Wind control

Chapter 83 Decision

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-1 15:38:02 Words in this chapter: 3688

"Feng Ruo, do you think Sister Lan will be in any danger?"

Outside the courtyard, Feng Ruo, Tang Qing and Peng Yue stared at another corner of Xiangling's rice field. There, Dong Xiaoyun and the five people were building a courtyard with a sad face. This extremely strange change was unexpected even by Feng Ruo.

Half an hour ago, Lan Ling officially joined Zixuanyuan, and Feng Ruo and the other three also joined Qingyunyuan by the east wind, but this was obviously the move of Bu Feiming to please Lan Ling and the Ziyi nvzi.

After becoming a disciple of Qingyunyuan, according to the rules, Feng Ruo and the three of them could also get a good courtyard in Qingyunyuan, but Tang Qing and Peng Yue really couldn't bear the eleven newly resurrected spiritual trees, so they declined. For this, Bu Feiming was too lazy to pay attention to it and left directly.

Then, the fat man ran over with a smile and moved the matter of their care of Xiangling rice field to Dong Xiaoyun's five unlucky ghosts. Because Feng Ruo and the other three were reluctant to give up the courtyard, Pang Li waved his fat hand and gave the courtyard to them completely. As for Dong Xiaoyun's five people, Eat enough.

At this time, Feng Ruo and others learned that the most fundamental reason for all this was that Feng Ruo had defeated Jing San before.

It is said that Jingsan is the first master among the disciples of the gas refining period of the lower three courtyards. He is unstoppable in the annual examination of the third courtyards. Now this year's match is coming soon, but he did not want to be defeated by an unknown disciple, so Qingyunyuan and Zixuanyuan, who got the news Due to the wrong intelligence, the person who defeated Jing San was regarded as Lan Ling! So she became a popular in a moment, and she will also represent Zixuanyuan in the test next month!

Originally, Lan Ling had the opportunity to say this misunderstanding, but when she knew that there would be a test next month, she still accepted it.

Although Lan Ling didn't explain anything, Feng Ruo and others knew that she was just worried that Feng Ruo was not an opponent. After all, anyway, he was just in the middle of refining his cultivation. If there was a fair competition, he would definitely not be Jing San's opponent!

Feng Ruo is also aware of this, because under the attention of many masters, he certainly does not dare to release the wooden sword spirit. Even the green silk entangled spell can't be released all the time. After all, it is completely against common sense. He doesn't want to be discovered the secret of the wooden spirit stone.

"It should not be dangerous. After all, it's just a competition, and if you defeat Jing San--" Feng Ruo shook his head. He didn't think Lan Ling was Jing San's opponent. Although he was only the same as Jing San's short film, the overall strength of this person is beyond doubt!

The speed of Jing San is not inferior to that of Feng Ruo himself. Presumably, he also has some kind of magic weapon to increase speed, and his combat consciousness is also strong. This can be seen from him picking up the green vine twice in an instant, but what surprises Feng Ruo most is that this person's mana is particularly powerful, The danger brought to him by the fire dragon feels that there is still a lingering fear in his heart!

It can be said that Feng Ruo can defeat Jing San before. In addition to the advantage of Musha's sword spirit, the most important thing is Jing San's mentality of lightening the enemy. Otherwise, with his super sensing ability, as long as he is fully alert, it is not impossible to avoid his Musha's sword spirit, and once he is !

"Feng Ruo, it's obvious that you defeated Jing San, why don't you admit it! Next month's test, at worst, you can defeat Jing San again. Why let Sister Lan get involved in danger!" At this time, Peng Yue suddenly complained.

Hearing Peng Yue's words, Feng Ruo was just a silence.

"Peng Yue, don't talk nonsense. Do you know what a test is? That is, both sides will be fully prepared. In this case, if Feng Ruo goes, he will be beaten to death in one move! And Sister Lan--" Tang Qing opened his mouth, but he was also not optimistic about Lan Ling.

