Wind control

Chapter 95 The remnants of swordsmanship

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:38:03 Words in this chapter: 4477

The development of things was as Feng Ruo first expected. Sister Qiu and others hunted and killed 17 black snakes for three days, but they were all male snakes without exception, and even Xiaoshuang paid the price of serious injury.

In the end, although Sister Qiu was very unwilling, she had to give up this extremely difficult task, and then hastily completed several relatively simple tasks, so she had to return to Zhentianzong, because the annual routine test is coming.

However, for Feng Ruo, this is very good news. After saying goodbye to Lan Ling and Xinyue, he came to the deacon's left hall by himself. In the past few days, he has found out from Lan Ling what the task is to do, and he also knows that the collection time of this task is only five days, more than On the fifth day, others can receive it, but now, no more, no less, just the fifth day.

This time, Feng Ruo patiently looked through those red èyù simple tasks one by one, because although this level of tasks is much less than that of yellow èyù simple tasks, there are also thousands of them, and it will take a long time to look through them from beginning to end.

However, Feng Ruo is not in a hurry. He is sure that the task received by Sister Qiu must be very different from other Hongèyù Jane tasks, otherwise it is impossible to be moved by Sister Qiu's family.

After more than half an hour, Feng Ruo finally found the yù simple task.

"Ask for four-level black snake green gallbladder, no damage, no blood stains, no turbidity is the best, remuneration, the remnants of the initial level of swordsmanship - sudden word formula! The rest of the time, 25 days!"

"Efth-level swordsmanship!" Feng Ruo only felt that his head was "boomed". Even with his constant calm, he couldn't help but be shocked at this time. He really didn't expect that the reward of this black snake green gall was actually the first-level swordsmanship! You should know that this swordsmanship has always been qualified by monks in the foundation period! That's the real attack magic of the monks!

It's just that this kind of task reward is difficult to encounter. He just looked through nearly 2,000 red èyù simple tasks, and did not find similar rewards. I think it should be that a powerful monk who is too lazy to do it himself, so he gave this kind of task.

"Efth-level swordsmanship! Wow, haha! No wonder Sister Qiu is so anxious to hunt black snakes!" Feng Ruo took a deep breath and calmed down quickly. Then he took out his identity and drew the red èyù Jane. After the red light on the red èyù Jane faded, he stroked again, which represented the completion of the task.

This time, the red è yù shook slightly and quickly turned into gray. After more than a dozen breaths, a popular paper crane landed in front of Feng Ruo, and then circled twice and flew out.

Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment and followed. It seems that the monk who released the task is really very authentic!

The paper crane's flight speed was very slow, and Feng Ruo followed on foot, but the direction of the paper crane's flight was actually the direction of the third courtyard, which made him very entangled, because he had to pass the python to go to the third courtyard!

But soon Feng Ruo was relieved. The paper crane seemed to have some kind of mark, so the huge python did not embarrass him at all.

Through this intersection, which was regarded as a heaven-like pass by the lower three courtyards and all the outer menn disciples, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped a lot. Feng Ruo went up less than a hundred steps, and there was a thin layer of snow on the ground, and it was also very cold. With his current I can't stand it, so I can only quietly run the mana to resist.

The more you go up, the thicker the snow on the ground becomes, and there are countless crystal clear snow flying in the sky. These snows are completely different from the snow in the mortal world. Each piece is comparable to a goose, and it is extremely incomparable. Even if it falls on your hand, it will not melt, and it is extremely Feng Ruo estimated that if such a piece of snow fell on an ordinary mortal, it would immediately freeze that person!

"It's so weird!" While Feng Ruo couldn't help shivering, he thought to himself that fortunately, he did not choose to ride a flying mount, otherwise I don't know how miserable this situation would be in the sky!

Following the popular paper crane, Feng Ruo stumbled up more than a thousand feet, and then stopped at a huge platform, but at this time he had been frozen red and white, shaking all over! There's nothing he can do. Every time he climbs up, it gets colder and colder. Now even if he runs all his mana to compete, he still has no power!

What makes Feng Ruo more desperate is that his current position is still far from the peak of Tianfeng! I guess he will freeze in an instant on it!

