Wind control

Chapter 8 Silver Armor Sky Spider

Volume 1

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-4 17:26:11 Words in this chapter: 3656

Chapter 8 Silver Armor Sky Spider

"Bun Bang!"

As soon as Feng Ruo hid back into the formation, the two dead wood poisonous scorpions that followed him bumped into each other, which was particularly fierce!

"It's really endless!"

Feng Ruo sneered, and his left hand quickly played a series of tricks. At the same time, the ten-foot green silk spell was launched. This is the first time he has used it in actual combat since he learned this advanced method!

Almost in an instant, nearly a hundred green silks as thin as cattle came out like lightning, quickly and completely bound the bodies of the two dead wood poisonous scorpions outside, and the powerful power produced by these green silks was no less than the power they struggled with!

But this is only the beginning, because if these nearly a hundred green silk seals can continue to be controlled, he has mastered three control methods, namely, bondage, contraction and explosion!

"Receal it!"

With another trick, the two dead wood poisonous scorpions that could no longer move were immediately bound together, and the green silk continued to tighten!

Feng Ruo did not continue, because there was no need to spend mana. He rushed out of the formation, waved two swords, and killed the two poisonous scorpions. As for the last poisonous scorpion, it was also entangled by the silver armor spider at this time, just need to make up a sword!

"Silver Armor! Clean up the battlefield!"

Feng Ruo didn't stay too much. After leaving the bodies of those dead wood poisonous scorpions to the silver armored spider for disposal, he immediately returned to the formation to restore his mana, because all this was just the beginning. Maybe there will be dead wood poisonous scorpions swimming again sometime!


"Wow! It's finally over! This damn place, silver armor, how much have we killed? Oh, I should have asked you how much you ate? How can you eat so much? Is it like a bottomless dòng?

Leaning on the root of a tree, Feng Ruo said to himself with a wry smile. On this day, he almost didn't breathe, and there were dead wood poisonous scorpions constantly appearing. With the five positive and negative mountain arrays and silver armored spiders, he estimated that he killed at least nearly a hundred dead wood poisonous scorp The worm disappeared completely, otherwise, he really couldn't help asking the blue bird for help!

tolerant of the soreness on his body, Feng Ruo casually tied the thunder sword to his back, but his eyes have been staring at the silver armored spider not far away, because from the beginning, in addition to constantly spitting spider silk, this guy has always been devouring the bodies of the dead wood and poisonous scorpions, and A faint blood light.

"Is it possible that this silver armor spider is going to advance?" Feng Ruo thought to himself that in the past, in Qingyun Shandong Peak, with the east wind of Mu Lingjing, the silver armored spider and vultry vultry advanced to the third level. Now it has been less than a year, and the vultry has never changed. On the contrary, because this silver armored spider often participates in the battle and enjoys That's it.

For example, today, it is also thanks to the silver armor sky spider to hold it aside, otherwise Feng Ruo can't support it!

"It's good to advance! In this way, my future battles will be much easier! I just don't know how long it will take for this silver-clamed spider to break through the bottleneck?

As Feng Ruo thought about it, his eyes suddenly lit up, but there was a way, that is, to open a small stove for the silver armored spider with the aura in the wood spirit crystal, because the aura in the sea of dead wood is extremely scarce. Except for the local spirit beasts here, the foreign spirit beast It is estimated that the bald can fly for dozens of miles, that is, the super pervert like the blue bird will not be affected.

And it is probably difficult for this silver-c Armored spider to advance by devouring the corpses of other spirit beasts alone, because there will not be too much heaven and earth in these corpses, otherwise, it will not be able to eat all the time!

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo first rearranged the five front and back mountain arrays that would be destroyed, and then called the silver armored sky spider in. According to his estimate, from now on to sunrise, it should be the safest period of time, enough to open a small stove for the silver armor sky spider!

"Hey! Silver armor, be obedient in the future!"

patted the head of the silver armored spider, and then Feng Ruo took out the wooden crystal. In fact, the process was very simple, that is, he urged the aura inside the wooden crystal, and then emitted it outside, and then absorbed by the silver armored spider itself.

Of course, in order to increase the effect, Feng Ruo also specially prepared to live a hundred low-grade five-egrade stones.

Perhaps he guessed what was about to happen, and the silver armored spider quietly huddled in front of Feng Ruo. From a distance, it looked like a huge silver egg.

Without too much hesitation, Feng Ruo held the wood spirit crystal, while running the green wood spirit formula to restore mana, while urging the wood spirit crystal at the same time. Soon, a trace of pure aura emanated from the wood spirit crystal, and then was absorbed by the nearby silver armor spider.

