Wind control

Chapter 48 Activation

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:38:00 Words in this chapter: 3749

"Qingluan bracelet! Tut-tt"

As soon as he and Lan Ling finished changing each other, Feng Ruo couldn't wait to put the Qingluan bracelet on his wrist. When he lived with a little mana, a warm current that was bigger than the flying phoenix bracelet suddenly flowed all over his body in an instant. That comfortable feeling was really indescribable.

With the experience of wearing a flying phoenix bracelet before, because this Qingluan bracelet is most suitable for men, the effect is increased by at least 30%. That is to say, he does not even have to use the acceleration power of that pair of boots, and he can defeat Wei Tao in that day.

Of course, Feng Ruoke didn't forget the business. Since Lan Ling knew that she had a flying phoenix bracelet, she must have told her cheap master, so she might know where her cheap master went?

However, before Feng Ruo could ask, Lan Ling seemed to have guessed what he was going to say, but said coldly, "My uncle can't show up now. She is targeted by the enemy. You can follow me in the future!" But if you dare to go to the Tianshu Academy, I will never forgive you! All right, you go!"

"Uh!" Feng Ruo opened his mouth and finally did not say his guess. After all, he was just a little monk in the early stage of gas refining. He spoke lightly. Not to mention the high-level master of Tianji Academy, even the blue sister in front of him probably didn't pay attention to him. The reason why he said he wanted to take care of one or two was That's for the sake of the master.

nodded slightly, and Feng Ruo turned away without saying a word. Although he was despised, he could exchange it for the Qingluan bracelet this time. The harvest was still very good. At least this Qingluan bracelet can be worn after the foundation period.

However, after a secret joy, Feng Ruo was a little uneasy in his heart. The scene he saw at the Tiandu Mountain Market that day kept flashing in front of him. Chu Tian and the young master of the Royal Beast Hall appeared at the same time, and then the disciples of Qingyun Sect in the market were all gathered, among which there were definitely

In addition, when Qu Yun came back this time, his eyes flashed a little. When he asked him about the purgation of corpses and ghosts, he vaguely covered it up by him. Does he know something?

"The palm meén was attacked, seriously injured and couldn't wake up. The palm meén token was lost. The owners of the two courtyards were compared, and the elders of the Royal Beast Hall judged! The Royal Beast Hall!" Feng Ruo frowned. Although this kind of replacement of the palm man has nothing to do with him, if the rumor is really credible and the Tianji Academy is going to be merged into the Tianshu Academy, Qu Yun and others will have nothing to do, but he will definitely be unlucky. Chu Tianmayuan and others will definitely not let themselves go!

"It seems that I need to prepare early!"

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo did not return to the Tianji Hall, but released the Cang yù eagle and flew all the way to the north peak. After reaching the north peak, he quickly fell. After checking that there was no one following him, he quickly swept to the east peak.

Half an hour later, Feng Ruo appeared in the space of the Muling Stone. The reason why he came here was to prevent the owner of the Tianji Academy from failing the test, so he simply escaped while lun. It was better than being humiliated by Chu Tianma Yuan, but this Muling Stone could not be taken away, because Because this thing grows on the roots of those trees, if he forcibly removes it, it will definitely be damaged, and even turn it into an ordinary spirit stone.

But if he wants to escape, he doesn't want to leave this wooden spirit stone, so he just wants to take the risk trying to live all the wooden stones in his hand! In this way, at least this wooden spirit stone can grow up.

After thinking about it carefully, Feng Ruo looked at the secondary vulture that was still in a certain state. Suddenly, ōu came out of the Qingfeng sword to double the entrance of the space, and then rushed out to look for the silver armor spider.

Now this silver-crap spider has no longer dared to attack Feng Ruo, and with the bribe of some food, at least the hostility has decreased a lot.

And this time Feng Ruo is ready to escape, so naturally he can't take it away with him. However, after being with him for such a long time, Feng Ruo still feels that it is a little beneficial, because when the wooden spirit stone absorbs the five elements of stone, it will definitely have a lot of aura to dissipate, which However, it's better to buy this silver-creed spider.

When Feng Ruo found the silver spider in a corner, he found that this guy was enjoying a good meal! However, at this time, he found that he could not flow with the silver armored spider at all.

In a hurry, Feng Ruo took a step forward, picked up the body of the spirit beast gnawed by the silver armored spider, and then threw it directly to it a five-eblock stone, because since the secondary bald is willing to eat this thing, I think this silver armored spider should also like it!

As expected, the silver-crap spider swallowed the five elements stone without hesitation, and carefully took a small step forward.

Seeing that this method was effective, Feng Ruo quickly threw another five-eground stone, but it was not far in front of the silver armored spider, and the silver armored spider that tasted the sweetness immediately climbed up and ate it.

In this way, Feng Ruozuo took more than a dozen five elements stones to lead the silver armored spider into the space of the wooden spirit stone. As soon as he came here, the guy suddenly became extremely honest. Looking at its appearance, it seemed to be absorbing the abundant aura here.

Feng Ruo quickly sealed all the entrances of this space, which is also easy. You just need to pour out the mud and gravel in the universe bag!

After dealing with these things, Feng Ruo did not care about the second-class vulture and silver armor spider, and immediately began to live the five elements stone, because he still had seventy or eighty wooden five elements in his hand. It could not be done in more than a dozen hours. Fortunately, the test that determined the fate of the Tianjiyuan will not open The beginning.

He lived ten wooden five-elong stones in one breath. Feng Ruo looked at the wooden spirit stone again and found that this thing had not changed much, which made him a little helpless. It seems that the continuous growth of this thing also requires more and more costs.

After slightly recovering his mana, Feng Ruo began to continue to live, but he saw that all the jīnghua in the five elements stone were absorbed, but the wooden spirit stone remained unchanged.

After living fifty wooden five-e� stones, the wooden spirit stone has still not changed. Feng Ruo began to be a little suspicious. To be precise, it's heartbreaking. Fifty five-elong stones! This is a lot of wealth. No one can stand it!

"What should I do?"

Feng Ruo thought with great distress that if he had lived all the remaining wood and five elements of stone in his hand, he would really become a poor man again!

After thinking for a long time, Feng Ruo finally gritted his teeth and fought! Anyway, this thing can indeed absorb the hue of the five elements stone! Even if there is no change, there will always be no lng fee!

When Feng Ruo lived all the wooden five elements stones in his hand in one breath, a dazzling strong light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, but this time, he couldn't see anything. He just instinctively felt that a reiki that was several times more abundant than before rushed towards him, and he didn't need to absorb it at all. , and poured it into his body.

And this huge aura was so abundant that the mana in Feng Ruo's body immediately dropped his armor and surrendered completely. The result was that this aura rampaged in his body like a runaway wild horse. This unimaginable pain almost made Feng Ruo faint.

Fortunately, he had been injured countless times on the battlefield, and he had a great resistance to this kind of pain, so he could barely support it!

This powerful aura just turned a few times in Feng Ruo's body and quickly overflowed, and then he recovered his eyesight vaguely.

However, as you can see, the light is completely flowing one after another. If you can see these lights in the bodies of the second-class bald and silver armor spiders, there is no doubt that they also enjoyed the benefits just now.

Unfortunately, in terms of the strength of the ròu body, Feng Ruo can't compare with these two at all, so it is definitely not as good as they get.

After more than ten breaths, the light finally stopped, and Feng Ruo also fully adapted to the light in the space, but when he looked at the wooden spirit stone again, he couldn't help but be surprised!