Wind control

Chapter 92 Black Snake

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:38:03 Words in this chapter: 5951

Feng Ruo and others flew all the way to the west and soon left the range of connecting Tianfeng. However, because the Yannan region was full of wild mountains, Feng Ruo, who came here for the first time, felt that it was the same everywhere.

The flying mounts of Sister Qiu and others were very fast. Feng Ruo chased desperately behind, but he was still more than 500 feet behind. At first, he was worried that he would be lost, but after flying for a while, he found that it was because Sister Qiu didn't want to get too close to them, because they always kept it. A distance of more than 500 feet.

For this Fengruo, he just sneered boringly. If it hadn't been for Lan Ling and the talkative Xin Yue, he promised to turn around and leave. Do you really think that everyone in the world would go around her?

Since he knew that he would not be left behind, Feng Ruoso let the third-level bald follow him by himself, and he looked around and enjoyed the beautiful scenery around him.

After flying for more than an hour, the front of me suddenly became bright, and I could no longer see the endless Qifeng Xiugu. From a distance, it turned out to be a boundless vast water!

"Is this the blue lake?" Feng Ruo thought in surprise that he was born in the northern part of Yan, and he rarely saw big rivers. Now he suddenly saw this vast lake, and he was really surprised and curious.

However, the green and blue lake is not as blue as its name. The water of the lake is always green and black, and there is a thin layer of gray fog rising on it, which makes people can't help but feel disgusted. Especially on the green and blue lake, there is always a wind blowing and whistling strangely. If you are tim

The Qiu sisters did not fly directly to the top of the blue lake, but landed more than ten miles away from the shore. Feng Ruo also put away the third-level bald, because in such a strange place, he did not dare to let the three-level bald bear stay on the land for a long time, although the bald was known as a combat But in fact, it is the weakest. On the ground, a second-level land spirit beast can easily kill the third-level bald.

Xin Yue Lanling and others also sealed their flying mounts, and only Sister Qiu's colorful bird easily stayed outside.

Although it is still a few miles away from the lake, the thick fishy smell is still disgusting, and there is not much vegetation on the ground. On the contrary, it is full of something similar to moss. It is soft and disgusting on one foot.

For this point, Feng Ruo admires Lan Ling Xinyue very much. It's really strong that they have the courage to come here!

"Xin Yue, you and Lan Ling go to lead the black snake out, Xiaoshuang, ready to use the five thunder ring. Remember, you can't make a mistake, or you can't make a fatal blow to the black snake! Phil, you answer on the side. If the snake doesn't die, it's up to you to perform the last blow!"

Sister Qiu quickly gave the order. Obviously, she already knows the black snake like the palm of her hand! However, after ordering these things, her expressionless eyes suddenly turned to Feng Ruo.

"You, step back 500 feet immediately. Who allows you to go forward? If you dare to run again, you will bear the consequences!"

was scolded by this nv person surnamed Qiu. Feng Ruo was first shocked, but then he was furious. This nv man was too much!

Looking at Lan Ling, who had been looking at him, Feng Ruo still suppressed his anger and turned around and retreated. Anyway, it doesn't matter if he is a little wronged, and he can't embarrass Lan Ling.

Slowly withdrew 500 feet, and the anger in Feng Ruo's heart gradually subsided, because if she was so angry, it would be useless. It would only make the nv surnamed Qiu look down on her more and more. The only way to relieve her hatred was to smash her self-righteous arrogance!

"Hey! Forget it, this kind of boring nv person, if you don't mess with her in the future!" Feng Ruo shook his head and said to himself that he didn't have much energy to do such a boring thing.

After thinking about this, Feng Ruo's heart was also suddenly enlightened and began to quietly pay attention to the actions of Lan Ling and Xinyue. He had never heard of the black snake, but he thought it should belong to the fourth-level spirit beast.

Because of the distance, Feng Ruo couldn't see the real situation clearly. When Lan Ling and Xinyue ran back quickly, he saw a big snake on its back that seemed to have two ròu wings coming out of the ground quickly. The speed was extremely fast, and he could also glide for a distance from time to time, but in a blink of In the meantime, I will catch up with Lan Ling and Xin Yue.

