Wind control

Chapter 55 Cold Light in the middle of the night

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:00 Number of words in this chapter: 3295

After looking around in the courtyard, Feng Ruo returned to the fire and sat down, but he was a little suspicious.

He never believes in ghosts and gods, especially after becoming a monk, he believes only his own strength, but the cold wind is not a spiritual beast. Otherwise, at his current speed, there is no reason not to be seen.

What's more, if it is a spirit beast, it should have launched an attack long ago. In fact, the mortal old man has been living here and has never been attacked.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo's eyes looked at the dead Lingmu again. Why did the cold wind appear soon after he entered mana into it? Is there any reason why it doesn't work?

Feng Ruo frowned slightly, and then came to the Lingmu again to input some mana. At the same time, he also paid close attention to the situation around him.

Sure enough, not long after Feng Ruo entered the mana, a faint light suddenly flashed from his right side, and a "snoring" brushed his ear, and when he quickly turned his head to look, he found that the faint light had already dissipated!

However, at this time, Feng Ruo was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. Only then did he know that he was really lucky just now, because the cold light seemed to be randomly generated, and the attack time was very short, but the power was extraordinary. If he was hit head-on, he was afraid that he would be seriously injured if he did not

"Strange? What is this cold light? Why does it occur as long as you enter mana? Feng Ruo circled around the dead spirit wood a few times, but it was not important, because he had never heard of the spirit wood in the immortal world of this effect.

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo still decided to talk about it later. After all, it is not appropriate to chisel in the middle of the night!

Although the source of the cold light has been determined, the suspicion in Feng Ruo's heart has not decreased but increased, because according to the current situation, the biggest reason why this courtyard has been abandoned is that the spiritual wood has completely withered, and the cultivation of the spiritual wood will take at least ten years, so no monk is willing to do this. Stupid thing!

But the question is, has no one found the abnormality of this spirit tree? After all, because of the preciousness of spiritual wood, there are many monks in the immortal world who are good at cultivating spiritual wood, and input mana is the most suitable cultivation method.

"Why don't you ask Tang Qing to have a try tomorrow!" Feng Ruo thought to himself.

The night passed quickly. When it was dawn that day, Lan Ling and others also ended their practice one after another. Like their current state, there is very little sleep every day.

"Hey! Feng Ruo, why are you always staring at this dead spirit tree? Could it be that this spirit tree turned into an nv demon to seduce you last night? At this time, Tang Qing said half jokingly.

Hearing what he said, Peng Yue also coaxed, "It's really true! Yesterday, the owner of the courtyard said that this spiritual tree is 200 years old, and the aura emitted in those years was quite pure. It is said that his brother finally became a monk because he practiced in this yard. Unfortunately, for some reason, this spiritual tree died, and it seemed to have happened during this period. A lot of strange things!"

"Strange things? What's the strange thing?" Feng Ruo suddenly asked.

"Well, it is said that the protective array of this courtyard is often broken inexplicably, and it is still in broad daylight. Many monks witnessed it with their own eyes that they arranged the protective array, but it was often completely broken in less than half a day, and there was no trace of attack around. Even if you keep watching, you can't do it all the time. As a result, slowly, no monks will rent here!" Peng Yue had a mysterious face.

"Hey, hey! You said that there would really be no nv demons! I'll keep the vigil tonight!" Tang Qing jumped up excitedly. There was nothing he could do. It was the favorite thing for many monks to defeat demons and demons!

"What a nv demon! It's just a legend, not to mention who knows the truth about what happened more than a hundred years ago. Well, everyone is here. Let's discuss our future plans!" At this time, Lan Ling and Mingxi also came to the dead spirit tree. Obviously, because Ye Hong woke up, Lan Ling was in a good mood today.

"My master just gave me 300 low-quality five-element stones, but these five-element stones can only be placed temporarily for us. Except for the protective array of the courtyard and the feeding of flying mounts, there are few left, so we must go out to hunt, or go to the three major mén factions of Tianda Mountain. Take the task, otherwise it will be difficult to continue to practice!"

Lan Ling paused, and then said, "My opinion is that everyone should hunt spirit beasts first, which is less difficult and safer. After all, if we go to the three major men to receive tasks, our strength is too low, and we have to cooperate with other monks. When we are new here, it is easy to be bullied! What do you think?

"I think it's feasible, but there seems to be no suitable hunting place for us in the Tian Dangshan area! And it's also easy to have disputes with other scattered repairs!" After thinking about it, Peng Yue said that he knew more about the Tiantang Mountain area than Feng Ruo Tang Qing.

"I've thought about it. Let's go to the 72 peaks of Qingyun Mountain. The 72 peaks area stretches for thousands of miles, and it is difficult to meet other hunters. The only trouble is that the round trip will be far away, but I think as long as everyone works harder, nothing will happen! Let's take another day off today. After I arrange the protective array of this courtyard, we will go!" Lan Ling obviously had figured out the plan for a long time, so he said it in one breath.

Hearing her words, Feng Ruo and others naturally had no objection. As for the fact that Peng Yue's protection array was broken for no reason just now, everyone did not pay attention to it. They just thought that the mortals in the town were misreating.

But Feng Ruo is clear that this kind of thing may be real, and the culprit is the cold light he saw last night, but a hundred years ago, the cold light appeared in broad daylight, which is naturally difficult to be noticed.

At this time, Peng Yue was pulled by Lan Ling to arrange a mountain array. Feng Ruo quickly called Tang Qing and asked him to try to input some mana into the dead spirit tree, and he was solemnly observing.

Although Tang Qing felt a little funny, he still did it according to Feng Ruo's request, but what puzzled Feng Ruo was that the cold light he saw last night never appeared, and there was no sign at all.

"Mingxi, you can try it!" Feng Ruo was unwilling to pull over Mingxi, who was watching the bustle.

"This spirit tree is really dead. You don't have to try to know!" Mingxi's mouth was completely authoritative, but he still couldn't stand Feng Ruo's request to enter some mana in person, and as a result, like Tang Qing, the cold light never appeared.

"Hey! Feng Ruo, you won't really be saved by the nv demon, will you? Why is today's behavior so strange? Tang Qing circled around Feng Ruo curiously and sighed.

"Okay! If you are interested in nv demons, I will give you all the vigils in the future!" Feng Ruo couldn't laugh or cry, and then returned to his wooden house. Now it was his turn to practice, but in his heart, an incredible idea came out.

"Do you mean that your mana is completely different from that of Tang Qing, Mingxi and others? Or is it because of the wooden spirit stone?