Wind control

Chapter 104 Lingjing

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-1 15:38:03 Words in this chapter: 4274

Although Feng Ruo had scattered all the active contacts to Na Ding Hong, the rest of the people still had bad eyes. In desperation, Feng Ruo had to call out the silver armor sky spider. With the deterrence of this three-level spirit beast, those people finally retreated rationally for a distance, but their eyes always swam away from him.

Feng Ruo and these people have been silently confronted for a long time, and he is also a little helpless. When so many people look at him, he can't take out the wooden spirit stone to practice. After thinking about it, he suddenly moved his heart and said, "I'm not alive and scattered, but there are still some fragrant rice. Fill your stomach!"

Feng Ruo's move was really effective, and seven or eight people immediately nodded.

"Well, you can hear it clearly. The first question is, how did those people solve the trouble of heaven and earth just now?"

"It's very simple. Every time the beast in this sea of dead wood, there will be some spiritual sand containing the spirit of heaven and earth, so that the existence of mana can be maintained!" At this time, a monk rushed to answer.

"Very good, this is the fragrant rice you deserve!" Feng Ruo smiled and took out a hundred fragrant rice. These were just a bowl, but after thinking about it, he said, "I'm afraid you don't have spiritual spring water. Why don't you do this? I'll cook a bowl for each of you later!"

When they heard Feng Ruo's words, those people were stunned, and then fell silent. I don't know if they didn't believe it or because of something else.

"Second question, I want to know what Lingsha is?" Feng Ruo asked again. To be honest, he had only heard of the spiritual stone, but he had never heard of it.

"Let me answer!" At this time, a little weak, but still a majestic voice sounded. Hearing this sound, the people around him immediately avoided both sides, and then Feng Ruo saw a figure who seemed to always sit in the dark.

"Lingsha is a specialty of this sea of dead wood, which has the same effect as the spiritual stone, which can supplement the mana lost by our monks. However, this thing will only appear after the appearance of the beast at sunset every day, and this thing cannot carry out of the sea of dead wood. Once it leaves this range, the heaven and earth Therefore, there are many people in the immortal world who don't know this thing.

"In addition to this spiritual sand, the dead wood sea also has two things that can supplement mana, the spirit stone and the spirit crystal. Needless to say, the spirit crystal is a divine object that can be called the creation of heaven and earth. It is said that as long as you have this thing, you can never worry about the lack of heaven and earth, In the legend, no monk has ever been able to find it, and in fact, it is the same. In such a harsh environment as the sea of dead wood, it is grateful that you can find some spiritual sand and spiritual stones!"

Hearing this, Feng Ruo's heart jumped and quickly asked, "What are the characteristics of this Lingjing?"

"Features?" The figure snorted coldly, "No one has ever seen this thing, and how do you know what the characteristics are? Regarding the existence of this spiritual crystal, it has always been passed down from ancient times. Maybe there is no such thing in this world at all! What other questions do you have?"

"Well, I want to know how to get Lingsha and Lingshi?" Feng Ruo thought for a moment and then asked.

"How to get it? Hey hey! It's very simple. Just take your life to blog. After the daily beasts, there will be many more highlights on the surface of the sea of dead wood, that is, Lingsha, but don't think that everything can be fine if you go there and pick it up, because there will be one or several dead wood poisonous scorpions under each bright spot, which Yes, but its strength can also be comparable to the four-level spirit beasts outside, so as long as you go out, you will have a 90% chance of dying!"

"The strength is equivalent to a four-level spirit beast?" Feng Ruo was shocked. If so, wouldn't the exiles in the refining period definitely die here?

"But I still don't understand. Since it's so dangerous here, why do the five major sects have to exile the disciples of the refining period here?"

"The refining period?" The figure suddenly smiled and said, "Do you think we have a gas refining period here? In fact, the weakest here also has the early stage of foundation building, so it is a manifestation of strength that you can come here!"

"How to say this?" Feng Ruo frowned slightly, but his heart became more and more suspicious.

"It's very simple. There are only three reasons for the monks who can come to the sea of dead wood. The first is to come here voluntarily. These people are basically strong. In order to hone themselves here, it is normal to stay here for decades. For example, the three Batian you saw before are already in the late stage of building the foundation Danqi, it's only been here for decades.

