Wind control

Chapter 20 Harvest

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:37:57 Number of words in this chapter: 3736

(Thank you for your strong support! At the same time, congratulations on the birth of the first leader of this book! Thank you very much for your support! The lazy bird will continue to work hard!)

Feng Ruo did not return to the hidden valley where Mulingshi was located, but went all the way north to the north peak, and deliberately left all kinds of clues, because he dared to conclude that with the arrogance and domineering of Chu Tian's group, as long as Ma Yuan and the other three people said this matter, they would definitely At this time, if you hide in that valley, there is a great chance of being caught. After all, although the whole Dongfeng is big, as long as you search carefully, there is still no problem at all.

Now he has moved to Beifeng in order to take the sight of Chu Feng and others away from Dongfeng. After all, the wooden spirit stone is of great importance, and they can't find it.

Of course, Feng Ruo is not worried about his future, because Beifeng and Dongfeng have always been the territory of Tianjiyuan. Chu Feng and others are so popular here, which will definitely arouse the disgust of the three generations of disciples of Tianjiyuan.

It's okay if it's normal, but Feng Ruo remembers it clearly that Chu Feng announced that the Xifeng Valley was the territory of Tianshuyuan not long ago. He didn't believe that the three generations of disciples of Tianjiyuan would endure this evil anger! As long as the disciples of Tianji Tianshu and the two courtyards fight against each other, he will be much safer at that time.

Of course, there is another possibility that Tianjiyuan is weak, and can only watch the Tianshuyuan run rampantly, but this possibility is very small, because the discord between the two courtyards of Tianji Tianshu has a long history. If only Chutian can press the Tianjiyuan, it is a little incredible. After all, in his opinion, Many of the high-level measures of Zong are more often acquiesced to disputes between three generations of disciples. Although he does not know the reason, it is certain that this method must be related to the jiā front at a certain level.

When Feng Ruo rushed all the way to Beifeng, he picked a cliff with a wide view and stopped. He was waiting for Chu Tian's people here, but not with them, but to catch them in Beifeng.

Because the terrain of the north peak is more sinister and changeable than that of the east peak, and the dense forest is more lush. If Fengruo is absolutely confident, even if Chu Tian brings fifty people to chase him, he can't catch him in this terrain. He can afford the energy, but those people in Chu Tian can't afford it.

And this is the best solution he can think of, one word, drag!

Thinking of this unexpected harvest, Feng Ruo couldn't help laughing. Speaking of which, Ma Yuan's boy was really cute. He asked him to take out all the five elements of stones, and he really came out, with a total of 63. On the contrary, it was the Xi yù bridge, with a lot of eyes, just took them out. Fifteen, but plus Liang Shi's forty-one, and his original five, his current wealth has suddenly become much richer, reaching one hundred and twenty-four. Even if he buys the eighty white feather crane, there are still forty-four left.

This amount was unthinkable in the past.

In addition, it is the first-class sword weapon. Although it is not the famous Longquan product, it is also several times stronger than his Yingyue short knife. Especially as long as he has enough mana, he can continue to use the five elements stone to refine, which is still extremely effective in improving the lethality of the sword.

Of course, the most satisfying thing for Feng Ruo is that he accidentally got the second level of the Qingyun formula, so that at least for a long time in the future, he will not have to worry about practicing the magic.

At this time, with the sun setting in the west, Feng Ruo still did not wait for Chu Tian and others to chase him, which made him feel strange, because it was completely inconsistent with the arrogant and domineering style of Chu Tian and others.

Thinking about it, Feng Ruo still decided to return to the main peak of Qingyun Mountain to explore, but he had to guard against Chu Tian's secret ambush.

After unblocking the white feather crane, Feng Ruo took advantage of the last light in the sky to fly to the main peak of Qingyun Mountain, because it would be too late if it was completely dark for a while. Speaking of which, this is also the biggest drawback of the white feather crane mount, that is, it can't fly in the dark, .