Just as Feng Ruo was secretly anxious, he suddenly saw two lights flashing above the head of the black snake, and then several attacks appeared like lightning from all directions!

The black snake didn't have time to dodge at all, so it was beaten straight, and then saw it struggling to count, and it was completely motionless!

"Shs! Is this the real power of the Five Thunder Rings!" Feng Ruo muttered to himself in disbelief. Although it was more than 500 feet away, he could still see that after the two lights flashed, the black snake was first entangled in two vines, so it was restricted from moving. Then a huge stone pillar emerged from the ground and directly pierced the black snake, the most Then there was the flame, and the ice cone bombarded the head of the black snake.

As for the so-called golden gun, it should be those two rays of light, but he can't see what it is!

After a long silence, Feng Ruo shook his head. According to his observation just now, the attack range of the five thunder rings should be within 20 feet, and in this range, even at his current speed, he can't dodge, because the five attacks are almost all-round attacks, and they can't be prevented at all, unless his speed can be Increase!

"It seems that this immortal world is really in crisis. Even with the help of Mu Lingshi and Mu Sa's sword spirit, it is still insignificant. If you are not careful, you may die on the spot!"

He sighed secretly. Feng Ruo made up his mind. This time when he went back, he had to try to improve his cultivation to the later stage of Qi refining. He was not qualified to have the five thunder rings for the time being, but he could try to tap the potential of the pair of boots under his feet. In addition, the attack power of his wooden At present, even the snow silkworm suit can't be broken. It seems that we still need to continue to collect the innate wooden evil!

When Feng Ruo was thinking about it secretly, Xinyue Lanling and others had dealt with the black snake in the distance, and then continued to search forward. They didn't know whether they wanted to continue to hunt the black snake or had other tasks, but Feng Ruo didn't bother to pay attention to it. Through the situation just now, he already knew that V people, but the strength is not ordinary strong, and there is no need for him to worry at all. Of course, he is not qualified at present.

I don't want to touch Sister Qiu's mold anymore. Feng Ruo took out six five-elong stones, put them on the ground according to a certain position, and then pinched the formula. Only a dozen breaths arranged a mountain-like array.

looked at the faint earthy yellow light around him with great satisfaction. Only then did Feng Ruo spread a piece of animal skin on the ground and sat on it to practice.

However, Feng Ruo is just a boring move. He dares not enter the place where the spirit beast is haunted, let alone consume all the mana in his body. After all, although he is proficient in the mountain array, it is still the basic array, and any second-level spirit beast can hit it.

In fact, it's not that Feng Ruo didn't want to practice those more advanced arrays in the past, but the problem is that if you want to practice, you must first save enough contributions in Zhentianzong, and then you can get it. This is nothing. As long as you spend a period of time to complete various tasks, you can naturally save The contribution, but the problem is that the five elements of the lower grade or even higher grade must be used to depict those arrays, but there is nothing we can do!

What's more, Feng Ruo doesn't think this array is too useful now. The reason why he has learned the mountain array, the popular array, the Qingyang array, and the return ūn array is completely due to his interest.

If possible, Feng Ruo wants to exchange for the upgrade spell of green silk - ten feet of green silk!

After running the Aoki spirit formula, Feng Ruo shook his head. Now he is used to absorbing the aura in the wooden spirit stone, and then absorbing the miscellaneous lun aura between heaven and earth is really a little uncomfortable, and the effect is also far worse.

Just as Feng Ruo was in a daze, his mountain-like formation suddenly shook violently, and then it was easily broken!

"Damn! It's a spirit beast!" Feng Ruo didn't have time to look back and rolled towards the front left, and almost at the same time, a huge snake's head flashed in his original position!

"It's a black snake! Damn it!" Feng Ruo shouted unlucky. The main reason why he dared to stay here at ease and boldly was that many spirit beasts had their own territory. The black snake near here was killed just now, so according to reason, there should be no other black snakes appearing in a short time, but I didn't expect that one really appeared!

