Wind control

Chapter 120 Learn from each other

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-12-20 14:57:55 The number of words in this chapter: 5381

"Demon hunting camp?"

Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment. Of course, he is not unfamiliar with the demon hunting camp. This is specially set up by the five sects of the Cangwu world to fight against the demon world. The number of people in each demon hunting camp will not be large, about 50 to 100 people, but those who can join it are all the brothers in the

Once you can survive the task time of 15 years in the five elements, after returning to the mén faction, you will automatically be promoted to the core brother, like the blade of Hemingyuan. Zuo Qianxiu and others have just returned from the five elements, so everyone is the core brother of Zhentianzong!

There are a total of nine magic hunting camps in Zhentianzong, three of which are composed of monks in the Jindan period, and the remaining six are completely cultivated in the foundation period. As for monks above the Jindan period, they no longer need teamwork. With their terrible strength, the world can run rampantly between heaven and earth!

There are two demon hunting camps in Jianxinyuan. Zhou Yu leads one of them, and the other one has been killed in the five elements for many years.

Of course, in addition to this magic hunting camp, other foundation-building brothers can also go to the five elements alone, but they can only perform some low-level tasks, and they can't be too far away from the strongholds of human monks.

"Alli, I'll join!"

Feng Ruo just thought for a moment and nodded and agreed. He has longed for the five elements world for a long time, because he can get a large number of five elements stones there, but he has not been very confident about his strength for a long time. In contrast, he trusts a strong team!

"Brother Zhou, can I join too?" Ye Luo, who was beside him, suddenly asked.

"No way! You are from Lingshanyuan, and your cultivation is not enough. At least you are qualified to build the foundation in the middle! Zhou Yu shook his head, looked at Feng Ruo again, and suddenly said, "Be careful in this test! ..."

After saying this, Zhou Yu continued to turn around and leave with a cold face, but this made Feng Ruo a little stunned. "If he remember correctly, Zhou Yu has always had an inexplicable hostility to him. In the past, he said that although there was no conflict, he was not very happy!

At this time, many Jianxin Academy brothers who were watching also dispersed one after another. Feng Ruo looked around and found that all the trial platforms were occupied, so he had to enter the two underground floors of the trial site until the lower floor. He found an idle trial platform.

"Hey, hey! Feng Ruo, how about we have a discussion? Ye Luo persistently followed Feng Ruo.

"No, at least not now. I'm afraid I'll hurt you!" Feng Ruo shook his head and joked, "He hasn't really mastered the Aoki Liuyunzhan yet. How can he compare with Ye Luo before that!

"Hey! You are good at everything. Why do you like to talk big and hurt me? Are you kidding!"

Ye Luo's interest seemed to be extremely high, and he jumped straight into the trial platform without waiting for Feng Ruo to object!

"Feng Ruo, take action! Let me see how you swept the Heming Academy? Don't say it's just a rumor!"

shook his head helplessly and said, "In that case, let's go to the platform to learn more spacious." It's easy for you to hide! ..."

Feng Ruo's words were originally good intentions. You should know that the range of Aoki Liuyunzhan's sword spirit is full of a radius of a hundred feet, and it will continue to diverge. On this trial platform with a radius of only 50 feet, he is really afraid of hurting the leaves.

But when he heard this in Ye Luo's ears, he was so angry that he screamed. Isn't this mockery of him in disguise? If he doesn't have a good relationship with Feng Ruo, I'm afraid he has the impulse to jump on and cut it with a sword!

"Good, you, Feng Ruo, look down on me. It's on this trial platform. I'd like to see what kind of ability you have!"

"Good! Don't regret it! ..."

Feng Ruo said nothing more. He went straight into the trial platform. After opening the protective array on the platform, the Liuyun sword in his hand pointed obliquely to the leaves in the distance.

"No! Do you want to use this sword to compare with me? "..." Ye Luo was really a little angry. He thought that there might be a little gap between his strength and Feng Ruo, but it would never be very big." Although Feng Ruo entered the middle stage of foundation building ahead of him, he did not have a false light over the years! If he is an ordinary mid-term monk, he is not interested in competition!

"Ye Luo, you have a lot of nonsense. I'll do it first! ..."

As Feng Ruo said, he unfolded the sword formula of Aoki Liuyunzhan. Suddenly, three huge Qingyu swords burst out from the Liuyun sword, and then went to the front of the left side like lightning, and the right side. How fierce the momentum would be!

Seeing this strange attack method, Ye Luo opposite was slightly stunned, but his reaction was also extremely. He tossed several times to the left and dodged the sword spirit that came towards him!

"Feng Ruo, is this what you call a powerful attack? It's dull. Can it attack me?"

Ye Luo's voice had not yet fallen, and the three swordsmen had been firmly bombarded on the shield of the trial platform. Although the powerful cutting force failed to open the shield, it made the whole shield flash, and this attack force suddenly surprised Ye Luo!

