Wind control

Chapter 28 First-Class Ghost

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:37:58 Words in this chapter: 3189

When the sun went down, the darkness came quickly, and the mountains and trees in the distance were gradually swallowed up by a mass of black gas. Even with the eyes of everyone, only a general outline could be seen.

And I don't know when the sky is also full of thick clouds, and the roaring mountain wind passes through the woods in the distance, like countless ghosts howling miserably.

Feng Ruo and others all sat around the fire, silent. The strange village was like a thorn, which made everyone feel uneasy. If they hadn't flown for a whole day, their flying mounts would need to rest, and they might have avoided here far away.

"What? What does it taste like? At this time, with a gust of mountain wind, an extremely fishy smell also floated, and Qu Yun jumped up first.

"It's the smell of a dead body!" Feng Ruo replied softly that he would naturally not be unfamiliar with this smell. In those years, on the battlefield, sometimes he would fight for months in a row, and the unaccommodated corpses would completely rot, and the stench could be smelled hundreds of miles away.

But how can this kind of stench appear above the limelight? Feng Ruo remembers clearly that the wind has not changed since the evening.

Feng Ruozheng wanted to remind him that suddenly there was a stumbling sound of footsteps under the hill. It seemed that many people were climbing up the hill, but the smell was getting stronger and stronger!

At this time, everyone knew that something was wrong. Everyone took out their swords and looked at the hill with a guard. Unfortunately, because it was too dark and the huge fire behind everyone, they couldn't see it at all!

"Everyone, get ready to fight!" Qu Yun ordered in a low voice, and casually took out a burning firewood from the fire and threw it hard under the hill, and Feng Ruo and several people also made it in the same way!

When several burning firewood fell under the hill, countless pale figures appeared. These people were obviously dead for a long time, which can be determined from the stench emanating from them, but what makes Feng Ruo and others feel incredible is that these dead bodies are much more flexible than living people. A foot-long sharp nail was generated between the ten fingers. Under the light of fire, the nail flashed with a faint light. There is no doubt that it is full of poison!

"They - they are the missing villagers in that village! How did it become like this?" At this time, Tang Qing suddenly exclaimed.

"It's a first-class corpse! They are no longer human beings! Don't let them get close to the defense, otherwise none of us can escape tonight!" Qu Yun's voice was calm, "We now have the advantage of hills. As long as we guard the front and left, there is nothing terrible about these first-class ghosts!"

"Brother Fang Huan, you come to control the defense array. In other directions, there may be single corpses rushing up, and we will deal with it for you. The rest of us will take turns to attack in groups. When the mana is almost consumed, we will return. Kong Fei, you and I are in the same group, Yan Ming and Dong One group, but if you are careful of the ghost's nails, you don't have a defense suit, it's easy to be poisoned!"

After Qu Yun ordered these, he greeted Kong Fei and rushed out first in his hand. At this moment, the corpses and ghosts had rushed up the hill, only more than ten feet away from the yellow defense mask of the mountain array. With the light of the fire, everyone could easily see the ghost's appearance. .

Except for the mutant ten fingers, these ghosts still maintain the human appearance, and even the clothes on their bodies are not too much damage, but the pale face and the dead fish-like eyes make people feel creepy!

Qu Yun is worthy of being the most powerful among the people. He rushed more than ten feet away in a few steps. At the same time, the second-grade sword weapon in his hand also burst into several faint golden light. His second-grade sword weapon actually refined the lower five-eword stone of metal, which undoubtedly made the sword weapon sharper!

"Kill!" In a low voice, I saw the faint golden light flashing like lightning in the dark. The three first-level corpses rushing to the front were completely cut in half, while Qu Yun's figure did not seem to be affected at all. The golden light flashed in his hand, but almost all the first-class corpses close to him within three feet were killed in an

At this time, Kong Fei, who followed behind, only killed two single ghosts. Obviously, he was still a little unaccustomed.

Fortunately, most of the ghosts rushed up were restrained by Qu Yun, so Kong Fei was not in danger for the time being.

In the short film, more than 30 ghosts rushed up were killed by Qu Yun, but his mana consumption was also extremely huge, so he had to return to the defense array to meditate and recover, and at the same time to take Huoluosan.

"Let's go first!" At this time, Feng Ruo and Tang Qing were about to rush out, but Yan Ming and Dong Yanyu took the lead in jumping on it. They only had one piece of sword weapon in their hands, but their bravery was not comparable to Kong Fei, and the two of them seemed to be able to cooperate with each other, so although they were not as lethal as Qu Yun The dismembered ghost intercepted under the hill.

Unfortunately, the number of corpses and ghosts seems to be quite large. It's only a column of incense, and Yan Ming's mana is a little unsustainable.

"Let's go!" Before Yan Ming and the other two returned, Tang Qing, who had long been unable to wait, rushed out with a low roar, but Feng Ruo's speed was faster than his. Before the word 'up' fell, Feng Ruo had already rushed out with the light effect of the flying phoenix bracelet!

"Fat man, step back!" Feng Ruo shouted, grabbed Yan Ming's side first, and immediately took most of his pressure and directly faced the two ghosts, and the one-foot-long sharp nails were only a few inches away from the tip of his nose. As long as the two ghosts leaned forward a little bit, they could hurt Feng Ruo.

But at this moment, a cold light flashed like lightning, and suddenly the four arms of the two ghosts were completely cut off, and almost at the same time, Feng Ruo was short, and then bounced up more than ten feet high, and the Qingfeng sword weapon in his hand instantly scratched the heads of the three ghosts!

This series of actions was completed in the lightning, so that Tang Qing, who had just rushed up, was a little unbelievable, because he was the strongest in this hunting team except Qu Yun, otherwise Qu Yun would not let them work in pairs, in order to take care of Feng Ruo and Kong Fei, the two weakest people, Kong Fei. That's all. I'm still shivering in the defensive array! But how can this letter behave better than him? More importantly, Feng Ruo did not seem to use his own mana!

In the moment when Tang Qing was stunned, Feng Ruo had killed two corpses and ghosts in a row. That technique can be called running clouds and flowing water. If Qu Yun's killing before relied entirely on powerful mana and sharpness of second-grade swords, then what Feng Ruo now relies on is the amazing killing skills !

In fact, Feng Ruo is also happy in the bottom of his heart now! Although these ghosts are a little disgusting and move a little faster than normal people, they still belong to the category of human beings after all, and what does he do? I have been killing back and forth on the battlefield since I was a teenager! The most important thing he lacks is the skill of killing!

What is that foot-long nail? Even if the knives and guns are like a forest, Feng Ruo can still cut off more than a dozen heads one after another, not to mention that his physique is several times higher than before. In addition, the light effect of the flying phoenix bracelet and the sharpness of the Qingfeng sword weapon, there is no opponent!