

sighed secretly, and Feng Ruo silently operated his mana. It was not until Yingyue's short knife released a half-foot-long flame that he aimed at the stone wall behind him and dug it!

Sure enough, as expected, the power of the flame knife can indeed dig the hard stone wall, but the effect is a little worse. When the flame on the Yingyue knife disappears, he only chiseled out a hole the size of a head. Fortunately, in the process of "jingling" just now, the silver spider did not react. Otherwise, his escape plan will definitely fail.

Next, Feng Ruo kept casting a flame knife to cut the stone wall, but every time he left a little mana enough to use the flame knife, in order to prevent the silver spider from suddenly rushing in. Fortunately, this kind of thing did not really happen.

I don't know how long it took. When Feng Ruo had chiseled a few feet, he suddenly found that a piece of tree root passed through the hard rock from above, and he didn't know what kind of force it was. Where the root of the tree passed, the hard rock cracked.

Just stunned for a while, Feng Ruo immediately changed the direction of the chiseling and chiseled along the root of the tree, which immediately made the speed of the chisel much faster, and when more roots appeared, he basically did not need to use a flame knife to move forward quickly.

When Feng Ruo approached the center of the root, he suddenly found that there was a space of about ten feet between the many roots!

"What?" Feng Ruo was still a little suspicious, but then he was overjoyed, because this space was full of strong aura, which was even more pure than the aura he felt in the courtyard of Ningyuan that day.

Aware of this, Feng Ruo quickly got into the space and sealed the entrance of the passage he opened with mud at the same time. After all, this strong aura will be emitted.

After doing all this, Feng Ruocai carefully sent a trace of mana to Yingyue's short knife. As a faint fire light lit up, the situation in this space also fell into his eyes.

The dense roots seemed to be commanded by some kind of force, scattered very regularly, and then formed an open space like a wine jar in the middle. In the middle of the open space, the scattered roots came back again, and on the most central jiā fork point, it turned out to be A small bulge is formed.

Feng Ruo just took a look and immediately confirmed that the strong aura in this space came from this position.

"Is it true that this is the kind of wooden spirit stone!" Feng Ruo squatted down and thought excitedly that about this spiritual stone, he had heard Kong Fei and others say that this thing is more precious than the five elements stone, because the aura contained in this spiritual stone can be completely absorbed by the monks, which can make the usual practice get twice the result with half the effort.

And this spirit stone is also divided into various genera such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, but this thing is really scarce. Even if it is the lowest-level spirit stone, it takes hundreds of five elements stones to buy it. Even merchants like Qu Yun can't afford it.