Wind control

Chapter 61 Blue Crystal

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:00 The number of words in this chapter: 2805

"Sister Lan, what do you think is good in it?"

On the outer edge of the valley where the fourth-level ice beast is hiding, Tang Qing couldn't help asking excitedly. Although he had also participated in the hunting of the fourth-level spirit beast when he followed Qu Yun in the past, it was the cooperation of two or three hunting teams. More than a dozen people did it at the same time. Even if the It's different today. Only four of them killed a fourth-level ice beast. Except for Lan Ling, who has the greatest credit, each of them can get more than 200 five-elegation stones.

If you find something valuable in the valley again, this hunting will definitely be full!

"It's hard to say, but it will definitely be valuable, otherwise the four-level ice beast will not regard this as a nest!" Lan Ling looked around warily and replied in a low voice.

"Go!" After the snow cloud sculpture in the sky circled for a moment, Lan Ling finally confirmed that there was no spirit beast in the valley, and then he carefully explored in with Feng Ruo and others.

"Everyone moves forward in a fan shape. Don't exceed ten feet between each other. Pay attention to your feet and surroundings. If there is a spirit y, collect it, but be careful of poisonous insects. There are many kinds of poisonous insects that can survive with ice beasts!"

The speed of Feng Ruo's travel is very slow, but this is just used to collect all kinds of spirits. Because no one has appeared in this valley for a long time, many spirits are born for more than ten years, or even decades. Although they are not too rare spirits, they can also sell some five-equine stones at the Tian Dangshan market

When he entered the middle of the valley, everyone collected at least a dozen spirits.

"Look! What is that?" At this time, Peng Yue, who was walking on the far left, suddenly said in surprise, and following his eyes, Feng Ruo and others couldn't help but be surprised.

Between a few huge trees, a light blue stone of about half a foot is lying there quietly, but this is not the reason to surprise Feng Ruo, but the light blue stone seems to have been bitten by something delicious!

"That's right! This should be the reason why the fourth-level ice beast regards this place as a nest!" Lan Ling suddenly said.

"Well, did the ice beast eat this stone as a delicacy?" Tang Qing said with astonishment.

"Why not? If I guess correctly, this should be a piece of blue crystal ore, which is the best material for forging swords. At the same time, it can store a large amount of ice power. As for why the ice beast eats this thing, it is normal, because most spiritual beasts in the immortal world have this habit, otherwise why do you think your flying mount? Do you need to feed the five elements stone? It is also because of this habit that sometimes monks accidentally get the five elements stone from the body of the spirit beast, but the probability is too small. Lan Ling explained gently, but anyone could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Wow! Forging swords, Sister Lan, such a large piece, I guess you can at least make a lot of swords! Can we not sell it and make a three-pin sword weapon for each person?" Tang Qing was overjoyed that although he now has a second-grade sword weapon, it can't be compared with the third-grade sword weapon.

"Can you forge swords?" Lan Ling asked without looking back.

"Uh-no!" Tang Qing shrank his head and said nothing, because the forging of the third-grade sword weapon was not so easy, and no one could even do the forging of the second-grade sword weapon. Otherwise, there was no need to buy the ancient sword.

"This blue crystal is estimated to be able to forge two three-pin swords. Unfortunately, we can't forge, so we can only sell it, or ask the disciples of Gu Jianmén to forge, but in this way, we can only divide one!" Lan Ling sighed with emotion.

Feng Ruo hesitated for a long time before he said, "Sister Lan, can you slow down this matter? I mean, maybe there is a better way!"

"Oh? How to say it?" Lan Ling glanced at Feng Ruo unexpectedly, because even she had no choice but to take this blue crystal. Can Feng Ruo solve it?

"Hey, I'm just saying, can we postpone the sale of this blue crystal for a few years? Maybe we can forge three-grade swords ourselves at that time!" Of course, Feng Ruo himself did not have the ability to forge, but he remembered Mingxi. Since she could make boots that were more advanced than Lingyun's boots, she might also be able to forge three-grade swords.

"Well, that's fine! This blue crystal will be left for five years. Anyway, it will not depreciate. If you can think of a way to forge a three-pin sword weapon, then one of them will be yours, and the other one will be yours--" Lan Ling took a look at Tang Qing and Peng Yue. "Which of you two will be the first to break through

"Underp!" Tang Qing and Peng Yue are full of confidence at the same time, three-grade swords! That's a good thing. Even if it enters the foundation period, it can be used to perform swordsmanship.

"Okay, Feng Ruo, put this blue crystal away! But remember, you only have five years. If you can't think of a way, you won't have your share!" Lan Ling looked at Feng Ruo strangely, and then said.

When Feng Ruo put the blue crystal of more than 3,000 catties into the storage belt, everyone continued to collect some spirits. It was not until nothing was found in the whole valley that they unblocked the flying mounts and returned to the valley of Tiandeng Mountain along the original road.

Because the Tiandu Mountain Market still needs the next season to start, Lan Ling decided to keep the materials taken from the ice beasts first, so that they can be sold at a good price. As for the spirit y collected by everyone, it was sold to the disciples of the three major men sects of Tiandu Mountain in exchange for some five elements stone needed in daily life .

During this period, the most important thing is still to practice. Although there is no spiritual wood, it cannot be abandoned because of it, but the difficulty of cultivation will double!

However, neither Tang Qing nor Peng Yue complained about anything. They all practiced hard and often didn't see anyone for a few days.

As for Feng Ruo, the existence of wooden spirit stone makes his cultivation much easier, but he is not leisurely these days, because he is busy grabbing the cold light in the dead spirit wood!