After the night was completely shrouded, Feng Ruo finally rushed to the main peak of Qingyun Mountain, but what made him feel strange was that he was not intercepted. It was not until he went all the way to the place where he lived that he was shocked by the situation in front of him!

The bamboo shed he had worked so hard to build had long been lost, and not far away, more than a dozen third-generation disciples of Qingyunzong were talking loudly around a bonfire, as if they were very excited.

At first, Feng Ruo thought that these people were Chu Tian's men, but soon he found through the firelight that there were Qu Yun, Kong Fei, Tang Qing and others among these people. As for the others, they were all three generations of disciples of Tianji Academy, and there were no people from Tianshu Academy at all.

"Strange? Is it possible that Chu Tian is so powerful that he sent the people of Tianji Academy to chase and kill himself? Feng Ruo was secretly puzzled, but then he felt that it was impossible. Not to mention the contradictions and entanglement between the two courtyards, even if Qu Yun and others were taken away by Chu Tian not long ago, it was impossible for them to coexist peacefully!

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo hesitated for a moment, and then directly walked forward. However, Qu Yun and others found him one after another, but because of the darkness, they could not recognize him for a while.

"Who is coming?" Several people shouted one after another, and at the same time, they quickly ōu their swords.

"Hey hey! Is it Feng Ruo?" At this time, Qu Yun smiled and stopped the people who were about to do it. "Now you are the only one who can come here at this time!"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Brother Qu!" Hearing Qu Yun's words, Feng Ruo was completely relieved. He hurriedly walked a few steps, and then bowed more than ten steps away from the crowd. He arched his hand and said, "Feng Ruo has seen all of you. It's rare that you are so interested. Do you take advantage of the moon to bake ròu here?"

Feng Ruo's words immediately caused everyone to laugh, and the previous embarrassment also disappeared.

"Haha! Feng Ruo, as expected, with you, actually beat Liang Shi like a pig's head, which really came out of my heart!" Qu Yun came over with a big smile, patted Feng Ruo's shoulder twice, and then pulled him to the huge bonfire to introduce him.

"Everyone! This is Feng Ruo, a new member of our hunting team. Although he is not a disciple of Qingyun Sect, he is trustworthy. I hope you can take more care of him in the future and don't let those guys in Tianshuyuan succeed!"

"Not bad! No matter how arrogant Chu Feng and others in the Tianshu Academy dare to be arrogant, they should be beat back as hard as today. Let's see if they dare to be arrogant again!" Everyone shouted one after another, and it could be seen that they were extremely excited.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ruo couldn't help smiling. The matter was really similar to what he guessed. It seems that the reason why Chu Feng didn't chase him this afternoon was that most of them fought with the people in the Tianjiyuan.

At this time, Qu Yun introduced the rest of the people to Feng Ruo one by one. They also have their own hunting teams, but sometimes they will cooperate with Qu Yun's hunting team.

After greeting everyone, Qu Yun told Feng Ruo what had happened in the afternoon. It turned out that he still underestimated the domineering and directness of Chu Tian and others. Soon after Ma Yuan and the other two returned to the Tianshu Academy angrily, Chu Tian personally rushed to the Tianji Academy with dozens of disciples Haohao. .

Asking clearly where Feng Ruo lives, Chu Tian and others burned his simple bamboo shed with a fire, and then destroyed more than a dozen fragrant rice fields nearby, and even killed more than a dozen snow silkworms.

This provocative behavior immediately angered the disciples of Tianji Academy, and the two sides soon wiped the fire, from the initial abuse to the subsequent battle group. However, at the most critical time, the owner of Tianji Academy suddenly came forward to scold everyone, and then blew up the matter.

But there is no doubt that Tianjiyuan has the upper hand in this matter, and Qu Feng and others gathered here, mainly to prevent Chu Tian and others from being unwilling to suffer such a big loss, secretly ambush, and let Feng Ruo suffer losses.

Hearing this, Feng Ruo was also very impressed and quickly thanked Qu Yun and others. Anyway, he saved a lot of trouble by taking advantage of the banner of Tianjiyuan this time.