You should know that the shield of the trial platform is only the Jindan monks who have the strength to bombard it, but now the three swords released by Feng Ruo can actually achieve such an amazing effect! If he is directly hit on his body, I'm afraid he will be seriously injured, because he asked himself that his defense suit could not resist!

But it's okay, the attack direction of these three swords is too rigid, and it's easy to dodge!

But as soon as Ye Luo thought of this, he suddenly found that the three swordsmen did not disappear after the defense mask was attacked, but the strength was divided into two, and then rebounded back!

"The leaves are falling! Be careful to dodge!"

At this time, Feng Ruo suddenly shouted, and then he saw the Liuyun sword in his hand flying out automatically, taking the leaves dozens of feet away. With the flying out of the Liuyun sword, the six swords that bounced back gathered towards the Liuyun sword as if they had wisdom, giving people the feeling that these swords were attacking. It's the same!

Even Ye Luo thought so, so he didn't even use the swordsmanship, because in his opinion, Feng Ruo's attack seemed gorgeous, but in fact it was not lethal at all!

But the next scene stunned Ye Luo. He saw the six swords that bounced back and hit the Liuyun sword in the air at the same time, but the Liuyun sword was not destroyed. Instead, it was full of light. Then in an instant, the whole twelve swords were cut out in the twelve directions around!

"Aoki Ryuunzhan!"

At this time, Feng Ruo suddenly shouted in a low voice and didn't know what sword formula he had used. The twelve swords suddenly turned the direction, like a big net towards the leaf fall!


This sudden situation scared Ye Luo a lot and didn't care what to say. He immediately pinched the sword and released his sword weapon, trying to stop the twelve swords. Because the scope of the trial field was too small, he had no room to dodge under the pressure of the twelve swords!

Although Ye Luo's sword weapon is like an angry dragon going to sea, it is very imposing, but it is really not worth mentioning compared with the twelve swords that cover almost all directions!

However, Ye Luo's strength is still good after all. In this case, he did not panic. While using the imperial swordsmanship to intercept the sword light, he raised his hand to cast a shield wall spell for himself. At the same time, he also released a defense magic weapon similar to the shape of a copper clock!

"The secret of chopping the sword is broken! ..."

"The secret of picking the sword is broken! ..."

In this short moment, Ye Luo quickly displayed two attack swords, and immediately defeated four swords, and the rest of the swords were also bounced out by the bronze bell defense spell and shield wall spell!

"Feng Ruo! Is this your strength? It's my turn! ..."

Seeing that his shield wall spells and bronze bell defense magic weapons can withstand the attacks of those swords, Ye Luo's heart suddenly settled. Although this attack is strange, it is not without weaknesses. It is the white yù sword weapon flying in the air. As long as he can destroy the sword weapon that seems to have poor defense, these are very annoying. People's sword spirit naturally loses the source of living water!

"The secret of the sword!"

With a loud shout, Ye fell on the speed and strong impact sword formula in an instant. If Feng Ruo's Liuyun sword is hit, it must be scrapped!

"Haha! Sure enough, I have vision! ..."

Feng Ruo laughed. Ye Luo's choice was right. The Liuyun sword was indeed the only weakness of Aoki Liuyunzhan, but he had been prepared for this situation. With a sound of the phantom sword behind him, he rushed to the sky like a strong wind and rushed straight to Ye Luo's sword!

What Feng Ruo used is also a sword trick!

With a sound, the Phantom Sword came first and bombarded Ye Luo's sword weapon with an absolute advantage. Because Feng Ruo was better than Ye Luo in terms of sword spirit and pure mana, it was only this time that Ye Luo's sword weapon was eunced out!

Although Feng Ruo still left his hand and did not destroy Ye Luo's sword weapon, this impact still shocked Ye Luo's heart. The mana in his body tossed and even the copper bell magic weapon was a little wavering!

And at this time, the sword spirit that had been bounced out before roared again. This time, it was no longer twelve sword spirit, but twenty-four!


At this critical moment, Ye Luo shouted unwillingly, because he knew that the attack power of these twenty-four swords was undoubtedly doubled again. His shield wall spells and copper bell magic weapons were probably difficult to withstand. Even if he could resist, the result was that he could only damage his valuable top-quality defense magic weapon. He can't afford this situation!

"If you can't stop, you can escape by yourself!"

Feng Ruo himself is also helpless. There is nothing he can do. He has just mastered this Aoki Liuyunzhan. How can it be so easy to control? It is easy to release these swords, but it will take a while to take them back. At that time, Ye Luo was afraid that little one would be miserable!


Hearing Feng Ruo's words, Ye Luo was suddenly depressed. He is now trapped by these 24 swords, and the space is so narrow. Escape? Where to escape!

"Feng Ruo, you have to compensate me for my top-quality magic weapon!"

hurriedly saying this, Ye Luo hurriedly turned on the defense of the copper bell magic weapon, and then watched the twenty thunder-like swords roar down firmly!

(to be continued).

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