"The second kind is the disciples in the foundation period who violated the mén rule. In fact, this is also a test for them by the mén party. Usually, as long as they survive here for three years, they will be entrusted with heavy responsibilities when they return to the mén sect. Therefore, many disciples in the five major sects deliberately violate the m I didn't know the horror here until later. Many people fell here.

"The third type is the kind of person who has passed a certain test. These people usually commit great crimes, so they are exiled here, but there have always been very few people who can pass the test. As for the ordinary disciples of the refining period, it is impossible for the five major sects to exile them here unless they have committed crimes. Forgiveness, I think you have a deep understanding of this little brother!"

"Of course, it is not difficult for the disciples of the refining period to come here. For example, some disciples with a deep background in the five sects will often come here to play, because usually, as long as you prepare a few expensive middle-grade spiritual stones in advance, it is nothing to stay here in the castle for a year or two. It's no problem, but this kind of person is basically a guy with a brain problem.

"So that's it, I see!" Feng Ruo smiled bitterly. It seemed that he belonged to the third kind. Fortunately, he had a wooden spirit stone, otherwise, it would be really miserable!

Looking at the crowd, Feng Ruo didn'tive to live up his promise. He directly took out the iron pot for cooking fragrant rice from the storage belt and put enough fragrant rice and spiritual spring water. Then he took out a low-grade five-egrade stone that belongs to the fire. He knocked hard with a sword, and suddenly a flame burst out.

"Look at the heat by yourselves!" After doing all this, Feng Ruo sat on the back of the silver armored spider and walked towards the depths of the castle. He had to seize the time to find a safe place to recover his mana, which was the foundation of saving his life. As for Xiangling rice and so on, he didn't care much, because he still had nearly a thousand catties of

And now as long as he has enough mana, he can stop eating for months.

Those exiles don't pay much attention to Feng Ruo's behavior. They are more concerned about the fragrant rice in the iron pot. Although they are all cultivated during the foundation period, they will also be hungry without mana.

After walking a distance, Feng Ruo found that the spaciousness of the ancient castle was completely beyond his imagination. His location should be a place for a party, which is estimated to accommodate hundreds of people, and outside this empty hall, there are five deep passages.

One of the channels should be the mann household in and out of the ancient castle. In addition, there is a faint light in the three channels. With the experience of sealing, it is not difficult to guess that it is some kind of formation, and there is no doubt that the three people who can arrange the array here are the three people.

As for the last channel, it was dark. After a moment of hesitation, he still took out two five elements stones and led the silver armored spider to go in with the faint light.

This passage is a little narrow. Feng Ruo has been walking forward dozens of feet without seeing the exit, and it seems that no one has moved here for a long time.

This is normal, because now it seems that all the exiles in this dead wood castle add up to less than 100 people, so naturally there will be a lot of free space.

When Feng Ruo walked forward more than ten feet again, he found that the passage began to tilt to the ground. While he was about to continue to explore, a voice behind him suddenly sounded like a ghost.

"Don't move forward anymore. The front channel is blocked!"

"Oh? Blocked? Is it blocked? Where is the front? Feng Ruo looked back and saw a figure standing a few feet behind him with a bright night pearl, but this person was not one of the previous people. Judging from his voice, he knew that this person still had the power.

"In front of it is the passage to the two underground floors of the dead wood castle. There was once a spiritual spring in the third floor of the castle. Unfortunately, hundreds of years ago, the two underground floors were occupied by a terrible spirit beast. At that time, at least a hundred exiles were killed, which blocked the passage. Otherwise, the exile of the five It doesn't exist!" The man said calmly.

"So that's it. I don't know who you are?" Feng Ruo asked curiously. He intuitively thought that this man should not be with the three of them.

"I am the caretaker of this castle, but I am only responsible for the maintenance of the castle, and I will not be responsible for your life and death!" After the man finished speaking, he turned around and left quietly. At this time, Feng Ruo found that the man had no voice. No wonder he didn't notice it.

Turn his head and look at the dark passage in front of him. Feng Ruo shook his head and went back. Now he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a lot of secrets hidden in this huge castle.

(Sincerely thank you for the reward and support of mortal Haoyu, njf, uuii, Jialing River 4, Gaoshan Mountain and other book friends! The lazy bird is frightened!)