Wind control

Chapter 23 Spiritual Tea

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:37:58 Words in this chapter: 3015

"Debt repayment--"

Seeing these two words, Feng Ruo was immediately scared to death. Although there was no signature on it, how could he not know who the other party was?

"It's over!" Feng Ruo couldn't help but be shocked. During this period, he first settled for half a month, then formed a knot with Ma Yuan and others, and then he ran back to practice. It had been more than a month, so he actually delayed the old girl's request.

Dare not to hesitate, Feng Ruo hurriedly drove Bai Yuhe to the valley where the old girl was. Now he only hoped that the old girl would not be furious, otherwise he would be really miserable.

Just as he flew to the entrance of Xiaogu, Feng Ruo couldn't help but have a burst of numbness in his scalp. He almost wanted to turn around and run away, as far as he could! Because at least thousands of colorful clouds and butterflies gathered on both sides of the bluestone path, looking at it from a distance, it was like two colorful ribbons.

If it is in normal times, Feng Ruo may think that such a grand show is to welcome an important person, but now, he can only think that this is the way of death to escort him to the execution ground.

He sealed the white feather crane in fear, and Feng Ruo forced himself to go to the middle of the valley. He knew very well that he could not escape the pursuit of these thousands of colorful cloud butterflies.

Through the exuberant bamboo forest, Feng Ruo unexpectedly heard the sound of Qingyue's piano. The sound of the piano was very beautiful. Unfortunately, he was so pretentious that he was not in the mood to appreciate it at all. Of course, even at ordinary times, he would not appreciate it. Moreover, it was difficult for him to imagine that the

"What? Why didn't you see that old girl?" Turning around the corner, the jīng bamboo building appeared in front of Feng Ruo, but what surprised him was that the one playing the piano in the pavilion by the lake was not the old girl, but a nv in blue clothes. Although he could only see a back, it gave him a familiar feeling.

The sound of the piano didn't stop, and Feng Ruo had to stand in place honestly. God knew what the relationship between the nv in blue and the old girl was. If he disturbed the other party, there would definitely be no good fruit to eat!

When the song was over, the nv in blue got up and said gently to the bamboo building, "Uncle, Ling'er is leaving!"

After saying this, the young nv in blue put away the guqin casually. Without looking at Feng Ruo, he directly called out a silver eagle with wings spread for about a few feet, soared into the air, and disappeared from Feng Ruo's sight in a blink of an eye.

"It's actually her!" After hearing the crisp and pleasant voice, Feng Ruo had already guessed the identity of the other party, and the subsequent silver eagle was even more confirmed.

"Lan Ling? The name is really beautiful!" Feng Ruo thought to himself that this Sister Lan was the existence that made all the three generations of disciples look up to in the Tianji Academy. Even the rampage of the Tianshu Academy and the self-righteous Chu Tian did not dare to be presumptuous in front of her. However, for a long time, this Sister Lan's temper has been very strange. If A few, otherwise he would not have been called a bully, but he didn't expect that the bully would have such a gentle side.

Of course, this idea was then pinched out, gentle? It's really a joke. Didn't you hear her call that old woman an uncle? That's all a dragonfly!

Feng Ruo was still thinking angrily that the bamboo building "squeaked" and opened without wind. Suddenly, Feng Ruo felt a sense of ghost slowly overflowing from the bamboo building. He could even feel that countless pairs of ghost eyes were staring at him. If it hadn't been for the thousands of colorful clouds and butterflies behind him,

"Stinky boy! What are you still doing? Get out of here immediately!" At this time, the old girl's hoarse and unpleasant voice suddenly came from the bamboo tower, which shocked Feng Ruo again.

However, at this moment, Feng Ruo had no way out and could only walk into the bamboo building step by step. However, strange to him, he just stepped into the bamboo building, and the cold breath he felt before disappeared immediately.

Looking at the bamboo building again, the old girl is still the same as before, wearing a black cloak and sitting on a futon like a skeleton. In front of her, there is a table made entirely of blue yù. There is a set of elegant tea sets on the table, but the spiritual tea on it has been cooled down for a long time.

"The junior Feng Ruo, I have seen the senior!" At this point, Feng Ruo calmed down. It's funny to think about it. He didn't take death seriously in those years, but he never thought that now he became afraid of death because he could live for decades longer.

"Tea!" To Feng Ruo's surprise, the old girl did not talk about letting him pay off the debt, but ordered coldly.

Although he was surprised, Feng Ruo did not dare to disobey this order. He hurriedly took a step forward to replace the remnant tea of the light green tea and inject it into the new spiritual tea. At the same time, he sent his own mana into the spiritual tea. After the cup of the spiritual tea was full, it was already hot, as if

He carefully put the cup of spiritual tea in front of the old man. Feng Ruo couldn't help thanking Kong Fei secretly, because the spiritual tea tasted by the monks was very different from that of mortals. The tea of mortals was boiled over a charcoal fire and then made according to the water temperature.

However, the method concocted by the monk is to directly use mana. In other words, the quality of a cup of spiritual tea is largely related to the purity of the mana. If the mana is high and deep enough, then the spiritual tea concocted will be fragrant, full of aura, and it is often drunk. It is not Great benefits.

But if the mana is not enough, or even very miscellaneous, then the spirit tea concocted will be difficult to eat, let alone beneficial to practice.

For example, the three generations of disciples of Qingyunzong are also required to make spiritual tea in their daily practice. Feng Ruo was lucky enough to taste a cup of terrible spiritual tea from Kong Fei, so he still had a little understanding of the process of concoction, otherwise there would definitely be something wrong today.

But despite this, Feng Ruo is not sure whether the cup of spiritual tea he came out is good or bad?

Fortunately, the old woman didn't seem to care about this. She picked up the teacup with the palm like a dead branch and drank it carefully. After a long time, she said in a hoarse voice, "It's really terrible!"

Hearing this, Feng Ruo couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but he secretly slandered in his heart. Do you still drink it? I'm not a disciple of Qingyun Sect. It's good to make a cup of spiritual tea!

Although it was said to be bad, the old girl still drank all the cup of spiritual tea, and finally said slowly, "I have drunk this worship tea. You can worship the teacher!"