"No way! We have to find Sister Lan. We can't do the disciples of the Third Academy if we don't do it. At worst, we will be beaten back to their original form! You can't let Sister Lan get hurt because of this!" Peng Yue jumped up and said.

"Good! I agree. Isn't it just a loose practice? It's time to go to Uncle Ye's hometown to be free. What about you? Tang Qing also jumped up.

Feng Ruo was silent for a moment, but slowly stood up and said calmly, "It's still a month before the test. I will appear then!"

"Feng Ruo, you are crazy! You were lucky enough to defeat Jing San before. It was completely that guy's careless. If you meet him again, your green silk entanglement will have no effect at all!" Tang Qing stopped Feng Ruo anxiously. He and Peng Yue had seen the short battle. From their point of view, it was clear that Feng Ruo's two green silk entanglement put Jing San to the ground, and this was completely the general idea of Jing San. After all, no one can imagine that a monk in the middle of refining can release two spells in a

It is precisely because of this that Tang Qing and Peng Yue do not think that Feng Ruo has the strength to compete with that Jingsan!

"Do you think I live impatiently? Go back and practice!" Feng Ruo smiled, but shook his head and turned back to the courtyard.

Tang Qing and Peng Yue looked at each other and could only smile bitterly, "Crazy, this boy must be crazy!"


In addition to the height that daunts people, the whole Tianfeng also covers a very wide range. The four slopes of southeast and northwest alone are thousands of miles, and the boundary of the ice and snow-covered position can be divided into two parts, which is the origin of the upper third courtyard and the lower third courtyard of Zhentianzong.

Although it has such a wide range, in fact, only the north slope and the east slope are relatively flat. All the buildings in the lower third courtyard of Zhentianzong and the outer mén are on these two slopes, while the west slope and the south slope are extremely steep cliffs.

At this moment, in a very spacious courtyard on the north slope, there is a man roaring like thunder!

"What did you say? That damn egg has been added to Zixuanyuan! Doesn't Zixuanyuan only accept nv people? What? That's an nv person! Get out of here! I still can't tell whether it's a man or a nv?

This roaring man was Jing San, who was defeated by Feng Ruo, but now his almost cut off right hand has miraculously recovered as before. I think he has taken some precious elixir! Not far in front of Jing San, there were two disciples of the South China Academy who were trembling all over.

"Go to Zixuanyuan and find a way to get my red phosphorus sword back. No matter what method you use, whether it is stealing or something else. In short, you must do it before the next month's test, otherwise you two will mine for the rest of your life!"

"Yes! Brother Jing!" The two disciples of the South China Academy nodded hurriedly, and then retreated with a frightened face.

"Brother Jing, is your injury all right?" At this time, the two beautiful nv gods outside easily came in, and when they saw these two nv, Jing San's angry face quickly piled up smiling faces. This is not how strong these two nv are. The main problem is that they are traceless nv people.

"No trace boss, let us ask you, can you do it in the next month's test? If not, you have to say it in advance!"

"Well, please ask the two senior sisters to repay the traceless boss. I have absolute confidence in this time's test. I just made a plot before, and I was won by that ún egg!" Jing San shivered and quickly replied that he knew Wuhen's means very clearly. If he lost this time, I'm afraid it would be very miserable!

"I heard that the nv man's name is Lan Ling, and he is still a good Xiaomei nv. The boss of Wuhen is very interested. You should keep some time when you take action!"

"Well, yes! I understand!" Jing San was also a little suspicious. He defeated himself and was obviously a man. How could he become a nv person in the blink of an eye? However, the superior's order still needs to be listened to. Anyway, as long as he can win this test, as for the boy who used despicable means, hum, don't be caught by yourself, or he will look good!

(Hey! Thank you for your support, especially the rewards of mortal Haoyu and other book friends! Also, continue to shamelessly ask for collection and recommendation!)