Before thinking, Feng Ruo quickly released the silver armored spider and the third-level bald oar, and then retreated back again, because he was so close to the black snake now that the big mouth could almost swallow a cow!

"Wow!" Unsurprisingly, the silver-creed spider was directly swept out by the black snake's tail. As for the third-level bald, it didn't dare to attack at all, but hovered around dozens of feet and screamed, so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry!

Fortunately, the obstruction of the silver armor sky spider gave Feng Ruo a little buffer opportunity. After he exited ** Zhang in one breath, he immediately released two green silk entanglement. Perhaps because the volume of the black snake was divided into huge, the two green silk entanglement quickly, entangling the black snake with the thickness of the water tank.

With this opportunity, Feng Ruo continued to retreat while using the shield wall spell. There was nothing he could do. Who knew what the terrible magic power of this four-level black snake had. It was estimated that it was difficult to rely on the defense of Lingyun suit alone, and he had just seen it. The speed of the black snake was quite fast, and he Around Lan Ling and others.

Fortunately, the black snake has no way to quickly cut off the two green silks. It can only twist furiously, but the silver-crap spider next to it will naturally not miss this opportunity. The mouth is a spider silk, which frequently binds the black snake that is about to be free.

In this delay, Feng Ruo's shield wall spell was finally completed, and a yellow light flashed, and three shields formed by earthy yellow light suddenly appeared around his body, and what's better was that the three shields were still slowly rotating.

Seeing that the shield wall spell took effect, Feng Ruo was suddenly determined. ōu took out of the sword weapon on his back and went straight to the black snake.

At this time, when the black snake saw that Feng Ruo rushed back, it immediately hissed, opened its huge mouth, and spewed out more than a dozen water arrows. However, when these water arrows were about to fly approaching, the three soil shields suddenly rotated quickly and easily blocked these water arrows.

"Wow, haha! It's really good!" Feng Ruo was overjoyed to see the situation. Although he also used to use this shield wall spell, he had never tried the defense ability of this shield wall spell, but now it seems that this defense level is even more powerful than Lingyun suit!

What makes him even more angry is that according to past experience, once this shield wall spell is used, it can maintain at least a hot tea! The only disadvantage is that the movement speed will drop by half, but now, there is a silver-shelled spider spitting on the side to stop it, and this black snake is almost a live target!

"Drink! Go to hell! You son of a bitch!"

Feng Ruo, who was full of confidence, roared and waved the three-pin sword weapon, which was a burst of lun thorns!

And because of the effect of increasing the power of the ink yù ring by half, although Feng Ruo did not use the frost sword spirit at this time, he can still easily break the defense of the black snake.

On the contrary, the black snake opened its mouth and bit it down, and was immediately blocked by the fast-rotating three-sided shield, and even one of its fangs was broken! As for continuing to spray water arrows, it is still invalid, especially the second half of its body is still tied, which is really depressing!

In just a moment, Feng Ruo stabbed more than a dozen swords at the neck of the black snake, and suddenly a spring-like blue blood spewed out. With his eyes, the powerful black snake lost the strength to struggle.

The situation was very good. Now, even the bald that was quacking in the sky rushed down, and there was a burst of lun chiseling at the head of the black snake, and he was so angry that he cursed. This guy is too mean!

When the black snake, which was more than 20 feet long, was completely dead, Feng Ruo breathed a sigh of relief and kicked the bald that was still screaming excitedly on the head of the black snake.

"Silver armor, you have contributed the most this time, and all the blood belongs to you!" Feng Ruo first asked the silver-clad spider to absorb the blood of the black snake, because he did not have a vessel to store the blood in his hand, and he did not want to contribute the black snake, so he had to cheap the silver-clad spider.

Then, Feng Ruo cut a large piece of snake and threw it to the despicable Vulture, and then began to decompose the whole black snake!

(Thanks to njf, and the reward support of An Zhiruo's book friends! Hey! I wrote a little more, so it's late. Please forgive me!)