Wind control

Chapter 26 The Road

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:37:58 Words in this chapter: 3115

After Tang Qing and the fat man, Qu Yun said again, "In fact, there are many routes to Tian Dangshan Market. Even if Chu Tian and others want to make trouble, it is difficult to work. The only thing to worry about is after leaving Tian Dangshan Market, because they can blatantly track us at that time!"

"What if they do it at the Tian Dangshan Market?" Feng Ruo asked with some puzzlement.

"Don't worry about this, because Tiandongshan Market is hosted by the Yanbei Immortal Cultivation Alliance, and fighting is strictly prohibited. Give Chu Tian hundreds of courage and dare not do it there!" Qu Yun explained patiently, "And because this Tian Dangshan Market is held every two seasons, and each time is only seven days, there will be many seniors coming here to buy all kinds of immortals, including many monks in the foundation period and even in the Jindan period! So those of us in the refining period can only be regarded as small miscellaneous fish!"

"Wow! Jindan period master! Have you ever seen Brother Qu? At this time, Kong Fei couldn't help asking in surprise.

"How can I have that blessing?" Qu Yun pouted, "I've also heard others say that there was a golden elixir master passing through the sky like a dragon at the Tian Dangshan Market more than ten years ago! Tut-ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt When can we walk freely without relying on flying mounts like that!"

"Hey! Brother, you are dreaming again. How many Jindan masters are there in the 12 major schools of the Yanbei Immortal Cultivation League? How can it be our turn?" At this time, Fang Huan, who had been sitting in the corner all the time, suddenly said.

Fang Huan's age is the largest among Qu Yun and others, but his strength is not as good as Qu Yun, and he usually doesn't like words, so Qu Yun is the decision in many major matters, but among Tang Qing and Yan Ming, he seems to be a little out of place.

But this time, Fang Huan's words were undoubtedly recognized by everyone except Qu Yun, because the Jindan period was really a very distant existence, such as Qingyunzong, the most powerful palm meén was just the later stage of foundation building!

It's just that Qu Yun suddenly smiled a very mysterious smile. After looking around, he lowered his voice and said, "Do you know that decades ago, we Qingyunzong also had a master of the Jindan period!"

"What!" This time, including Feng Ruo, everyone can't look at Qu Yun in disbelief. Although this guy has a lot of gossip, this kind of thing can't be a joke, because if Qingyunzong really has a golden elixir master, he can at least rank in the top five in the Yanbei Immortal Cultivation Alliance!

"Hey! Don't look at me like this!" Qu Yun waved his hand and said, "I just heard that it is not clear whether the matter is true or not. It is said that there was a Jindan master who claimed to be a disciple of this sect, but soon this person disappeared, and it was impossible to determine whether it was a man or a nv!"

"No need to say! It must be fake. How powerful the Jindan master is, how can he disappear out of thin air? Tang Qing couldn't help saying.

"Maybe! Anyway, it's just a rumor, and even those guys in Tiandangshan are not very clear!" Qu Yun sighed and said with some regret, "Okay! Everyone is up. Let's start early tomorrow morning! As for Feng Ruo, you can stay with me first so as not to meet Chu Tian's mad dogs!"

"Also!" Feng Ruo did not refuse this time, but nodded directly.

There was nothing to say all night. In the morning of the second day, Tang Qing, Kong Fei and others gathered early, and then Qu Yun gave an order, so they released their flying mounts one after another and flew north.

It's just that among the crowd, only Feng Ruo and Kong Fei's flying mounts are Bai Yuhe, while Qu Yun and others have all been replaced by baldge combat mounts. Whether it is speed or endurance, it is not comparable to Bai Yuhe, so Qu Yun and others have to slow down.

"Alas! After this hunting, I must buy a bald!" Kong Fei, who flew side by side with Feng Ruo, sighed that although Qu Yun and others deliberately slowed down their flight speed, because the white feather crane was naturally afraid of bald owls, they were still 50 feet away from each other. Usually there was nothing on the way, but if they went out hunting, it would be greatly affected.

"How many five-eline stones does a Vulture need to ride?" Feng Ruo asked, because this problem is also what he is facing. After all, only by being consistent with the whole hunting team can the danger be minimized.

"I need 200 low-quality five-eline stones! Or a lower-grade five-egrade stone is also OK!" Kong Fei shook his head and said, "As for Feng Ruo, don't think about buying a Vulture mount first. Those second- and third-level spirit beasts are terrible, and it's easy to get hurt without a defense suit!"

"This is nature!" Feng Ruo nodded, but thought in his heart that Qu Yun, a hunting team, did not distribute all the harvest equally, but according to the size of the role in the battle. It is precisely because of this, Kong Fei, who has the least courage and the weakest strength, can't afford a bald horse until now. If it weren't been for Qu Yun' Take care, I'm afraid no hunting team is willing to accept Kong Fei.

However, Feng Ruo has a lot of confidence in himself. He thinks that after a few hunts, he can buy enough five elements of defense suits and Vulture mounts.

After flying all the way across the north peak, they went to the east under the leadership of Qu Yun. This is to prevent Chu Tian's people from lun. After all, in the case of having flying mounts, no one can guess the other party's way forward.

However, they were obviously lucky. They did not encounter Chu Tian and others until they entered the range of 72 peaks.

"Everyone, be careful. Be sure to fly above the clouds. Don't put your body outside the clouds. It will lead the flying spirit beast here. If you fall behind, don't panic. Just return along the same path of the clouds!" At this moment, Qu Yun's voice sounded in front of him.

"Brother Qu is talking about the flying spirit beasts living in the 72 peak area. They are basically above level three, and once they appear, there are at least hundreds of them. We can't resist at all. We can only fly over secretly with the help of clouds in the sky! If you just follow me, you can do it. As long as you don't come, there will be no danger!" Kong Fei is calm, but I think so. They have to cross the 72 peaks at least twice a year, and they have long been used to it.

Feng Ruo was a little nervous, but more curious, because these 72 peaks can be said to be the most mysterious place in Qingyun Mountain. He has heard it many times. Unfortunately, the top of the 72 peaks are all covered by thick clouds. He can't see the original appearance at all, but the advantage is that these people are basically Don't worry about being discovered by the flying spirit beasts below, just go all the way.

Everyone flew above the clouds for more than half a day, and only came out of the area where the 72 peaks were located, but it was still half the way from the Tiandu Mountain Market. Obviously, it was impossible to get there in one day.

After flying forward for hundreds of miles, Qu Yun and others stopped one after another. Now they need to camp here for one night and continue on the road tomorrow morning, because everyone's flying mounts are tired, and even if they are not affected by the night, they can't continue to move forward.