Wind control

Chapter 21 Hemostatic Dan

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:37:57 Words in this chapter: 2881

Qu Yun and others then carefully asked Feng Ruo how he had a conflict with Ma Yuan. Feng Ruo also explained it roughly, but he hid the matter of blackmailing the five elements of Ma Yuan, and only said that he had robbed Liang Shi's sword weapon.

Because he just listened to the explanation of Qu Yun and others, it seemed that Ma Yuan and the other three did not leak the extortion of them, so there was no need for him to tell them. This was not to be afraid of Chu Tian, but to cover the second heart method of learning the Qingyun secret for himself. He did not want the angry Ma Yuan The skill of!

At this time, after talking excitedly for a long time, everyone also said goodbye one after another. Soon, there were only five people left beside the huge bonfire, including Qu Yun, Kong Fei and Tang Qing. These people were all trusted subordinates around Qu Yun.

At this moment, Feng Ruocai took out eighty five-ecut stones and handed them to Qu Yun, "Brother Qu, this is the five-ecut stones that bought the white feather crane. Please accept it!"

"What? Where did you get so many five elements of stone? Hearing Feng Ruo's words, Qu Yun couldn't help but be shocked, but then he understood and asked strangely, "Did you snatch this from Liang Shi?"

"Hey! Even so!" Feng Ruo smiled and did not deny it, but this immediately surprised Qu Yun and the other five people, because for them, it was nothing to beat Liang severely. As long as the conditions were right, anyone could do it, but it would be difficult to extort so many five elements of stones.

For a moment, everyone looked at Feng Ruo more and more incredible.

After a moment, Qu Yun was the first to react, directly pushed back the five elements stone handed over by Feng Ruo, and smiled and said, "Ha ha! You keep these five elements stones first. Anyway, I can't use them now. In half a month, we will go to Tiandang Mountain Market to buy some items, thinking that we will prepare for the next season's hunting. If you don't even have a defense suit now, you can keep these five elements stones to buy a snow silkworm suit. You know, this In the hinterland of the 72 peaks, the degree of danger there is not comparable to that of the east peak!"

"The hinterland of the 72 peaks?" Hearing Qu Yun's words, Feng Ruo couldn't help taking a deep breath. It was not the first time he had heard of the danger there. It was said that there would even be a five-level spirit beast. As long as he met one, it must have been the end of the destruction of the whole army. What's wrong with Qu Yun? Don't you want to die?

Seeing the god of Feng Ruo, Feng Ruo smiled and said, "Don't worry, of course we won't die!" In fact, this time, we are hired by Brother Ningyuan. With us, there are two other hunting teams. Our task is not to hunt spiritual beasts, but to collect some rare spiritual grass, which will not last more than ten days, and the reward is one hemostatic elixir for each person!"

"Hemostatic elixir! One for each person!" Feng Ruo couldn't help exclaiming at this time. No wonder Qu Yun will agree. The reward is really a little rich, because the price of a hemostatic elixir is 30 five-equince stones. In the past, Qu Yun and others may not be able to earn 30 five-equine stones for a whole season of hunting, but now it You can get it in between!

"Okay! Then everything will be arranged by Brother Qu!" After thinking about it, Feng Ruo didn't refuse too much. He casually put away the eighty five-eline stones. Since he was going to take risks, he naturally had to be prepared.

"Oh, by the way, Feng Ruo, you don't want to live here tonight. You might as well go to Shanmén with us to live! I'm worried that Chu Tian will not let you go easily!" Qu Yun is a little worried about the tunnel.

"Not bad! If you live with me during this period, I just want to see what ability you can do!" Kong Fei was also overjoyed at this time.

"Hehe! It's not necessary. I have a place to hide. I promise that I won't let Chu Tian and others find it. I'll come to you in half a month!" Feng Ruo thanked him directly. How could he cause trouble to Qu Yun and Kong Fei? What's more, there are only two months left before the next season of hunting begins. Naturally, he has to prepare well.

Seeing that Feng Ruo was so persistent, Qu Yun and others had to give up, exchanged a few more words, and then left one after another.

Seeing that the figure of Qu Yun and others disappeared, Feng Ruo suppressed the fire, and then took advantage of the darkness to go to Dongfeng mō. Now that Chu Tian's people have hit a nail in the Tianji courtyard, they naturally dare not chase him up, so he can quietly hide in the space where the wooden spirit stone is located. Cultivate the heart.

Although the two months are a little short, if you put it on others, the effect will definitely not be too obvious, but with the help of wooden spirit stone, the harvest will definitely be greater!

Of course, in addition to cultivation, Feng Ruo has to find a way to refine more activation and hemostatic dispersion for himself. After all, the hinterland of the 72 peaks is too dangerous. Who knows what will happen? It's better to make more preparations.

Because it was in the dark night, even if Feng Ruo was very familiar with Dongfeng, he did not dare to go too deep. He just found a hidden position on the edge of Dongfeng and slowly waited.

In this case, he does not dare to meditate and practice, nor does he dare to sleep at ease, because he does not know those mysterious forbidden arrays. Once any poisonous insects come in, he will die.

Fortunately, due to the great increase in mana, even if he is sleepless for several days in a row, it will not have any impact.

However, this method can only be effective at the extremely dangerous eastern peak. If you spend the night in other places, such as the peaks and valleys, or the hinterland of the 72 peaks, you must use prohibitions or formations to prevent it.

At this point, Feng Ruo obviously can't compare with those three generations of disciples of Qu Yun, because everything they have practiced is very systematic since they entered men. In addition to the Qingyun formula that must be practiced, they also have to master basic alchemy, basic rune making, basic alchemy, basic forbidden art, basic royal beast .

So, don't look at the gap between Feng Ruo and those three generations of disciples of Qingyun Sect is not very big, and even some aspects will win. But with the passage of time, when those three generations of disciples advance to the foundation period and begin to practice imperial swordsmanship, this gap will become wider and bigger, until Feng Ruo will always No, can't catch up!

Unfortunately, although Feng Ruo is very clear about this trend, he is unable to change it, because he can't join Qingyunzong at all! Not to mention joining other immortals!

"Hey! Never mind, let's take one step at a time! I'm afraid I can't even break through the foundation period in my life. What do I want to do so much!"