Wind control

Chapter 45 Try

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:37:59 Words in this chapter: 3109

Feng Ruo did not unblock the second-level baldale and Cang yù eagle. Although it will increase his speed a lot, the goal is also obvious. For example, Chu Tian of the central court today, Ning Yuan of Tianji courtyard has no good impression of himself. If they find his nest, the consequences will be very bad!

Therefore, Feng Ruo first ran all the way to the north peak, and then turned to the east peak under the cover of the dense trees!

In this way, he has to run at least fifty or sixty miles. In the past, it would have taken at least half a day, but now if he has the light effect of the flying phoenix bracelet, and then accelerate with that pair of boots, it is really as fast as a running horse, but he rushed to the hidden valley in half an hour. More than half of the mana was consumed.

Entering the silver armored spider's doòngùe, Feng Ruo threw two first-class spirit beasts directly to the innermost part. Although he can't subdue the silver armored spider now, the guy has acquiesced in his existence, and even the food he sent is irresistible.

Without any stop, Feng Ruo directly entered the space where the wooden spirit stone was located from the crack. After carefully observing the heart-shaped wooden spirit stone for a while, he picked a five-eigned stone from his storage belt.

It's strange to say that among the more than 100 five-eline stones he has now, there are 83 of the most five-eline stones in the wood genus, while there are no five-eline stones in the metal genus, there are only two five-eline stones in the genus of fire, eight in the genus of earth, and twelve in the

Originally, Feng Ruo did not realize this before, because except that the five elements stone of metal ìng and fire are relatively scarce, the other three genera ìng can be replaced by each other at will, and when buying various items, no monk especially emphasizes the need for some kind of five elements stone.

But now, Feng Ruo can't help but have some doubts. Why does the proportion of the five-eleges stone of wood ìng account for such a large?

"Hey! What the hell! It should not be too strange, otherwise why didn't so many masters in the immortal world find this problem? Feng Ruo laughed at himself secretly, and then put his mana into the wooden five-eung stone in his hand.

Before that, when he was living in the five elements stone, he found that the breath in the ball of green silk was similar to that of the wood spirit stone, but the breath did not belong to the kind of aura that could be absorbed by the monks!

In fact, this is true. Countless monks have tried it. Whether it is the lowest grade or the best five-egrade stone, the power inside can't be absorbed by the monks themselves!

Soon, the wooden five-line stone in Feng Ruo's hand was killed by him. When the green silk appeared, he suddenly found that the green silk was completely out of his control and floated towards the wooden spirit stone, and then disappeared like rain in a blink of an eye.

"Uh - what's going on? Is it said that it was absorbed by this wooden spirit stone? Feng Ruo's eyes widened and carefully observed the wooden spirit stone the size of the longan many times. As a result, it was regrettable that the wooden spirit stone had not changed at all.

"Strange? This wooden spirit stone seems to be a little different from those legendary wooden spirit stones!" Feng Ruo thought to himself, because although all kinds of spiritual stones are scarce in this immortal world, they are not none, so someone must be able to find the relationship between those spiritual stones and the five elements stone, but in fact, he has never heard of similar things.

You should know that the Five-eground Stone is incomparably important to the monks. For the Five-eground Stone, and even the five-eline world and the overwhelming demons desperately, the study of the Five-eground Stone may have already reached an extreme, so in this case, even a little change will cause an uproar** Ō.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo couldn't help staring at the heart-shaped wooden spirit stone again.

"Isn't it true that this thing is not a wooden stone!"

Although he came to this conclusion that is not too certain, Feng Ruo still thinks that it is better to call that thing Mulingshi. After all, the abundant aura can also show that this thing is somewhat related to Mulingshi.

Next, Feng Ruo hesitated for a long time, but he still decided to test ten more wooden five-eground stones. If the wooden spirit stone still hasn't changed, then he won't play this heartbreaking game! After all, it's all the five elements stone he worked so hard to earn back!

Although it is only the lowest five-eline stone, if it is fully alive, it also requires a certain amount of mana, so when Feng Ruo lives all the ten five-eline stones, the mana in the body has been completely exhausted.

Unable to see what had changed in the wooden spirit stone, he hurriedly operated the Qingyun secret method to restore his mana!

With the abundant aura supplement, it only took Feng Ruo three hours to completely restore all the mana. This alone is enough to explain the benefits of the wooden spirit stone, because if it is in other places, it will take him at least seven hours to do this.

When Feng Ruo opened his eyes again, he suddenly found that there was some light in the original dark space. With this light, he could see some general outlines vaguely.

"What? Can't you improve your cultivation again? Feng Ruo was first happy, because if the monk's magic power was strong enough, he could see all objects in the dark.

But then, Feng Ruo felt something wrong, because his cultivation still stayed in the early stage of gas refining, and there was no growth at all. What's more, even in the middle stage of advanced gas refining, he couldn't do this?

shook his head vigorously, looked around, and then found that the source of the light was actually the wooden spirit stone!

This discovery immediately made Feng Ruo overjoyed. Now even if he is slow to react, he still understands what's going on! That is, as long as the wood spirit stone absorbs enough wood, it can continue to grow, and with the growth of the wood spirit stone, the aura it releases will be more abundant and pure, so correspondingly, its own cultivation will be easier!

"Wow, haha! Now I found the treasure!"

With great joy, Feng Ruo wanted to live all the five elements of stone in his hand, but then he thought of another problem that came with it, that is, the aura emitted by this wooden spirit stone became more and more pure and abundant, so sooner or later the earth and rocks around it could not be blocked, and finally Floating outside, if you are found by those strong monks, wouldn't you be empty?

"No! You have to think of a proper way!"

(Haha! I wish you all a good time during the National Day holiday!)