Under the action of these pure auras, the layer of light blood on the surface of the silver armored sky spider's body began to dissipate gradually, and then was replaced by a faint silver light.

However, what Feng Ruo didn't know was that while he urged Mu Lingjing to emit aura, the roots within a hundred feet of him moved strangely, but this activity was very subtle and silent.

Gradually, it can be seen that these roots are moving around the position of Feng Ruo. If you follow this trend, it will not take long to completely wrap it up.

If he doesn't know anything about the situation outside, he not only wants to open a small stove for the silver armored spider, but also needs to add his own mana.

It was not until a few hours later that all the mana in Feng Ruo's body returned to the peak that he opened his eyes. The first purpose was the layer of silver light around the body of the silver armored spider. At this time, the silver light was much thicker than a few hours ago, giving people the feeling that it was going to condense into Surprisingly, in this silver light, you can faintly see a faint touch of gold flowing. If you don't observe it carefully, you really can't find it.

"Hmm! Not bad! It's really effective!" Feng Ruo nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the aura in the wooden spirit crystal, but it was not too reduced. If it goes on like this, there is no need for his 100 low-grade five-egrade stones to live!

"Tut-tut! It's a little strange! Why has this wood spirit crystal never lacked aura since it came to this sea of dead wood? Is there anything strange between this sea of dead wood and this wooden spirit crystal?

While talking to himself, Feng Ruo inadvertently looked around, but he was immediately shocked, because I don't know when he was surrounded by thousands of tree roots outside the front and back of his arrangement!

"Damn! Is it because of the wooden crystal?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo subconsciously wanted to take back the wooden crystal, but then he stopped again, because he suddenly found that this strange situation was a little familiar now, as if in Qingyun Shandong Peak, when he first found the wooden crystal, the wooden crystal was wrapped in the center of countless tree roots. Then all the aura absorbed by these roots is injected into the wood crystal.

"This doesn't seem to be a bad thing! At least with this barrier, you don't have to worry about the attack of dead wood poison scorpions!" Feng Ruo hesitated for a moment, but still didn't put away the wooden crystal. He wanted to see what would happen next? What's more, now is the critical moment for the silver armored spider to advance. It's not a good thing to put away Mu Lingjing at this time!

With the passage of time, the silver light around the body of the silver armored spider became thicker and thicker, and even reached a state that could not flow, and the faint gold è also increased a little.

However, at the same time, the roots slowly approaching outside give Feng Ruo a bad feeling, because they do not stop at a certain distance like the roots of Qingyun Shandong Peak, but always move forward!

If the roots of Qingyun Shandong Peak are subject to Mu Lingjing, but these roots make Feng Ruo feel a kind of greed and possession. Even as they get closer and closer, he can even vaguely feel that those roots have a strong sense of hostility and killing to him!

"How could this happen? It's also a tree root. How can the difference be so big?

Feng Ruo is a little anxious. Now he can't give up. The progress of the silver armored spider is very important this time. He can be sure that as long as the silver armored spider can successfully advance, it will be very easy to hunt the dead wood poisonous scorpion of the same level 4. This is an important barrier for him to save his

"Damn it! It's just some rotten tree roots! What a rampant!"

Feng Ruoyang launched the formula to open the five positive and negative mountain arrays, but he still underestimated the power of these tree roots. Although their speed of progress was very slow, thousands of them squeezed forward, but in a moment, the first positive and negative mountain array was broken!

"It can't go on like this!" Looking at the silver armor sky spider, as soon as Feng Ruo gritted his teeth, he wanted to call out the blue bird, but in the end he gave up this plan, because from his previous experience, unless he really fell into a life-death situation, the blue bird would not appear. What's more, he didn't want to rely too much on the

Just when Feng Ruo hesitated, the positive and negative mountain array around him was broken again. At this time, the movement speed of those roots was actually faster, and the movements became more flexible, and it looked more and more ferocious and terrible!

Look at the silver armor spider. At this time, the outermost layer of silver light has condensed, just like a silver cocoon that is about to break out at any time.

But Feng Ruo is very anxious, because now it is not only a matter of procrastination, but also the power of those tree roots. Once he wraps up all the space he uses, he can't escape even if he wants to!

In a hurry, Feng Ruo directly released a green silk entanglement, tied the wooden crystal to the head of the silver armored spider, and then ran out to the thunder sword and rushed to the roots of the trees outside!