There are no palaces or houses on this platform. It's just a piece of silver light, and there is snow like a butterfly in the sky. If it's not too cold, the scenery here is really excellent.

When the popular paper crane flew to this platform, it turned into a white light and disappeared, leaving only Feng Ruo to stamp his feet and tremble in place!

"Where are the people? Why don't you see anyone? You won't be fucked, will you?" Feng Ruo jumped around on the snow while searching around. Unfortunately, there was no one on the platform at all.

Just as Feng Ruo couldn't help squeaking his upper teeth, a white shadow came from the cliff at the other end of the platform. At the foot of the white shadow, there was a purple light!

After just a few breaths, the purple light had rushed in front of Feng Ruo, and then the purple light flashed and turned into a simple sword and fell behind the white figure.

"What? Is that the task you take on? The white figure fell to the ground, but he was calm. He was unruly in white clothes in the snow all over the sky. Coupled with the handsome face, it is estimated that all nv people will scream when they see it.

"Give back... back to... of... of... words! ...that...that...that..."Feng Ruo forcibly controlled his upper and lower teeth, but what he said was still jumping!

The handsome man frowned slightly, his right hand poked out like lightning, and threw something that seemed to be Dany directly into Feng Ruo's mouth. Suddenly, a warm current quickly flowed up and down his whole body. With only two or three breaths, the previous cold was completely removed, and he finally returned to normal.

"Uh-duo-thank you, uncle, that black snake green gallbladder is my task!"

"Where's the black snake and green gall?" The man was a little extremely impatient.

Hearing this, Feng Ruo didn't dare to say anything more and handed the black snake's green gallbladder directly from the storage belt.

"What? The quality is not bad!" The man whispered again, directly took out a piece of sky blue èyù Jane and threw it to Feng Ruo, and then said thoughtfully, "Is this black snake really what you hunted?"

"Uncle, it's true!"

"Is it true? You should be lucky!" The man raised his eyebrows and said nothing more. He waved his hand to let Feng Ruo leave.

However, Feng Ruo didn't dare to leave like this. There was still a python at the intersection below, so he quickly said, "Uncle, go down the mountain - that python?"

"Don't worry about it, that python is just a decoration!" After saying this, the man was not interested in continuing to pay attention to Feng Ruo. He pinched the sword, and suddenly the sword behind him came out of its sheath again and carried him back to the cliff opposite the platform.

"Tut-tut! Is this the legendary flying of the royal sword? Feng Ruo said to himself with bright eyes, but he immediately had a cold war!

"Damn! The cold-proof effect of this elixir has begun to dissipate!" Feng Ruo quickly put away the sky blue in his hand, and then ran desperately to the bottom of the mountain. He really didn't want to feel the feeling of being so cold that he touched his teeth!


"How can it be! I just went back to rest for an hour, and the task was actually completed by someone! Damn it! I'm pissed off!"

While Feng Ruo was still running in the snow, there was a sudden shout of anger in the deacon's left hall, but it was the arrogant Sister Qiu!

"Papa!" That task was shattered in a blink of an eye!

"Which ún egg dares to grab this task! Don't let me know, or I want you to look good!" Sister Qiu's face had already been deformed with anger, and her eyes became like a hungry wolf!

"Sister Qiu, there are still many people watching here!" At this time, Xin Yue whispered that after all, she went to the most influential beautiful nv in the third courtyard. If she splashed in public like this, it would affect her image.

Xin Yue's words were really effective. Sister Qiu immediately adjusted it. As soon as she shook her sleeve, she left in a hurry, leaving only Xin Yue with a helpless face. For the furious Sister Qiu, she can understand it very well, because the reward of that task is really too rich. It can be said that even if this task is merged into In the simple task, it is also fully qualified!

"Strange? Who actually hunted a female snake at the same time, and the time to complete the task was so tight? Xin Yue said to herself, but a figure flashed in front of her, but then she shook her head, "It's impossible. He's just in the middle of refining, and he's a person. How can he easily kill the level four black snake? This is incredible. He can't avoid the water arrow of the large-scale attack alone, and there is no sign of loss of his mana.

She knocked on her forehead with a headache, and Xin Yue could only leave with a heavy heart. She was powerless for such a strange thing.

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