Wind control

Chapter 50 Zimo Feishang

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:00 The number of words in this chapter: 2930

After about a splash of incense, more than a dozen figures came out of the Qingyun Hall above the square. At the front was a tall old man in a dark purple robe. His white hair seemed to be held by some kind of force, strangely scattered around. Looking from afar, it was amazing!

The old man Feng Ruo doesn't know him, but if you look at Tian Mu, the master of the Tianshu Academy behind, you can guess that this must be Mo Yun, the elder of the Jindan period in the Royal Beast Hall.

As soon as Mo Yun came out, he just swept around with the big eyes of the copper bells. Suddenly, the temperature in the whole square dropped a lot, and immediately, the original whispers completely disappeared.

"Is this the so-called golden elixir master? It's just that the eyes can achieve such power!" Feng Ruo was frightened. No wonder Qu Yun once said that any mén faction, as long as there is a Jindan master, it is enough to improve the status of the mén faction, because that kind of strength is too terrible. Feng Ruo has no doubt that if Mo Yun is willing, he can easily slaughter the whole Qingyun Sect up and down!

At this moment, Mo Yun stood on the platform about ten feet high at the entrance of the Qingyun Hall, and immediately a second-generation disciple of the Tianshu Academy flatteringly moved a thick and magnificent chair. He thought that this should be the seat belonging to the palm of the Qingyun Hall.

Mo Yun sat down rudely, and then waved his hand casually, and didn't even bother to say a word.

However, Tian Mu, the owner of the Tianshu Academy next to him, seemed to have received a great pardon, and he suddenly became in high spirits.

Seeing that Tian Mu took a step forward and first swept the whole square with sharp eyes, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "The disciples of Qingyun Sect obey the order! The head of this sect was killed by people a month ago. Unfortunately, the immortals passed away. This sect can't be ownerless for a day. At the suggestion of Elder Mo Yun of the Royal Beast Hall, I will compete with Brother Ye of Tianji Academy today. I also ask Elder Mo Yun to be responsible for judging. Is there any objection to this?

Tian Mu's voice was very proud and loud, rumbling around the square, which was very powerful!

When Tian Mu's voice fell, the people in Tianshuyuan pulled their throats and shouted in unison, "It's up to the owner of the courtyard!"

"Hmm! Brother Tian is a little too confident!" Just when everyone in Tianjiyuan didn't know what to do, a cold hum came from the Tianji Hall, and then a figure like a mountain slowly came out. It was Ye Hong, the owner of Tianjiyuan, who was Lan Ling and Tianjiyuan's transmission and protection. Now there are only four disciples in Qingyunzong's generation, but three of The other side of Tian Mu.

Ye Hong is obviously ready for the test. He has an all-white suit on his body. This suit always emits a faint white light. Obviously, the quality is very good. On his back, there is a five-pin sword with red light.

At this time, Ye Hong also swept away the elegant image of the past, and the whole person was as sharp as a sharp sword out of the sheath!

"It's a stack snow suit! And it's still five pieces! Tut-ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt This is even more powerful than the Lingyun suit! There are also the five-grade sword weapon Shuanghong, but the highest-grade sword weapon is said to be able to compete with the first-pin flying sword!"

Ye Hong's demonstration of strength suddenly restored a little confidence to the people of Tianjiyuan. Anyway, they still belong to Tianjiyuan, and they are also happy to see Ye Hong defeat Tian Mu.

"Haha! Brother Ye, I haven't tried it for decades. I don't want Brother Ye's demeanor to remain unchanged!" Tian Mu just looked at Ye Hong's suit and sword at random, and still laughed confidently.

"Since Brother Ye's interest is so good, why don't we make a lottery? As long as you defeat my brother Ye in the test, then my Tianshu Academy will be completely merged into the Tianji Academy, and if I accidentally defeat you, your Tianyi Academy will be merged into the Tianshu Academy! What do you think, Brother Ye?

Tian Mu said it easily, but when everyone in Tianjiyuan heard it, he couldn't help but feel cold in his heart! It seems that the previous rumors are really true. Tianshuyuan really wants to annex Tianjiyuan!

"Hmm! Brother Tian is joking too much! The two courtyards of Tianji Tianshu are separated according to the ancestral motto of our master. Do you want to tamper with it wantonly? If so, it is to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors!" Ye Hong scolded harshly.

Being scolded by Ye Hong in front of many disciples, Tian Mu's face was also ugly, "In this case, Brother Ye, let's divide the high and low again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Mu suddenly took off his robe, and a purple light suddenly flashed out. Under the bright sun, it turned out to be a burst of eyes of the people below!

It took a long time for everyone to see that it was actually a purple suit, which was composed of a coat, uǐ, wrist guard, combat boots and cloak. When Tian Mu took out a purple helmet from the storage belt, his whole body burst into a momentum several times stronger than Ye Hong in an instant!

"Zimo Feishang! It's the Zimo Feishang suit! How can you get this kind of treasure?" At this time, Ye Hong was also completely suppressed. Compared with Tian Mu's suit, his snow suit was so pale and weak that he didn't even have the courage to compare!

It's not only Ye Hong, but also many disciples of Qingyun Sect have also entered the petrified state. They just look at Tian Mu, who is like a god above. No one can imagine that there will be such a majestic suit in the world!

"It can't be compared, it can't be compared! What kind of snow silkworm suit, Lingyun suit, stack snow suit, in fact, it's nothing!" Feng Ruo muttered to himself, and now he had to admit that Tian Mu's Zimo Feishang suit made him unable to resist at all.

"Hahaha! Brother Ye, I didn't expect you to know this Zimo Feishang suit. How about it? Do you want to continue the test?" Tian Mu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. Now his whole body is protected by the Zimo Feishang suit. It can be said that in this case, all the sneak attacks have become a joke, because it needs to break through the defense of the Zimo Feishang suit first.

Ye Hong's face had already changed from pale to iron green, and his hands were creaking. He knew very well that his five-grade sword weapon Shuanghong could not break the defense of Tianmu at all, because the Zimo Feishang suit was already owned by the monks of the Jindan period.

But he is now riding a tiger. If he is defeated without a fight, his heavenly courtyard will be completely over!

For a long time, Ye Hongcai gritted his teeth and said, "Ye Hong asked the teacher to make a good move!"